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RIP Brandon Lee


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Damn time does fly, what could have been an illustrious career for Brandon... The Crow, love that movie...

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That was my favorite movie as a kid. I use to run around pretending I was the Crow. I shared it with my cousin who is like 15 years younger than me..10 or so at the time. He loved it!!

His other movie "Rapid Fire" I believe. The fighting was amazing!! Imagine if he was making movies today.

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Oh man I remember hearing the news 18 years ago....I was devasted.

At least we have the few movies he made and I still watch Rapid Fire and love the fight between him and Al Leong.

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Oh man I remember hearing the news 18 years ago....I was devastated...

Same here. I had high hopes for this young man...


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I Love all of brandons movies

But i prefer legacy Of Rage Over Rapid Fire

he was awesome in Kung Fu the Movie Also

also like and own Laser Mission

R.I.P Brandon!!

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Hard to believe it's been 18 years;as with his father,one can only wonder at how much Brandon would've accomplished had he lived.Both their legacies live on-may they both Rest In Peace.

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18 years? Really? Wow.

What a freaky accident. It's a shame he didn't live to receive the accolades he so richly deserved for his performance in The Crow.

I enjoyed his movies so much. He definitely had screen presence and talent. I don't think he was interested in following in his father's footsteps as far as being a MA star but I do wish, as do we all, that he had managed to get in a few more films. I watch Showdown In Little Tokyo and Rapid Fire at least every other year or so.

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It makes me mad when he died nobody did anything about it..no justice was served. Why did he die, was he murdered? I think so father and son don't just die for unexplainable reasons. When he was shot he died, he could of been shot anywhere on the body but the bullet was a killing shot.

My sentiments exactly. Something's terribly wrong with this situation. They pull a .45 caliber shell from the man's body?!:ooh: What the Hell are .45 caliber shells doing on a freaking movie set-period?!!

A Bruce Lee fan couldn't help but relive the scene from G.O.D. when the character Stick arrives on Billy Lo's set and puts a live round in his gun after blanks were distributed by the director. This type of negligence, (on the set of The Crow), should have absolutely, positively, never, ever, ever, happened!!!

Just imagine if Sylvester Stallone or Arnold Schwarzenegger were killed on the set of one of their high volume action shoot 'em up flicks!!! Hollywood would have closed shop!

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I have the dual Biography eps of Bruce and Brandon Lee recorded on an old vhs somewhere.

Regarding Brandon's death, what I recall from the Bio ep is that the wares of a pawn shop were bought out to use as props for the pawn shop in the movie: The Crow. This included ammunition (shell casings and loads) that were also used in the film. There's a scene in the film where bullets were loaded into a revolver. They were "dead" rounds. That is, the gunpowder had been removed and the bullets fitted back to the shell casings so that they looked like "live" rounds for the filming of the scene. It is believed that the actor using the gun or the prop guy dry-fired the revolver at some point while the "dead" rounds were in the cylinder. Air pressure within the casing caused one of the bullets to dislodge into the barrel. Then when filming the scene where Brandon is shot, blanks were used which are low grain live rounds but with paper wads placed where the bullet would be. When fired at close range to Brandon, there was enough force from the low grain gunpowder in the blanks that it forced the slug in the barrel out and shot him in the chest.

It's an absolute tragedy but totally accidental. Irresponsible? Yes! But how often has something like that probably happened before on a movie set but the bullet didn't dislodge into the barrel. It's just a shame it happened to him.

It's been a while since I watched The Crow. May have to go dig that out for this weekend.

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I remember when i was a kid hearing about Brandon's death and thought someone was playing a bad prank on me at first till i watched the new's with my Mom that he died. I was crushed about it because i had such high hope's for him after seeing Showdown in Little Tokyo and Rapid Fire which i consider my time Brandon Lee flim's, R.I.P Brandan you died too young and i'd wished you were alive today i know your in heaven with your Father now.

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It's an absolute tragedy but totally accidental. Irresponsible? Yes! But how often has something like that probably happened before on a movie set but the bullet didn't dislodge into the barrel. It's just a shame it happened to him.

Wasn't Jon-Eric Hexum killed under similar circumstances? Deadly accidents like this don't occur often, thank goodness, but you'd think movie firearms experts could have come up with a less dangerous method for using prop guns.

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That is what they say, but I say that is made up crap. In the United States you can get anything you want with money.You can beat murder, you can cause murder everything in with money and everything in between... Never have I ever heard any reasons or excuses for his death that made me think it was logical.

Death isn't always logical dude, in fact it rarely is.

This was a tragic accident, nothing more and nothing less.

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Wasn't Jon-Eric Hexum killed under similar circumstances? Deadly accidents like this don't occur often, thank goodness, but you'd think movie firearms experts could have come up with a less dangerous method for using prop guns.

Kind of.

He got bored on the set and was horsing around with the gun, stuck it up to his head, and pulled the trigger. You shouldn't do that even with blanks loaded in one. According to Wikipedia, the concussive force resulted in blunt force trauma causing a a piece of his skull to break off and go into his brain.

When I was in the Army, during basic training some stole a load of blanks used in M16's. Our drill sergeant took us into a bay with props set up and showed what blanks could do at close range. They were anonymously returned. No one ever knew who took them or ever claimed to have taken them.

I guess a good thing about CGI is there's no need for a firearms expert. All the gunfire and squib f/x can be done with a computer now.:tongue:

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It was irresponsible and carelessness that killed this young man... A horrible film crew, like something that would happen on a Bollywood film set, unfortunately it had to happened on his breakthrough film to superstardom...

So to save time and money, they improvised and use real bullets and try to convert them to dummy bullets?? Isn't this a Hollywood film production with Insurance clause and all that stuff?? Safety should always be the main priority...

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Never have I ever heard any reasons or excuses for his death that made me think it was logical.

Give us one logical reason why someone would plot and execute the murder of Brandon Lee. What's the motive?

An accident isn't logical, it's just something that happens. If you're going to make extraordinary claims, the onus of proof is on you.

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