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Simon Kook - Thailand's Next Action Star?

One Armed Boxer

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One Armed Boxer

Simon Kook, apart from having possibly the most ordinary sounding westernized name ever, is being touted as the next big action star from Thailand.


You can check him out in the 2 video clips here, the first is a short film called 'Siam Fighter', which has obviously been made purely to show off his skills as 90% of it is action. The problem? Well, for a start he's dressed up identically to Tony Jaa in 'Ong Bak 2', even down to the long hair. The environment he's fighting in is also very remeniscent of 'Ong Bak 2'.


Secondly, virtually all of the moves on display are also direct replicas of Jaa's moves. Why they decided to go this route is a mystery to me. You can tell what the money shots are going to be what feels like a whole minute before they happen - "aaah that guy just landed on a table, he's probably going to jump on top of him with both knees causing the table to collapse" - that kind of thing.


We get the one attacker after another scenario from the end of 'Tom Yum Goong', the running on top of people to escape scenario from 'Ong Bak', the....well, you get the point...if Jaa's done it, the move will be in this clip. He looks like he has potential, but originality sadly seems to be lacking, and that is more important at least to me these days.


The second clip is of him featuring in a new full length movie called 'The Microchip', which is definitely more of a comedy from the looks of things than an action movie, and also features the bizarre Looney Tunes style sound effects also found in the trailer for Jeeja Yanin's new movie 'Jak La Len'...personally I'd love to see another movie with Dan Chupong in the lead, 'Born to Fight' is still up there as one of my favorite Thai action movies.





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Thanks for turning me on to this guy, OAB.

I wholeheartedly agree with your assessment. Still, I wish "Siam Fighter" was a full length feature. This guy would do in a pinch while Jaa is figuring out his next movie.

I'd watch "The Microchip" if only to sit through it once. After that I'd f/f to the fight scenes. It looks like Kook is playing a/the villain.

He absolutely has the talent but could use some original choreography. Hope he has a real MA movie in the pipeline soon.

And, yeah, Dan Chupong definitely needs to do something else along the lines of BTF.

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Well it certainly is a rip on Jaa's movies, he is impressive but I'd say his skills are under Jaa, though that flip where he kicks the guys shins out was a good one. One thing that bothers me, through both those videos the guy never gets a hand layed on him, even Jaa took a punch now and then, I judge these movies on how strong the villain is and the Thais haven't got it yet, we need a Thai Hwang Jang Lee or Lo Leih in these movies!

I don't mind the low budget, and glad to hear the oldschool kung fu sounds in there, I thought the comedy looked more interesting, I had to snicker at the cow noises when the girl bends over:tongue:

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I agree with tosh he is impressive even if most of it was copying Jaa but I don't think he's as good as Tony Jaa. I would definitely like to see this guy starring, co-starring or even playing the villain. I think ultimately though he's probably going to end up getting villain roles. But then every good hero needs an equally strong if not better bad guy to face-off. :bigsmile:

I also agree with everyone that Dan Chupong really needs to make a film more in the style of born To fight. Seems a wasted talent imo.

Just in case anybody is interested I noticed that there's a 3 D version of that Siam fighter on you tube. The picture is split in two images so I don't know if you need a 3D TV or just special glasses... For anyone to checkout if they're interested.

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One Armed Boxer
One thing that bothers me, through both those videos the guy never gets a hand layed on him, even Jaa took a punch now and then, I judge these movies on how strong the villain is and the Thais haven't got it yet

Yeah I agree....I always call it the 'Steven Seagal Syndrome',,,,it's a miracle if anyone ever lays a hand on him!:tongue:

I enjoy Jeeja Yanin's movies (well, all 2 of them...and I'm not the biggest fan of 'Raging Phonix' but don't let that get in the way of my point!) because she actually gets roughed up in her fights...the fight on the roof and against the crazy kid in 'Chocolate', and the final fight against the woman bodybuilder in 'Raging Phoenix' come to mind, she takes as many heavy blows as the bad guys do in her movies.

I would definitely like to see this guy starring, co-starring or even playing the villain

As ShaOW!linDude mentioned, it looks like his role in 'The Microchip' is that of a villain. Perhaps based on the cow noises from the trailer his character will be defeated Hwang Jang Lee style from 'Ninja in the Dragons Den'!:wink:

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Actually, it's called the Bruce Lee syndrome:tongue:

Not too impressed with this guy. But he does have some potential. Though he should cut his hair and change his name for starters:bigsmile:

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Drunken Monk

If someone plans to be the "next Tony Jaa," they can't simply imitate him in every way. Upcoming wannabes need to revolutionize Muay Thai like Tony himself did. Otherwise you're not doing anything new.

Look at Donnie Yen. He's become a much lauded choreographer today because he came back into the genre with something new. His choreography in "SPL" and "Flashpoint" are landmark. He didn't just use the same stuff we've all seen before.

I understand Jaa's career is a little up in the air right now but why should we settle for these second rate clones? We, the fans, deserve something new, exciting and engaging.

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We need more DTV. Either that or quicker dvd releases.

Back in the 80's and 90's, MA/action videos were practically falling off the shelves. What happened?:ooh:

I agree with Drunken Monk: we shouldn't have to settle and we deserve that which is new, exciting, and engaging. Quantity almost always takes less time than quality though and is generally sub-par with the rare exceptions.

(Which is an ironic statement for me to make considering what I said at the beginning of this post. Am I convoluted or what?:tongue: I just want more!)

I hope Simon Kook gets a project to do a proper showcase. He needs a seasoned director and choreographer to put him through his paces and a simple engaging story along with equally talented opponents. I'd be down for that.:xd:

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If someone plans to be the "next Tony Jaa," they can't simply imitate him in every way. Upcoming wannabes need to revolutionize Muay Thai like Tony himself did. Otherwise you're not doing anything new.

Look at Donnie Yen. He's become a much lauded choreographer today because he came back into the genre with something new. His choreography in "SPL" and "Flashpoint" are landmark. He didn't just use the same stuff we've all seen before.

I understand Jaa's career is a little up in the air right now but why should we settle for these second rate clones? We, the fans, deserve something new, exciting and engaging.

While I agree with what you're saying I think the whole point of looking like Tony Jaa and imitating him in every way is not to impress on us but no doubt for those in the industry and those investing in him. They aren't looking for anything new, they want a product that will sell. Anyway when the guy finally makes more movies hopefully he will work with better choreographers and perhaps put his own stamp on things. At least I hope so.

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One Armed Boxer
If someone plans to be the "next Tony Jaa," they can't simply imitate him in every way. Upcoming wannabes need to revolutionize Muay Thai like Tony himself did. Otherwise you're not doing anything new.

While I agree with what you're saying I think the whole point of looking like Tony Jaa and imitating him in every way is not to impress on us but no doubt for those in the industry and those investing in him. They aren't looking for anything new, they want a product that will sell.

Good points, but I think I'm inclined to agree with Drunken Monk, all you have to do is take one look at Tony Jaa's demo reel...there is never a moment when you think "oh this guys trying to be the new Jackie Chan / Donnie Yen etc."...what you're seeing was completely new and original, and even watching it now it's easy to see why people where blown away and they could secure funding for 'Ong Bak'.

Sadly I don't see that happening with Simon Kook.



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I wouldn't so much blame mr kook, I'm sure he's no choreographer, and could care less about his freaking hair, he's got potential, just needs better direction. I think Jaa set the bar in Thai cinema, now they just need to evolve to the next level. Hong Kong wasn't built in a day either, I'd like to see Thai film step up their game.

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I would've suggested a combination of the 2.

He should've demonstrated he can mimic Jaa's moves/choreography and thrown in some new/original stuff of his own.

The similarity would make the studio heads think he's a safe bet wile the different stuff would show them there is also a unique quality to be tapped.

Either that or moved as far away from imitation as possible. But then it would have to be as mind blowing in its uniqueness as Jaa's demo and the odds of that..........I'm not saying it couldn't happen but the odds.......you know.

I never get tired of that demo reel, OAB.:bigsmile:

They should let Kook do some DTV films if nothing else.

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Is the demo reel from the making of Ong Bak?

Is there any dvd version of Ong Bak that has the full Making Of that was on the VCD? I don't have the VCD anymore...damn.

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These two videos just show me that he is trying to be trendy since Jaaploitation (can we call it that?) and comedies with looney tune sound effects are what the Thai movie industry seems to be churning out now.

Whatever happened to that Mike B dude?

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Whatever happened to that Mike B dude?

Good question. Wondering about that myself.

I actually liked Brave but the Sanctuary......I don't know. It had its moments.

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Good points, but I think I'm inclined to agree with Drunken Monk, all you have to do is take one look at Tony Jaa's demo reel...there is never a moment when you think "oh this guys trying to be the new Jackie Chan / Donnie Yen etc."...what you're seeing was completely new and original, and even watching it now it's easy to see why people where blown away and they could secure funding for 'Ong Bak'.

Sadly I don't see that happening with Simon Kook.


I agree you're probably right however I'm sure it certainly helped having Panna as his mentor, who probably helped create Tony Jaa's Demo reel. Also to be fair we don't know what control Kook had in the production. He may well have had zero creative input and wasn't in the position to do so.

Personally I've never felt the need for a martial-arts actor to look a particular way to be successful. For me it's what they do on the screen that matters. However some people think this is why Yuen Biao didn't become a superstar like Jackie Chan did. I don't know if it's me but I can't see him having that look even if his skills surpassed Tony Jaa.

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Personally I've never felt the need for a martial-arts actor to look a particular way to be successful. For me it's what they do on the screen that matters. However some people think this is why Yuen Biao didn't become a superstar like Jackie Chan did. I don't know if it's me but I can't see him having that look even if his skills surpassed Tony Jaa.

Are you speaking of Kook? His face does seem to have a feminine quality (to me anyway but I can get around that).

I always thought Biao preferred more dramatic fare which was why he wasn't as popular as Chan or Sammo. Plus the end fights to some of his action/MA films just really didn't deliver like I thought they should. His fight choreography never seemed quite as good either than when he was in a film with his opera brothers with a few exceptions. Still, I'm a big Biao fan. He should've been a bigger Asian star. Maybe he didn't really want that life in the limelight. Can't begrudge him that.

There's some of Biao's movies the really deserve a proper dvd release, too. I've got 'em on vhs.

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I wasn't impressed. Definitely a Jaa-sploitation. His moves looked pretty sloppy and slow in that first one. And what's up with all those looney tunes sound effects in the second clip? I thought Bugs Bunny or Elmer Fudd was going to pop out at some point.

This guy has a long way to go to be any threat to Tony. Jaa mon.

Disco Funk

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Are you speaking of Kook? His face does seem to have a feminine quality (to me anyway but I can get around that).

I always thought Biao preferred more dramatic fare which was why he wasn't as popular as Chan or Sammo. Plus the end fights to some of his action/MA films just really didn't deliver like I thought they should. His fight choreography never seemed quite as good either than when he was in a film with his opera brothers with a few exceptions. Still, I'm a big Biao fan. He should've been a bigger Asian star. Maybe he didn't really want that life in the limelight. Can't begrudge him that.

There's some of Biao's movies the really deserve a proper dvd release, too. I've got 'em on vhs.

Yes I'm speaking about Simon Kook. His look doesn't bother me but I do wonder if that will affect his opportunities.

Well that's what made me wonder about Yuen Biao. The guy is simply amazing and deserved to be in bigger productions, with better fights. I just don't think he was backed the same way as Jackie and Sammo. Maybe he didn't want to be in the limelight. But regardless he should have appeared in more quality martial-arts films as the leading man. If that wasn't for him fair enough I'm sure he could have done more films with Sammo.

Which of his films do you think really deserve a proper release that weren't afforded one? I've heard Licence To Steal is a good one and one I want to see.

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License To Steal is really, really good. There's some great choreography in it. Joyce Godenzi is in that as well.

Tough Beauty and the Sloppy Slop is another good one. Some of the fights get a little cheesy, especially one of the ones at the end but it's got some good stuff in it, too.

I've got both of those on vhs. I think there's a 3rd one but I can't recall the title off the top of my head. (That's going to drive crazy if I don't think of it. I'll have to go and find my vhs and go through them probably.)

Sammo's got a couple, too. Slickers Vs. Killers is great. The end fight is between him and Collin Chou. Got it on vhs, never have come across it on dvd. (Again, I'm drawing a blank on the other one. Sorry.)

Hey, I remembered this morning. It's the SH/YB movie Don't Give A Damn. It's been released on dvd as "Burger Cop" but I understand it's a pretty jacked up copy.

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I think Tough Beauty had a dvd release but it may have been a bootleg.

License To Steal is good, but the car park fight is way better than the ending, so it becomes a bit anti-climatic.

Biao should have had a lot more starring roles, I would also agree that his best choreographed fights are in Sammo's films. Even Righting Wrongs didn't have a satisfactory end fight, too short.

However, Yuen Biao is the man, his eccentric roles like Dragons Forever and License To Steal are great, and he is the ultimate ass kicking nerd in Wheels On Meals.

I really need a better copy of Slickers Vs Killers, I haven't seen that since the VHS copy I had.

The Burger Cop release is crap and not worth it, but there is another version out there with the original name, I think.

PS-could somebody please tell me if the making of Ong Bak is on any dvd release?

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Next star? Not even close. Not with a face like that. Thats the face of a boom man, or henchman.

Try these:

Now this kid is impressive, lets hope he can act.

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PS-could somebody please tell me if the making of Ong Bak is on any dvd release?

I have the two-disc UK DVD in front of me which has an extra called "the Road to glory" - a fascinating 8 part making of documentary that will take you behind the scenes of each of the movie's ground-breaking action sequences.

I don't know if that's what you're looking for?

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License To Steal is really, really good. There's some great choreography in it. Joyce Godecki is in that as well.

Tough Beauty and the Sloppy Slop is another good one. Some of the fights get a little cheesy, especially one of the ones at the end but it's got some good stuff in it, too.

I've got both of those on vhs. I think there's a 3rd one but I can't recall the title off the top of my head. (That's going to drive crazy if I don't think of it. I'll have to go and find my vhs and go through them probably.)

Sammo's got a couple, too. Slickers Vs. Killers is great. The end fight is between him and Collin Chou. Got it on vhs, never have come across it on dvd. (Again, I'm drawing a blank on the other one. Sorry.)

Hey, I remembered this morning. It's the SH/YB movie Don't Give A Damn. It's been released on dvd as "Burger Cop" but I understand it's a pretty jacked up copy.

Cheers Shaolin dude. I almost bought the burger cop film but heard it played 2 soundtracks simultaneously making it a really poor DVD.

By the way is that the same Joyce Godenza ( spelling?) that married Sammo? And is she still Mrs Sammo Hung?

what are her best films?

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