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Bruce Lee Newspaper Clippings: Needles, MJ and blows to the head!


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I know it sounds like we are ripping him to pieces. But unfortunately when you`re discussing a man`s less than admirable quality`s it`s going too.

I still think he`s great, i love his movies as much now as when i was a kid.

Only now i see a man not a mythical hero.

Is an unbalanced & therefore inaccurate view when you essentially make a list of negative qualities, incidents, bad moments, etc. without counterbalancing that list with the other, positive side. It'd be one thing if we honestly couldn't find positive things to list, but that isn't the case here. I'm not going to say Bruce was a saint or a superhero, but I'd be just as wrong in vilifying him as a terrible sinner (or asshole, if you like); obviously he was a human being, flaws & all. If someone like Bruce is admirable at all it's because he or she accomplished more than most of us do, got closer to his or her personal lofty ambitions, despite the fact that he or she was, indeed, only an ordinary human being, just like the rest of us.

I haven't thought of Bruce Lee as any kind of superhuman idol since I was in my teens (longer ago than I like to think about), but knowing he had faults doesn't lessen my appreciation of the things he accomplished, & the inspiration he left behind, despite being only human.

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When you say Bruce wasn't handling his newfound celebrity well, what standard are you holding him up to? How have celebrities in general adapted to new fame & fortune? If you say Bruce (as a matter of "fact"!) was handling it poorly, who would you compare him to as having handled a similar situation very well? Wouldn't Bruce have to be ranked somewhere along a scale of, say, handling it outstandingly well to handling it atrociously poorly? When I think of any of many other celebrities I'm not sure I'd rank Bruce near the bottom , probably somewhere around the middle of our scale would be a more fair assessment. Not that we're really in any appropriate position to judge, having never been in any of these peoples' shoes or anything close to it ... so what was your "fact" again?

Very often we don't actually "know for a fact" all we'd like to think we do, myself included.

Why you being a prick man?


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I'll play along:

Lee in the last year of his life >

Taking steroids

Ingesting cannabis

Unhealthy self obsession (sweat gland removal:squigglemouth:)

Committing adultery

Alienating those who had helped him in his career

Threatening old men

Taking liberties, physically, with those who were far weaker

Exuding complete ignorance towards medical professionals

Okay, Bruce. Can you create this make believe scale of yours and include Bruce on a table featuring other celebrities who f*cked up to this degree in the space of twelve months?

That should be good.

I would never deny Bruce Lee's good points. He was the best martial artist in history and a wonderful film maker who transcended racial boundaries. That alone is enough to have on your epitaph. The guy was a f*ckin legend and even his bad points don't really bother me.

They just bother other people, CLEARLY!

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I'll play along:

Lee in the last year of his life >

Taking steroids

Ingesting cannabis

Unhealthy self obsession (sweat gland removal:squigglemouth:)

Committing adultery

Alienating those who had helped him in his career

Threatening old men

Taking liberties, physically, with those who were far weaker

Exuding complete ignorance towards medical professionals

Okay, Bruce. Can you create this make believe scale of yours and include Bruce on a table featuring other celebrities who f*cked up to this degree in the space of twelve months?

That should be good.

I would never deny Bruce Lee's good points. He was the best martial artist in history and a wonderful film maker who transcended racial boundaries. That alone is enough to have on your epitaph. The guy was a f*ckin legend and even his bad points don't really bother me.

They just bother other people, CLEARLY!

They don't bother me in the least either. People will have faults, it's what makes us who we are. People need to stop thinking that their idols are going to be perfect(I have a problem with this, I will admit:redface:) and accept that the world is just not like that. I believe this is why celeberties end up turning to drugs and alcohol(not all the time, but a good majority), they just can't live up to their own fan's image of them. It really is sad.

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I'll play along:

Lee in the last year of his life >

Taking steroids

Ingesting cannabis

Unhealthy self obsession (sweat gland removal:squigglemouth:)

Committing adultery

Alienating those who had helped him in his career

Threatening old men

Taking liberties, physically, with those who were far weaker

Exuding complete ignorance towards medical professionals

Okay, Bruce. Can you create this make believe scale of yours and include Bruce on a table featuring other celebrities who f*cked up to this degree in the space of twelve months?

That should be good.

I would never deny Bruce Lee's good points. He was the best martial artist in history and a wonderful film maker who transcended racial boundaries. That alone is enough to have on your epitaph. The guy was a f*ckin legend and even his bad points don't really bother me.

They just bother other people, CLEARLY!

They don't bother me in the least either. People will have faults, it's what makes us who we are. People need to stop thinking that their idols are going to be perfect(I have a problem with this, I will admit:redface:) and accept that the world is just not like that. I believe this is why celeberties end up turning to drugs and alcohol(not all the time, but a good majority), they just can't live up to their own fan's image of them. It really is sad.

That's all fine.

I still want to know...

Why you being a prick man?


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Why you being a prick man?


I'm a prick because I don't kowtow to your opinions, and/or agree with everything you or anyone else presents as the truth and/or factual? Nothing personal, I don't know you, it couldn't be personal if I wanted it to be (& I don't, by the way). I'll admit this thread appeals to my argumentative side, I've enjoyed the debate here. Actually, though, I don't think I'd be much good as a member of a competitive debate team because I think it's good/resonable to recognize that the "other side" has valid points, as you guys do. You have not, however, convinced me that all the things you list as being factual are just that. For example, Bruce's alleged steroid use; sure, I think he may've taken them, but until I see solid proof (Bleecker's book won't do, he's obviously an iffy witness, his intentions are in doubt) I'm not going to say It's a fact that he did. As long as you guys are willing to throw something like steroid use in with your other purported "facts" you, in my opinion, damage your own credibility.

Of course, what does any of this matter at this point, anyway? What damage or good can we do the late, great Bruce Lee? None, really, seeing as he's, obviously, dead. If the point is that we should remember him as a normal human being, weaknesses, mistakes, & all, I agree.

Saw Tito Ortiz on an MMA TV show last week talking about his sense of responsibility as a role model for young people, made me think guys like him, or Bruce, or other celebrities, athletes & the like shouldn't be thought of as youngsters' role models, at least not without understanding we all have flaws. Parents, older siblings, grandparents, I think it's part of their job to be role models (though, sadly, people being people, they'll never be perfect, either). But even imperfect people can be inspiring.

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I'm a prick because I don't kowtow to your opinions, and/or agree with everything you or anyone else presents as the truth and/or factual? Nothing personal, I don't know you, it couldn't be personal if I wanted it to be (& I don't, by the way). I'll admit this thread appeals to my argumentative side, I've enjoyed the debate here. Actually, though, I don't think I'd be much good as a member of a competitive debate team because I think it's good/resonable to recognize that the "other side" has valid points, as you guys do. You have not, however, convinced me that all the things you list as being factual are just that. For example, Bruce's alleged steroid use; sure, I think he may've taken them, but until I see solid proof (Bleecker's book won't do, he's obviously an iffy witness, his intentions are in doubt) I'm not going to say It's a fact that he did. As long as you guys are willing to throw something like steroid use in with your other purported "facts" you, in my opinion, damage your own credibility.

Of course, what does any of this matter at this point, anyway? What damage or good can we do the late, great Bruce Lee? None, really, seeing as he's, obviously, dead. If the point is that we should remember him as a normal human being, weaknesses, mistakes, & all, I agree.

Saw Tito Ortiz on an MMA TV show last week talking about his sense of responsibility as a role model for young people, made me think guys like him, or Bruce, or other celebrities, athletes & the like shouldn't be thought of as youngsters' role models, at least not without understanding we all have flaws. Parents, older siblings, grandparents, I think it's part of their job to be role models (though, sadly, people being people, they'll never be perfect, either). But even imperfect people can be inspiring.

What would constitute solid proof and don't avoid this question?

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I'm a prick because I don't kowtow to your opinions, and/or agree with everything you or anyone else presents as the truth and/or factual? Nothing personal, I don't know you, it couldn't be personal if I wanted it to be (& I don't, by the way).

You shouldn't kowtow to anyone on this subject, however, an appeal toward better judgement would be a great start. The facts have been shared long ago, before this thread sir. Has nothing to do with any of our presentations. We've simply explored the matters more in-depth.

I'll admit this thread appeals to my argumentative side, I've enjoyed the debate here. Actually, though, I don't think I'd be much good as a member of a competitive debate team because I think it's good/resonable to recognize that the "other side" has valid points, as you guys do.

I don't take it personally. However, you do make yourself look like a prick by refuting, the obvious, and debating for the sake of debating.:angel:

You have not, however, convinced me that all the things you list as being factual are just that.

Read the damned medical reports. Read eye-witness accounts. Read/listen to surviving friends, relatives, co-stars, MA's, who've made more revelations that actual speculations.

No one has to convince you, however, just because you weren't there, doesn't mean things didn't happen. According to your assessments, right?


For example, Bruce's alleged steroid use; sure, I think he may've taken them, but until I see solid proof (Bleecker's book won't do, he's obviously an iffy witness, his intentions are in doubt) I'm not going to say It's a fact that he did.

Bleecker was married to Linda, and helped her write Dragon, the Biography of Bruce Lee, and she gave him total access to all of Lee's belongings, including documents, papers, medical reports and such... He may or may not have had an axe to grind with her later, yet, this information cannot be overlooked. It was right in front of the man. BTW, funny how Linda couldn't go after him in court because he kissed and told, eh?

She can't disprove these unsettled matters.

As long as you guys are willing to throw something like steroid use in with your other purported "facts" you, in my opinion, damage your own credibility.

William Chung knows Bruce Lee used steroids, Linda Lee, Wu Ngan, Lo Wei, Joe Lewis, Chuck Norris, Bob Wall, and physicians who supplied them. Cortisone, is a steroid, sir.


Of course, what does any of this matter at this point, anyway? What damage or good can we do the late, great Bruce Lee? None, really, seeing as he's, obviously, dead....

Is he? did you see him die? Were you at the mortuary, or did you look in the coffin? Or, are you saying this because you've accepted someone's confirmation of this?


What would constitute solid proof and don't avoid this question?

and yes, again to this.


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I'll play along:

Lee in the last year of his life >

Taking steroids

Ingesting cannabis

Unhealthy self obsession (sweat gland removal:squigglemouth:)

Committing adultery

Alienating those who had helped him in his career

Threatening old men

Taking liberties, physically, with those who were far weaker

Exuding complete ignorance towards medical professionals

Okay, Bruce. Can you create this make believe scale of yours and include Bruce on a table featuring other celebrities who f*cked up to this degree in the space of twelve months?

That should be good.

I would never deny Bruce Lee's good points. He was the best martial artist in history and a wonderful film maker who transcended racial boundaries. That alone is enough to have on your epitaph. The guy was a f*ckin legend and even his bad points don't really bother me.

They just bother other people, CLEARLY!

It's OK to disagree, fellas. I feel like I'm repeating myself repeatedly here! But your responses are so damn tempting! You keep pulling me back in! So, one more time ...

I agree with the old saying that there are two sides (many times more than two) to every story. For example:

Tom Bleecker says Bruce was using steroids, John Little says he wasn't. Both guys had access to a lot of the Lee family's written material on Bruce, but both guys are also not exactly the most credible witnesses, both could be reasonably accused of having there own agendas.

As for Bruce ingesting cannabis, I agree, but so did, for example, Tommy Smothers (of Smothers Brothers fame( just read a book about their cancelled 60s TV show), & he cheated on at least one wife, & he shouted at producers, & he physically fought someone (a cameraman) on the set of his TV show, yet I don't assume that Tommy's fighting was due to roid rage, or consider him an asshole who's lucky to be alive. Using cannabis was commonplace among Bruce's Hollywood contemporaries, no surprise that Bruce partook of the herb, too.

Unhealthy self-obsession & obsession with one's physical appearance is another thing I'd assume would be common among entertainers, not surprising considering how much their looks affect their success. By the way, do we know for certain that Bruce had sweat glands removed? I've heard the rumor, of course, but then I've also heard that Bruce met Elvis, still haven't seen credible evidence of either story being true. Even if the sweat glands story is true (I'd think scars from such surgery would've been mentioned in an autopsy report), is that so much more bizarre than any common cosmetic surgery such as hairplugs or breast implants? I would think having sweat glands removed might be more dangerous but I don't know, I'm not a doctor.

When it comes to committing adultery, I certainly don't think it's a good thing to do (the thought has occurred to me that if Bruce had been home with his wife rather than at his mistress's apartment he might still be around today), but it certainly isn't at all uncommon.

When you say Bruce alienated people who had helped him with his career, I assume you're referring to Stirling Silliphant, James Coburn, & maybe Fred Weintraub, but when it comes to Coburn & Silliphant , anyway, judging by the tone & content of the letters that went back & forth between these guys after they me up in Hong Kong, they weren't carrying grudges, at least nothing that was going to prevent them from possibly working together. Judging by the interviews Coburn & Siliphant participated in through the years (not all, if any, of which were edited by the Lee Estate, by the way) & the fact that Coburn was one of Bruce's pallbearers, these guys remembered Bruce fondly, not bitterly.

Are we talking about Lo Wei when we say Bruce threatened old men (or an old man, anyway)? Firstly, you try to make the incident seem worse by calling Wei an old man; what was he, in his early fifties? Not that old, really. And again, there are at least two versions of this story, who's should I believe? Were charges filed against Bruce? If not, why not? No evidence that he ever pulled a knife, perhaps? Obviously Bruce & Lo Wei weren't exactly best of friends at that point (or ever, judging by Bruce's letters from The Big Boss location), but I'm not at all shocked that someone didn't see eye to eye with a "boss", very common feelings there. I recall Jackie Chan in his autobiography mentioning that he & other stuntmen were impressed by the way Bruce stood up to Lo Wei on the set of Fist Of Fury, they weren't offended by Bruce yelling at his bosses.

As for your "taking liberties" statement, you'll have to fill me in on what you're talking about there. I know the guy who wrote that Penthouse article on Bruce in the early 80s accused Bruce of that kind of thing, citing an incident when Bruce demonstrated a shoulder shove on Dan Inosanto, but Dan said there was no bullying or abuse going on there, said anything he told the guy (was Goldman his name?) was taken out of context & given a negative spin.

As for the complete ignorance towards medical experts, I'm guessing you're referring to Dr. Langford & Dr. Chu's stories about warning Bruce about his cannabis use. Bruce got a second opinion from another reputable medical expert at UCLA Med Center & was told something different there, right? Then there was the expert opinion of the expert from, was it, Great Britain, who said the cannabis in Bruce wouldn't have done any more harm than a cup of tea, if I remember correctly. I'm sure you'll say that expert's motives in saying so weren't exactly pure, but still we have differing expert opinions & therefore room for reasonable doubt.

Which has a lot to do with why I question the factual nature of some of the "facts" that have been presented here; as long as there are at least two sides to a story we have choose which side we're going to give more credence to, we choose who's story we'll believe. What we choose to believe then isn't fact, it's opinion.

In closing, I certainly don't claim to know everything about Bruce Lee, the stuff I do find believeable about him I give credibility because I've (at least) heard and/or read it from more than one source that I consider respectable/believeable. I will admit without hesitation I don't know all the facts, & I think the same admission from others who weren't there & didn't know any of the involved persons would be a reasonable expectation, too

One more thing: isn't it just as unreasonable, if not more so, to say Bruce was the greatest martial artist in history as it is to say anything atrociously negative about him? How could anyone possibly be proven the best martial artist ever? Even if we could agree on a set of standards of excellence, it's not even remotely reasonable to claim Bruce was better than just the martial artists who were alive when he was, much less all the martial artists throughout history, is it? What, did Bruce, in his lifetime, beat up every other martial artist on the planet? Just saying it isn't reasonable to go to either extreme in describing a real human being. He wasn't a devil, he wasn't a god ... oh, & in my ever so humble opinion, he wasn't an asshole either (based on the written & spoken consensus of those who knew him & have shared their perspectives on Bruce).

In the words of the aforementioned Tommy Smothers, you know, in your heart, that I'm right :wink:

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You will understand me not quoting your last post, mate.

I'm done discussing Lee's inadequacies, it's been done to death, and some of your comebacks are getting ridiculous.

I'll address though......

I said that Bruce Lee was the best martial artist of all time. I didn't say he was the best fighter of all time.

I would assume that you know the difference?

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You will understand me not quoting your last post, mate.

I'm done discussing Lee's inadequacies, it's been done to death, and some of your comebacks are getting ridiculous.

Ya think?!


I liked my response to him better:


... I'll address though......

I said that Bruce Lee was the best martial artist of all time. I didn't say he was the best fighter of all time.

I would assume that you know the difference?

That, sdog2006, is a loaded question...


Hell, to the no.


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You will understand me not quoting your last post, mate.

I'm done discussing Lee's inadequacies, it's been done to death, and some of your comebacks are getting ridiculous.

I'll address though......

I said that Bruce Lee was the best martial artist of all time. I didn't say he was the best fighter of all time.

I would assume that you know the difference?

I'm actually not suggesting I don't know the difference between best fighter & best martial artist of all time, I'm suggesting it's completely impossible to prove either and/or both, even if everyone agreed on what constitutes a great martial artist (skill, fighting ability, teaching ability/ability to pass on technique, form, etc.). Reminds me of when someone I was watching the Oscars with said the little kid from that supernatural thriller/mystery with Bruce Willis (drawing a blank on the title at the moment) deserved the award for best actor or best supporting actor, whatever he was nominated for, more than any of the other nominees; I asked if he'd seen the movies the other nominees were in, he said he hadn't , but still the kid was the best. You see my point? Have you (or I, or anyone) "seen the work" of every other martial artist in history? The answer being obvious we obviously cannot know that Bruce was better than all of them in any way at all. Am I mistaken there?

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I'm actually not suggesting I don't know the difference between best fighter & best martial artist of all time, I'm suggesting it's completely impossible to prove either and/or both, even if everyone agreed on what constitutes a great martial artist (skill, fighting ability, teaching ability/ability to pass on technique, form, etc.). Reminds me of when someone I was watching the Oscars with said the little kid from that supernatural thriller/mystery with Bruce Willis (drawing a blank on the title at the moment) deserved the award for best actor or best supporting actor, whatever he was nominated for, more than any of the other nominees; I asked if he'd seen the movies the other nominees were in, he said he hadn't , but still the kid was the best. You see my point? Have you (or I, or anyone) "seen the work" of every other martial artist in history? The answer being obvious we obviously cannot know that Bruce was better than all of them in any way at all. Am I mistaken there?

His name was Haley Joel Osment and the movie was called"The Sixth Sense":nerd:

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I'm actually not suggesting I don't know the difference between best fighter & best martial artist of all time, I'm suggesting it's completely impossible to prove either and/or both, even if everyone agreed on what constitutes a great martial artist (skill, fighting ability, teaching ability/ability to pass on technique, form, etc.). Reminds me of when someone I was watching the Oscars with said the little kid from that supernatural thriller/mystery with Bruce Willis (drawing a blank on the title at the moment) deserved the award for best actor or best supporting actor, whatever he was nominated for, more than any of the other nominees; I asked if he'd seen the movies the other nominees were in, he said he hadn't , but still the kid was the best. You see my point? Have you (or I, or anyone) "seen the work" of every other martial artist in history? The answer being obvious we obviously cannot know that Bruce was better than all of them in any way at all. Am I mistaken there?

Do you actually read this shit back to yourself?

I've studied martial arts since the eighties so you can take my analysis a little more seriously than you can a friend's opinion on who's going to win an Oscar.

Do you want a rundown on why, in MY opinion, Bruce Lee is the best martial artist of all time? Too bad, I suggest you look online because frankly I can't be arsed.

If your next comeback is as stupid as this one was then you will get ignored.

What age are you?

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This thread became the equivalent of monkeys in the zoo, flinging poop at each other about 4 or 5 pages back..... but it's still entertaining.... sort of:squigglemouth:

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This thread became the equivalent of monkeys in the zoo, flinging poop at each other about 4 or 5 pages back..... but it's still entertaining.... sort of:squigglemouth:

It must be or you're bored shitless.

I don't suffer fools gladly and some of my input has been born of frustration. I'm going to be a touch more economical now.

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A) I actually am bored....:smile:

B) There were some pretty interesting information flying about in this thread, but that was quite a few pages back.

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TWC, I've attempted to offer up interesting tidbits here, and there, however I find my contributions at times being ridiculed. Sometimes I respond with sarcasm, others I ignore, then some still I vent.

Nonetheless, there are certain individuals who seem to exist simply to cause chaos.

Thats a shame because there's a great deal of info on this site, and certainly a great deal can be learned.. I know I've learned much here.

Thanks guys, and ladies.


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Do you actually read this shit back to yourself?

I've studied martial arts since the eighties so you can take my analysis a little more seriously than you can a friend's opinion on who's going to win an Oscar.

Do you want a rundown on why, in MY opinion, Bruce Lee is the best martial artist of all time? Too bad, I suggest you look online because frankly I can't be arsed.

If your next comeback is as stupid as this one was then you will get ignored.

What age are you?

Ladies & gentlemen, logic has left the building. Thanks for coming to the show, please exit in an orderly fashion, & do drive safely on the way home.

I began practicing martial arts (started with wing chun) as a teenager around 1982. I've never considered myself to've had any great degree of natural ability as a martial artist, but I love the arts, find them pretty much infinitely interesting, always new challenges to be explored. As far as JKD goes I've participated in seminars with Dan Inosanto, Larry Hartsell, & Burton Richardson. I've considered it a privelege to meet & talk with Ted Wong, Taky Kimura, Linda Lee Cadwell, Herb Jackson, & a few other friends & students of Bruce's, all of whom were friendly & approachable. I've also spent a little time training under students of Paul Vunak &

Jerry Poteet, but I've spent more time training in judo & muay thai. I've dabbled in other arts like kenpo, aikido, & brailian jujitsu but I don't consider myself any kind of an expert, I've just always enjoyed training. Bruce Lee is still inspirational to me as far as working out is concerned, trying to maintain decent conditioning, but I'm getting old enough that the old joints (& I don't mean cannabis) don't recover from or seem to enjoy things I used to be able to do quite as much. Aging sucks! Oh well, at least any joint pain I have is from too much activity, not a lack thereof.

Wow. Your reaction to my last response ... wow. Did I actually read that shit back? Wow, whatever happened to sound reasoning ... ? How again can anyone be the definitive greatest of all time (does that include time still to come, by the way? All time all time?) at anything, much less something as subjective as martial arts? Wow.

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His name was Haley Joel Osment and the movie was called"The Sixth Sense":nerd:

What was the kid nominated for? Best supporting actor? Anyway, good movie, good performance.

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Ladies & gentlemen, logic has left the building. Thanks for coming to the show, please exit in an orderly fashion, & do drive safely on the way home.

I began practicing martial arts (started with wing chun) as a teenager around 1982. I've never considered myself to've had any great degree of natural ability as a martial artist, but I love the arts, find them pretty much infinitely interesting, always new challenges to be explored. As far as JKD goes I've participated in seminars with Dan Inosanto, Larry Hartsell, & Burton Richardson. I've considered it a privelege to meet & talk with Ted Wong, Taky Kimura, Linda Lee Cadwell, Herb Jackson, & a few other friends & students of Bruce's, all of whom were friendly & approachable. I've also spent a little time training under students of Paul Vunak &

Jerry Poteet, but I've spent more time training in judo & muay thai. I've dabbled in other arts like kenpo, aikido, & brailian jujitsu but I don't consider myself any kind of an expert, I've just always enjoyed training. Bruce Lee is still inspirational to me as far as working out is concerned, trying to maintain decent conditioning, but I'm getting old enough that the old joints (& I don't mean cannabis) don't recover from or seem to enjoy things I used to be able to do quite as much. Aging sucks! Oh well, at least any joint pain I have is from too much activity, not a lack thereof.

Wow. Your reaction to my last response ... wow. Did I actually read that shit back? Wow, whatever happened to sound reasoning ... ? How again can anyone be the definitive greatest of all time (does that include time still to come, by the way? All time all time?) at anything, much less something as subjective as martial arts? Wow.

My man, all of that must make you a very well rounded person. I wonder why all this knowledge doesn't translate over to your posts on this forum? Strange!

If you're approaching fifty then half the bullshit you're coming out with is even more worrying. That last paragraph is precisely why we will no longer be engaging in conversation. You're getting too wound up and your line of questioning suggests that you may be ready to pop your clogs.

PS - How many times did you avoid answering one question? What constitutes proof? Fifth chance?


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What was the kid nominated for? Best supporting actor? Anyway, good movie, good performance.

He was nominated for Best Actor in a Supporting Role . Don't think he won though.

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