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Bruce Lee Newspaper Clippings: Needles, MJ and blows to the head!


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I have a hard time believing that a guy so dedicated to his health and fitness, would be using marijuana. I have always and will always think that he was killed, for what ever reason I can't say, and it was covered up.

Dolph Lundgren was supposedly quite the pot head back in the day.....so why not Bruce ?

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I don't know I think Bruce looks and sounds like someone who blows back. I know I know he ate it but you know what I mean. Huh ha" Be water my friend." Yeah tell me he don't get high.

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OK I'm going to put another spin on this, a good friend of Mine who passed away many years ago Keith Nelson was a true Martial Artists. He studied under Grand Master Carter Wong aka 18 Bronze-men whom I also met in person. But one of his other M.A. instructors was the disciple of Grand Master William M. Cheung Wing Chun Master who was best friends of Bruce Lee. He would tell his students stories about growing up with Bruce Lee. And he said that Bruce was poisoned by Raymond Chow of Golden Harvest because Bruce wanted to leave his company and start his own company in the US, so they had Bruce poisoned. That makes for an interesting theory as well, and quite honestly a really good motive.

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OK I'm going to put another spin on this, a good friend of Mine who passed away many years ago Keith Nelson was a true Martial Artists. He studied under Grand Master Carter Wong aka 18 Bronze-men whom I also met in person. But one of his other M.A. instructors was the disciple of Grand Master William M. Cheung Wing Chun Master who was best friends of Bruce Lee. He would tell his students stories about growing up with Bruce Lee. And he said that Bruce was poisoned by Raymond Chow of Golden Harvest because Bruce wanted to leave his company and start his own company in the US, so they had Bruce poisoned. That makes for an interesting theory as well, and quite honestly a really good motive.


The one thing present outside of cannabis both times Lee had near and ultimately fatal complications was Mr. Raymond Chow. I've always maintained this illusive truth. That SOB is not innocent in this matter.

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We're descending into Col Mustard with the smoking gun now, or Mr Chow with the poisoned stash I suppose:angel:

It's bullshit fellas!

Chow and Lee may have had business differences but this isn't Murder She Wrote. Do any of you think, for a second, that Raymond Chow has the guts to kill someone?


Would he have the guts to taint someones cannabis to do it lol?:tongue:

If I was going to kill someone via poison and someone saved his life the first time then I would go to Plan B.

Shoot the bastard!

I wouldn't poison him again with the same stuff lol.

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OK I'm going to put another spin on this, a good friend of Mine who passed away many years ago Keith Nelson was a true Martial Artists. He studied under Grand Master Carter Wong aka 18 Bronze-men whom I also met in person. But one of his other M.A. instructors was the disciple of Grand Master William M. Cheung Wing Chun Master who was best friends of Bruce Lee. He would tell his students stories about growing up with Bruce Lee. And he said that Bruce was poisoned by Raymond Chow of Golden Harvest because Bruce wanted to leave his company and start his own company in the US, so they had Bruce poisoned. That makes for an interesting theory as well, and quite honestly a really good motive.

Nothing! Cheung likes to imply that Bruce & he were best friends to the end but the last time he saw Bruce in person would've been around 1957 before Cheung moved to Australia & Bruce moved to the U.S.. Sure, they exchanged letters after that, but Cheung never spent any time with Bruce when Bruce was making movies, I don't believe Cheung was privy to much of anything happening in Lee's last couple years. William Cheung seems to me to be another Wing Chun/Wing Tsun stylist trying to exploit Bruce's connection to their style for their own gain ("Yes, I knew Bruce Lee, in fact, I was his senior in kung fu!").

As for the theory that Raymond Chow might've wanted to kill Bruce because Bruce intended to make movies in Hollywood, wouldn't Raymond have wanted to kill Jackie Chan for the exact same reason? Doesn't make any sense, especially considering the fact that Bruce had already publicly stated (see "The Lost Interview" with Pierre Burton) his intentions to make movies both in Hollywood & Hong Kong, just like Jackie's been doing for the last 15 years or so with no difficulty. In Hong Kong with he & Raymond's Concorde Productions Bruce would've had greater control over his films while in Hollywood he would've made more money & had a wider audience. Even if Bruce had intended to ditch Chow as a producing partner (what evidence is there of this?) what could Raymond have possibly gained from having Bruce killed?

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Maybe it was a "save face" thing more than a money thing , meaning if he (Chow or H.K biz in general) couldn't have him nor should Hwood ?

It can never ever be proven though.

Makes me wonder if Lee's Hwood career would've been all that great anyway (let's face it.....JCs Hwood films , not exactly perfect)

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Nothing! Cheung likes to imply that Bruce & he were best friends to the end but the last time he saw Bruce in person would've been around 1957 before Cheung moved to Australia & Bruce moved to the U.S.. Sure, they exchanged letters after that, but Cheung never spent any time with Bruce when Bruce was making movies, I don't believe Cheung was privy to much of anything happening in Lee's last couple years. William Cheung seems to me to be another Wing Chun/Wing Tsun stylist trying to exploit Bruce's connection to their style for their own gain ("Yes, I knew Bruce Lee, in fact, I was his senior in kung fu!").

As for the theory that Raymond Chow might've wanted to kill Bruce because Bruce intended to make movies in Hollywood, wouldn't Raymond have wanted to kill Jackie Chan for the exact same reason? Doesn't make any sense, especially considering the fact that Bruce had already publicly stated (see "The Lost Interview" with Pierre Burton) his intentions to make movies both in Hollywood & Hong Kong, just like Jackie's been doing for the last 15 years or so with no difficulty. In Hong Kong with he & Raymond's Concorde Productions Bruce would've had greater control over his films while in Hollywood he would've made more money & had a wider audience. Even if Bruce had intended to ditch Chow as a producing partner (what evidence is there of this?) what could Raymond have possibly gained from having Bruce killed?

Exactly Golden Harvest didn't truly recover from Lee's death until roughly 1977. Their films between 73/77 were mediocre before the Samo Hung/ Huang Feng collaboration began churning out quality work.

Four years in the wilderness promoting George Lazenby amongst other crap? Would you volunteer for that by whacking out a guy who could still make you money?

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Maybe it was a "save face" thing more than a money thing , meaning if he (Chow or H.K biz in general) couldn't have him nor should Hwood ?

It can never ever be proven though.

Makes me wonder if Lee's Hwood career would've been all that great anyway (let's face it.....JCs Hwood films , not exactly perfect)

Come on now mate, Enter the Dragon was a Hollywood production and it takes a shit on The Big Brawl, The Protector, Shanghai Noon, The Karate Kid, Rush Hour 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and f*ckin 6.

Lee's passing, in my opinion, is the most tragic occurence that ever befel Hollywood action cinema. He was poised to team up with Hollywood's finest and, after the success of ETD, the money and marketing associated with his films would have been astronomical.

His progress would have brought Hong Kong martial arts cinema to the masses and transcended the boundaries between East/ West movie making. We're 40 years on in that respect and nobody has came close to making such a mark and that includes Jackie, Jet Li, Tony Jaa or Donnie Yen.

You couldn't bottle Lee's charisma, it came right out of the cradle.

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Come on now mate, Enter the Dragon was a Hollywood production and it takes a shit on The Big Brawl, The Protector, Shanghai Noon, The Karate Kid, Rush Hour 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and f*ckin 6.

Lee's passing, in my opinion, is the most tragic occurence that ever befel Hollywood action cinema. He was poised to team up with Hollywood's finest and, after the success of ETD, the money and marketing associated with his films would have been astronomical.

His progress would have brought Hong Kong martial arts cinema to the masses and transcended the boundaries between East/ West movie making. We're 40 years on in that respect and nobody has came close to making such a mark and that includes Jackie, Jet Li, Tony Jaa or Donnie Yen.



You couldn't bottle Lee's charisma, it came right out of the cradle.

Sdog, sometimes you truly surprise and impress me all at the same time!

That's what I'm talkin' 'bout!!!


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The thing about Lee people still have problems understanding all these years later, he had that trifecta going; Talent, Intellect, and Ego.

Many who have followed rarely possesed the total package, and even when they have, still managed to somehow fall short. Add the fact that he truly had strong belief in himself, a fearlessness, the defiance to buck tradition, along with the rest of his ideals, it's like when a Muhammed Ali comes along... A Once In A Lifetime sort of happening.

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Sdog, sometimes you truly surprise and impress me all at the same time!

That's what I'm talkin' 'bout!!!


Thanks brother. I'm a freelance boxing writer and I have bundles of little diamonds like that.

It's a statement of fact mind you! :wink:

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The thing about Lee people still have problems understanding all these years later, he had that trifecta going; Talent, Intellect, and Ego.

Many who have followed rarely possesed the total package, and even when they have, still managed to somehow fall short. Add the fact that he truly had strong belief in himself, a fearlessness, the defiance to buck tradition, along with the rest of his ideals, it's like when a Muhammed Ali comes along... A Once In A Lifetime sort of happening.


In terms of excellence, charisma, ego and ability to transcend their respective fields both Lee and Ali were beyond similar.

Met Ali in 1994, one of the most memorable days of my life.

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I'm only relying what was told to me over 20+ years ago way before Internet even existed! But some people think its not possible for that to have actually happened! But everyone knows it was a tragic & mysterious death to this day! And nobody actually knows if Bruce spoke to him on a regular basis, he William Cheung said him and Bruce were taking on street gangs and they had a price on his head that's why he had to leave HK and come to the US! But again this was told to me from one of his students so can it be just a story maybe? And honestly if you being Raymond Chow had Bruce bumped off you made a fortune on all his stuff movies etc! Just like Elvis, so you are the one who controls everything, doesn't anyone see it from that point or is it to logical? It makes a word of sense, and as far as Jackie Chan he tried his hand in Hollywood it didn't work out so he stayed in HK, so that's not really a fair comparison. Jackie got fame in Hollywood many many years later, not in his prime!

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I'm only relying what was told to me over 20+ years ago way before Internet even existed! But some people think its not possible for that to have actually happened!

Daisho, I agree. It's still a culture the Western World doesn't understand. Even Lee himself, after being in The States over a decade had been accused of being too Westerized, upon returning.

But everyone knows it was a tragic & mysterious death to this day! And nobody actually knows if Bruce spoke to him on a regular basis, he William Cheung said him and Bruce were taking on street gangs and they had a price on his head that's why he had to leave HK and come to the US! But again this was told to me from one of his students so can it be just a story maybe? And honestly if you being Raymond Chow had Bruce bumped off you made a fortune on all his stuff movies etc! Just like Elvis, so you are the one who controls everything, doesn't anyone see it from that point or is it to logical? It makes a word of sense, and as far as Jackie Chan he tried his hand in Hollywood it didn't work out so he stayed in HK, so that's not really a fair comparison. Jackie got fame in Hollywood many many years later, not in his prime!

Absolutely. Bruce owed The Triads a debt. It would he collected, posthumously, if necessary. Again, we don't fully understand how this works... Back then, they didn't cold bloodedly shoot someone openly. However, people did encounter "accidents", and stars succombed to "suicides" and "overdoses".

Jackie wouldn't have made it for two reasons:

1.) He wasn't Bruce, didn't have the same appeal or charisma...

2.)He saw first hand, the example they set with what happened to Lee. Chow wouldn't allow Chan to get too big; remember, behind Bruce's back he told Fred Weintraub going International was bad for his career, and wouldn't cosign to WB's deal with Concord. It wasn't until Weintraub got the two together in a meeting, and exposed Chow's true sentiments, Lee angrily told Chow to "make the deal"!

You actually believe JC would've stood up like that?

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You actually believe JC would've stood up like that?

@The Dragon: Nope! And its funny if you watch earlier JC movies I don't know if anyone has ever realized but Jackie has surgery on his Eye Lids to make him look more Westernized for the US market just look at his eyes in his earlier movies.

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@The Dragon: Nope! And its funny if you watch earlier JC movies I don't know if anyone has ever realized but Jackie has surgery on his Eye Lids to make him look more American just look at his eyes in his earlier movies.

To look more WESTERN.... not AMERICAN:neutral: And I think he did this for the home market, not a possible shot at the US market.

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Killer Meteor
To look more WESTERN.... not AMERICAN:neutral: And I think he did this for the home market, not a possible shot at the US market.

It's extremely common.

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To look more WESTERN.... not AMERICAN

Thanks Guys I couldn't think of the word I was looking for yesterday! Hope I didn't offend anyone, I corrected my post.

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Not offended, just a mere correction. Though using capitol letters made it look I little harsh, I guess.

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@TWC: Nah I didn't even worry about you writing it in Caps! I just got mind bended and couldn't think of the right word to use. Believe me I've been on this site too long to take anything offensive from anybody! :tongue:

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Who shot JR? Everyone had a motive but only one person could pull the trigger. All of us have an opinion. Not all of us will find out who did it (even if it was Bruce himself) or believe it if the truth is ever known. Anyways, the mystery surrounding Bruce`s death is better than the reality of it. There were lies told. Yes. Conspiracy, yes (even if it was only pertaining to where he died and with whom).

ps - i wonder why it took so long to cash in on Bruce`s death by GH. wash`t it like 5 yrs after his death before the masterpiece (insert sarcasm here) Game of Death was released? and didn't Enter do less in Hong Kong (and some other asian markets) because it was too "westernized" when it was originally released?

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Golden Harvest didn`t wait to cash in, they had cameras in his home more or less straight away. I think it was legal rights that held up Game of Death.

Enter the Dragon did under perform in hong kong, I know they weren`t happy that Bruce never fought Bolo.(me too:sad:)

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Chow cashed in alright. Big time. Turns out his partnership with Lee was no more than pretty much a handshake agreement. The monthly payment installments forwarded Lee by GH studios for The Big Boss and Fist of Fury were suspended immediately after his death, leaving Linda and the kids scurrying for finances, the life insurance policy Chow had instated on Lee, basically putting him double Indemnity, was to be collected immediately, the distribution rights for Way of The Dragon were sold (behind Lee's back), by his "partner" while Lee wanted to hold out for better offers, and lastly, Chow kept separate logs of accounts, originally thought to hide figures, but later determined this was the way he paid Tea Money to the Triads.

Took almost 3-5yrs to settle what -was -what in Probate Court. Linda ended up selling Bruce's "share" back to Chow.

Chow never wanted to deal with WB anyway, so as far as ETD, all of Bruce's royalties went to Linda. He wasn't going to be able to hide anything with the Hollywood company that was awarded Lee.

I'd say he cashed the fcuk in.

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