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Bruce Lee Newspaper Clippings: Needles, MJ and blows to the head!


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Obviously you really don't know the Triads were out for him after the release and success of FOF. He confirmed they had approached him. One of the reasons he formed Concord was with no contractual obligations to GH after the two picture deal he was able to avoid negotiations with them, and partnering with Chow, he left that end of business to Chow.

Yes I'm aware of his indiscretions and I've spoken openly about them. It still doesn't take my focus off why everyone-including Linda, lied about the events of July 20th. Everything from what time people were or were not at the Cumberland residence, when Chow arrived/left, the dinner appointment with Lazenby, discussing script with Betty etc.

Why did Chow drive all the way in a typhoon to the other side of the Island if Betty told him over the phone something was wrong with Lee? He knew of the episode a month and a half earlier at the studio. Why didn't Betty summon an ambulance immediately? This is all BS. Chow told reporters at the hospital Lee collapsed at home.. Why? More controversy only to be exposed and create greater controversy.

Lo Wei, a high ranking member of Sun Yi On, was threatened by knife point in front of witnesses, ten days prior at GH studios. He had Lee sign a paper stating he promised to "leave Lo Wei alone.." He may have well signed his own contract for life. You don't give face to a boss, and embarrass him like that and not expect retaliation?

Again... Why did Bruce want "to get out of HK... It's getting bad here." according to pals in the U.S.?

Questions, questions, questions... There are still several industry vets around who know the truth.

Mate you know you’re stuff but this is horribly inconsistent.

Linda Lee/ Raymond Chow lied about where Bruce Lee collapsed because he was shagging about. It was to protect Bruce Lee's reputation and Linda Lee’s face.

Where/ How/ Why Chow drove around HK Island is conjecture and proves nothing.

Lee threatened Lo Wei on July 10th, ten days prior to his death. By this point Lee had already collapsed, and almost died, from the very symptoms that would later kill him. Why even mention this incident?

PS – “Obviously you really don't know the Triads were out for him after the release and success of FOF.” Why is that obvious?

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Thats what I'm talkin bout Dragon. You have got some knowledge on the subject my friend. Ya got my props for sure. So I take it that the Roids thing is ugh well u know rubbish?

Bruce Lee's physique switch between FoF and WoTD is literally impossible to attain through natural training. It hurts fans because PED's are associated with cheating but they weren't in 1973.

Fact: The first Olympics to ban steroids was Montreal 1976.

He was juicing.

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He told BW he was not really training and simply running. He was nervous, repeating himself, and something had (set-in).

He also sat in front of BW and ate about six muffins which were laden with marijuana.

Penthouse Article 1983, written by that prick, William Goldman.

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Bruce Lee's physique switch between FoF and WoTD is literally impossible to attain through natural training. It hurts fans because PED's are associated with cheating but they weren't in 1973.

Fact: The first Olympics to ban steroids was Montreal 1976.

He was juicing.

Impossible to attain through natural training say what. Come on its people that never train that make statements like that bro. Come on now. On top of that there is not that much of a dramatic change in his physique from FOF to WoTD. I'm not saying he never did roids of any kind just sayin the change in physique he had can very well come from natural training. I mean I'm just sayin. Intresting to learn Bruce used steriods though.

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Sdog2006: If you've noticed, I've never disputed the possibilities of Lee experimenting with PED's. Examining his physique prior to arriving in HK and a couple years later reveal it all. He very well fit that profile..

My challenge is consistently, why all the conflicting stories on July 20th?!

As for Lee's more than certain drug abuse, the tainting could have very well existed, however, following that path is more than likely of greater danger: contacts, carriers, suppliers, investors etc. An plethora of avenues one may not want to travel.

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Impossible to attain through natural training say what. Come on its people that never train that make statements like that bro. Come on now. On top of that there is not that much of a dramatic change in his physique from FOF to WoTD. I'm not saying he never did roids of any kind just sayin the change in physique he had can very well come from natural training. I mean I'm just sayin. Intresting to learn Bruce used steriods though.

I've trained all my life; martial arts, boxing, weights, running. Take your pick.

There is not that much of a difference in physique between FoF and WotD? You are literally the first person I have ever come across who had that opinion.

Each to their own.

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He also sat in front of BW and ate about six muffins which were laden with marijuana.

Penthouse Article 1983, written by that prick, William Goldman.

And he never went into convulsions, fits, or seizures, let alone coma.

So, there you go. You cannot be pre-exposed then be hypersensitive. Somebody got a hold of his stash man.

PS, there's no inconsistency in what I've disclosed. There's just so much surrounding this man's life, it tends to be a bit confusing. I have stayed the course.

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And he never went into convulsions, fits, or seizures, let alone coma.

So, there you go. You cannot be pre-exposed then be hypersensitive. Somebody got a hold of his stash man.

LOL :bigsmile:

Instead of just blowing his head off "somebody" snatched an ounce of marijuana from his Game of Death nunchaka bag, peppered it with an ancient Chinese poison, before replacing it?

Sorry bro, not for me! :wink:

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For those saying they can't understand how Bruce Lee could drop weight while on steroids, it would be worth noting that THREE WORLD CLASS professional boxers have tested positive for performance enhancing drugs in the last eight weeks.

Lamont Peterson, Andre Berto and Antonio Tarver.

All of these fighters are renowned for making artificially low weights and all three have been juicing.

There goes that theory.....

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I'm not saying he never did roids of any kind just sayin the change in physique he had can very well come from natural training. I mean I'm just sayin. Intresting to learn Bruce used steriods though. Or the Juice.

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Omni Dragon
I've trained all my life; martial arts, boxing, weights, running. Take your pick.

There is not that much of a difference in physique between FoF and WotD? You are literally the first person I have ever come across who had that opinion.

Each to their own.

I think his physique look different largely due to the lighting.

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LOL :bigsmile:


Instead of just blowing his head off "somebody" snatched an ounce of marijuana from his Game of Death nunchaka bag, peppered it with an ancient Chinese poison, before replacing it?

Are you here all week? :xd:

Sensei, how much do you know about the way the Underworld over there handled intimidation, then as opposed to now? If you do not know, we can have a PM chat and exchange view points and facts. If you do have any actual insight on that subject, the we both know how irresponsible that remark is toward those less informed. I'm not basing my comment on personal opinion-rather researched, educated, sourced material. This country has only a few decades of open exchange with China as far as knowing the true TAO of that culture. And we still don't respect or understand it, totally.

Sorry bro, not for me! :wink:

No? Well maybe just a touch of this unrefined Nepal Hashish, with a shot of Cortisone could set you straight a few ticks.

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Killer Meteor
I think his physique look different largely due to the lighting.

Yes, in FIST the contrast in general favour bright hues and less detail. Although the photography in WAY at times borders on 8mm home movie quality, it does show Bruce looking a lot more rugged.

Now in Enter, he looks grey and unnatualy thin.

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Yes, his bodyfat percentage dropped between the time Bruce filmed FOF & WOTD, & seems to have continued to drop with GOD & ETD, but the stress he was dealing with (including the pressure he put on himself to become an international moviestar on the level of Steve McQueen) was going up at the same time, maybe he was working out harder as part of coping, Joe Lewis has commented on how little Bruce ate, Robert Clouse said he didn't seem to sleep, I've also wondered if he may've had something akin to an eating disorder related to body image problems. Seems to me from the time he was making The Green Hornet to the end of his life Bruce didn't gain an appreciable amount of muscle mass, he just became leaner. I can do that just by being more careful with my diet.

I agree with people who say it's feasible that Bruce may've taken steroids, I just haven't seen anything resembling proof of that. I recall Tom Bleecker saying on another site that Bruce didn't have the genetic potential to develop the physique he had naturally, but when I mentioned that Brandon Lee had developed a very similar physique presumably due in large part to genetics, must we assume Brandon was using steroids, too? Mr. Bleecker suggested that Brandon's very Bruce Leeish build might've been the results of his mother's genetics, her naturally athletic build! I didn't quite buy that.

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A lot of times ppl will say" no way they did that naturally." Or "He had to be taking something." Not just Bruce Lee but alot of people in the spotlight.50 Cent, Dr. Dre, Taylor well u know the Twilight kid. Not saying they didn't take "the juice" just saying. Form your own opinions. Tom Hardy for example went from what 170 or so to 205. I think he did it naturally and fully believe it can be done.I'm not sayin he did. Also I'm not sayin Bruce Lee did or didnt take steroids. I don't want conflict just some understanding. Of course if your a movie star and its your job to look the part. Your job is working out and proper diet for the role. Plus superstars got money for the best trainers, supplements, and food all that. Eating healthy is expensive. Look at lean hamburger meat vs regular. Gluten free, organic, low fat, all higher than the reg stuff. I can go from 132 to 147 in 4 months naturally. I did it in prison and its hard to do on trays (chow hall food), peanut butter, oatmeal, and protein powder. That is my personal experience. Granted I could probably do it faster in the world due to the availabilty of supplements such as creatine and better tasting protein powders. What we could have was god awful. I mean they are all nasty but yeah n waz. Though since people don't see the work and sweat one does in the gym. The person eating when they are not hungry, choking down protein and creatine shakes. All the work that goes into gaining size. Its easy just to say " Had to be taking something"

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Are you here all week? :xd:

Sensei, how much do you know about the way the Underworld over there handled intimidation, then as opposed to now? If you do not know, we can have a PM chat and exchange view points and facts. If you do have any actual insight on that subject, the we both know how irresponsible that remark is toward those less informed. I'm not basing my comment on personal opinion-rather researched, educated, sourced material. This country has only a few decades of open exchange with China as far as knowing the true TAO of that culture. And we still don't respect or understand it, totally.

No? Well maybe just a touch of this unrefined Nepal Hashish, with a shot of Cortisone could set you straight a few ticks.

Respect mate

I spent time in HK in 1994 and witnessed some Triad activity. They weren't as subtle twenty one years on; they put a guys head in a drain and crushed it with the drain lid.

Must have been shit out of poison:angel:

Am I an expert on Triads? Hell no and I have no desire to be.

My outlook on Bruce Lee's exit is based solely on what we REALLY DO KNOW!

  • Injesting potent marijuana for fun
  • Likely taking steroids
  • Huge mood swings
  • Body fat less than 1%
  • Over worked
  • Insomnia

We can't ignore that two prominant HK doctors told him not to injest marijuana leaf because it was "going to kill him". Does it really have to be laced with something when his body chemistry was timebomb material anyway?

His medical check up in LA was crucial and that diagnosis essentially sent Bruce Lee back to HK to kill himself. If he'd been a normal 32 year old then high strain marijuana would not have been causing brain swelling but he was far from normal when you assess the bullet points above.

Fans minimise the marijuana factor because they invisage Bruce Lee smoking soap bar while listening to The Doors. For God Sake the guy was loading this shit into brownies and hoovering them like they were digestives?

One can only imagine the side effects of this on a man of his conditioning. I could buy the Triad theory if he was living a healthy life but he was heading into a world of hurt and I tend to go for the obvious brother.

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All points taken.

He still was having a hell of a time with Triad influences, and even had someone negotiating on his behalf during the time he was haphazardly filming G.O.D. This is a fact.

Part of his fall out with Chow was over the accounts for WOTD. Chow released the film to distribution without checking with his partner, possibly to ensure proceeds went toward Tea Money for Triads.

That infuriated Lee who thumbed his nose at the notion of paying the Underworld. If Chow wanted to pay them fine.. But, Lee had no intentions of cooperating.

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So he basically said F the triads. I have learned alot from you two over the past two days than I have learned about Bruce in a long time. I appreciate the education.

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So he basically said F the triads. I have learned alot from you two over the past two days than I have learned about Bruce in a long time. I appreciate the education.

Yeah, it's interesting he was so defiant. He knew what he was up against. Simply resented it. One time, while filming FOF in a particular area, production was held up until the local gang got a bit of payment, for filming in their "territory".. Lee that to be restrained from going after the punks.

It's my opinion, he was posturing with HK, like he had muscle behind him from his contacts in the U.S., Inosanto, Norris, Parker, Stone, etc. He wasn't above misleading people, or stretching the truth. That parlayed into him telling the stuntmen he planned to take them to Hollywood with him, and start his own production company there. Which we know he did not have that type of influence.

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My problem with much of this what Oliver Stone thinks killed Bruce Lee stuff is that conclusions seem to be largely based on things we REALLY KNOW (!) that, of course, we don't really know. So much of this is based on unverifiable hearsay, rumors spread by questionable sources, mixed into a highly imaginative but blurry at best picture of rampant speculation. Can you put together a case (for anything other than death by misadventure) that would actually hold up in any reasonable court of law? Not based on what I'm hearing here.

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Respect mate

I spent time in HK in 1994 and witnessed some Triad activity. They weren't as subtle twenty one years on; they put a guys head in a drain and crushed it with the drain lid.

Must have been shit out of poison:angel:

Am I an expert on Triads? Hell no and I have no desire to be.

My outlook on Bruce Lee's exit is based solely on what we REALLY DO KNOW!

  • Injesting potent marijuana for fun
  • Likely taking steroids
  • Huge mood swings
  • Body fat less than 1%
  • Over worked
  • Insomnia

We can't ignore that two prominant HK doctors told him not to injest marijuana leaf because it was "going to kill him". Does it really have to be laced with something when his body chemistry was timebomb material anyway?

His medical check up in LA was crucial and that diagnosis essentially sent Bruce Lee back to HK to kill himself. If he'd been a normal 32 year old then high strain marijuana would not have been causing brain swelling but he was far from normal when you assess the bullet points above.

Fans minimise the marijuana factor because they invisage Bruce Lee smoking soap bar while listening to The Doors. For God Sake the guy was loading this shit into brownies and hoovering them like they were digestives?

One can only imagine the side effects of this on a man of his conditioning. I could buy the Triad theory if he was living a healthy life but he was heading into a world of hurt and I tend to go for the obvious brother.

So, we really know these things, do we? How do we know the marijuana was potent? Prove it, point out one believeable study that states marijuana kills. Even that, if it exists, wouldn't prove Bruce's stuff was potent.

Then you say we REALLY KNOW it was likely he was taking steroids? That doesn't even make sense, when you say it's likely you're admitting it's not verified fact.

As for the huge mood swings, would you mind quantifying "huge"? Huge as in bigger than the mood swings he'd had his entire life? Chuck Norris, Dan Inosanto, Bruce himself, they all mentioned (among others) that he'd always been emotionally volatile, he'd always had a quick temper.

Bodyfat less than 1 percent? Prove it. What medical document states this?

I don't particularly doubt the overworked & insomnia comments (although, realistically, I'd want to see a doctor's diagnosis of insomnia as evidence of such), although, even if I accept them as true, they don't prove anything. Hell, I'M overworked & lacking in sleep myself, hopefully I won't be making my final exit any time soon! My point is, that we don't REALLY KNOW any of these things you've listed to be true. It just aint convincing under any kind of scrutiny, fellas!

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Killer Meteor

It's likely that if one thing didn't kill him, the other would have done. He was playing with fire for sure.

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So, we really know these things, do we? How do we know the marijuana was potent? Prove it, point out one believeable study that states marijuana kills. Even that, if it exists, wouldn't prove Bruce's stuff was potent.

Then you say we REALLY KNOW it was likely he was taking steroids? That doesn't even make sense, when you say it's likely you're admitting it's not verified fact.

As for the huge mood swings, would you mind quantifying "huge"? Huge as in bigger than the mood swings he'd had his entire life? Chuck Norris, Dan Inosanto, Bruce himself, they all mentioned (among others) that he'd always been emotionally volatile, he'd always had a quick temper.

Bodyfat less than 1 percent? Prove it. What medical document states this?

I don't particularly doubt the overworked & insomnia comments (although, realistically, I'd want to see a doctor's diagnosis of insomnia as evidence of such), although, even if I accept them as true, they don't prove anything. Hell, I'M overworked & lacking in sleep myself, hopefully I won't be making my final exit any time soon! My point is, that we don't REALLY KNOW any of these things you've listed to be true. It just aint convincing under any kind of scrutiny, fellas!

Admirable retort - here's another one.

PM me your email address and I'll send you one of the very first documents written on Bruce Lee's death and the subsequent horseshit that ensued in a desperate bid to disguise the truth within it.

I'm going on what I see with steroids. He was juicing and that's obvious (post Fist of Fury). His physique come ETD was ridiculous and the mood swings you mention were nothing compared to his conduct on the set of the same movie.

One percent body fat? Donald Langford confirmed it in an interview with David Miller, accessible on Tao of Bruce Lee.

The guy was eating, ingesting, brownie bashing significant amounts of concentrated marijuana in 1973. This stuff was being smuggled into HK Island and we're assuming it was brick pack made for bong use in some jerk water US college? Come on mate?

Find you an authenticated cause of death relating to the drug? Exceedingly difficult; in fact almost as difficult as you finding me one single human being, with Bruce Lee's physiology/ body chemistry who has EVER taken it.

The drug wasn't lethal to everyone. That wouldn't make sense because people would have been dropping dead left right and center. The drug was lethal to Bruce Lee because his physicality was a total and utter cluster f*ck.

Drug Ideosyncrasy is what I firmly believe caused his death.

You've got you views and I've got mine. I'll forward the docs I have if you're interested.

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