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Bruce Lee Newspaper Clippings: Needles, MJ and blows to the head!


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Much of this is old news, but some of it is NEW to me, so I thought I'd post some of these articles I found:

1. Let's start off light. Looks like "Man From Hong Kong" director Brian Trenchard-Smith had a hard-on for HK action films even before he directed his one-time Jimmy Wang Yu flick:


2. Looks like Bruce Lee films were hitting hard EVERYWHERE (not surprisingly). Check out these clippings, printed weeks before his death:




3. Now it's time for the real stuff. All real bricks and boards. There's nothing phony about any of it... (I couldn't find the continuation of this article - but looks like it's the typical breaking-news surface):


4. Remo Williams: The Misadventure Begins...


5. Hey, they left this out of Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story! I feel like I got ripped off!


6. Needle mark on the chest and incisions on the his left temple? Last I read, I thought it was on his ankle?


7. Okay, so Mary Jane didn't kill him. But one thing's for sure.... Bruce loved to get high! Another thing I didn't see in Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story! What the hell? Ray Charles can do crack, but Bruce can't smoke a little bud? Come on, Linda... let the legend breath a little!


8. Was Dean Jagger and Gig Young behind this? Better alert Hakeem at the warehouse!


Has anybody ever been to Red Pepper restaurant?

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Interesting articles. The Brian Trenchard Smith tv special mentioned is called Kung Fu Killers and is a special feature on the Australian dvd of The Man From Hong Kong. It's a very good documentary.

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From research I did on Jimmy Wang Yu I have this article from the Montreal Gazette, August 13, 1973, speculating on who would fill the void left by Bruce's death and if it would even be possible.


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We need to address that needle mark on the chest, and incison on the left temple.

The incision, on the left temple is consistent with the fact Lee may have had convulsive behavior, in the presence of Ting Pei.. If that be true and he fell over and hit his head, then there still is possibility of cover-up, because that is important information that could lead to more questions; exactly what, were you doing at the time, Ms Ting Pei? Making love? Getting high? Both?! If Lee, having a fit, thrashed around and knocked his head, someone placed him back on the bed.. If there were any unsavory acts going on, that same someone had to clean him up, dress him, and place him on the bed. It was said his body was soaking wet with sweat; maybe he was wet from being pre-washed.. Maybe that's why it took so long to call an ambulance.

The needle mark on the chest... Even 40yrs later, sounds every bit as disturbing, channeling the possibility of foul play.

How in the hell does that go unexplained?!

If there were a needle mark, shouldn't there be some needle induced substance in his blood? Oh, but that's right... An autopsy wasn't performed until that following Monday, allowing sufficient time to lapse, and deteroration of substances present at the time of death. Three days! For the biggest filmstar in Asia at the time?!


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We need to address that needle mark on the chest, and incison on the left temple.

The incision, on the left temple is consistent with the fact Lee may have had convulsive behavior, in the presence of Ting Pei.. If that be true and he fell over and hit his head, then there still is possibility of cover-up, because that is important information that could lead to more questions; exactly what, were you doing at the time, Ms Ting Pei? Making love? Getting high? Both?! If Lee, having a fit, thrashed around and knocked his head, someone placed him back on the bed.. If there were any unsavory acts going on, that same someone had to clean him up, dress him, and place him on the bed. It was said his body was soaking wet with sweat; maybe he was wet from being pre-washed.. Maybe that's why it took so long to call an ambulance.

The needle mark on the chest... Even 40yrs later, sounds every bit as disturbing, channeling the possibility of foul play.

How in the hell does that go unexplained?!

If there were a needle mark, shouldn't there be some needle induced substance in his blood? Oh, but that's right... An autopsy wasn't performed until that following Monday, allowing sufficient time to lapse, and deteroration of substances present at the time of death. Three days! For the biggest filmstar in Asia at the time?!


The incision at the temple is explained in the clipping as the site of a transfusion done at the hospital, the needle mark on the chest would've been caused by the direct injection of adrenaline into the heart in an attempt to revive Bruce, also done at the hospital. If I recall correctly, Linda has mentioned this either in one of her books and/or in interviews. These marks are no mystery at all, they were caused by medical procedures in an attempt to save Bruce.

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I have a hard time believing that a guy so dedicated to his health and fitness, would be using marijuana. I have always and will always think that he was killed, for what ever reason I can't say, and it was covered up.

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I have a hard time believing that a guy so dedicated to his health and fitness, would be using marijuana. I have always and will always think that he was killed, for what ever reason I can't say, and it was covered up. And I don't take much from what his wife said, as she could very well been in on it for all we know.

That's a stupid remark to make about this woman because you can't accept his death or the fact that he wasn't perfect. Despite his cheating on her, she loved him and he was the father of her two children. I'm sure he tried to be a good father when he wasn't working or chasing skirts - which was often on both counts. Bruce Lee pretended to be many things in his life: a devoted husband, an involved father, a spiritual person, and a heath nut. He was none of those things and only claimed to be for appearances. The health nut he was but it didn't stop him for partaking in the drugs his friends offered. Marijuana was his drug of choice, and BTW - isn't it, even by today's standards, considered "harmless" by all it's users? Bruce Lee wasn't perfect; he did stupid things - used drugs and had a very bad habit of using his friends' prescription meds instead of going to the doctor and getting his own. Don't drag his wife in this. She was nothing but good to him and protected his name, his art form, their children, and his image all these years. Clearly a thankless task for "die hard" fans.

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Cool article, Markgway, thanks. And Catnap's statement did specify that the harmlessness of cannabis is the opinion of all its users. I know I often had problems documenting my scientifically experimental results of it by cereal and cartoons.:tongue:

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Reel Power Stunts

Indeed, and it's interesting that the first doctor quoted in the article, Thomas Geller MD, mentions cannabis-caused cerebral edema. If I'm not mistaken, the official line is that Lee suffered this on the night he died.

As for Darth Kato's comment, I think it's fine to dispute whether marijuana killed Lee. It's another thing to not believe he took it. Plenty of his friends and coworkers have mentioned it. I believe he liked to eat hash brownies.Whatever your personal views on weed, plenty of showbiz types in the late 60's & 70's had no problem with it.

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@ DarthKato & CatNap: Though I do not feel Lee was beyond indescretions, and lived without flaws, I do feel the way stories were contradicing from all involved sources, point to cover up. Now, exactly what is being covered? I expect foul play.

My reason for saying that is quite simple; if Lee loved having his cannabis, he probably did it at home, more than anywhere else, besides the studio. So, why didn't he ever have any crisis there? Because the places he did- GH Studios and Betty's place, he was more than likely subjected and exposed to poisoning. Who would want that? The people who Lee spoke about it "getting bad in Hong Kong". The very enemies he began to make seemingly daily. The same people Linda's public read, apologetic sounding, letter of (holding no one responsible) was addressed to.

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My viewpoint

1960’s I’m trying marijuana in the US and I like it


1972 I’m stressed in HK and I want marijuana

1972 I’m taking marijuana in HK and this “unrefined” stuff is much stronger

1973 I ain’t feeling too good after I take “unrefined” marijuana

1973 On May 10th I almost died because I ingested “unrefined” marijuana

1973 A doctor in HK just told me not to take “unrefined” marijuana or I might die

1973 In June a doctor, in LA, said don’t listen to the doctor in HK

1973 On July 20th I died because I took “unrefined” marijuana

No conspiracy, just a terrible tragedy based on Bruce Lee’s own ego and an innocent but lackadaisical outlook by the medical community.

I have a copy of one of the first toxicology reports that was released after Lee’s death and it sites “drug idiosyncrasy” and blames marijuana exclusively.

After said report was released THE REAL COVER UP kicked in because the actual cause of death would have damaged Lee’s reputation, HK cinema, insurance policies and created a cannabis craze.

Why go to all that trouble when we can blame a headache tablet?

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You cannot be pre-exposed to a subject, in this case mary j, and then be hypersensitive to it. However, unrefined or not, something was causing this man to drop weight, muscle mass, and energy levels... He looked as if he'd aged 10yrs.

No one wishes to follow the possibility his drugs could have been laced with a substance that would not show in toxicology reports from an autopsy performed almost 72hrs a.d.

A tremendous amount of physical evidence could have severely deteriorated by then. Remember, medicine wasn't was advanced then was now, and what we currently take for granted.

P.S.: remember the reports from the set of ETD, when Lee found someone around his tea cup how he was paranoid and went bullistic. Almost as if he were concerned with "tampering". People forget the little things.

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You cannot be pre-exposed to a subject, in this case mary j, and then be hypersensitive to it. However, unrefined or not, something was causing this man to drop weight, muscle mass, and energy levels... He looked as if he'd aged 10yrs.

No one wishes to follow the possibility his drugs could have been laced with a substance that would not show in toxicology reports from an autopsy performed almost 72hrs a.d.

A tremendous amount of physical evidence could have severely deteriorated by then. Remember, medicine wasn't was advanced then was now, and what we currently take for granted.

P.S.: remember the reports from the set of ETD, when Lee found someone around his tea cup how he was paranoid and went bullistic. Almost as if he were concerned with "tampering". People forget the little things.

You don't think that living the high life, steroid abuse, gorging on cannabis, sweat gland removal and weight obsession could be contributing factors to how his body reacted to the drug in question?

I disagree mate.

Coupled with the above he was training/ filming feverishly to such an extent that his body fat dropped to less that 1%. Lee's conditioning in 1973 was deliberate and his steroid use (which came before performance enhancing drugs were officially banned for athletes in 1976) was a "major" factor, post Fist of Fury, in his resultant weight loss.

I'm a realist and if someone wanted him killed it would have been done with a bullet. Nobody poisons someone over a long period of time unless it's in the movies, so the foul play tag is hokum.

The end, for me, was a result of his own behavior and poor decision making but to be fair I'm not telling you anything you don't already know.

I just think people should stand back, omit controversy for a second and look at the amount of things he was doing wrong in his life.

I respect your opinion very much though and to be honest we'll never know the total truth.

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That's a stupid remark to make about this woman because you can't accept his death or the fact that he wasn't perfect. Despite his cheating on her, she loved him and he was the father of her two children. I'm sure he tried to be a good father when he wasn't working or chasing skirts - which was often on both counts. Bruce Lee pretended to be many things in his life: a devoted husband, an involved father, a spiritual person, and a heath nut. He was none of those things and only claimed to be for appearances. The health nut he was but it didn't stop him for partaking in the drugs his friends offered. Marijuana was his drug of choice, and BTW - isn't it, even by today's standards, considered "harmless" by all it's users? Bruce Lee wasn't perfect; he did stupid things - used drugs and had a very bad habit of using his friends' prescription meds instead of going to the doctor and getting his own. Don't drag his wife in this. She was nothing but good to him and protected his name, his art form, their children, and his image all these years. Clearly a thankless task for "die hard" fans.

You're right, I should not have said that. I edited my original post and removed that comment. There was no excuse for what I said, but is there really any proof of him cheating or doing drugs. From what I read, it seemed like all these claims came out after he died, so he had no way of defending himself from these alligations. Also. I don't really think it was right of you to make remarks about him 'Chasing Skirts" or that he was "partaking in drugs" when you know about as much as I do. Also, yes I am a "die hard" fan, but even I won't defend someone's faults if they are proven to be 100% true.

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Is that for real? What Sdog said about the roids. I mean I've heard about the mary wana. I just dont see any cutting cycle making him loose his mass as well. Like The Dragon said, 'Dropping weight and muscle mass" Plus the fact he would pass out middle of day running ragged and be tired paranoid about his tea cup. hmmm... Sounds to me He might have been all the way turned up on that Dope. I mean I'm just saying I don't know thats just the way it seems.

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You don't think that living the high life, steroid abuse, gorging on cannabis, sweat gland removal and weight obsession could be contributing factors to how his body reacted to the drug in question?

I disagree mate.

Coupled with the above he was training/ filming feverishly to such an extent that his body fat dropped to less that 1%. Lee's conditioning in 1973 was deliberate and his steroid use (which came before performance enhancing drugs were officially banned for athletes in 1976) was a "major" factor, post Fist of Fury, in his resultant weight loss.

I'm a realist and if someone wanted him killed it would have been done with a bullet. Nobody poisons someone over a long period of time unless it's in the movies, so the foul play tag is hokum.

The end, for me, was a result of his own behavior and poor decision making but to be fair I'm not telling you anything you don't already know.

I just think people should stand back, omit controversy for a second and look at the amount of things he was doing wrong in his life.

I respect your opinion very much though and to be honest we'll never know the total truth.

Obviously you really don't know the Triads were out for him after the release and success of FOF. He confirmed they had approached him. One of the reasons he formed Concord was with no contractual obligations to GH after the two picture deal he was able to avoid negotiations with them, and partnering with Chow, he left that end of business to Chow.

Yes I'm aware of his indiscretions and I've spoken openly about them. It still doesn't take my focus off why everyone-including Linda, lied about the events of July 20th. Everything from what time people were or were not at the Cumberland residence, when Chow arrived/left, the dinner appointment with Lazenby, discussing script with Betty etc.

Why did Chow drive all the way in a typhoon to the other side of the Island if Betty told him over the phone something was wrong with Lee? He knew of the episode a month and a half earlier at the studio. Why didn't Betty summon an ambulance immediately? This is all BS. Chow told reporters at the hospital Lee collapsed at home.. Why? More controversy only to be exposed and create greater controversy.

Lo Wei, a high ranking member of Sun Yi On, was threatened by knife point in front of witnesses, ten days prior at GH studios. He had Lee sign a paper stating he promised to "leave Lo Wei alone.." He may have well signed his own contract for life. You don't give face to a boss, and embarrass him like that and not expect retaliation?

Again... Why did Bruce want "to get out of HK... It's getting bad here." according to pals in the U.S.?

Questions, questions, questions... There are still several industry vets around who know the truth.

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Thats what I'm talkin bout Dragon. You have got some knowledge on the subject my friend. Ya got my props for sure. So I take it that the Roids thing is ugh well u know rubbish?

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Is that for real? What Sdog said about the roids. I mean I've heard about the mary wana. I just dont see any cutting cycle making him loose his mass as well. Like The Dragon said, 'Dropping weight and muscle mass" Plus the fact he would pass out middle of day running ragged and be tired paranoid about his tea cup. hmmm... Sounds to me He might have been all the way turned up on that Dope. I mean I'm just saying I don't know thats just the way it seems.

He was definitely cranked up on something. What ever it was, I think the MJ was what mellowed him out. To this day we don't know WTF it was. Linda knows, Wu Ngan, Betty, and Raymond Chow does too. He had congestion and broken vessels in his lungs.

His BUN readings were off-consistent with what happens when too much sodium is in the system as if poison exists.

Chow introduced Betty to Lee. She had a history with influential HK businessmen. Triads?

No doubt a hot commodity like Lee was in tremendous demand and he didn't want to lose him to Shaw. If they could get Lee hooked either on the poonanny or drugs or both-it would definitely put a hook on the shooting star.

Remember, ETD almost didn't get made... Twice. Once, in negotiations with Chow, he kept telling Weintraub it's a bad career move for Bruce... When Bruce wasn't around. and he wouldn't sign off on a deal. The second time was when production had started, and Lee didn't show up on set for two weeks. He was running around with Betty and in some sort of possible drug induced stupor. They were about to call it off until he finally showed up, with nervous twitches...

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Thats what I'm talkin bout Dragon. You have got some knowledge on the subject my friend. Ya got my props for sure. So I take it that the Roids thing is ugh well u know rubbish?

Even if he were taking roids, (which, with his temperament during the time was highly probable), it doesn't explain what was happening to his body mass... He was literally withering away in 1973. From April to July, he dropped at least a good 15/20lbs, straight body mass. His head looked too big for his body, he was smaller than Linda. He probably was dying and doctors couldn't tell wtf was happening. If he were being poisoned through his drugs, quite naturally he wouldn't stop the drugs if he had no idea it was the drugs being laced. One thing's certain; when he came to the U.S. for that week to finish his voice loops for ETD, he was by all accounts ok, (according to doctors here) However, Bob Wall, who saw him during that time said he looked pale and as if he'd lost 20lbs. He told BW he was not really training and simply running. He was nervous, repeating himself, and something had (set-in).

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