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13 ASSASSINS on VOD March 25th


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wow whatt an excellent samurai film!!!!! just watched it, loved it, very awsome, and realistic

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I just watched it last night and I highly recommend it to all old school samurai film fans. I'm not a big fan of Takashi Miike films, even though my travels have lead me to own quite a few. 13 Assassins is definitely one of his more polished outputs.

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from another thread

Really? I haven't seen the film, but it's rated pg-12 in Japan...

I don't think Japan counts. Dragon Ball is a kids show and it has scenes with Goku punching bloody holes through people and a wackjob using a sniper rifle to take out a puppy.

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I don't think Japan counts. Dragon Ball is a kids show and it has scenes with Goku punching bloody holes through people and a wackjob using a sniper rifle to take out a puppy.

Not to mention female butts and male private areas.

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Guest Yi-Long
Not to mention female butts and male private areas.

Ow no, gawd forbid if a kid ever sees a female butt or some dude's penis...(!) :xd:

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Ow no, gawd forbid if a kid ever sees a female butt or some dude's penis...(!) :xd:

He might take influence and some day... make love to a woman :tinysmile_angry2_t:

Better play it safe and let him understand everything related to human body and sexuality is filthy and forbidden... so that he will surely be afraid and embarrased to ever ask advice and will get some teenager pregnant by accident... unless he develops into a rapist before that :tongue:

Sorry, that was uncalled for, wasn't targeted at DeathFuMaster or anyone else, just one those things that piss me off in some cultures...

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He might take influence and some day... make love to a woman :tinysmile_angry2_t:

Better play it safe and let him understand everything related to human body and sexuality is filthy and forbidden... so that he will surely be afraid and embarrased to ever ask advice and will get some teenager pregnant by accident... unless he develops into a rapist before that :tongue:

Sorry, that was uncalled for, wasn't targeted at DeathFuMaster or anyone else, just one those things that piss me off in some cultures...

Well if anyone has a problem with rapes...


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He might take influence and some day... make love to a woman :tinysmile_angry2_t:

Better play it safe and let him understand everything related to human body and sexuality is filthy and forbidden... so that he will surely be afraid and embarrased to ever ask advice and will get some teenager pregnant by accident... unless he develops into a rapist before that :tongue:

Sorry, that was uncalled for, wasn't targeted at DeathFuMaster or anyone else, just one those things that piss me off in some cultures...

No offense taken, I actually agree with you. Americans are a little too sheltered when it comes to these things. I was just adding more things in Dragon Ball that would not be acceptable in American kid's cartoons.

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If you wanna go comparing...

Amount of rapes (2006)

Japan: 1,948 reported, estimated to be more than 10 times the amount --> 20, 000 (source)

USA: 92,757 (source)

Population (2006)

USA: 299 million (source)

Japan: 128 million (source)

Adjusted rape ratio

Japan: 1,00

USA: 1,99

Japan's main problem is with the side effect of old traditions and believes,including minding your own business (leads into cases such as the one reported above, sadly, nothing new in Japan), keeping face (leads into unreported crimes), male domination (leads into "justified crimes"...), and social hierachy. These aren't easy issues to solve as the factors causing them (often as side effect) are deeply rooted in history and culture. Japan has a lot to improve on. Not to mention the rotten police force. That being said, Japan is one of the safest countries in the world. In comparison, USA is a very dangerous country to live in...

Again, this was not intended as personal attack, or even much of an argument about anything. It was simply a reply to your post which I considered to make quite a misleading point (probably just unintentionally misleading wording on your part).

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Just noticed that 13 Assassins is playing today at my local cinema! Sweeeeeet. This'll be the first Samurai film that i'll have ever seen on the big screen! :xd:

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Ah Captain Wiggins, I'm excited for ya! :bigsmile: I'm definitely curious what you'll think of it, so please let us know.

I've been chomping at the bit for this one, but after hearing rumours it would be playing in theaters around here, I've held off on watching it at home.

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Well, I very much enjoyed the film. Only downside was that I missed approx. 10 minutes because the cinema kept screwing up and stopping the film! (I say stopping, but although there was nothing on screen and the lights came up, when the film resumed it was definitley later on in the movie!) This meant that I missed the introduction of the 13th Assassin! :squigglemouth: Have to agree with others that he seems like a Kami character. He contradicts a lot of their ways and points them in different directions to boost their confidence and help them win.

The end fight scene was truly epic. Even when it was interupted by 5 mins of blank screen, it was still going strongly when it returned! :xd: Great to see Hiroki Matsukata too. He doesn't seem to have aged in the last 30 years!!! :tongue:

Bob - just like any Martial Arts film - the bigger the better. If you can get the chance to see it at the cinema then take the chance. It is a really nicely shot film with some great action scenes. :smile:

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Well, I very much enjoyed the film. Only downside was that I missed approx. 10 minutes because the cinema kept screwing up and stopping the film! (I say stopping, but although there was nothing on screen and the lights came up, when the film resumed it was definitley later on in the movie!) This meant that I missed the introduction of the 13th Assassin! :squigglemouth: Have to agree with others that he seems like a Kami character. He contradicts a lot of their ways and points them in different directions to boost their confidence and help them win.

The end fight scene was truly epic. Even when it was interupted by 5 mins of blank screen, it was still going strongly when it returned! :xd: Great to see Hiroki Matsukata too. He doesn't seem to have aged in the last 30 years!!! :tongue:

Bob - just like any Martial Arts film - the bigger the better. If you can get the chance to see it at the cinema then take the chance. It is a really nicely shot film with some great action scenes. :smile:

I've been to at least 5 movies this year and I've experience that same problem with the lights coming up unexpectedly, screen goes blank/froze.. They need to do a better job at projecting these movies onscreen, it really does take away the movie going experience, AMC SUCKS!!!

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One Armed Boxer

Wah...the hardest thing about this movie is deciding which thread to post my thoughts in! This one, the 'Takashi Miike 13 Assassins Remake' one, the '13 Assassins Blu-ray' one, the....well, nevermind...what happened to the days when the moderators used to be on the ball about merging threads!?:tongue:

Great movie....not much to say that hasn't been said before. I'm interested to know exactly what is missing out of the international cut, as I've only watched the Japanese DVD. For anyone who understands Japanese I would point out it's well worth picking up the special edition, as it comes with a limited edition storyboard book which is really interesting to compare to the actual scenes in the movie.

I was very pleasently surprised by the performance of Goro Inagaki as the main villain of the piece. As a member of one of Japan's leading idol groups SMAP (Shingo Katori is also a member, who played the latest incarnation of 'Zatoichi', as well as Takuya Kimura, who was the lead in the samurai movie 'Love & Honor', & also starred alongside Lee Byung-hun in 'I Come with the Rain'). He really provided a great antagonist for us to root against and thankfully didn't attempt to come across as a sword master (Shingo Katori take note).

The final epic battle actually reminded me of the finale from the Wang Yu flick 'Beach of the War Gods', which also had that similar grand scale of a small group against hundreds, and in both movies it was exceuted beautifully. It was very intense and you could really sense the exhaustion mixed with desperation of the characters in their final moments, highly recommended.

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Saw this in it's limited theatrical run here in Atlanta recently, and thought it was terrific. I was confused (as others were) by the survival of one of the characters. That, and some obvious CGI blood spurting were my only complaints. Great seeing Tsuyoshi Ihara from Gamera: Guardian of the Universe and Letters from Iwo Jima as the master swordsman.

I'm interested to know exactly what is missing out of the international cut, as I've only watched the Japanese DVD.

I've read that Miike himself cut out an extended brothel scene (aprox. 20 minutes or so) for us westerners. He said something about us here in the west not wanting to wait too long to get to the action. Is this restored for the DVD/blu-ray release here?

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saw this in it's limited theatrical run here in atlanta recently, and thought it was terrific. I was confused (as others were) by the survival of one of the characters. That, and some obvious cgi blood spurting were my only complaints. Great seeing tsuyoshi ihara from gamera: Guardian of the universe and letters from iwo jima as the master swordsman.

I've read that miike himself cut out an extended brothel scene (aprox. 20 minutes or so) for us westerners. He said something about us here in the west not wanting to wait too long to get to the action. Is this restored for the dvd/blu-ray release here?


from wikipedia:

"throughout the film, it is hinted that kiga is not a human, as the woman he talks about, upashi, is seen in a flashback eating raw meat by a pond, blood is shown trickling down her legs; and this may be due to her consumption of her unborn fetus, an act a demon would perform. The type of demon upashi and kiga are may not be evil, but rather like mountain spirits. Upon meeting him, kiga says he was abandoned for laying his hands on the boss's woman. This statement has two meanings, as he does not say that he is a bandit, mercenary, or soldier, but someone who hunts animals from mountain to mountain. Therefore, by "the boss", he could mean the head yoki—the yoki were a type of demon from folklore."

source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/13_assassins

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Lionclaw: What did u think of it?

I'd knew I love it. I was gonna blind buy it but buying Sucker Punch (my first blu ray) set me back from buying something new for a few weeks. I couldn't wait so I ended up watching it online. Sometimes it was hard following all of the assasains but the movie was very well done and somewhat disturbing at times. The ronin was my favorite character; I remember him from Scott Adkins' Ninja.

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This is What really pisses me off when a movie is released out on BR they should have both versions of the film on there! Let us decide what version we want to watch! Fucking DVD Companies!!!!! Off with there Heads! I'll be the Shoguns Executioner!

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Huge Penis? Lol, Thats so weird. It sounds interesting but I think I could do without the japanese version this time even though I prefer my movies uncut normally.

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Wow, that's....very different in parts!

So all the talk of the cuts being essentially one 20 minute scene were clearly false.

I can see why Miike would opt to cut some of it and, like Lionclaw, I think I'll stick to the international version.

The film works better for me without the more extreme Miike moments i.e bend over, Grandpa! :tongue:

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