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City Warriors (1988)

Guest Markgway

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Guest Markgway

Does anyone know what the differences are between the Cat IIB (VCD) and Cat III (LD/VHS) versions of this action film?

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silver hermit

i do not know the differences but i would guess its violence based or perhaps its the scene where the yakuza force feeds the hooker coke and she OD's while he continues to fuck her dead body in his coke induced haze.

here are the violence scenes from the LD in no particular order maybe someone can compare them i have the vcd somewhere

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Guest Markgway

I'll compare those clips when I get the chance (unless someone beats me to it).

None of them appear to have that dead hooker/drug scene you mention.

But that does sound like the sort of thing the HK censors would cut.

There wasn't any rating system when this film originally came out so the ratings only apply to the home video versions.

Seems stupid to release a cut VCD when the uncut version was already out on LD and VHS.

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Guest Markgway

I've compared my version (which runs bang on 91:00) to the Youtube clips linked above and they're all identical. So either the cuts lie elsewhere (such as the aforementioned hooker scene) or my version is uncut. The hooker scene looks choppy in my version and the forced drug ingestion isn't clear - but the clip to compare isn't available. How long exactly does the uncut version last (from the Dragon Ray logo)?

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silver hermit

i will check it later. can i ask one question please? where is all this information you are acumilating accessable to fans? its quite a great task you are doing a great service to fans if only they had a chance to appreciate all you have done. :angel:

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Guest Markgway

Which information? On City Warriors? I read on a Dick Wei fan site that there are two versions (one rated Cat-III, the other edited and IIB). I don't know anything more than that, hence this thread.

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