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All Star Superman: New DC Anime


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All Star Superman: New DC Anime: I'm not sure how many of you Guys enjoy the Anime of DC Comics but I think there great. This one is the newest one out, I understand after watching the making of it and listening to the creators of it that there are 12 issues of this comic series. I'm not sure how many they combined into this storyline but there is definitely going to be another one. I also don't know if they squeezed to much into this 75minute DVD release, but I think that they did. Oversall it was an enjoyable DC Anime movie.


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DC's animation rocks!

But I thought this was meh. The animation was great as always but I thought Supes was drawn a little differently than the other characters. Voice casting was tops. The story just didn't appeal to me however. Would've preferred a different one. Maybe I need to watch it again but right now I'm hoping they don't do another ASS. (Hey, look at the acronym the first letters of the title makes!)

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These DC animated movies are cool. I really enjoyed the Batman: Red Hood movie and I hope they keep making them. I haven't seen any of the Superman ones yet but I might check this one out.

So far i haven't been let down by any of the DC Animated movies as of yet. I did enjoy All Star Superman as much as i enjoyed Batman :under the hood::xd:

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ShaOW!linDude: You need to watch the commentary of this because these are the new Guys doing Superman they went through the entire History of Superman as far as who were the original Artist and where they think he is heading and it seems that this is the new version of him. I love all the new DC Superman Anime's but I agree I was kinda on the fence with this one. I don't know like I said if they crammed to much into this one episode.

As far as Batman :Under the Red Hood I thought it was great.

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I thought this was a good article:

'All-Star Superman' Review

Posted 2/23/11 6:13 pm ET by Rick Marshall in DC Comics, DVD, Review

"All-Star Superman," the latest film in DC's line of animated features, had a lot to live up from the very first moment moment the project was announced. Based on Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely's award-winning, 12-issue comic book series, "All-Star Superman" faced the super-heroic task of living up to the accolades of its source material while bringing the signature styles of the comic's creators to life on the screen.

In the original series, Superman is pitted against an enemy he can't overcome with a well-timed punch or a blast of heat vision: his own mortality. Diagnosed with a fatal case of radiation poisoning, the Man of Steel has only a short time left to take care of everything he's meant to do in life, and ensure the world is in good hands after he leaves.

Directed by Sam Liu ("Superman/Batman: Public Enemies") and adapted by recently deceased comics and animation writer Dwayne McDuffie ("Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths"), "All-Star Superman" features James Denton ("Desperate Housewives") as Superman, Christina Hendricks ("Mad Men") as Lois Lane, Anthony LaPaglia ("Without A Trace") as Lex Luthor, Ed Asner ("Up") as Perry White, and Matthew Gray Gubler ("Criminal Minds," MTV's 2009 Hump Day Hottie Of The Year) as Jimmy Olsen, among others.

But does it make a successful leap from page to screen?

THE GOOD: It's no small feat to compress 12 jam-packed issues of Grant Morrison storytelling into a 75-minute animated movie, but that's exactly what McDuffie does with "All-Star Superman." While anyone familiar with the comic will notice the absence of a few story arcs, the narrative never feels like it skips a beat as it progresses from Superman's fatal adventure to his last, heroic act.

Animation-wise, "All-Star Superman" softens some of Quitely's original character designs, but the art still echoes his unique take on the Man of Steel and his supporting cast. Much like the art in the original series, the animation in "All-Star Superman" looks distinctly different from other Superman stories told in the same medium — and in this case, that's a very good thing.

One of my big concerns going into "All-Star Superman" was whether the story would be accessible to viewers who weren't familiar with Morrison's fantastic, deep-cut stories, or might not know enough of the DC Universe to connect with its countless callbacks to Superman's mythology. The animated feature suffers no such problems, however, and successfully frames the crazy cast of characters Morrison brings out for the tale as the nostalgia-fueled trip through Superman's history that they were intended to be.

THE BAD: All things considered, there's very little I don't like about "All-Star Superman." However, it would've been nice to see a bit more of the supporting cast — specifically, Superman's pal, Jimmy Olsen. Anyone who's read the original comic will likely wish that Jimmy Olsen's adventure with Doomsday and Bizarro made it into the final cut of the film.

FINAL WORD: "All-Star Superman" is easily one of the best of DC's animated features so far, and succeeds on a variety of levels. It somehow manages to balance fans' desire for a faithful adaptation of the celebrated source material while also shaping the story toward a mainstream audience when opportunities arise.

"All-Star Superman" also avoids the trap many adaptations of comic books, novels, and larger print volumes fall into — rather than presenting a sequence of scenes from the source material, "All-Star Superman" pushes its audience toward the comic because of the great story it tells, not because of the elements it leaves out.

Also here are the Comic Book Covers:


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I saw it when it leaked a few weeks before the release and honestly I thought it was the worst DC animation I ever saw. The plot kept jumping around to a point where not much made sense, characters came out of no where, Lex Luthor is a tired villian, and most of all it was boring. Me, being a Superman fan,usually look forward to seeing all the amazing fights they come up with, but this one had like none. There was no action and the story couldn't carry the movie so I felt that it was kind of failure compared to other DC animations like Wonder Woman, Superman/Batman Apocalypse, Justice League: C.O.I.E, Under The Red Hood, and Green Lantern. Can some one please tell me why a lot of people would go as far as to call this best DC movie.

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I thought this was a good article:

'All-Star Superman' Review

Posted 2/23/11 6:13 pm ET by Rick Marshall in DC Comics, DVD, Review

"All-Star Superman," the latest film in DC's line of animated features, had a lot to live up from the very first moment moment the project was announced. Based on Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely's award-winning, 12-issue comic book series, "All-Star Superman" faced the super-heroic task of living up to the accolades of its source material while bringing the signature styles of the comic's creators to life on the screen.

In the original series, Superman is pitted against an enemy he can't overcome with a well-timed punch or a blast of heat vision: his own mortality. Diagnosed with a fatal case of radiation poisoning, the Man of Steel has only a short time left to take care of everything he's meant to do in life, and ensure the world is in good hands after he leaves.

Directed by Sam Liu ("Superman/Batman: Public Enemies") and adapted by recently deceased comics and animation writer Dwayne McDuffie ("Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths"), "All-Star Superman" features James Denton ("Desperate Housewives") as Superman, Christina Hendricks ("Mad Men") as Lois Lane, Anthony LaPaglia ("Without A Trace") as Lex Luthor, Ed Asner ("Up") as Perry White, and Matthew Gray Gubler ("Criminal Minds," MTV's 2009 Hump Day Hottie Of The Year) as Jimmy Olsen, among others.

But does it make a successful leap from page to screen?

THE GOOD: It's no small feat to compress 12 jam-packed issues of Grant Morrison storytelling into a 75-minute animated movie, but that's exactly what McDuffie does with "All-Star Superman." While anyone familiar with the comic will notice the absence of a few story arcs, the narrative never feels like it skips a beat as it progresses from Superman's fatal adventure to his last, heroic act.

Animation-wise, "All-Star Superman" softens some of Quitely's original character designs, but the art still echoes his unique take on the Man of Steel and his supporting cast. Much like the art in the original series, the animation in "All-Star Superman" looks distinctly different from other Superman stories told in the same medium — and in this case, that's a very good thing.

One of my big concerns going into "All-Star Superman" was whether the story would be accessible to viewers who weren't familiar with Morrison's fantastic, deep-cut stories, or might not know enough of the DC Universe to connect with its countless callbacks to Superman's mythology. The animated feature suffers no such problems, however, and successfully frames the crazy cast of characters Morrison brings out for the tale as the nostalgia-fueled trip through Superman's history that they were intended to be.

THE BAD: All things considered, there's very little I don't like about "All-Star Superman." However, it would've been nice to see a bit more of the supporting cast — specifically, Superman's pal, Jimmy Olsen. Anyone who's read the original comic will likely wish that Jimmy Olsen's adventure with Doomsday and Bizarro made it into the final cut of the film.

FINAL WORD: "All-Star Superman" is easily one of the best of DC's animated features so far, and succeeds on a variety of levels. It somehow manages to balance fans' desire for a faithful adaptation of the celebrated source material while also shaping the story toward a mainstream audience when opportunities arise.

"All-Star Superman" also avoids the trap many adaptations of comic books, novels, and larger print volumes fall into — rather than presenting a sequence of scenes from the source material, "All-Star Superman" pushes its audience toward the comic because of the great story it tells, not because of the elements it leaves out.

Also here are the Comic Book Covers:


Agreed i missed the Bizzro story and the Jimmy Olsen storyline with Doomsday. Other than i enjoyed the movie i will buy it on DVD once i have more money to spend along with getting the book again since i lost it during the time i moved out of my old area.

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Lionclaw: I do agree with a lot of what you said, I was hoping for more that is why I wanted to know if anyone has read all 12 issues and how much of the storyline was put into this 75minute movie. I did like it, but I didn't love it like the other Superman DC Anime movies that have came out lately.

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I saw it when it leaked a few weeks before the release and honestly I thought it was the worst DC animation I ever saw. The plot kept jumping around to a point where not much made sense, characters came out of no where, Lex Luthor is a tired villian, and most of all it was boring. Me, being a Superman fan,usually look forward to seeing all the amazing fights they come up with, but this one had like none. There was no action and the story couldn't carry the movie so I felt that it was kind of failure compared to other DC animations like Wonder Woman, Superman/Batman Apocalypse, Justice League: C.O.I.E, Under The Red Hood, and Green Lantern. Can some one please tell me why a lot of people would go as far as to call this best DC movie.

Ironclaw i dont consider All Star Superman the best noir the worst. I am a fan of the 12 issue storyline that Grant Morrison wrote but however it was better than any Smallville episode out there which is kind of ruinning Superman. Now Superman/Batman : public enemies: was okay it was great hearing Conroy voice The Dark Knight but the movie could'ev been abit better i liked the Batman vs Lex fight in the comic, i understand why they didn't include it but i dont agree with it at all and yeah i didn't like Power Girl having a bigger role just because she is voiced by Alison Mack . I mean come on im a PG fan myself but come on having PG having doubts like Chloe did in season 8 dealing with Doomsday maybe murdering Clark, i prefer PG getting her own flim or at least play her right like she is not transfering Chloe into PG it's bad forum towards her.

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So AndyWayne84 how much more was left out of this movie then with the comics? I know its not even a fair question since there are 12 issues but how many issues were broken down to make this movie? There has to be another movie right or do you think more than one?

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So AndyWayne84 how much more was left out of this movie then with the comics? I know its not even a fair question since there are 12 issues but how many issues were broken down to make this movie? There has to be another movie right or do you think more than one?

There's another i missed was the flash back of the young Clark Kent back in the day with Lana Lang and Pete Ross, i also did miss Kal Kent, the Superman from 853,500 AD, the Unknown Superman of 4500 AD, and Klyzyzk Klzntplkz too. It's perhaps one of my favorite chapthers that we see how Jonathan Kent died from his heartattack. It would'ev made more sense to explain why he was in Smallville placing the flowers in the grave, the Bizzaro storyline was another one that i missed that had Jimmy Olsen there again next to seeing him in the Doomsday storyline but overrall i believe there only seven that made it if not please correct me. To answer your question on another storyline involving All Star Superman is no because Grant left it as you saw it there hasn't been a follow up yet even from this day, maybe once Grant is thru with Batman perhaps Grant will make a follow up once he comes up with a good storyline who know's.

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I'm going to end up buying it because I like to support DC and if nobody buys these they will quit making them. I like to collect them, and Superman is one of the best. I would like to see Superman turn evil and kill all the Xmen lol...I'm glad you guys told about this new Superman movie I still need to get a few of the old ones. I like that story after Superman died about the 4 impostors, the robot, the young teenager, and...I forget the other ones.What was that one called?

Superman/Doomsday. It was based of the death of Superman and the follow up the Regin of Superman.

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AndyWayne84: I'm still lost here how many of the 12 issues were used to make this movie? I know there is a ton of stuff left out that goes wtihout saying!

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AndyWayne84: I'm still lost here how many of the 12 issues were used to make this movie? I know there is a ton of stuff left out that goes wtihout saying!

Only Nine storylines Total from the book were used during the flim. The rest were excluded from the book for reasons i'm not sure but yeah Nine were used in the flim.

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WOW that is a lot! I'm sure there is so much stuff they left out! I don't know why they just didn't break in down into a trilogy that would've been a smart way to go.

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WOW that is a lot! I'm sure there is so much stuff they left out! I don't know why they just didn't break in down into a trilogy that would've been a smart way to go.

Because they were more concern with making money. I did miss the Superman-Prime/Kal-el storyline involving Pa Kent, Bizzaro world and Doomsday. Marvel did the samething with the Ultimates cutting out the stuff that set it part from there M666 counterparts.

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AndyWayne84: I take it you read all 12 issues then? So there should be atleast a pt.#2 to this right? I mean they cannot end it the way the did right? That would blow!

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AndyWayne84: I take it you read all 12 issues then? So there should be atleast a pt.#2 to this right? I mean they cannot end it the way the did right? That would blow!

" Correct" Sadly yes that's how it ends so it's uncurtain if Superman returns or not.

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I'm going to end up buying it because I like to support DC and if nobody buys these they will quit making them. I like to collect them, and Superman is one of the best. I would like to see Superman turn evil and kill all the Xmen lol...I'm glad you guys told about this new Superman movie I still need to get a few of the old ones. I like that story after Superman died about the 4 impostors, the robot, the young teenager, and...I forget the other ones.What was that one called?

You need to see Superman: Doomsday. But the story takes a different bent than going into the reign of the Supermen. To me it's much better than All Star Superman.

I'm like you. I'll buy 'em to support 'em lest they stop making 'em. But of all the DC animation films to date, ASS ranks near the bottom for me. Can't wait for the next one though.

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I liked Superman/Doomsday epic.

I hope Grant does write a follow up to All Star Superman after he's thru with Batman.

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