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Korean Old School Kung Fu Movies


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Secret Executioner


Masters Of Tiger Crane AKA Tiger Crane (Korean title: Sahyeongsaje, according to hkcinemagic.com), an early 1980s (1983 ?) South Korean movie dealing with a priest being murdered and the painter from the temple being abducted. It's up to some young guy from the temple (who's also the painter's brother) to find the murderers and save his brother. But what follows is kinda weird: the first fight and the last third of the movie are brutal and get pretty bloody, yet what you get in-between is really comedy-oriented. I gotta admit there are some funny bits - and the French dub helps a lot with the comedy, the voice acting and some one-liners are really funny - but it's frankly not really engaging and the plot hasn't moved much by the time the last third has arrived.

The action didn't seem that great to me, though I enjoyed it. The fights get bloody and the final in the villain's lair is nice. But except for the main villain (played by Wong Chen Li AKA Hwang Jang Lee), I didn't find the cast really impressive to watch.

Overall, not a bad film as I enjoyed the action and some of the comedy works pretty well. However, the release (despite good picture and sound quality, plus it was widescreen) is pretty misleading: the artwork has nothing to do with the movie and there is no link with Shaolin whatsoever - though there are references to a "Shaolin temple" in some dialogues too.

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Firefist of Incredible Dragon

great title but this movie only contains about 5minutes of martial arts in it, it's more of an exploitation movie mixed with horror and supernatural stuff.

to be honest I think it's the worse kung fu movie I've ever seen, half the movie is about girls getting raped while screaming and crying... it's pretty disturbing and disgusting.

the picture quality is very dark, you can't see shit on the french print I've seen and well the actors in this movie were really desperate for some cash to make this crappy movie and the director has some serious issues with his brain.

0/5 not recommended, even for the $1 I paid for, this dvd is going to the trash.

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Secret Executioner
Firefist of Incredible Dragon

great title but this movie only contains about 5minutes of martial arts in it, it's more of an exploitation movie mixed with horror and supernatural stuff.

to be honest I think it's the worse kung fu movie I've ever seen, half the movie is about girls getting raped while screaming and crying... it's pretty disturbing and disgusting.

the picture quality is very dark, you can't see shit on the french print I've seen and well the actors in this movie were really desperate for some cash to make this crappy movie and the director has some serious issues with his brain.

0/5 not recommended, even for the $1 I paid for, this dvd is going to the trash.

What was the title of that French release you had ? Just so I can avoid it. :tongue: (if what I found is right, it seems this film is an early 1980s Filmark movie... Guess with that you know your expectations have to be kept low)

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Hard Bastard - Legendary Superkicker Hwang Jang Lee plays the good guy in this Korean film. Watch as he mugs, dons disguises, plays the trumpet, wears awful 70s fashions and even gets his own love scene! He also kicks up a storm, as expected. Full review here.

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Watched "Duel of Ultimate Weapons" today. It was a bad movie, I had no idea what was going on the first half an hour, and even after that, the story was a generic throwaway.. But the fighting was great and consistent, as I expected when I saw Hwang Jang Lee on the cover. Choreo was pretty fast and snappy looking (I think HJL was the choereo?). Anyway, bad movie, but good generic HJL Korean offering. If that makes sense, lol.

Still debating whether to watch Shaolin and Wu Tang or not today. Don't think I want to sit through another movie with sub-par picture quality today.

DD's release of Avenging Eagle is great. That was one of the first kung fu films I watched (and I watched it on youtube originally, wish I'd have waited to see it in a better way.) But that film is great regardless of quality, I have considered it a top 3 film for me since the first time I saw it.

If anyone hasn't seen it, they need to buy the great remastered DD release for $4, lol.

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Yeah I watched the video Asia version. I personally wouldn't call it a classic, but if you're trying to see some good HJL action its a good watch for sure. Then again, ive no idea what constitutes classic, haha.

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Morgoth Bauglir
Yeah I watched the video Asia version. I personally wouldn't call it a classic, but if you're trying to see some good HJL action its a good watch for sure. Then again, ive no idea what constitutes classic, haha.

It is a classic. There's no doubt about it. (I love bad movies:bigsmile:)

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Haha, don't get me wrong, so do I. But when the average joe considers any martial arts from the 80s or earlier a bad movie, I feel like I have to draw a line to differentiate for myself!

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Dynamite Shaolin Heroes. Bad movie, was hard to follow the story at first, but it became clear after a bit. For an indie kung fu film that isn't highly rated, there was a decent story. There was some mystery involved in who the "Lotus Man" was, which helped it move. But the action was good and the dubbing was pretty funny. Lo Lieh received top billing and was probably on the screen for a total of 10 minutes, lol. Kwan Yeong Moon was awesome in it, as was Lo Lieh for the little screen time he had.

It was a "good bad" movie, with some funny dubbing and costumes, a story that was more intriguing than the generic kung fu schtick, if nothing great. Fights were good of course, I recognized Moon but don't know from where exactly. I was impressed by his kicks.

I have settled into a sort if routine with my MA film watching.. I watch a couple bad movies during the work week, and than on the weekend ill get into the more highly rated films. Its a good way to get through some of these movies I wouldn't normally shake a stick at, lol.

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Morgoth Bauglir

Love Kwan Young Moon. Look him up on hkmdb.com. I'll have to check out Dynamite. I got it recently in one of those packs.

I saw you mention Avenging Eagle. I prefer dubs more than most people (don't worry bobo not more than you), but I strongly suggest giving the dub on Avenging Eagle a shot. It's one of the best dubs.

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No I am fine with the dub as well. I just feel I can appreciate the acting in movies more with subs sometimes. I am honestly about 50/50 on dubs/subs. Just depends on how I feel when I start the movie.

Yeah, ill have to look into Kwan Young Moon

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Morgoth Bauglir

I like the old dubs (most of them) and I hate the new ones after 96-97.

You'll have a great time exploring Kwan Young Moon's career. Probably around 15-20 great performances. Kung Fu Zombie, Return to 36th Chamber, Rebellious Reign and Ninja in the Dragon's Den are a few you have to see.

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Yes, Return to the 36th and Ninja in the Dragons Den must be two of the movies I recognized him from.

I agree with you on Dubs, old dubs are at least funny when they're bad, ad some aren't bad. All new dubs seem horrid and they aren't even funny.

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Morgoth Bauglir

Dynamite Shaolin Heroes- this movie helped me to realize what I've been missing in my life recently. A Korean kickfest! The opening fight really got my attention. Great choreography. After that the fights are average, but when the action gets back on track it's because of Kwan Il Soo. I'm not a fan of him. Good actor, but not a good fighter. I don't know what got into him but he is fired up in this movie. And the final fight is damn good.

The acting is much better than I'm used to for an old school Korean movie. And it's not nearly as goofy and cheap looking. I wonder how good this movie would be if I watched the original Korean version.

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Dynamite Shaolin Heroes- this movie helped me to realize what I've been missing in my life recently. A Korean kickfest! The opening fight really got my attention. Great choreography. After that the fights are average, but when the action gets back on track it's because of Kwan Il Soo. I'm not a fan of him. Good actor, but not a good fighter. I don't know what got into him but he is fired up in this movie. And the final fight is damn good.

The acting is much better than I'm used to for an old school Korean movie. And it's not nearly as goofy and cheap looking. I wonder how good this movie would be if I watched the original Korean version.

That's because Lo Lieh is in it, for 10 minutes! Lol. Yeah, this movie was a pleasant surprise, as you said, kicks were awesome.

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Secret Executioner

Mantis Under Falcon Claws (South Korea, 1983), from the Flying Fists Of Kung Fu 12-movie set


Called Mantis Under Falcon's Claws on the package, the disc label and the DVD menu. A 1983 Filmark production directed by a Mitch Wong (I give it about as much credibility as to Gofrey Ho directing an other much better Korean production released by IFD under the title 5 Pattern Dragon Claws). Joseph Lai's brother George is (credited as) the production manager and Godfrey Ho is credited as "production designer".

That film is quite a mess. It's pretty confused (at a point, it seems like the story is given up for something completely different - I came to wonder if it was a cut-and-splice job with two Asian movies) and the characters are very hit and miss - the villain is pretty cool (not "Hwang Jang Lee cool", but still badass) and the father of the kidnapped girl is hilarious, but the main character is obnoxious. The dub can be funny at times (especially the father of the kidnapped girl and his ridiculous voice), the soundtrack is enjoyable (these films always have some cool themes - and I keep wondering where they were "borrowed" from) and you get some funny bits here and there, as well as some very WTF moments.

The action is, well... The final brawl is a good one, but the rest isn't that great - not that there is that much to begin with.

The copy itself is also horrible - very blurry (some parts more than others), a badly cropped full screen (this is especially obvious in the opening credits) and it looks like parts were cuts as some transitions don't make sense and there's one occurence where it was obvious.

Overall: I guess it has to be the worst of the 12 movies on this set - none of these films are masterpieces, but they are usually enjoyable and even sometimes surprisingly good (18 Fatal Strikes, Phantom Kung Fu, Drunken Tai Chi). I still have 5 movies to watch on this set though*, but I doubt I'll find worse.


* the remaining films are: Ninja Fists Of Fire, Crane Fighter, Wu Tang Magic Kick, Tiger At The Top and Crazy Horse, Intelligent Monkey.

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Morgoth Bauglir

So you finally found a bad one in these packs. I agree Mantis is painful, but at least you get some good action at the end. It helped that the 7 Steps master Chia Kai was in it, but if I remember right he only gets 1 or 2 fights.

I watched Big Boss 2 with Dragon Lee. Not nearly as bad as most Dragon Lee movies because you have a good HK cast featuring Cheung Lik, Phillip Ko and Bolo. A lot of good fighting, but nothing special. They could made the fights better, but I was happy this isn't another unwatchable Dragon Lee movie.

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Secret Executioner
So you finally found a bad one in these packs. I agree Mantis is painful, but at least you get some good action at the end. It helped that the 7 Steps master Chia Kai was in it, but if I remember right he only gets 1 or 2 fights.

Yup, one big dud here - only one out of 12 though, so no big deal. But the ending brawl is pretty awesome and there's a couple of good fights in the middle (when the movie seems to give up on itself and switch to something else actually).

I don't think I spotted Chia Kai in this. Guess the bad picture quality made it hard to spot him - and I didn't see him listed on hkcinemagic for this film (nor is it in his filmography).

I watched Big Boss 2 with Dragon Lee. Not nearly as bad as most Dragon Lee movies because you have a good HK cast featuring Cheung Lik, Phillip Ko and Bolo. A lot of good fighting, but nothing special. They could made the fights better, but I was happy this isn't another unwatchable Dragon Lee movie.

I have that one on the Dragon 4 Pack set. Guess I should check it out. I know Dragon Lee is quite OTT and his movies aren't masterpieces (though I enjoy what I've seen with him - 5 Pattern Dragon Claws and Clones Of Bruce Lee are still good movies), but I still like this guy who I'd consider my fav' Bruce-clone - shortly ahead of Bruce Le who's also alot of fun to watch.

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Morgoth Bauglir

I don't know why he isn't listed on hkcinemagic. I've always found hkmdb to be more reliable. I think he plays like a beggar/teacher character.

Big Boss 2 is hurt by the full screen presentation. But one good thing about the full screen is there's a part at the end where Dragon Lee does his OTT Bruce Lee impersonations for 10 seconds straight, and the whole time he's cut out of the frame.

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Yes, I realize that's kind of a broad request, to say the least. In any case, it's prompted by recently watching Jackie and Bruce to the Rescue and Golden Dragon, Silver Snake. Both of these were very wtf in many parts, but I also found them really entertaining for some reason, if maybe not in the way that the filmmakers originally intended. So I guess what I'm asking is for some recommendations of your favorites, whether they are say, truly great Casanova Wong efforts, or ridiculous Godfrey Ho schlockfests.

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Morgoth Bauglir

I don't know much about Korean kung fu movies, but I will recommend Ninja Terminator since you mentioned Godfrey Ho. It's one of the greatest movies ever made.

For Cassanova Wong you need to see Fearless Young Boxer aka Avenging Boxer. If you've seen that check out Master Killers and Ninja Holocaust. I have a feeling that you are really going to like Ninja Holocaust.

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