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Korean Old School Kung Fu Movies


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3 hours ago, Killer Meteor said:

Incidentially, Toby Russell's interview with Dragon Lee, included on the DVD, is incredibly amateurish, even for him!

When you say the interview is amateurish, do you refer to the questions asked, or the way they're asked?

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Killer Meteor

Raging Rivals (1982) AKA Hard Bastard

Hwang Jang Lee plays a trumpet player in a travelling medicine show...no seriously. Decent fights, but lame "comedy", tedious "drama" and an unconvincing period setting do little to help. Gam Kei-Chu, the formidable headbutting antagonist of Shaw's King Boxer, is wasted yet again as a fat bumbling oaf


The Dragon, The Hero (1979) AKA Dragon on Fire

Godfrey Ho's head-on collision between the Secret Rivals flicks (John Liu and Tino Wong again playing rivals who team up to fight a greater threat) and Bruceplotiation (Dragon Lee is on the sidelines as Tino's brother) is far better then you'd expect, with some fantastic kung fu and truly bonkers moments, especially Chan Lau as a creepy pervert who looses his willy to a dog, and thus develops the "Mad Dog Technique!" Phillip Ko especially impresses.

Definetly reccomended


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Just written down some very long winded rambings, on the film Returned Single-Legged Man(1974). For those Kung Fu Fandom followers/contributor's, who like a good read, click on the same old link below, for my full-length review, thank-you.




Han Yong-Cheol and Bae Su-Cheon come face to face, in the finale.

Image from the hkmdb.Com.



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I just realized that there seem to be a looot of good martial arts Korean movies to hunt down !!

Does anyone have ever heard of this one : Tornado of Kuang Chou 1973 ?


And of The story of Lurim wicked man 1980 ?



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Don`t remember where did read but korea used to be very nationalism in martial arts even as kung fu was not exactly forbidden but many students practised it and wu shu in tae kwon do uniforms..

Maybe eastern heroes magazine.

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Here's an old-school Korean kick-fest, for all your Kung Fu fan's out there online, just click on the link elow, for the full review, thank you.




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5 Pattern Dragon Claws

Hwang Jang Lee & Dragon Lee star in this Godfrey Ho effort, which while it has lots of fights doesn't really come alive until the climax,when Hwang uses his thunderkick technique. I loved the shaolin monk with the Sean Connery style dubbing. I often feel my enjoyment of these films is reduced by the crappy quality of the DVD, this uk release is no exception, taken from a 4th generation source by the looks of it.

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This weeks all new written ramble, exclusive to Kung Fu Fandom forums. Please click on the linkbelow, for my complete write-up, thank you.




Ma Ryung(Lo Lieh) trusts his gut feelings, in the finale of Deadly Kick.


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Delved into another 1970's Korean production recently, click n the link below for my complete write-up.





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More loooooong winded Old-School ramblings, for all those Kung Fu Fandom follower/reader's out there. Thank-you to everyone who takes the time to read my reviews.

Please click on the link below, for my latest contribution.




Misleading Sho Kosugi/Ninja craze inspired U.S VHS release, from the early 80's.


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Killer Meteor


Amusing South Korean imitation of you-know-what, starring one Johnny Chan. Much of the plot revolves around his acupuncture skills rather then his drunken boxing, suggesting the latter was bolted onto an existing script. Eagle Han Ying is on hand as a cop tracking the Drunken Master down, whilst Han is purused by a girl he raped and is now in love with him! Sheesh! Blood ninjas, fake vampires, fake lepers and funky music...this is a lot more fun then the usual Godfrey Ho pick-ups, without actually being any good.


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More kicks from Bobby Kim, with support from Hwang Jang-Lee and Kwan Yung-Moon.



Re-titled U.S VHS release packaging.





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My weekly old-school fix, can in the form of Korean actione Deadly Roulette. All Kung Fu Fandom Forum readers/contributro's, can read my full ramblethon by clikcin on the link below.  thankyou.




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Continuing the Bobby Kim themed reviws, with Deadly Roulette.




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Back to the Old-School, for my latest write-up all those Kung Fu Fandom reader's/contritubor's out there.

Those interested in my ramblings, can click on the link below, thank's.




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My fourth Bobby Kim movie, and the subject of a brand new review, please click on the link below for my complete write-up.



Korean promotional poster.


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My latest ramble is a Bobby Kim themed one, with this South Korean production. Those Kung Fu Fandom reader's/followers interested in my write-up, can click on the link below, thank you.





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Dynamite shaolin heroes 1978

Korean movie that seems to take place in Korea...so, at least in the Englsih dubbed version I watched, I don't see what the " Get out the Qings and restore the Mings " has to do with Korea...

There are a lot of fights in this movie, but I couldn't get into it...I felt a strange feeling when watching it...The only familiar face is Lo Lieh's one, and here, he plays one of his bad guys' role.

I said that there are a lot of fights, but frankly, I prefer to watch a Shaws' movie or even a Taiwanese wuxia than this movie, in which the fights looks more like a rehearsal than a real fight (even if I know that there are no " real " fights in movies...).

The main female lead has no fights, and her female bodyguard is killed after just a few minutes (seconds ?) of fighting...

I'll have to revisit it after a while and see if my first impression is still here.

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