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The Raid / Serbuan Maut (2012)


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Title change suggestions (for fun)

The Raid: Room Service

The Raid: Checkout Time

The Raid: Early Arrival

The Raid: Housekeeping

The Raid: Walk In

The Raid: Do not Disturb

Keep up the great work. This is my favorite film and I haven't even seen it yet.

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Have to agree with VenomsFan. It's really not that big a deal.

But I think if there is another film titled THE RAID, it must obviously suck. I can't recall another film by title. Even on IMDb, Gareth's film is the one that pops up when entering the title. So it must be a Hollywood project in development maybe and the execs don't want their title "usurped" even though it'll no doubt be by a better film.

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Well as long as they don't insert some caucasian guy ala Raymond Burr in Godzilla, I can hear the suits kicking it around - lets edit in couple minutes of Bruce Willis footage into it!:xd:

I like my titles better -

The Raid, Crime Lord Takedown

The Stairs of Death

The Code Enforcers


I'm still peeved about the poster though, from an artistic standpoint.

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Title change suggestions (for fun)

The Raid: Room Service

The Raid: Checkout Time

The Raid: Early Arrival

The Raid: Housekeeping

The Raid: Walk In

The Raid: Do not Disturb

Keep up the great work. This is my favorite film and I haven't even seen it yet.

The Raid: Out of Order

The Raid: Going Up?

The Raid: Floor of Gore

The Raid: Rent's a Bitch

Legend of The Raid

The Raid: Kill Zone

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The Raid: Out of Order

The Raid: Going Up

The Raid: Floor of Gore

The Raid: Rent's a Bitch

Legend of The Raid

The Raid: Kill Zone

Lol at the Legend of The Raid because they always seem to add that in martial arts titles.

How about:

Raid Warriors

The Raid: Raiding

Battle of The Raid

The Raider

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Guest Yi-Long

The Raid: Bend Over

Anyway, I don't really care about namechanges.

Yeah, I think they're stupid, annoying and unnecessary, OBVIOUSLY, but as long as we'll get the movie uncut, subbed, and with the original language, I honestly can't be upset about a namechange.

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Somehow this movie reminds me of GOD so I will call it,

The Raid: Game of Death 3

If the director is content with the title change then I am not fussed. I only dislike it when a film is changed for no apparent logical reason.

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My final suggestion is:


I know these things are done at a marketing level and not a film-making one so there's hope there.

Shame they've already ruined a perfectly good film poster, though.

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no DVD release yet, it's not even opening in Indonesia until March 23rd as well. According to Todd Brown at Twitch though, the US cut will be more complete as censors have cracked down on the Indonesian cut of the film. most likely there will be no overseas DVD releases before the US dvd, which will hopefully be this summer. who knows, all I know is this is still the same film I was excited about seeing months ago, and I will be reserving tickets ASAP to see it in NYC on opening day!

I'll definitely be making an attempt to see it in theaters, hopefully it'll go wider and make that easier. My understanding was that they were changing the soundtrack for the US release, I don't know about any other changes.

1. English subbing

2. Irrelevant soundtrack scoring

3. Extremely edited down (scenes, themes AND censorship)

Well, that was predominantly the Weinsteins, ironically the era in which that should have stopped happening is when it was at its worst. I've heard that the US cut is going to be rescored and with possible other changes, but I've heard no confirmation, so I'm treading lightly.

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Well, that was predominantly the Weinsteins, ironically the era in which that should have stopped happening is when it was at its worst.

Well put. But I think the same formula has existed from most East to West films dating from 1970s - 2010s. Only recently (2011!!!) were films released in Blu Ray no less to the US market without having to resort to International releases. Region All players and all that fun stuff! Just glancing at my personal collection, some of those first films are Ong Bak 2 (The first one from what I know), OB3 (lagged 7 months), The Man From Nowhere (simultaneous release). Every film I've even thought about getting after this has no issue being released to US on Blu Ray shortly after International's release. I believe the Japanese films were the first to have the simultaneous releases last summer.

Sidenote: One thing I found in my journeys is the Amazing US Blu Ray (Dragon Dynasty) for Hard Boiled was released by Roc A Fella. Flashback of the 2000s with Wutang's DVD releases. The Weinstein's did release the Blu Ray for John Woo's The Killer.

Another Sidenote: One film that has proved elusive (DVD/ Blu Ray Release Date??) is China's Cold Steel directed by John Woo's long term editor David Wu. It's an awesome action film in it's own right.

I for one appreciate this change, albeit a late one.

Could The Raid take Distribution to the next level only 1 year later?

I've heard that the US cut is going to be rescored and with possible other changes, but I've heard no confirmation, so I'm treading lightly.

Just rescored. I'm sure Gareth can respond to these unconfirmed changes. Rumors of English Dubb and censorship have also been thrown about. I was referring to what has always been. I don't believe it to be an issue with the release of this film.

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That's why I wanted to see the original version first, I'd much prefer to see it with the original score, I'll be surprised if that even makes it to the DVD in the US. And apparently I don't have the option to get an overseas copy yet. Hell, most of the most key films of Hong Kong cinema's golden age STILL don't have definative DVD releases! I remember hearing about dubtitling and major compress and aspect ratio issues with the DD Hard Boiled.

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Excited about this, it's getting raves, but is it on DVD overseas yet so I can pick it up on eBay? After hearing about the meddling that SONY is doing for the US release, I'd like to see it in the original version..

No, it's not on any home video medium right now. It's still playing in theaters. Don't worry about Sony meddling. Read on...

That's why I wanted to see the original version first, I'd much prefer to see it with the original score, I'll be surprised if that even makes it to the DVD in the US.

You will. You're not alone in feeling that way. :nerd: Get ready to be surprised. This next post is by THE RAID's director, Gareth Evans, and answers all of your queries....

Honestly speaking no bias aside, the Shinoda/Trapanese score is seriously great. It's different in style from the original (which I also love) but both have major strengths and from the get go, Mike was very open and honest about his approach to the score and knowing his background and references for the score I'm way happy with how it's turned out. Both he and Joe understood exactly when the music should be big and drive the scene forward and when to sit in the background and build suspense and tension - i think you guys will love it and yes just for you Yi-Long you will be able to get both versions on the home video release uncut, frame for frame as I intended!

Seriously thank you so much for all your kind comments in response to the clips that went online recently, it means so much to hear the excitement building for the project. The reactions so far have been beyond anything we could have imagined and it has given us a massive boost to up our game for part 2.

And if the film happens to be playing nearby, please support it in the cinemas it goes a long way to proving that part 2 and the eventual part 3 are good ideas, and I want nothing more than to be able to keep finding new ways to make Iko break people :smile:


Love hearing this!!!! :bigsmile:

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That's why I wanted to see the original version first, I'd much prefer to see it with the original score.

As much as I'm looking forward to seeing this, this is why I will be waiting for a DVD release and not seeing it in theaters with music by Linkin Park. (sorry to fans but bleeecchh!).

There is a trailer on the youtube where the music I assume is that of the new score. If that's the case then it's more or less what I imagined it would be.

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I get the impressions that as soon as people heard Mike Shinoda was doing the soundtrack they assumed Linkin Park/rock/metal.

Miles off.

Despite being famous for his part in the band, that is nothing close to what shinoda is about.

Currently he sits in the hip hop/electronic/dub field.

I have great faith in his abilities and have only started enjoying his music production POST Linkin Park.

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I know he's moved past that Linkin Park sound. I've heard some of his later stuff, including

his hip hop project and it left me pretty unimpressed as well although it wasn't nearly as awful as Linkin Park was. I don't know, he obviously is skilled at what he does, I just don't dig his work or style at all

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Guest Yi-Long
I get the impressions that as soon as people heard Mike Shinoda was doing the soundtrack they assumed Linkin Park/rock/metal.

Miles off.

Despite being famous for his part in the band, that is nothing close to what shinoda is about.

Currently he sits in the hip hop/electronic/dub field.

I have great faith in his abilities and have only started enjoying his music production POST Linkin Park.

As I mentioned before, TO ME, I have nothing against Shinoda or Linkin Park.

I just want the original soundtrack. That's it. There's nothing wrong with the original soundtrack, judging from the trailers and crowd reception from early viewings, so there was no reason to change it in the first place.

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The rescoring I believe opened more doors for the International Distribution. It also allows Merentau films to get their foot in the door with Hollywood and future film releases.

6 minute interview with Mike Shinoda and Joe Trapanese on working on scoring The Raid. Good info on history of the soundtrack, versions, etc.


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Guest Yi-Long
The rescoring I believe opened more doors for the International Distribution. It also allows Merentau films to get their foot in the door with Hollywood and future film releases.

6 minute interview with Mike Shinoda and Joe Trapanese on working on scoring The Raid. Good info on history of the soundtrack, versions, etc.


It's gotten rave reviews and feedback when it was playing with the original score, so it's absolute bullshit that it would need some kind of rescore in order to get some kind of 'foot in the door'.

When you've got a good product, you need to be willing to stand by that product for what it is, and not for what other people want it to be.

I'm sure that if Gareth had just said: 'Listen, this is the movie, and this is how it's gonna stay, including the soundtrack!' , then yeah, maybe company A wouldn't have picked it up for whatever stupid reason, but I'm sure company B, or companmy C, or company D WOULD have picked it up.

Why!? Cause it's a good movie that has already proven itself wherever it was shown. So there's absolutely no need whatsover to now go in there and edit and change stuff.

I just hope it doesn't get toned down in any way, shape or form, and that we're getting the same cut as was shown on the festivals.

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