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The Raid / Serbuan Maut (2012)


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Is it me or does a remake seem a little unusual? Iko Uwais is obviously a talent so how would they replace him in a Hollywood version? That's like remaking "Ong Bak."

Cast someone like Scott Adkins in the Iwais role and I'm game.

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Cast someone like Scott Adkins in the Iwais role and I'm game.

The sad thing is that they won't. They'll want to take this relatively small arse kicking film and jazz it all up with an A-list cast. We'll probably get someone like Taylor Lautner in the lead role.

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Guest Yi-Long

I don't know if Gary has any (creative) input in the remake, but you'd think some will ask him for his opinion about it, and he could mention that he'd like to see proper skilled martial artists/screenfighters in the movie, instead of faking A-listers.

TBH, at this point the only thing I care about is that we'll get The Raid (original) uncut and with the original soundtrack on BluRay. That's all.

If they do the remake with Adam Sandler in the lead role, quite honestly, it wouldn't matter to me, as long as we have the original movie in proper form.

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I don't know if Gary has any (creative) input in the remake, but you'd think some will ask him for his opinion about it, and he could mention that he'd like to see proper skilled martial artists/screenfighters in the movie, instead of faking A-listers.

TBH, at this point the only thing I care about is that we'll get The Raid (original) uncut and with the original soundtrack on BluRay. That's all.

If they do the remake with Adam Sandler in the lead role, quite honestly, it wouldn't matter to me, as long as we have the original movie in proper form.

Lol, at the Adam Sandler comment but your right. Hopefully it'll be like the Protector release with both versions of the film. I really didn't like the US version of The Protector or RZA's soundtrack for it.

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Guest Yi-Long
So who on here likes Linkin Park besides me???

Oh, I like Linkin Park just fine.

But that doesn't mean I want a 'Linkin Park' soundtrack over this movie. I just want the original music, which seems to fit just fine, and early showings had that music and the movie scored big with the crowds, so I don't see why it needed to be replaced in the first place.

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So who on here likes Linkin Park besides me???

While I'm not a massive fan, I like 'em. I'm interested to hear Shinoda's soundtrack.

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So who on here likes Linkin Park besides me???

I saw them live a while back! They were awesome...well, just because Mike Shinoda is doing the soundtrack doesn't necessarily mean it's going to be a LP soundtrack. Mike Patton, formerly of Faith No More, has done music scores (CRANK 2), but it wasn't a Faith No More soundtrack. It will be interesting to see what Shinoda comes up with.

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Honestly speaking no bias aside, the Shinoda/Trapanese score is seriously great. It's different in style from the original (which I also love) but both have major strengths and from the get go, Mike was very open and honest about his approach to the score and knowing his background and references for the score I'm way happy with how it's turned out. Both he and Joe understood exactly when the music should be big and drive the scene forward and when to sit in the background and build suspense and tension - i think you guys will love it and yes just for you Yi-Long you will be able to get both versions on the home video release uncut, frame for frame as I intended!

Seriously thank you so much for all your kind comments in response to the clips that went online recently, it means so much to hear the excitement building for the project. The reactions so far have been beyond anything we could have imagined and it has given us a massive boost to up our game for part 2.

And if the film happens to be playing nearby, please support it in the cinemas it goes a long way to proving that part 2 and the eventual part 3 are good ideas, and I want nothing more than to be able to keep finding new ways to make Iko break people :smile:


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Guest Yi-Long
Honestly speaking no bias aside, the Shinoda/Trapanese score is seriously great. It's different in style from the original (which I also love) but both have major strengths and from the get go, Mike was very open and honest about his approach to the score and knowing his background and references for the score I'm way happy with how it's turned out. Both he and Joe understood exactly when the music should be big and drive the scene forward and when to sit in the background and build suspense and tension - i think you guys will love it and yes just for you Yi-Long you will be able to get both versions on the home video release uncut, frame for frame as I intended!

That's very good to hear, Gary :)

I know I must sound like a broken record at times about the issue of getting these movies uncut and in their original state and it's probably annoying, but as a fan yourself of asian cinema and martial arts cinema, I'm sure you're familiar with the frustration of great movies getting poor butchered western releases by the studios, so I hope at least you understand where I'm coming from. :wink:

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anybody else planning to see it in NYC on opening day? my plan to travel back to NY state in late March has been finalized, so I will be driving down to the city to see it on the 23rd!

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I tried to stay away from the trailer but couldn't resist it... Damn man, I'm gonna be spoiled like hell once I do get a chance to see it, FOCK!!!!

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Man I swear, hollywad just can't help but fuck with something, why put redemption on the title? Just what is wrong with "The Raid", do they think Westerners are so stupid they might confuse it with the bug spray?

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Man I swear, hollywad just can't help but fuck with something, why put redemption on the title? Just what is wrong with "The Raid", do they think Westerners are so stupid they might confuse it with the bug spray?

Hhahahahhaha, they might think it's a sequel to Joe's Apartment...

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I'm just disappointed they didn't go with my suggestion of THE RAID: EXTREME STAIRWAY SWAT BATTLES

Seriously though, this is really bugging me - it adds nothing at all to the film, so why bother?

And naming the not-even-made-yet sequel THE RAID: RETALIATION makes it sound utterly generic.

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Gareth has just updated his blog with the reason why they changed the title in the US. I look at it this way. Whatever the film's original title upon release is, then that's the title of the film. SPL is SPL, Danny the Dog is Danny the Dog, and The Raid is The Raid. It'll still be the same film, so no issue. Here's the final US poster for the film below


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Gareth has just updated his blog with the reason why they changed the title in the US. I look at it this way. Whatever the film's original title upon release is, then that's the title of the film. SPL is SPL, Danny the Dog is Danny the Dog, and The Raid is The Raid. It'll still be the same film, so no issue. Here's the final US poster for the film below


I know it's probably a trivial thing, but really, who gets paid to make these horrible decisions? For instance, I loved that original poster , I thought the placement of the title on the building was perfect - bold, in your face, I likened it to a classic Shaw poster. It makes absolutely no sense to change it, why would you put a quote at the focal point? Now it looks watered down and generic.

It's not a dig on this movie, I can't wait to see it, I'm just generally irked at the blandness of most hollywood media.

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Excited about this, it's getting raves, but is it on DVD overseas yet so I can pick it up on eBay? After hearing about the meddling that SONY is doing for the US release, I'd like to see it in the original version..

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no DVD release yet, it's not even opening in Indonesia until March 23rd as well. According to Todd Brown at Twitch though, the US cut will be more complete as censors have cracked down on the Indonesian cut of the film. most likely there will be no overseas DVD releases before the US dvd, which will hopefully be this summer. who knows, all I know is this is still the same film I was excited about seeing months ago, and I will be reserving tickets ASAP to see it in NYC on opening day!

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What I like about Gareth is that he replies to the fans questions and concerns. Being a MA film fan himself, that's what I like most when it comes to the release of this film.

The only problem is you can't teach people how to read.

1. The title "The Raid" was not available for a US film title (previous films, rights to name).

2. The film will still be released in original language and uncut.

3. They are considering the titles for the Trilogy of this series (excluding the Hollywood Remake).

From a genre that has come a long way from doing the following to HK (ie) films for several decades:

1. English subbing

2. Irrelevant soundtrack scoring

3. Extremely edited down (scenes, themes AND censorship)

We have a film breaking this mold. If The Raid: Redemption is the title considering future sequels, and all mentioned above, I accept the 4 second title card change.

Had half a mind to see it in NYC. I have no question it will get a wider release in the following weeks (aka Crouching Tiger). So I will save those duckets towards multiple theater viewings of this film.

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