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The Raid / Serbuan Maut (2012)


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Saw it for the third time last night and towards the end of the final fight between Mad dog/Iko and his brother the person behind me shouted out, "FUCK MICHAEL BAY, THIS IS THE BEST FIGHT SCENE EVER."

Please keep in mind that it was only 5 of us in the theater at a 10:45 late night showing.. All dudes by the way...

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Please keep in mind that it was only 5 of us in the theater at a 10:45 late night showing.. All dudes by the way...

A bro-fest! That's what I'm talking about!

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I saw it for a second time tonight with a couple more friends, they both loved it. small crowd this time around, and the theater sound wasn't half as good as the ND/NF screening in NYC. nevertheless, the movie is still as awesome as ever! unfortunately though, when I bought my ticket the girl warned me the film was subtitled, and that the theater had been instructed to warn everyone because they had some people complain! I just laughed and said I know, and saved her from a rant. are there really people out there missing out on one of the greatest action films of all time because it's a subtitled film?!

Unfortunately yes. It's sad that all it takes is a lil bit of reading to turn away the average America movie goer.

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Before I went into seeing this movie again for the third time, I had a pre-meal with, Rambo First Blood.... It felt even ten X more refreshing since this movie was playing at my nearby theater and it took me about 10 mins to get there from my house.. The State of the art sound/digital system wasn't as bad either, perfect lit screen/nice cushion seats and it was the perfect dinner meal...

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Answer to Spoiler...

I have to disagree. If there was any suprise, I think it was due to the fact that anyone actually got to his door in the first place. Given his set-up, he may not have even had cameras on the top floor because if anyone got that far, it would be pretty obvious.

Also, the boss did actually seem to know they were there as he was clearly trying to get something knowing that they were getting close.

That doesn't seem to make any sense, why wouldn't he have cameras on his floor-outside his door if he was going to wire up the whole building, even if he didn't have them on his floor he would of seen them get on the elevator coming to his floor. He wasn't going for a weapon till he heard the gunshot outside his door, that tells me he didn't know they were there.

Once again giving the movie as a whole it's a slight overview, action movies like this are usually full of these things.

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That doesn't seem to make any sense, why wouldn't he have cameras on his floor-outside his door if he was going to wire up the whole building [...]
Maybe the old cop figured out how to disable/avoid the cameras so their final approach wouldn't be seen.

It's also possible the boss didn't want cameras so close to where he made deals so any recordings could be used against him.

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That doesn't seem to make any sense, why wouldn't he have cameras on his floor-outside his door if he was going to wire up the whole building, even if he didn't have them on his floor he would of seen them get on the elevator coming to his floor. He wasn't going for a weapon till he heard the gunshot outside his door, that tells me he didn't know they were there.

Once again giving the movie as a whole it's a slight overview, action movies like this are usually full of these things.

No need for cameras, he had people there, one hiding in one of the rooms. Even so, they planned to retreat and inform Tama. If they were caught off guard, he definitely was.

Also, they took the stairs, not the elevator. Starting with the Lab (Floor #9). There are no shots of them going through the hallways until Tama's floor. LOL, Rama learned his lesson with the Machete Gang. Besides, with all those monitors, he could have easily been caught up in the action as much as we were.

There is no reference to cameras being in the Narcotics lab. They exit out the back entrance to the stairs - not a hallway. Then there was Mad Dog's tourture chamber.

Even MORE, he would expect Mad Dog to at least put up a fight if not Kill them.

Two things about that scene:

1. Ragu's climatic sequence when he fights the guy into the file cabinets, there is a guy seen in the background gathering up as much files as he can in his hands before running of screen right.

2. People may point a weakness in the story about the brief use of the other team members. I won't go too much on about it, but each person plays a pivotal role in the sequence and / or main characters' fates. Ragu, for instance, is a very BIG guy. And there is no way that Rama and Lieutenant Wahyu could have taken the lab with those BIG 5-6 guys (all matched in size with Ragu) in addition to there own fights - .

Either way you look at it, he didn't expect them to get there (if they survived) so soon. Lieutenant Wahyu wasn't as smart as Rama or Andi when it came to survival. But Tama did underestimate him. He knew Wahyu had rookies and would kill them before telling them the truth - just didn't know when.

Those plot twists still turn out to a satisfying conclusion (even if you try to change the outcomes).

My Big question is - Who ended up getting what they wanted in the end? :wink:

Shout Outs

Mad Dog fluorescent blub end boss death ~ Masked Avengers Trident end boss death.

The Raid 2 on 1 finale ~ Daredevils 3 on 1 finale / Magnificent Ruffians 2 on 1 finale. But modernized. I've never seen anything like it.

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Maybe the old cop figured out how to disable/avoid the cameras so their final approach wouldn't be seen.

Good point. The tenant in Room 726 said exactly that he "Had seen that old man around before". when talking to Rama about the only way out...

Wahyu knew that building very well (heck he wanted what Tama had and to take him down doing it). Jaka didn't realize it (he actually says it's someone else's doing). Wahyu was the guy to stick with as far as getting in and getting out - notice how Rama holds his zip tie extra tight as they are walking out and checking the rooftops at the end.

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Here's some good box office news (at least, I think so) for the film. Hope it continues to build. This is for the weekend so far.

At the specialty box office in North America, several titles made major expansions, including Sony Classics Pictures' The Raid: Redemption. Coming in No. 12, the pic grossed $1 million from 881 locations in North America for a cume of $2.6 million in its fourth weekend.

Hope this continues to build and gain it some longevity at the theaters.:bigsmile:

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Can't get the quick reply to work :-p. Anyway, this has come to some cinema within driving distance of my little lilywhite suburb. My local multiplex has a poster with a "COMING SOON" tag, so I'm hoping it'll go wide, but it sounds like this is worth the driving distance. Hard Boiled? I'd kill to see that on the big screen, talk about a cracking double-bill!

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Yeah Hard Boiled on a big screen is great, especially with a huge crowd.

I remember a free screening in London where you had to bring a hard boiled egg to get in!

(I think the eggs were used to make sandwiches etc for the homeless)

It was packed a everyone was cheering especially at the end. Those were the days!:xd:

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I FINALLY got to see this yesterday. Had to make a four hour round trip, and I must say it was worth every single mile. I went to the matinee and there was only about twenty other people in the theater which is what I kinda expected. Five minutes into the movie I realized this was going to be much more suspenseful than I had imagined… and was already regretting the second refill of Dr. Pepper I got at the burger shop we ate at just before. There was no way I could leave my seat at this point.

The Raid was great, no way over hyped. It was so brutally violent that I found myself often cringing. With the rooms and hallways looking like a scene from a Silent Hill playstation game, and the relentless gore, the whole atmosphere almost gave the film more of a horror movie type of feel. However I did stray from the movie one time and thought that this apartment building wouldn’t be so bad if they just put a coat or two of paint on the walls… but then I snapped out of it and was back to cringing. I was skeptical going in about how the heavy soundtrack would affect the feel of the movie. But I think it worked well and added to the film. It was almost as good as what Nine Inch Nails did for Se7en back in 1995. They both started their films off with a dark eerie feeling.

All together I thought the cinematography was excellent and unique, and the choreography and editing were perfect. This is a must see. It’s literally been years since I’ve been this awestruck when watching a modern movie. My favorite line came when Mad Dog was calmly explaining how much he loves to physically fight to his captured opponent. As he gently places his gun down on the counter and motions to his fists he says “ This is the pulse.” I found it appropriate because this is how strongly I feel about this film; as in these are the type of movies I live for, the ones that get my heart pumping.

After the movie I hurried to the restroom only to notice that I wasn’t the only one in a rush. It seemed like everyone else was glued to their seat, holding it in, and waiting for the credits to roll.

Thank you Gareth and crew for this bad ass flick.

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@Pai Mei: I told you it would be worth the trip! Its now playing in more theaters and right by my house so I'm going to see it again this week!

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Guest Yi-Long
everybody who is on this forums should go see this movie...

It doesn't even have a release date yet for Holland, so I'm sure it will have a BR release before it hits the cinemas here.

Not sure if I'd catch it in the cinema though. I'm really hyped to see this, yet at the same I would prefer waiting for the BR with the original soundtrack.

It's weird that it doesn't even have a HK release date though.

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I might as well chime in on this one. Um, to put it mildly, I was really, really disappointed. I'm probably alone on this, but I cannot understand where all the hype is coming from. Nah, I'm joking. Any fan of martial arts cinema who doesn't like this movie should have his or her geek card taken away. The movie was IN-CREDIBLE from start to finish. I'm not the kind of person who makes hyperbolic statements. I like to stay measured in my assessments. I'm not the kind of guy who walks out of a movie and declares it his new #1 five seconds after leaving the theater. I won't tell you that The Last Boy Scout is action-packed, because that's bullshit. But believe me when I say that The Raid is the best action movie since Drunken Master 2 and Hard Boiled.

The action was outstanding. I saw it with my kid brother, and as the final 2-on-1 ended, I looked over at him and told him, "Look at my right eye. I'm tearing up right now." He started to laugh at me because IT WAS FUCKING TRUE! I saw Drunken Master 2 in high school. I'll be 23 this Friday and I never, ever thought I'd see a fight that came close to matching the intensity and speed of Jackie's and Ken Lo's battle at the end of that movie. But there it was. Gareth, Iko, and Yayan have gone and made an action movie that refuses to settle for being a 10. They want a fucking 13. The finale slays anything I've seen for the past 10+ years and then proceeds to go on for another 3 or 4 minutes. Ridiculous. People are calling this the best action movie since Hard Boiled because it's true. This is the new benchmark and THIS is why I go to the movies.

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The action was outstanding. I saw it with my kid brother, and as the final 2-on-1 ended, I looked over at him and told him, "Look at my right eye. I'm tearing up right now." He started to laugh at me because IT WAS FUCKING TRUE!

While I didn't tear up, my heart raced faster than ever when the fight was reaching its end. When it was finally over, I could hardly breathe and I was shaking! RARELY do I have that reaction to a fight scene!

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Waiting impatiently for MPM74's review...

Seeing it for the 10th time tonight. I've yet to see what floor Rama meets with Lt. Wayhu and Dagu in the 3rd act.

Yeah, it's that good!

I wouldn't be surprised if MPM made a special feature for it on COF when he DOES see it! He comes straight out of a comic book!

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Waiting impatiently for MPM74's review...

I wouldn't be surprised if MPM made a special feature for it on COF when he DOES see it! He comes straight out of a comic book!

He can be one tough cookie when it comes to reviews. So I'm curious to see what he thinks as well. Where are you bro? :bigsmile: We're all waiting on the "good word".

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