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Brokeback Mountain

Guest limubai2000

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Guest limubai2000

OK someone had to start it, might as well be me considering I'm an Ang fan, except the Hulk sucked.

I saw this under duress with the gf but I did view it with an open mind. I ended up really liking the film being that I think I understand really what the film and short story are about.

Using gay cowboys (a norm by today's standards) and then placing them in the 60s really just highlighted what the story was really about if you saw through it.

It is kind of sad that many people will just write it off as a gay cowboy movie when it really at it's core, is not about that at all.

Go ahead and flame me now for being an uber movie geek.

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I haven't seen Brokeback---I'm sure it's a good movie and I'll probably see it sometime, but I keep chuckling over the statement Cartman on South Park made a couple years ago: "Independant cinema is always about gay cowboys eating pudding!"

I was one of the few that absolutely loved The Hulk, though. Particularly the whole desert base scene---it was one of the only comic book movies that really captured the feel of the comics I read as a kid.

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Guest GwaiLoMoFo

Have not seen it, and really dont plan on seeing it now. I am just so SICK of seeing it in the news, papers, tv, and hearing about it on the radio. The oversaturation in the media has really put me off ever wanting to see it at all. Only person I know who has seen it didnt care much for it anyway. I just want it to go away.

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Guest Chinatown Kid

First off, I am not trying to put down or offend any gay people that read this, what you do is your buisiness. But I personally do not want to see a movie if it shows two men making out or getting it on because I find it off putting. This is what keeps me from wanting to see a film like this altough I don't know if this particular film features such scenes. I'm just going from what I've heard of the plot. That is just my personal tastes and this might be a great movie as far as acting and plot so I'm not putting it down. Now two hot women getting it on would be more to my tastes.:P;)

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Guest limubai2000

Yeah they do get it on but its not too graphic, yes I did cringe during that scene and they do kiss a couple of times. But you also get a great long boob shot of an main actress. :eek

I could understand people not wanting to see it cuz of that and I could also understand people wanting it to go away because I'm sure the liberal media back there in the mainland USA is hyping the thing to death. Out here in Guam no one barely noticed it came out, the gay community new it did though.

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Guest GwaiLoMoFo
I'm sure the liberal media back there in the mainland USA is hyping the thing to death.

Ohh brother you have no idea!! Its constantly everywhere. I think the oversaturation in the media is starting to be a little counter effective.

Although Im pleased to see Ang Lee getting some recognition, Im a fan of him as well limubai.

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Guest drunkencrane082

after all the hype, awards nominations, five star reviews, etc., i finally caved in and saw this. while the subject matter didn't bother me at all, and while it's a rather beautifully shot film {as Ang Lee's films usually are}, i left rather underwhelmed by it. besides the fact that i just didn't think it was that good, i also think they should have subtitled heath ledger. i couldn't undertstand 90% of what he was saying, and when his character is carrying the majority of the plot, that kind of puts a damper on things.

i can kind of understand why everyone had been making a big deal about it, what with the so-called "controversial" subject matter, but seriously folks, aren't we past this now ? i can't figure out why people still act like homosexuality just appeared out of the flippin' sky any time that a film or television show involving gay characters pops up.

the liberal media hasn't really been hyping it, so much as just really taking it for what it is and ignoring it for the most part...really the conservatives and their "moral beliefs" are the ones that have been making the most noise, along with drawing the most attention to it.

it didn't offend me, or bother me....but if you've seen it, you probably can understand why i've been telling people that the movie's tagline should be "spit on your hand and hope for the best"

sorry if that offended anyone. :)

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Guest kenichiku

I was gonna dial in my opinions here but after coffee & reading the morning paper, I've decided to spare my own opinions and refer you to the cyber version article itself. Our resident SF critic Mick LaSalle sums it up perfectly (2nd letter) responding to one of his readers. After reading this, I actually realized why I and the rest of the hetero world conservative and liberal, can get some value from this film...I think Ang & crew set out to educate us narrow-minded Americans.

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Guest limubai2000

I'd pretty much agree with Mick's article/editorial. I basically took away from the movie the "life your life the way you want regardless of what society says" message from the movie.

Like I said up top, basically by taking gay cowboys IN the 60s the point is really made about the bearing society has in our everyday lives.

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Man was this movie way overrated. Must be Hollywood rewarding Ang Lee because they dissed him when Sense and Sensibility didn't bag him best director Oscar. S&S was much better movie. While I enjoyed it for what it way, it wasn't all that.

By the way, Memoirs of a Geisha sucked! What was the damned point? Gong Li was by far the best actor in the film. Ziyi needs more acting lessons.

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Guest limubai2000

Yep I agree, MOG totally sucked. I did like Chow in it though.

Imagine you saw it with a native Japanese speaker who read the original Japanese books Sayuri 1 & 2! Man my gf really bagged on that film something fierce, way worse than me! She apparently didnt listen to me during the making when I told her what they were doing filming in the US, Chinese actors etc...

She did love Brokeback though. I still wish Ang would get back to the CTHD series though.

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Guest kenichiku

Well, if the purpose is steering this post to minimize BBM then let's be fair, what's more left field faux-paus than 'Geisha'? (sigh) & stick to one fruit assuming we're speaking as 'objective' happy heteros here. I'll say that BBM is 'important' according to that mainstream sense of the word, not even claiming it the best film of its kind. If I did, then we should be opening up the talk with titles like 'Boys Don't Cry', 'Philadephia', 'Midnight Cowboy', 'Cruising' (great flick, BTW) or others like that.

Last year's crop is packed with 'important' intelligent films crowding this genre at awards time. Example being I think 'BBM' stands a good chance to beat out the others like 'Capote' for Oscar worthiness especially if audience appeal has any influence on it. In the same fruit-bowl, I haven't seen 'Transmerica' yet but I'll plug a neglected little Irish number called 'Breakfast on Pluto' done by Neil Jordan (Crying Game) with some similiar themes with performances by Cillian Murphy (Batman Begins) & Liam Neeson (Star Wars) that really left an impression with me as it outranked BBM with it's richness & my preference for storytelling in that European way. Now this one's a ****.5/5 compared to my ***.5 for BBM. To me, Ang's just revisiting his 'Wedding Banquet' for Heartland McMurty Americana.


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Guest italdesign
I am just so SICK of seeing it in the news, papers, tv, and hearing about it on the radio.

That's what you get for paying attention to the news, papers, tv, radio, etc. :) but then, who can blame ya?

I have not seen any publicity on Brokeback anywhere, except on the internet.

Gong Li was by far the best actor in the film.

I'm glad to see that most people who are familiar with Chinese cinema agree about this.

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Guest kenichiku
I am just so SICK of seeing it in the news, papers, tv, and hearing about it on the radio.
Well as expected, this sentiment is shared by many here in the States; what we seem to have is a little 'Broke backlash' phenomenom in the media that may swing (ahem) the pendulum towards 'Crash' at awards time as I'm told (apparently no 'broke-backlash' at the British Oscars I hear).
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