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Bruce Saw In Head Shot

David Rees

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Yep, this is a common shot, colourised by Venoms Fan -aka- Kioko I think. For his Big Boss dvd project years back.

I think I'm right about that. Correct me if I'm wrong. :crossedlips:

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Hey Guys

I've been a Bruce Lee fan for 30 years and I used to go bat shit over the saw in the head scene but over time I've lost the motivation to care.

First off I think this scene was cut because it looked point blank ridiculous. A guy doesn't get a saw through his brain and take time out to look at the blade?? For me this scene was removed the same way the blood scooting from James Tien's head was after Tony Lui knifed him - which looked equally stupid!

We've had uncut this and uncut that versions of The Big Boss released for years in the UK, Asia and America and nothing new has turned up. Sorry there was a trailer showing Bruce Lee in the buff? Hot shit but I'm not really into that! lol

In terms of things that we may see in the future I think we'll get the Ahna Capri footage this year and maybe a little more GOD stuff. Other than that the saw in the head scene isn't happening unless someone edits the footage into an available version and it will be the most over rated bullshit you ever saw (no pun intended).

WOTD behind the scenes? Forget it

Enter BBC interviews? I'm a story teller and my stories must be told! Never happening!

These guys who claim to have stuff won't even post a decent screen shot to show it, so you just need to weigh it up. The Bruce Lee archive is a dry well and we're f*****d!

I'm on a downer today, not that you would notice lol.

Hope everyone is well!:-)

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Some good points made.

I saw the uncut Boss years ago in London (minus the saw in head) and i have said elsewhere on this forum the extra footage is nothing special, nice too see ,but thats it.

I would love to see:

TVB Footage: Bruce interviewed many times.

Game Of Death Behind The scenes: Bad quality of some of this has surfaced but apparently it lasts over an hour.(This is not the outtakes, but footage of Bruce with Kareem and James Tien etc)

Enter The Dragon Behind The Scenes: Henry Wongs hours of footage probably exists in some vault at Warners but someones got to search and find it!

I have seen the Ahna Capri footage, some good stuff not shown on the Enter doc, but again nothing too spectacular.

Unfortunately the Lee estate seems more interested in selling merchandise rather than anything the real fan wants, so i agree the well started drying up a while ago!

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Wouldn't the "the Well is blocked" be more fitting? It's like there's a big cork put in the top of the well. 'lol

I want to see the full uncut Big Boss so badly. It's not about the scenes being anything exciting, it's just about seeing them, full stop. I love Big Boss, so if there's more of it out there, i need to see it. :) Regardless of what it contains.

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Good point. 'lol That photo was already posted in the Big Boss thread but also this one could have been posted there too. Maybe a mod can merge the threads.

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Some good points made.

I saw the uncut Boss years ago in London (minus the saw in head) and i have said elsewhere on this forum the extra footage is nothing special, nice too see ,but thats it.

I would love to see:

TVB Footage: Bruce interviewed many times.

Game Of Death Behind The scenes: Bad quality of some of this has surfaced but apparently it lasts over an hour.(This is not the outtakes, but footage of Bruce with Kareem and James Tien etc)

Enter The Dragon Behind The Scenes: Henry Wongs hours of footage probably exists in some vault at Warners but someones got to search and find it!

I have seen the Ahna Capri footage, some good stuff not shown on the Enter doc, but again nothing too spectacular.

Unfortunately the Lee estate seems more interested in selling merchandise rather than anything the real fan wants, so i agree the well started drying up a while ago!

From what I understand the majority of the TVB footage was destroyed after broadcast. I mean think about it; not one clip with Bob Baker, not one clip with Wall or Norris and nothing regards the final interview where he discussed Lo Wei on July 10th 1973. The last time something substantial showed up in terms of TVB was Death by Misadventure and that was almost 20 years ago.

Game of Death Behind the Scenes: I'll believe it when I see it. I've seen the shitty quality version and it's okay. There is no doubt that this would be top drawer if it shows up in good condition but again I seen this in 1991. Where is it???

The Henry Wong ETD footage is gone. The footage that was made to create the behind the scenes short was edited together and everything else was destroyed. They didn't know at the time how invaluable that stuff was going to be.

On the Ahna Capri footage do you see Bruce Lee and Bob Wall sparring or interacting about choreography? I've heard people maintain that this material is terrific.

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The TVB footage was not destroyed. There are some VCD's released in Hong Kong of singers etc which were on the same episodes / broadcasts Bruce was on.

The best bits of the Ahna Capri footage are numurous takes of Bruce kicking Bob Wall in the groin when Wall does the spinning kick, also the kick which sends Bob Wall into the stuntmen, shown at full speed, a little sparring between Lee / Wall, a few takes of Bruce kicking multiple opponents very fast. Bruce kicking stuntman in yellow tracksuit (Yuen Wah i think),obviously a lot of the footage doesnt feature Bruce at all. Running time about 12 minutes.

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The TVB footage was not destroyed. There are some VCD's released in Hong Kong of singers etc which were on the same episodes / broadcasts Bruce was on.

The best bits of the Ahna Capri footage are numurous takes of Bruce kicking Bob Wall in the groin when Wall does the spinning kick, also the kick which sends Bob Wall into the stuntmen, shown at full speed, a little sparring between Lee / Wall, a few takes of Bruce kicking multiple opponents very fast. Bruce kicking stuntman in yellow tracksuit (Yuen Wah i think),obviously a lot of the footage doesnt feature Bruce at all. Running time about 12 minutes.

Have you seen these VCD's with the singers, mate? It's hard to believe that this stuff is kicking about and nobody has made a concerted effort to gather it? It doesn't take a genius to know that there is MAJOR money to be made here. Imagine that stuff coming to light, you could make a fortune!!!!!!!

What is the sparring like? If you can remember?

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Yes i have,i have seen clips, another fan pointed them out to me, there was series of vcd's from the late 60's onwards, i think there oop now.

The sparring was ok, bruce kicking Bob Wall with side kicks, very fast, obviously being 8mm doesnt help but the speed from these clips is amazing. I heard rumours that some Japanese collector bought up the TVB footage, i find that hard to believe. Dont forget TVB is owned by Shaw Brothers and they looked after there negatives etc very well unlike most other Chinese film companies.

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Sweet Jesus! ANOTHER unnecessary BIG BOSS thread.

Won't someone think of the children...??

Damn. You beat me to it.


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This is from TVB Hong Hong Relief 1972 if you watch it you'll see its the same set in the background as the one Bruce Lee had doing his demonstration.I thought the footage was all destroyed ?

Whats THIS then ???

Someone out there has this


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This is from TVB Hong Hong Relief 1972 if you watch it you'll see its the same set in the background as the one Bruce Lee had doing his demonstration.I thought the footage was all destroyed ?

Whats THIS then ???

Someone out there has this


Touche, it's the same set!

However, I can't tell you exactly what THAT is but I can tell you what it ISN'T!

Wake me up when we see something significant!

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Touche, it's the same set!

However, I can't tell you exactly what THAT is but I can tell you what it ISN'T!

Wake me up when we see something significant!

Touche.......Not at all,my point was and is if this is there from the same event surely the Bruce footage is thats all.

Now you can get back to sleep :smile:

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the henry wong footages has a funny story. straight after bruce's death raymond chow contacted warners and demanded that all the henry wong's footages be sent to him. warners did themselves a copy and sent chow the henry wong footages (henry was filming for a proposed concord doc on bruce lee and filming lots of footages on game and enter sets at that time - he had a goldmine of footages if they were found today). after bruce's death, henry goes to chow have u still got my footages? chow replies no we did a promo and deleted all the rest of it (4/5 hours haha). warners contacted henry in 2003 (only 30 years later hehe) and asked him to come over and look for his footages in their archives. henry reponded i'm too old to bother now. you couldn't make this shit up LOL.

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Touche.......Not at all,my point was and is if this is there from the same event surely the Bruce footage is thats all.

Now you can get back to sleep :smile:

Touche: If one person presents an argument and another delivers a clever or appropriate response, the first person may respond with "touché".

I think you thought I meant touchy lol! When I can see it then I'll acknowledge it's existence, until then I'm copping zzzzzzzzzzzzzz's:angel:

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the henry wong footages has a funny story. straight after bruce's death raymond chow contacted warners and demanded that all the henry wong's footages be sent to him. warners did themselves a copy and sent chow the henry wong footages (henry was filming for a proposed concord doc on bruce lee and filming lots of footages on game and enter sets at that time - he had a goldmine of footages if they were found today). after bruce's death, henry goes to chow have u still got my footages? chow replies no we did a promo and deleted all the rest of it (4/5 hours haha). warners contacted henry in 2003 (only 30 years later hehe) and asked him to come over and look for his footages in their archives. henry reponded i'm too old to bother now. you couldn't make this shit up LOL.

That's a damn shame.

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There is some contradictions with regards to the TVB footage. I spoke to Steve Kerridge who did a telephone interview with Robert Chua the executive producer and he said the tapes were destroyed years ago by a stupid studio hand.

But there are clips from some of the shows he was on ( not showing Bruce) floating about on You tube and the Internet so im not so sure it has all gone. Lets hope.

Here is a rare shot of Bruce on a 1972 show, just after he did Fist of Fury, where he agreed to jump out of a cake to surprise everyone...


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Ha ha, no im his uncle!

He hasnt got uncut Big Boss, that rumour started years ago and just grew for some reason...

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Hi all, first post here although I've been bouncing on and off Bruce Lee forums for years. David, thanks for finally ending the rumour about Steve having an uncut Big Boss, it's been bugging people for years and some were even starting to resent him for it, but the truth is he simply doesn't have it. I wish he did have it then maybe it would have been released by now, Steve shares and sells his Bruce Lee collection. The rumour was started up some time in 2005 by David Tadman in an online Q&A titled "David Tadman writes". It was then escalated by Steve himself on the Bruce Lee tribute forum(Network 54) in a thread in October 2006(still available for all to read), when asked about it Steve wrote, "I can assure you it does exist and thats all i can reveal at this stage", and, "Its nice to have the complete version and i fully understand this, but the saw scene is really just a small section." And finally another quote I remember but cannot find online right now went something like, "...because of my word, I will not bend." So as you can see, either way he never categorically said YES or NO, he merely hinted and teased which is fair enough, we all play games every now and again.

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Yeah and recently Steve Kerridge pointed it out pretty clearly:wink:

"PLUS there is this strange view by some that there is this HOLY GRAIL OUT THERE !! hehe..."


My guess is that if Fred Weintraub doesn`t have it anymore (hopefully archived at the BLE) then maybe it will be one of the upcoming projects.

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Q and A

Q Firstly, rumours have it you have an uncut Big Boss print with saw scene and you know the other scenes exist still with prositute etc. Is this true and please confirm that the "saw" scene exists?!

Secondly, when the hell can we fans see this if it does exist?

Thirdly, when is the next BL convention in London please? Loved the last one, itching for more. Scratch me please!!

Lastly, thank God you are saying to yourself, BBC doc/interview on the set of ETD, exists, speculations, or really is still out there some where? Bring it to us and you will be bigger to us BL fans than Robbie Williams when he was good.

Greg P

Steve Kerridge : Well.... i can assure you that YES the saw scene does exist, and cannot say anything else on the matter... believe me i've been approached by Hong Kong Legends and a few others who will pay good money, but because of my word, i will not bend..Convention ? Well...that could be around the corner, really depends on what happens over the next 6 to 8 months..BBC interview ..hmmm ..well, i have hunted this phantom footage with every effort possible and my conclusion is - It never existed in the first place...sorry to disappoint... and no one is bigger than Robbie hehe..



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