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The Anonymous King - The Search For Hwang Jang Lee


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Still wished I knew about Liang coming to NY. I would have been there for sure. Okay, that confirms (along with the pic of him in the uniform) that he's a Moo Duk Kwan guy. Oddly enough, in the Taekwondo magazines, the focus is on Kukkiwon TKD other than the smaller schools (which seem to have more reported activity in the States than in Korea).

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Still wished I knew about Liang coming to NY. I would have been there for sure.

I wish you had know too. It would have been cool to see you man. Plus... GALLANTS on the big screen! :nerd: BTW, did you see it yet, and did you dig it?

Okay, that confirms (along with the pic of him in the uniform) that he's a Moo Duk Kwan guy. Oddly enough, in the Taekwondo magazines, the focus is on Kukkiwon TKD other than the smaller schools (which seem to have more reported activity in the States than in Korea).

I started out training under a Moo Duk Kwan guy way back in the day. I don't know much about the different schools of Tae Kwon Do. Are you a practitioner of it Jesse?

anyone got any updates on when / if this documentary will be released?

I'm waiting to hear back from the director. He totally came through for me personally (though I was a stranger to him), so he is obviously a very cool dude and dependable. Considering that, I was surprised when I didn't hear back in regards to any updates on this project. I hope his silence isn't a sign of him having run into trouble. :squigglemouth: Documentaries are notoriously hard to get funded. But he's done so much, I really hope for his sake and ours that he gets to finish this. Please don't let another awesome bit of info on our favorite hell kicker Hwang Sifu wind up in some dark vault (as happened with "Big Mike" Leeder's HJL interview for the Hong Kong Legends label). :crossedlips:

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Yo! Great news... this is still ON and is currently in post production.

I heard back from the very busy director (he's working on the documentary, at a full-time job, got married, and moved from one country to another all in the last year!) and things are going well.

Here's the latest from him:

"Last interview with HJL translated! Time to begin the lengthy editing process. Had Cynthia Rothrock confirm interest in giving interview for project.

Waiting to hear from her costar from China O'Brien 2, a spectacular kicker himself, I'll leave you to figure out who."

Apparently the director, Mr. Jon James Hodson filmed at least three lengthy interviews with Hwang Sifu (and lived to tell about it), so this should be great! :nerd:

If you're a Hwang Jang-Lee fan (and why wouldn't you be?!), then you need to check out the Face Book group for this up-coming documentary on the master kicker called THE ANONYMOUS KING: IN SEARCH OF HWANG JANG-LEE. Here's a link: http://www.facebook.com/#!/groups/117109324980078/

Please go there and "ask to join". This is a super cool project and it needs your support!

I can't wait to see this when it's done! :wink:

Here's the director and Hwang Sifu with my drawing.


Posters of of my art are still available for sale. Message me here to order, or you can buy them on eBay.

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Yo! Great news... this is still ON and is currently in post production.

"Last interview with HJL translated! Time to begin the lengthy editing process. Had Cynthia Rothrock confirm interest in giving interview for project.

Waiting to hear from her costar from China O'Brien 2, a spectacular kicker himself, I'll leave you to figure out who."

I'm guessing it is Keith Hirabayashi, aka Keith Cooke. He did a spectaculat HJL triple kick in KING OF THE KICKBOXERS!

I can't wait to see this documentary!!! :)

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Guest Yi-Long
I'm guessing it is Keith Hirabayashi, aka Keith Cooke. He did a spectaculat HJL triple kick in KING OF THE KICKBOXERS!

I can't wait to see this documentary!!! :)

Just watched the clip with Keith Cooke in that movie on Youtube. Did you mean the triple kick against multiple opponents when he jumps into the fight, or did you mean the triple flying sidekick against 1 guy at the end in slow-mo!?

That last kick is very easy to do TBH, but I'm not sure if I could still do that first kick.

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Just to let you guys know- at that FB link there is a sample clip of one of the interviews and it's sweet! :nerd: It's a nice length, the subs are great, and HJL is forthcoming with some exciting stories. :bigsmile: Check it out!

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Chinatown Kid

How could a TKD stylist not want this , you can better believe Bob I'll be one of the first to buy when it's available! :wink: My style is Ji Do Kwon, wonder how much it differs from Moo Duk Kwon?

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Guest Yi-Long

I'm hoping it also has him talking a lot about his very early years as a martial artist, his training, his focus on kicking, etc etc.

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Just watched the clip with Keith Cooke in that movie on Youtube. Did you mean the triple kick against multiple opponents when he jumps into the fight, or did you mean the triple flying sidekick against 1 guy at the end in slow-mo!?

That last kick is very easy to do TBH, but I'm not sure if I could still do that first kick.

How could a TKD stylist not want this , you can better believe Bob I'll be one of the first to buy when it's available! :wink: My style is Ji Do Kwon, wonder how much it differs from Moo Duk Kwon?

I'm hoping it also has him talking a lot about his very early years as a martial artist, his training, his focus on kicking, etc etc.

Do either of you guys have any clips of yourselves in action on YouTube or anything? :bigsmile: I always love seeing footage of people displaying their martial arts talents.

Hope both of you joined the Face Book group I mentioned a few posts up. That interview snippet is so cool! :nerd:

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Chinatown Kid

I don't have any footage of myself doing TKD/ Martial Arts Bob but I plan on getting back into fighting in tournaments this summer. If I can film any of my fights on camcorder and can figure out how to post them on youtube I will. Plan on signing up to that Facebook group too brother.....

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Guest Yi-Long

There aren't any pictures or footage of me online, apart from some midget-fucking clips.

Those clips do have kicking in them (and flying midgets), but sadly nothing really to brag about...

Other than that, I tend to avoid the cameras.

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Do either of you guys have any clips of yourselves in action on YouTube or anything? :bigsmile: I always love seeing footage of people displaying their martial arts talents.

Hope both of you joined the Face Book group I mentioned a few posts up. That interview snippet is so cool! :nerd:

You can watch me



Yes I'm a youthful 38

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I don't have any footage of myself doing TKD/ Martial Arts Bob but I plan on getting back into fighting in tournaments this summer. If I can film any of my fights on camcorder and can figure out how to post them on youtube I will. Plan on signing up to that Facebook group too brother.....

Cool! Yeah, we should have recorded ourselves when we were young and in our prime. It's hard to believe how many countless hours I've dedicated to training and how few times I was filmed.

Damn! Someone actually has footage to share and they won't play for me for some reason. :neutral: Thanks for trying bro.

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Sorry if this is bumping up an old thread, but has this been released yet? Or is there any news on it's release? It looks fantastic!

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Sorry if this is bumping up an old thread, but has this been released yet? Or is there any news on it's release? It looks fantastic!

No need to apologize. The director is still working on funding to finish the post production. I've seen some fantastic snippets of this and I simply can't wait to view the finished film! :nerd:

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One Armed Boxer

Jon-James Hodson posted on 'The Anonymous King' Facebook page last Friday that the documentary is now completed, he just needs funding to use the Shaw Brothers clips of Hwang Jang-lee. Hopefully it'll see the light of day soon!

Update: The film is complete. I need investors to pay Shaw Brothers' exorbitant costs for the use of their footage. If you would like to invest or know of someone who might feel free to contact me.
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:squigglemouth: ....sigh. That certainly goes without saying.

What Shaw films did he actually appear in other than Kid from Kwangtung and Ghosts Galore?

He has 60+ acting credits but his SB output would be minimal and could have easily been omitted.

Update: The film is complete. I need investors to pay Shaw Brothers' exorbitant costs for the use of their footage.

If you would like to invest or know of someone who might feel free to contact me.

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It's essential that the doc uses Shaw clips when the vast majority of this guy's work was in independents? If the answer is yes.... then a lot of the running time is probably just action clips with narration.

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What Shaw films did he actually appear in other than Kid from Kwangtung and Ghosts Galore?

He has 60+ acting credits but his SB output would be minimal and could have easily been omitted.

As far as I know it was just in those two films. However, his work in KID FROM KWANGTUNG is some of his best! But the reason he didn't do more more films with Shaw Brothers is (from what was hinted to me) is kind of an important part of his story in films.

It's essential that the doc uses Shaw clips when the vast majority of this guy's work was in independents? If the answer is yes.... then a lot of the running time is probably just action clips with narration.

The doc is going to be way more than just clips. The director got a very significant amount of interview footage with Hwang Jang-Lee, who was much more candid than most stars are about the "way it really was" on the sets.

I can't wait to see this. If every one of us that's interested in this doc would chip in ten bucks, I'm sure Jon would be well on his way to paying for that footage and releasing this. I ask you fellow fans to join me- please help this documentary get finished.

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According to legend....

in 1982 Wong Jan Lee started directing a movie himself whilst at Shaw Brothers, that would re-unite him with Kid From Kwangtung co-star Wong Yu (RIP), and give a starring role to recently ex-Venom Kwok Choy...

I cant remember what the title was going to be, but I heard this from straight from Toby Russell, who was a visitor at Shaws at that time, and passed up his only (though he didnt know it at the time) chance to meet Fu Sheng, to go and meet Wong on set... The movie was stopped when Wong demanded more money...

Maybe Ol' Mona has some of THAT footage

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I'm saying the need for Shaw Bros. clips raises some questions in regards to how much interview time they got with HJL. Even if it is quite a bit, filling the runtime of a documentary is hard work I'm sure. What I was guessing at is the only logical assumption you could make when the Shaw work doesn't really represent what he's done more than many other titles. Spending that money is a bizarre choice otherwise.

Does this doc have a commercial distribution plan? I assumed it was a "grassroots" thing. If they are going a more professional route then I understand them being completist with what clips they show.

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