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Nice new independant HP Lovecraft adaptation...


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If there's any Lovecraft fans out there, I think you might really enjoy this one. It's really faithful to the story, and it reminds me a lot of the early 30's Universal horror movies. I thought it was a pretty impressive example of what filmmakers with limited money but lots of affection for the material can do. Highly recommended:


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They got this one at my local video store, I guess I just dismissed it for some old lame horror movie (not that I don't love them to!). I love Lovecraft, I think he's the inspiration for all moden horror and scifi.

Dagon was probably one of the last good horror movies I've seen, to bad they're to big of pussies to release it in the states.

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Guest D M Bainbridge

I got this Call of Cthulhu from the HP Lovecraft Historical Socity for christmas. Definatelly, the best adaptation of lovecraft to film. Unfortunatelly, some people will be put off because it is only 45 minutes long. But it tells the entire story - no more, no less. Very, very well done. I hope the guys decide to make another Lovecraft work and it would be great (although maybe a pipedream) to see this played late night on IFC or something.

Definatelly recommended if your a Lovecraft fan.

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Guest sea kelp

If this is the movie that was an entry at slamdance it sure looked amazing. the lighting tricks are old school and seemed to create good atmosphere.

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Guest vengeanceofhumanlanterns
45 minutes seems appropriate seeing how it's only 3-4 pages long

This story is 55 pages long. For a horror story written in 1926 it's mind bendingly vivid.

I'll have to pick this flick up as well as the Cool Air adaptation recently filmed.

Thanks for posting that link KyFi.

Lovecraft rules!

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Hey vengeance, I saw on the "where are you from" thread that you're in Gloucester---I'm across the way in Rockport. Yep, the Lovecraft stuff is especially fun when you live so close to Innsmouth and Arkham! :)

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Guest vengeanceofhumanlanterns

That's right, livin in the midst of it. Innsmouth, that's right between Ipswich and Gloucester, if I remember correctly. In fact, they may have rebuilt an called it Essex in some parts, I reckon.

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Yes, I saw a map once of Lovecraft's North Shore---I think Kingsport was Marblehead, and Arkham was Danvers/Beverly? Funny, I was driving along the ocean one night last fall, and the moon was low and bright, right over the water. I did look to see if there were any fish-frog-men swimming out towards any reefs, but alas, they must not have been out that evening. :)

Thanks for the note---I'll drop you a line sometime, although I'm pretty bad about keeping up with emails.


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Guest vengeanceofhumanlanterns

I just ordered Call Of Cthulhu and Cool Air and Others vol. 1. Looking forward to receiving them.

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