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Bruce Lee Hong Kong TVB 1973


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Hi Guys

Has anyone got pics of Bruce from the infamous Hong Kong TVB show from 10th July 1973? I think it was the 10th anyway. There are a few on the Divine Wind but the quality of them is poor.

It was the interview where Bruce scared the host by demonstrating what he could do to Lo Wei without a knife.

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Phantom Dreamer

I'm sorry, but I don't think he looks like a guy who would be dead in a week and a half, counter to what others have said. He looks alright.


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To be fair mate, his brain isn't swelling at that point.

On a side note, I wish we had this interview. All of them, but particularly this one.

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Phantom Dreamer

2 months after his May 10 incident. People who have seen images of his July 10 appearance have stated that he looks "frail", "on his way out" etc. That's just not the case. He looked fine.

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He doesn't look as robust around the face as he did around the time of The Big Boss. A bit too thin and feeling the strain with the pending release of ETD.

He had recovered from May 10th so that's irrelevant. July 20th he made the same mistake (ingested pure unrefined Nepalese junk) and paid with his life, at least that's my take.

Love the guy but that gear was tainted, or it was too much for his body chemistry to absorb. It was there when he collapsed on May 10 and it was there at autopsy. Talk about a smoking gun.

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He doesn't look as robust around the face as he did around the time of The Big Boss. A bit too thin and feeling the strain with the pending release of ETD.

Supposedly he had sweat glands removed, or at least some procedure relating to his sweat glands; I know a plastic surgeon I asked about this, and he said that you can't remove them-I didn't ask further if that meant he'd refuse to perform such a surgery or not, or if it's not possible... Now, if Lee had such a procedure during the last months of his life, it's possible his body's PH balance would be off and wouldn't release toxins properly...

He had recovered from May 10th so that's irrelevant. July 20th he made the same mistake (ingested pure unrefined Nepalese junk) and paid with his life, at least that's my take.

Funny how autopsy found no food in his system... that's weird. I don't know about the Nepalese hash-it was reportedly cannabis. If you have crisis, your adrenal glands kick in, and your body rejects by vomiting, trembling, sweating, and also going to toilet. If Lee's system was shot due to that surgery, he was on borrowed time anyway.

Love the guy but that gear was tainted, or it was too much for his body chemistry to absorb. It was there when he collapsed on May 10 and it was there at autopsy. Talk about a smoking gun.

Tainting brings the notion that someone wanted a desired result from him using... Murder. Who supplied this junk???


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He looks no different in that picture to how he looks in the opening scene of Enter The Dragon. Which also happened to be the last fight scene he ever filmed. He was down to 125lbs by 1973. The weight loss started when he moved to Hong Kong and did not happen in just a few weeks. Dan Inosanto said Lee wasn't training at all in the last months of his life. Lee also did not take gladly to Inosanto saying he did not look too well during his final weeks. When people become stressed it often effects their eating habits. If the problems he had with the triads are true, then weight training and eating well must have been at the bottom of his priority list.

I'm not sure who started the seat gland removal rumor but its crazy. Sounds like something that would happen in one of those low budget clone film biopics of his life.

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He looks no different in that picture to how he looks in the opening scene of Enter The Dragon. Which also happened to be the last fight scene he ever filmed. He was down to 125lbs by 1973... If the problems he had with the triads are true, then weight training and eating well must have been at the bottom of his priority list.

I could believe this theory on his not eating, sleeping, and overall being stress-out, moreso than "overworked."

I'm not sure who started the sweat gland removal rumor but its crazy.

This is why I said he may had some procedure, and not necessarily removed the glands-as I stated, the plastic surgeon I spoke with said that wasn't possible.He did do foolish things, like hooking up that electrical device to speed up his reflexes and what not, to his head... Hell he could have done damage to himself in that way... No way to test that though... People reportedly to have witnessed him using this device thought him to be mad. read (insane).

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Hi Dragon.

I have read a little about the electrical device, but from what I did read it didn't involve any damaging effects. There may be a separate story Ive simply not read or one Ive forgot about involving different equipment. John Saxon said he used to wear these headphones that played relaxing sounds such as running water or birds song. Lee mentioned to him that he felt his reflexes were at their quickest when he was in the most relaxed state. Which is why he was experimenting with this device. Bolo Yeung has also mentioned this in interviews before. I cannot comment on any other electrical devices he may have used at the time. Because so much of Lee's life is not talked about by those who were there. Many theories have appeared since 1973 to try and fill in the gaps. Which means we often end up with stories like the sweat gland one.

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Phantom Dreamer

I still don't know whether or not he purposely dropped weight or if his weight loss was "undesirable" as Tom Bleecker wrote.

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Id say he didn't plan on loosing so much weight but I could be wrong. He looked the healthiest during his time in the states up to 1970. He struggled to stay healthy and keep weight on during the production of The Big Boss according to his wife. He lived mainly on the health foods/vitamins he had taken with him. Now he still appeared healthy when appearing in his first three Golden Harvest films. By late 72 he appears to be losing weight much quicker and starts to look leaner. The weight loss could be down to workload/stress or other problems he had in HK such as dealing with Betty Ting Pei etc. His lifestyle in HK changed a lot from his first arrival to the time of his death. At the end of the day there's only one person who can really answer the weight loss question and that's the man himself.

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I didn't know those images were taken roughly a month before he died. Those images certainly debunk the theory he was very frail during the last weeks of his life. Dan Inosanto is one person who has mentioned Lee not training or looking after himself in the last months of his life. Perhaps he was just not consistent with his training/diet and therefore his weight was up and down all the time. Some truths about Lee's life might be revealed in the future, but we will never know the full story.

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Phantom Dreamer

Davis Miller wrote in the Tao.. that he "quit physical training" following his May 10 collapse apart from daily runs through his neighborhood. Who knows if that is correct?

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If he stopped training in May, how come he looked in good shape the month after?. Davis Miller might have got that one wrong?. Like Ive said before until somebody reveals some truths we can only guess about many parts of Bruce Lee's life. The internet has helped to get a lot of alternative information out to the fans but there's still a long way to go.

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Phantom Dreamer


If his body was in disarray, it is possible for fluctuations at times. Something was going on, that's for certain.

Arsenic poisoning?

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Phantom Dreamer

Somebody over at Nick Clarke's forum has stated that Bruce Lee's last television interview was conducted on July 5, 1973 and not July 10.

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Somebody over at Nick Clarke's forum has stated that Bruce Lee's last television interview was conducted on July 5, 1973 and not July 10.

Funny how all his TV appearances have disappeared. Almost as to erase he was there, or to hide the fact that he looked FINE in those broadcasts, which would be contradictory to reports and claims of otherwise. It's all a sham.

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