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Chuck Norris


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I thought I'd start this thread for fun. In the US, Chuck Norris has become the epitome of "the tough guy", even surpassing Clint Eastwood. I love Chuck, the soft-spoken man of action! Sure, like all action/MA stars, he's made some duds but he's definitely made some bombs!

Favorite films

The Octagon --- first initial ninja movie I ever saw and first CN movie I ever saw in a theater

Lone Wolf McQuade --- CN vs David Carradine: nuff said

A Force of One ---- CN vs Bill "Superfoot" Wallace: ditto

Forced Vengeance --- classic silhouette fight scene

An Eye For An Eye ---- CN vs Prof. Tanaka

Good Guys Wear Black --- flying kick through windshield of moving car....freaking wild, man!

Guilty Pleasure films

Silent Rage --- CN vs unkillable psychopath

Firewalker --- a fun romp with Louis Gossett, Jr

Worst movie

Hero and the Terror --- wimpy CN, saw this once and will never watch it again!

Movie with best CN line of dialogue

Invasion USA ---- CN tells a goon "If you come back in here, I'll hit you with so many rights you'll beg for a left."

Best Sitcom Moment

Yes, Dear --- CN appears in an ep where Jimmy, who works security at a movie studio, and his 2 coworkers fantasize about doing things with him and it even has a bar fight at the end. If you haven't seen this, you need to. It will own you!

Lastly, my wife found a CN t-shirt for me (at Kohl's of all places) loaded with one-liners titled "Things You Need To Know About Chuck Norris":

1) Chuck Norris can slam revolving doors.

2) Chuck Norris counted to infinity....twice.

3) Chuck Norris refers to himself in the fourth person.

4) Chuck Norris doesn't leave messages, he leaves warnings.

5) When the bogeyman goes to sleep every night he checks his closet for Chuck Norris.

6) The chief export of Chuck Norris is pain.

7) Chuck Norris can split the atom with his bare hands.

8) Chuck Norris doesn't use scuba diving equipment, he just holds his breath.

Can't wait for your posts. :tongue:

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Chuck is defenetly cool guy, i saw most of his films and they were OK, some of his better works are Fire Walker, Walker Texas Ranger (both series and movie) but for some reason i never liked The Cutter. God wanted to create world in 10 days...Chuck gave him only 7 :smile:

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Chuck did a triple threat of three good made for TV films IMO. THE PRESIDENT'S MAN and the sequel, A LINE IN THE SAND, featured some good action with CN. CN played a very low-key agent who must find a protege to replace him. The first film co-starred Dylan Neal as the potential replacement only to be replaced in the sequel by CN's Walker co-star Judson Mills.

Before the TPM movies was LOGAN'S WAR: BOUND BY HONOR had CN play the uncle and martial arts mentor to the titular character, who seeked revenge against the mob for the death of his father. Eddie Cibrian played the titular Logan.

The three movies were available in a 3-movie set I saw for $5.00 at Wal-Mart.

Seeing all the CN love makes me want to find OVERKILL, the only lead starring role for Chuck's brother and choice of fight choreographer, Aaron Norris.

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Chuck did a triple threat of three good made for TV films IMO. THE PRESIDENT'S MAN and the sequel, A LINE IN THE SAND, featured some good action with CN. CN played a very low-key agent who must find a protege to replace him. The first film co-starred Dylan Neal as the potential replacement only to be replaced in the sequel by CN's Walker co-star Judson Mills.

Before the TPM movies was LOGAN'S WAR: BOUND BY HONOR had CN play the uncle and martial arts mentor to the titular character, who seeked revenge against the mob for the death of his father. Eddie Cibrian played the titular Logan.

The three movies were available in a 3-movie set I saw for $5.00 at Wal-Mart.

Seeing all the CN love makes me want to find OVERKILL, the only lead starring role for Chuck's brother and choice of fight choreographer, Aaron Norris.

yea i Have and Love that set i got mine at K mart for 5


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Sorry, guys (AV & F_D), but I never cared for those. I was really disappointed in them.

However, I am interested in this Aaron Norris project OVERKILL mentioned by AlbertV. I've never heard of it, much less seen it. Any idea what it's like? Good? Bad?

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Reel Power Stunts

Movie with best CN line of dialogue

Invasion USA ---- CN tells a goon "If you come back in here, I'll hit you with so many rights you'll beg for a left."

I liked the line in CODE OF SILENCE: "If I want your opinion, I'll beat it out of you!"

Also, "Forced Vengeance" is a guilty, cheesy pleasure of mine. Nice chase-&-fight-across-the-streets-of-Hong Kong-mindless-action flick.

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Chuck wanted to fight Bruce Lee in real life, but Bruce pussied out.

Do you have a source for that?

There's no mention of that in Chuck's autobiography Against All Odds: My Story. This is an excellent read and very informative btw. I'd encourage everyone to read it.

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Richard Bustillo says otherwise.

Do you have a source for that?

There's no mention of that in Chuck's autobiography Against All Odds: My Story. This is an excellent read and very informative btw. I'd encourage everyone to read it.

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Sorry, guys (AV & F_D), but I never cared for those. I was really disappointed in them.

However, I am interested in this Aaron Norris project OVERKILL mentioned by AlbertV. I've never heard of it, much less seen it. Any idea what it's like? Good? Bad?

Here's the trailer


Doesn't show much in terms of action, but seeing the movie back when it was first out, Aaron has proven he is quite a fighter on screen. Wish he did more lead roles. He appeared in The Cutter with big brother Chuck (Aaron is 11 years younger than CN)

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Chinatown Kid

I bet Joe Lewis is still kicking himself in the ass for turning down the part that was offered to Chuck Norris by Bruce after he turned it down in Way of the Dragon, although I'm sure he would never admit it. :angel:

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Here's the trailer


Doesn't show much in terms of action, but seeing the movie back when it was first out, Aaron has proven he is quite a fighter on screen. Wish he did more lead roles. He appeared in The Cutter with big brother Chuck (Aaron is 11 years younger than CN)

He looks like Gary Daniels in Fist of the northstar

and this trailer reminds me of Surviving the Game and Hunt To Kill

looks good though...

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Richard Bustillo says otherwise.

Regarding what? I'm confused. About CN's challenge to BL or the CN autobio being any good?

Thanks for the OVERKILL trailer, AV. Still kind of hard to tell. I guess I'd have to suffer through.....I mean, sit through it in order to know if it's any good. It really didn't show any MA (I think I saw one quick cut of a kick).

F_D is right, he sort of has Gary Daniels' "Fist of the North Star" look going on in this. Look at that face though, there's no denying he's Chuck's brother.

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Regarding what? I'm confused. About CN's challenge to BL or the CN autobio being any good?

Bustillo witnessed Bruce whipping Chuck's ass around the backyard during a sparring session. Chuck (and Joe Lewis) now claims he never sparred with Bruce. He would also slam Bruce with "Oh, he wasn't trained to fight." Maybe not point-fighting, which was Chuck's forte.

Mike Stone said Bruce was his equal. And Mike didn't give a goddamn about any other martial artist and had a better fight record than Chuck, Joe Lewis or Bob Wall. His career was eclipsed by the "Stole Priscilla from Elvis" story, and people forgot what a legend he was in sport karate. I suspect Mike and Bruce sparred.

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Bustillo witnessed Bruce whipping Chuck's ass around the backyard during a sparring session. Chuck (and Joe Lewis) now claims he never sparred with Bruce. He would also slam Bruce with "Oh, he wasn't trained to fight." Maybe not point-fighting, which was Chuck's forte.

Mike Stone said Bruce was his equal. And Mike didn't give a goddamn about any other martial artist and had a better fight record than Chuck, Joe Lewis or Bob Wall. His career was eclipsed by the "Stole Priscilla from Elvis" story, and people forgot what a legend he was in sport karate. I suspect Mike and Bruce sparred.

Thanks for the clarification. All of that is news to me.

K, have you ever seen this Tigershark movie with Mike Stone in it?

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K, have you ever seen this Tigershark movie with Mike Stone in it?

Yeah, and it's a ton of fun.

His buddy in it is the late, great John Quade aka the head of the Black Widow gang from Clint's [iWhich Way films!

I'll hunt my copy down and pass it onto you.


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