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Big Boss 2 starring Lo Lieh available on dvd at Amazon?!

66 Mantis

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I'm pretty sure amazon just labeled the cast and credits wrong, and it's really that Dragon Lee piece of shit.

If you're feeling lucky, order every copy they have, and if it is indeed the Lo Lieh/Bruce Le flick, then you'll be a rich man. =D

Speaking of which, whatever happened to that one guy who actually had a print of the movie (and he posted clips on youtube?)... did anything ever come out of that?

What a tease.

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O.K, that makes sense. The listing made me do a major double take. If I weren't so damn broke, I would order every copy and hope to get lucky and get rich. God knows, I need the money!

This is all I ever found:


I guess this is all anybody has found...

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I really REALLY want to see this movie.

I'm surprised a shady bootlegger hasn't spliced in another movie after those actual credits and started selling copies.

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Me too, it actually looks like a fun film. A basher made as late as 1976 seems unusual.

And yeah, I'm sure there's a bootlegger out there somewhere who's already thought of doing that.

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A guy called Naushad/Globe has it on 35mmm - it was he that posted the first 10 minutes on youtube, to prove he had it.

He then got into a hissy fit over something and left the forum.

The Big Boss Original Dub guys put the following on their webpage:

At the end of the final fight scene bruce is taken away,but the story continues.........with another rare gem Big Boss PART II, which features some of the cast from the Big Boss .

Big Boss PART II has a large on line following and will be available in 2011.

I can only assume they're in negotiations with him?

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I'd actually be surprised if Globe had the whole film. More likely he has bits of it on individual reels, probably why he hasn't been able cash-in on it.

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Am I mistaken... isn't this a "lost" film? Yet Amazon U.K. is offering a PAL dvd (perhaps tellingly, without any cover art). Ripoff, for real or do I have my facts all fudged up?

there is an actual customer review linked to this dvd , a mr walters,

he wrote it in July 2009, it fails to mention anything about the cast and one is left to wonder what movie he saw, does he really own BB2 with Lo Lieh?

or the Dragon Lee movie?

is it possible someone so experienced with kung fu movies is not on this forum?

how could such a release escape the attention of our intrepid membership?

it must be a mistake...but still :neutral:

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When Naushad was here he did say he had a (complete) 35mm print of BIG BOSS Part 2 but he also made it clear on several occasions that he sold the print to a cinema in Zambia. He never mentioned if he made a copy off the print or not.

He wasn't the easiest person to deal with (to put it mildly) but I think it's unfair to label him a "tease" as someone here did. He didn't put that scene up on YouTube to tease anybody but because he's a businessman and he wanted to prove he had a print (when some members here doubted him).

He's not a fan and has no interest in sharing out of love for the genre. Having said that, I think he could have made more money by having sported more, ahm, positive relations with his customers. I kept writing him about a Filipino kung fu film that I wanted but he simply wouldn't make a dvd-r altho he kept saying he was going to sell copies of the film. Then out of a sudden he writes me, asks for my address, and says he's going to send me a free copy. This was months ago. I'm aware he did the same to another fan of Filipino films. None of us have received anything. I wonder how he keeps his business afloat with these highly alternative business tactics. :rolleyes:

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Who knows. I'm sick of all these guys claiming to have rare stuff. Either release the shit to the public IN FULL or stay in your cave.

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LOL. It is released to the public. It's being screened at a cinema in Zambia.

If it's not in my mail box packed in a re-used, slightly sliced, bubble envelope; then it's NOT released to the public.

Unless this Zambia theater is playing it off a DVD player, I'm not interested. Where the hell is Zambia anyways? Is that where Shaka Zulu hangs out? The black king mini series...

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I have a friend who knows more about these things than me, he is a film distributor, and he says that he knows the rights owner of Big Boss 2 in HK but nobody releases the film as he wants US$15,000 for the rights and the film just isn't worth that much. If anyone wants to stump up the cash then let me know and we will see what we can do....I have the poster and 10 lobbies for it from Thailand and I know it came out on video here, but I have yet to actually find the film itself sadly.....

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I have a friend who knows more about these things than me, he is a film distributor, and he says that he knows the rights owner of Big Boss 2 in HK but nobody releases the film as he wants US$15,000 for the rights and the film just isn't worth that much. If anyone wants to stump up the cash then let me know and we will see what we can do....I have the poster and 10 lobbies for it from Thailand and I know it came out on video here, but I have yet to actually find the film itself sadly.....

Just $15,000? They are paying that kind of money for rare soul releases on 45 (vinyl) :tongue: is the kung fu scene not as dedicated as the (northern) soul one :bigsmile:



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I would also like to see this movie, it is quiet strange that movie with such cast can be bad :neutral: , but however i put some reviews on the net because i know the plot because my dad saw whole film back in '90 in Yugoslavian cinema.

@mpm74 Shaka is hanging out in South Africa, Zambia is little northern :xd:

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Huh? You deem the film "bad" altho you haven't seen it!? How is that possible???

And you say you've reviewed it based on knowing the plot because your dad watched it once 20 years ago?

I'm sorry mate, but any kind of review or opinion like that is close to worthless. I'm sorry but it is.

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I did not say that movie is bad, but many people after watching 10 minutes said that it looks bad. Anyway here is my review, it is not maybe the best but still better than nothing (at last i think that).

The Big Boss, part II

Chang Chao-Chun (Lo Lieh) came to the Thailand to visit his brother Chang Chao-An (Bruce Le) who is now in the jail for killing Big Boss in the first part. Chao-Chun get a job in the same ice factory in which his brother worked but now whit a new boss. In the last Big Boss never was never known why Chao-An promise to mum that he will never fight, now in Big Boss, part II we see that is because his dad died in the fight and the man who killed his father is boss of the new factory. Like in the original Boss, in Big Boss, part II we can also see some fights in the factory, also helicopter fight and gliser fight against crocodiles. In the final fight Chan Chao-Chun avenge death of his father beating new Boss.

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I believe MG Lerox is actually defending the film, saying it cannot be that bad, based on what have we seen and this review. I am interested in seeing this film as soon as possible.

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I did not say that movie is bad, but many people after watching 10 minutes said that it looks bad. Anyway here is my review, it is not maybe the best but still better than nothing (at last i think that).

Ahh, I see what you mean. :nerd:

I still don't think you should call it a "review" as you don't review the films as such. You give a mere plot description or synopsis. A review would require that you actually saw the film.

And the guy/guys with the BIG BOSS org. dub say they're going to release it in 2011 so hopefully we'll be able to see it soon.

Now, if someone would just release LADY EXTERMINATOR (the SB film, not the Indonesian film) I'd be extremely happy!

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Guest Markgway

Even though what we saw looks rubbish I'd still give the film as a whole as chance.

What I won't be doing is paying a bundle of money for it... lol

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