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Dragon Tiger Gate (2006)

Guest Sleepman

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One Armed Boxer
But I think it's become outdated because choreography is hard to do.

I think ShaOW!linDude has hit the nail on the head with this comment. It never became outdated because people got bored of seeing it....it became outdated simply because it's been such a long time since anybody has actually been skilled enough to create that style of choreography again.

There have been a few exceptions along the way of course....those that immediately spring to mind are Donnie Yen vs Wu Jing in 'Sha Po Lang', and Johnny Yong Bosch vs pretty much everyone in 'Broken Path'.

But what I dislike is when it's used for cheapness, or just for the sake of it.

Agree 100%. As much as CGI was very revolutionary back in the days of 'Jurassic Park' and 'Terminator 2', these days it seems to be a lazy film-makers tool. I can't remember how many CGI helicopters I've seen in recent Hollywood movies, what ever happened to using real ones!?....even the worse Golan-Globus movies from the 80's could use real helicopters.

I just watched Dragon Tiger Gate about 10 minutes ago and here is my take:

It is an awful movie.


Your right when you said its ludicrous, but when I think of one sided Steven Seagal is the next thing to come to mind....:)

Ha ha, yeah can't argue with that one, perhaps we could get a Donnie Yen vs Steven Seagal match underway at some point in the future!

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It never became outdated because people got bored of seeing it....it became outdated simply because it's been such a long time since anybody has actually been skilled enough to create that style of choreography again.

You have a good point but I would say it's largely attributed to the fact that it's been done in particular trends (with new elements/themes in the same kind of fight choreography) that have risen throughout the last 2 decades. The new wave/wirework era, the Crouching Tiger era (after a 5-year period of decline), the SPL/Flash Point era (although it's not too conventional like the other trends) and lastly the Ip Man era. Trends always attract and fade away and people's preferences refreshes as trends change so it's definitely going to decline again unless you do what someone like Donnie does: going away from that style as much as possible.

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Love this movie, its what got me watching MA flicks again. Its a comic inspired action movie and it delivers. First or second favorite Yen movie.

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One Armed Boxer
Love this movie, its what got me watching MA flicks again.

Well...if it got one person back into kung-fu movies, I guess it`s not a complete write-off!:neutral:

First or second favorite Yen movie.

Out of curiosity, what would be your first / second favorite Donnie Yen movie?

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Out of curiosity, what would be your first / second favorite Donnie Yen movie?

Okay its actually top 3 Ip Man 1 and Iron Monkey are both great. People give me shit for not really liking SPL and Flashpoint but those movies are 95% generic plot and 5% (good) MA's which is why I watch MA movies in the first place. Only other Yen movies I really like is In the Line of Duty 4 and Ip Man 2 though I have not seen much of his 80's stuff or his newer stuff from the last 2 years.

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I liked Dragon Tiger Gate. Donnie, Nic, and Shawn. Were at top form with there skills i dont hate the flim at all due to the hate people are giving it still is what led me to watch it, later on buy it off Amazon for 3.99 not a bad price for a good movie like Dragon Tiger Gate.

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I liked Dragon Tiger Gate. Donnie, Nic, and Shawn. Were at top form with there skills i dont hate the flim at all due to the hate people are giving it still is what led me to watch it, later on buy it off Amazon for 3.99 not a bad price for a good movie like Dragon Tiger Gate.

it's not worth 3.99 in any currency.

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it's not worth 3.99 in any currency.

Well I Think it is! its not any 3.99 anymore its always like 8 on amazon or more, if its not worth 3 bucks to u. if u have a copy why dont u Send it to Me! lol

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it's not worth 3.99 in any currency.

It was for me and it was worth the money. BTW it was a used copy so no lie okay moving on.

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Well I Think it is! its not any 3.99 anymore its always like 8 on amazon or more, if its not worth 3 bucks to u. if u have a copy why dont u Send it to Me! lol

One-day when I'm bored I'll probably give it another go but I really don't think it' was worth the money and of course I paid a helluva lot more than $3.99, probably more like $15.

No doubt it will probably end up in my mum's collection as with most of my unwanted Jackie, Sammo, Donnie or jet Li films. I reckon she has to be the oldest non Asian Western female martial-arts fan on the planet!

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Noelle Shadow Kick

Haha really? DTG isn't worth 3.99? What a joke. DTG is such a fun movie. And even if you don't like it, there's no reason to be a brat to someone else who does. I payed full price for the movie and I dont mind. I actually think it's a movie that gets better when you watch it again and love popping it in once in a while. What can I say? I'm just a gal who likes fun.

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As once gotten rid of it I would not take it back even if someone pays me $3.99

Nice one mate!:xd:

Haha really? DTG isn't worth 3.99? What a joke. DTG is such a fun movie. And even if you don't like it, there's no reason to be a brat to someone else who does. I payed full price for the movie and I dont mind. I actually think it's a movie that gets better when you watch it again and love popping it in once in a while. What can I say? I'm just a gal who likes fun.

I'm really glad you like it but to be fair I think Donnie Yen can do far, far better and just think there are far better martial-arts movies that are what I would call fun, rather than mediocrity such as this. Movies like this, the Twins Effect and Invisible Target are what's wrong with Hong Kong martial-arts Cinema. Using pop idols and pretty boys is why just about every nation making martial-arts films is kicking Hong Kong's ARSE at its own game! I mean if you take away the most prestigious movies, the big budget masterpieces like Hero, House of Flying Daggers and Ip Man (which are great films , story based, but are not filled with the greatest fights sequences. They are just quality films with some good fight sequences, not really any great stunts that I can think of the top of my head )... where are the true martial-arts action films like from previous decades ?

Btw I payed full price importing long before any western DVDs were available.

oh yeah Noelle , Is that cowboy cut out super tall or are you just on the petite side?

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You guys are too picky haha.

You might as well learn to appreciate some movies as they are. Because, honestly, as much as we all expect to have our preferred martial arts movies done, we won't get them everytime.

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I'm really glad you like it but to be fair I think Donnie Yen can do far, far better and just think there are far better martial-arts movies that are what I would call fun, rather than mediocrity such as this. Movies like this, the Twins Effect and Invisible Target are what's wrong with Hong Kong martial-arts Cinema. Using pop idols and pretty boys is why just about every nation making martial-arts films is kicking Hong Kong's ARSE at its own game! I mean if you take away the most prestigious movies, the big budget masterpieces like Hero, House of Flying Daggers and Ip Man (which are great films , story based, but are not filled with the greatest fights sequences. They are just quality films with some good fight sequences, not really any great stunts that I can think of the top of my head )... where are the true martial-arts action films like from previous decades ?

Preach on, brother!

I personally like DTG. But you're right. The "package" and the "product" should be synonymous in order to have a good MA flick. Unfortunately Hong Kong cinema has placed more emphasis on the "package" rather than the "product" and as fans we're left to take what we can get with the rare exceptions when something phenomenal comes along.

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You guys are too picky haha.

You might as well learn to appreciate some movies as they are. Because, honestly, as much as we all expect to have our preferred martial arts movies done, we won't get them everytime.

I would love to be not picky but if it wasn't for the stars, choreographers, directors etc of all of these wonderful Asian movies it would be possible. Unfortunately we have seen what we have seen. I would love to be a sheep and be able to drool over the Matrix. Think Charlie's Angels is the dogs bollocks. I can't in the same way I can't see Dragon Tiger Gate as anything but mediocre.

I'd happily be shown martial-arts films with quality martial-arts and Stunt action and be called too picky. Unfortunately we see far too many films with sloppy action trying to make out they are great action films.

I think we all take what we can get but I think to be honest as you say we all know that there's a lot of mediocrity to get through just to find the good stuff. I think like everything they will always be movies/TV shows that have raised the bar. Unfortunately after a short time I feel producers deliberately lower the Bar by aiming at a younger audience who haven't seen better. They will happily watch crap, whereas we the "older" ones expect more. Luckily these days we can choose to watch older programs/films because we expect more and get it.

Preach on, brother!

I personally like DTG. But you're right. The "package" and the "product" should be synonymous in order to have a good MA flick. Unfortunately Hong Kong cinema has placed more emphasis on the "package" rather than the "product" and as fans we're left to take what we can get with the rare exceptions when something phenomenal comes along.

Thanks SD!:bigsmile:

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I would love to be not picky but if it wasn't for the stars, choreographers, directors etc of all of these wonderful Asian movies it would be possible. Unfortunately we have seen what we have seen.

That can be said about every star, director and choreographer now, not just those from Asia. Movies that are regarded bad, disappointing, mediocre or whatever you may call it is to be expected. You can't make classics in rows. Movies are made according to what the audience wants and willingly taken risks to bring something new and the end it's always guaranteed that movies end up being considered either great or different from those we come to love.

I'd happily be shown martial-arts films with quality martial-arts and Stunt action and be called too picky. Unfortunately we see far too many films with sloppy action trying to make out they are great action films.

And those sloppy action films being?

I think like everything they will always be movies/TV shows that have raised the bar. Unfortunately after a short time I feel producers deliberately lower the Bar by aiming at a younger audience who haven't seen better. They will happily watch crap, whereas we the "older" ones expect more.

True in some senses. But then there are the ones that try to do create new concepts of action by moving away from the previous ones that raised the bar and drained the trends. And with intention to aim at everyone, not only young nor the specific audience.

Luckily these days we can choose to watch older programs/films because we expect more and get it.

True but there are loads of crap there too. Mediocrity ain't only exclusive to new movies.

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I think "basher" flicks are sloppy action films. Is there any choreography to those? Seems like those guys just flail about on camera like school kids fighting but afraid they may actually hit someone. But that's me.

Some of the lame US attempts at MA films are sloppy as crap! (Sorry, titles elude me at the moment.) Oh, thought of one. BOUND BY BLOOD. I reviewed this a couple of months ago. Some of the MA in that was awfully sloppy. Some was good, too. I think I've bought maybe 2 of TapOut's movies (the 1st couple with Hector Echavarria starring in them). Lots of the choreography in those I thought was sloppy.

But I agree with DiP's latter statements though my sentiments are in line with blue_skies'. It's a sifting process which can be both sweet (when you find something really cool) and sucky (when you've taken a chance on a # of titles and they're all terrible).

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I actually enjoyed DTG but it is forgettable.

Only two things I hate from this movie:

1. Turbo Shek's hair.. OMG. Even in the comic, his hair were not that silly.

2. any scenes where Shibumi appeared.

In my opinion, DTGS was still better than Storm Warriors but worse than Storm Raiders.

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I went ahead and brought DTG on DVD blindly when it was released in China. Being a Donnie Yen fan, I took the risk. I gotta admit, it's more a fun comic book movie rather than Martial Arts. I even have it on the shelf with all my other Comic Book adaptions Like Storm Riders, Spider man and so on. I wouldn't say it was bad. It definitely had some good eye-candy shots and Donnie always dose great. Yes, The hair was campy! From a scale of Crap, Bad, OK, Good, Great and Excellent. I can say it was good. There is always room for improvement, but that's the case with most movies. If you watch it for what it is, you will enjoy it!

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Dragon Tiger Gate CGI? Acceptable. It's a comic book movie.

Kung Fu Jungle CGI? Hell no. It's a modern day action thriller. 


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Every once in a while I see things I loved. after seeing 14 blades again (which I didn't like as much as I did the first time) I found it ridiculous in Donnie's most narcissistic moments. Action broken by a frantic montage and Cgi destroying the good things that there are). I tried to see DTG again that years ago I saw at least twice and considered good at least in terms of fighting. Donnie is a narcissistic fanatic, perhaps the most fanatical among the stars of Hk, but has been the most revolutionary in recent years in terms of action scenes. Flashpoint remains an undefeated masterpiece in some ways. I found DTG even more disappointing. Ridiculous as a story (even if taken from the comic) ridiculously dressed (I know they were dressed like that in the comic but they always make you laugh) ridiculous Donnie who "was 50" and poses as a 20-year-old. let's face it: I wanted to see it again just for the fight scenes, but I didn't find them as brilliant as I remembered. Apart from Donnie at times Tse and Yue aren't real fighters so it's quite noticeable. I struggled to get to the end, where the last famous fight ruined by cgi wasted every good thing there was. perhaps the most failed film of the Yip and Donnie couple.

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15 hours ago, JackieRome said:

perhaps the most failed film of the Yip and Donnie couple.

It's based on a comic. With movies based on something, there's always restrictions that will surely put the movie adaptations at risk of being unfaithful. Incomparable to something like SPL: Kill Zone or Flash Point which are movies with free input. Plus completely different movies categorically and thematically.

Wow, I don't even remember discussing in this thread... So I said the movie had grown on me in time after seeing it the first time. Nowadays, I'll take it back. A bad movie with great action. :coveredlaugh :bigsmile:

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