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Dragon Tiger Gate (2006)

Guest Sleepman

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Guest WongFury

i watched it yesterday i thought... meh! to certain scenes... i liked a couple of Donnie's fights like when he started fighting off the gang in the resturant..when he started it off then meh!...then i like how then final fight started off at the begining with all the handwork..after that it was ok..it would have been better if the two had been going out on each other, in other words no matter if Donnie won the fight it would have been better if he would have known after the fight he has been in a real fight if you know what im saying..he was beating the guy like he would beat on the average henchman. but i guess thats Donnie for you another seagal..

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Guest Chen Zhen

good point. i dont like how shawn yue and nick tse get pummeled against the villain, then donnie walks in and kicks the guys @ss, no problem! it woulda been more convincing had donnie had some more trouble beating him...essentially a more even fight.

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Guest Liu chung liang

with the comic book video game anime cartoony stereotypical approach... it should had not been a surprise that yen beat the last boss by himself. in the comic world, it's more fake. anyone using the name dragon, it's obvious they're suppose to be powerful lol.

the movie is nothing really.... i don't consider it a Must See.

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Just came back from watching the whole movie. In conclusion, Donnie's choreography design isn't as great as SPL but it wasn't a complete waste of time. After seeing the fights again on a ripped version of Deltamac dvd, I was more impressed with what I saw.

Camerawork is great most of the time, featuring clever shots of hand-to-hand combat (fists, palms, elbows, knees etc), if only the overloadance of it could've been somewhat limited then those damn close-ups wouldn't be all over the place (Donnie's way of action choreographing has its ups and downs but I still respect his talents). The fight in the stadium had the longest shots though and had impressive weaponwork in there too (featuring the best camerawork and editing)! I also liked the first half of the last fight, in which the hand-to-hand combat are properly showcased and also had some good special effects to add extra cream to the fight (and in the other scenes as well). The rest of the fights were quite ok but nothing compared to the ones I mentioned.

As a whole movie, it was good but could've been done better. Yip's direction to most scenes, the music, the cinematography and some special effects are at top while everything else is all part of the weak side (story, acting, editing in most fights).


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as I just saw the DVD. Having seen the comics, they actually did a VERY good job recreating stuff from the comics onscreen. Which is largely what's talked about above ie the training scenes. Those were straight out of the comics, video game look and all. I know what you mean about the hair guys, but then all the comic fans would complain that they didn't look right. But trust me, the hair drove me nuts too because on a living person it looks nuts. I wouldn't compare it to SPL, because the point of SPL was to be gritty and realistic, which is exactly counter to the point here. Comic or not, it's silly how Donnie just bitch slapped the villian to oblivion during the final fight. After the other two had such problems, Donnie with just some extra internal energy could do whatever he wanted to to the bad guy. It would have been much better, and truer to the comic, if all three teamed up on the badguy after they got beat up.

First time in my life I'm ever hearing that Kuo Chui was involved.

He's in the film. If you watch the tea house fight, after "Donnie" has flipped down the hall and hit the idiot into the air, Kuo Chui is the middle face in frame when the gang with sunglasses line up in profile. He gets hit by Donnie soon after.

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He's in the film. If you watch the tea house fight, after "Donnie" has flipped down the hall and hit the idiot into the air, Kuo Chui is the middle face in frame when the gang with sunglasses line up in profile. He gets hit by Donnie soon after.

I, for the life of me, can't believe they'd have Kuo Chui in it and not give him a better part, the guy is a legend, he should get the props Chan or anyone else in the business has gotten over the years>: he was just as talented as anyone. I haven't seen the movie, is he a fight Choreographer?

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I had no clue he had anything to do with the film until I was watching it and I nearly jumped up when I saw his profile. It's hard to miss with that chin! : ) You also see him in the Production diary bit on the DVD in the first fight, but I think he was too hard to spot with all the other sunglassed thugs in the actual film. I haven't looked to see if he had a hand in the fights, but I would think so as well. It makes little sense to use him as just a thug.

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"First time in my life I'm ever hearing that Kuo Chui was involved.

He's in the film. If you watch the tea house fight, after "Donnie" has flipped down the hall and hit the idiot into the air, Kuo Chui is the middle face in frame when the gang with sunglasses line up in profile. He gets hit by Donnie soon after."

That was me in reference to hearing about Kuo Chui being involved with the Tiger Cage 2 action. It had nothing to do with Dragon Tiger Gate.

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Much better than I expected.

Excellent use of colours and music.

Nice sets and very enjoyable action.

The only thing that I didn't like was the falling through the layers of contrete at the very end...way over the top compared to the rest of the film.

Donnie should have beaten the guy in a way similar to the Yeun Wah scene.

Still.... excellent entertainment.

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Guest David G Rees

Yeah good film, looks very good and the fights were well done, apart from the end when the reliance on cgi spoilt it for me just a bit.

Great to see Yuen Wah and Chen Kuan Tai on screen again...:)

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Guest Sleepman

just got it, thing came with freaking tattoo;s 6 not five

bookmarks a glossy hard case. it's on a DVD-9 disc around 7g

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Guest Simon Wyndham

I've stayed off forums for quite some time apart from occasionally sticking my nose into the KFC forums very occasionally.

For those that don't know me. I love the films of Lau Kar-leung, and anything with Hwang Jang-lee in it. So there's your base from which to judge what type of choreography I like.

I didn't like Donnies 80's stuff too much apart from Tiger Cage 2. I didn't like his massive undercranking towards the 90's, although I thought Legend Of The Wolf was daring as an experiment and he deserves credit for that.

I usually hate wire fu, although in the last few years I have come around and now enjoy films like OUATIC. In between the wired sections there is great genuine skill going on.

So, now for DTG and SPL

I have now watched DTG twice in two days. I liked it THAT much! I do not understand why there is such a backlash against this film. I didn't find that there were too many close ups or confusing choreography at all. I thought it was a good balance. I love the way that Donnie is now portraying skills at combat speed while still making them look good. It is refreshing instead of the old 1-2-3-4 style rhythm.

From what I can see in the making of on the DVD the actors are doing most of their own MA movements.

As a comic book brought to life with fantastic fights I loved this film. I had a big grin on my face all the way through it. IMHO anyone who didn't enjoy this needs to lighten up. A lot! Sorry if that offends, but I think people are taking things far too seriously, especially considering how utterly shite HK action films used to be for storyline and acting!

DTG was a true comic book martial arts movie made with astounding production value and IMHO would hold up (and indeed piss all over) any Hollywood movie out at the moment for entertainment value.

If I only had one criticism of it, it is that the main fighting villain reminded me a bit too much of Darren Shalavi in Blood Moon!

Now for SPL. The choreography in this was pure genius. Nothing more needs to be said. Whoever disagrees seriously needs to go back and watch it again and examine those fights in detail. They were utterly astounding, and as far as I am concerned Donnie has now pushed HK choreography up a notch.

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Guest BKarza

The famous SW has returned! Most folks don't care about nuances and things that make something great, to you/me. They either like something just because it stars someone they like. Or because it was choreographed by someone they like. Does it mean it was good?

I've learned that that people like what they like, even if they can't explain why.

The close ups were not a problem. That is something that certain folks look for. The choreography was not confusing either. Most of it is anti-Donnie stuff. If DTG starred Jet and Woo Ping did the action the exact same way, what do you think the response would be?

In retrospect, the 90s were about fluff and no substance. As a result, much is hard to watch anymore. It also contains what amounts to some of the best's, weakest work.

Man every now and then I miss the Bootmaster's Page.

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Guest Chen Zhen

had the film starred woo ping and jet, i wouldve sed it was disappointing. i dont think the action is bad, i found it average at best with few standout moments. still didnt like the closeups. generally i dont like donnie yen action...but i loved SPL and Twins Effect 1....i believe in credit where credit is due. im a big Yuen Kwai and Yuen Woo Ping fan...but i'll be the first to admit that the action in a movie like Twins Effect 2, for the msot part, is crap..same goes with Iron Monkey 2.

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Guest Sleepman

i just watched it and i do not see how people can become so critical of it - if you

want to take donnie yens place go ahead, i mean youll be 20 years behind but look

at it this way if you do make it you would have made it to your 40th45th50th birthday

by then you will be bald almost totally useless and have forgotten about your comments

49 years and 364 days ago but hey give it a shot!

personally love the movie = great with what they had to work with, guy in a mask etc.

spectacular stuff. 7 out of 10 kicks to the groin.

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Guest Beat TG

The action was lovely, but I think Donnie should improve his camerawork more. When that's done, I won't complain anymore.

Watching SPL and then later DTG made me realize that Donnie is working with different crews so not only does he have to work on his style but also with people who are good at camera placements, editing etc.

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Guest BKarza

He is resposible for the camera placements. He chooses them. What do you mean improve his camera work? That's what he wants to do. It's not a mistake. If he did straight static shots, would that then be improving? His style is his own, based strongly on anime and DBZ. He doesn't shoot like Sammo, Woo Ping, Siu Tung, Yuen Kwei, Jack, etc.

Believe it or not but some people actually want to go out and do their own thing. Sammo did it with the blur cam in Ashes of Time and then with less actual choreography and more camera movement starting with Don't Give a Damn up into OUaTiC&A. Yuen Kwei started to do a lot of handheld wackiness and heavy edits that did what they did to his action in the late 90s into the 2000s.

Just because you may not like what and how he does what he does, doesn't mean he's making mistakes that only you are aware of. It just means that you don't like it. There's nothing to improve upon. I don't like when Yuen Kwei does twisty, twirly things with the camera. Is he making a mistake? No, that's what he wants to do and how he wants to shoot.

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This is the first movie that I'm going to judge based on its cover. It looks like they were going to a rave & then a kung fu movie broke out. Does Donnie fight with glow sticks?

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Guest dyenboy

well said BKarza..

Donnie yen got where he is by doing what he HAS been doing..and getting alot of work..so the majority of the people love his actions scenes..

i am a very big fan of the work..the worst movies he has done was iron monkey 2 and crystal hunt..otherwise..i loved his movies..

i think some people are tryin to compare him to yuen woo ping and others..and too be honest..all different styles..all have their flaws and strength..

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I really enjoyed this not as much as SPL but for a comic book adaptation it was entertaining. Plus you don't often see big budget kung fu so if this is any indication of what's to come bring it on!

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Guest luckystars

Strictly an event movie. A couple good moments (Yuen Wah's slipper vs nunchucks stood out, fun montages of the heroes training). Just about watchable without getting *too* restless, but not much to revisit.

3 out of 5.

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Guest The Running Man

Honestly, this movie sucked. Story was ummm....I don't know where it was. It just came out with stuff from it's ass.

I really love though how the movie towards the end, pulls a character from nowhere who teaches each of the guys new moves through the process of movie convenience by showering them with random Chinese characters while they attack at the air in slow motion which ends with a shot of Donnie Yen waking up and hitting his palm in the air which had me rolling on the floor it was so bad. Then after hyping up these new moves, making the audience feel like the badass is with them, these dudes get their asses handed to them on a shiny new silver platter by the Mummy Return's Chinese cousin (who's the bad guy in the film).

Then Donnie Yen comes and slap boxes him to death.

Jeez...only thing good about the movie was Kenji Kawai's score (who always rocks).

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