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Norwegian Ninja (2010) - DVD/Blu Ray


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Where'd you find that, K?

It looks pretty intriguing. I'd watch that. (That one dude needs to keep his shirt on though. He's got the upper body of a teenage vegan going shirtless at an Earth Day festival.)

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I think this was at FantasticFest earlier this year, and had been picked as "one to look out for."

A trailer has been floating around the net for a few months now, too:

I'm always interested in films that are hard to classify - and this one sure meets that criteria!

Definitely one to look forward to!!

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Looks like MPI is releasing it June 28th...

More details, click here.


Mighty Peking Man, always looking out for us, thanks bro just Preordered it....

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Finished watching this last night and it's a brilliant, quirky, strange film; certainly not an MA film, it's hard to compare it to anything else, really - at a pinch, it's kinda like Wes Anderson meets grindhouse meets James Bond meets ninja films meets Gerry Anderson meets The Comic Strip Presents :tongue: (That's one for the brits reading this!)

I'd avise any prospective viewer to check out some of the background story of this film, as it's based - in an odd way - on real life events:



The interview with the makers on the DVD is well worth a view before seeing the film, as well.

Highly recommended, guys! :bigsmile:

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Finished watching this last night and it's a brilliant, quirky, strange film; certainly not an MA film, it's hard to compare it to anything else, really - at a pinch, it's kinda like Wes Anderson meets grindhouse meets James Bond meets ninja films meets Gerry Anderson meets The Comic Strip Presents :tongue: (That's one for the brits reading this!)

Highly recommended, guys! :bigsmile:

Gotta see it! :nerd:

I am a Norwegian and this movie is a load of crap..

I'd be very interested to hear why you don't like it bro. Hopefully you can give us some insight into your reasons as a native of Norway (but spoiler-free please?) that you dislike it.

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I opened this thread hoping to read that Mats Helge was working on a new movie.:sad:

If you don't know who he is, find a copy of The Ninja Mission ASAP. You'll thank me later.

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I opened this thread hoping to read that Mats Helge was working on a new movie.:sad:

If you don't know who he is, find a copy of The Ninja Mission ASAP. You'll thank me later.

I love THE NINJA MISSION. This movie was another favorite from my childhood when my father rented it from the video store. I still have the MHE VHS copy and I have the uncut Swedish Region 2 PAL DVD.

I just learned some sad news that the star Christopher Kohlberg died back on January 7 from cancer.


I'm going to watch THE NINJA MISSION tonight and remember...

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oh man, sad news.

If you're a fan of Helge's ninja flicks, I also highly recommend his "Russian Terminator".

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Does the action/fights involves any martial arts?

There's NO MA in this, Rog - it's pretty much a comedy/satire/not-sure-what-it-is!!! :tongue:

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There's NO MA in this, Rog - it's pretty much a comedy/satire/not-sure-what-it-is!!! :tongue:

:ooh: Then definitely not for me!!

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I just watched this! :bigsmile:

I am a Norwegian and this movie is a load of crap..

Still curious as to why you feel this way. It would be great if you could say why the film effected you so negatively.

There's NO MA in this, Rog - it's pretty much a comedy/satire/not-sure-what-it-is!!! :tongue:

Karlos, I totally understand why you're saying that- for cautionary reasons. You don't want anyone to go into this thinking it's a martial arts movie. It's certainly NOT. However, there are a few bits with martial arts. The choreography for these scenes is very cool and inventive, but by a typical martial arts movie fan's standards they are performed slowly. Other than one fight sequence which was played in a fairly serious manner, the other action bits all made me laugh really hard. So, though MA action is not what I would go into this film looking for, viewers will find some very funny combat sprinkled here and there.

:ooh: Then definitely not for me!!

Me neither. And I thought the trailer made it look so promising.

Hey you two, don't be a couple of sticks in the mud- this is a wildly original, quirky, hillarious film. You should definitely check it out. :smile: I enjoyed it thouroughly from start to finish, and when it ended I immediately watched all of the special featues. I couldn't get enough of it! :tongue: My wife just kept shaking her head in disbelief the whole time we watched it. For me, it's nice to see a film that doesn't fit neatly into any category. A film that's it's own indescribable thing. Highly recommended to those that like to be truly entertained. :wink:

Thanks Karlos!!!! :nerd:

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Alright, KFB. Should I ever stumble across a used copy of this somewhere and it's cheap, I'll check it out. Then I'll hold it against you forever.:tongue:

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