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King Kong Rules........

Guest Daisho2004

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Guest Daisho2004

I just came back from the afternoon screening of King Kong and all I can say is it was AWESOME, out of 4 stars I give it 5, Peter Jackson created a Masterpiece. The CGI was Awesome. One of the best movies that I've ever seen and I loved the Original, but this one was different in a lot of ways, the love between Ann and Kong was really something to see. as everyone knows the ending is more a tear jerker in this version. A must see movie....

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Guest Chen Zhen

the only thing holding me back from seeing this supposed "masterpiece" is the massive cgi, and the 3 hour running time...the latter in particular.

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Guest Daisho2004

Chen Zhen the CGI was Awesome, and it didn't even feel like 3 hours, yes it does take 45min. before Kong enters the picture but when he does, Awesome especially the Fight scene with Kong and the Dinosaurs. But are you a Fan of the 1933' Original, I'am Big Time.

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Guest Yakuza954

I'm glad its 3 hours long. This way I'm getting my money's worth and a good, long experience.

And the 1933 version is great, I just saw the recent remastered release and I was reminded how this is THE best 'giant monster' movie ever. Godzilla and the Jurassic Park just can't compare.

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Guest cdvickers

Excessive cgi bugs me when it's not nessacary. For example, the Lord of the Rings movies were CGI filled, but there were also genuine sets, and stunning locations as well. So I don't mind it. Now for the new Star Wars movies and the last Matrix, everything was CGI, The rooms the characters are in, and the planets as well. At that point CGI stops looking like a way to enhance special effects, and just makes everything look like a cartoon. So if Peter Jackson can manage to blend CGI, with reality I think it will turn out well.

I only mind 3 hour running times if I go to a movie and it feels like 45 minutes should have been cut. Hell I see a lot of 2 hour movies that could be cut by a half hour. But then you get a movie like Seven Samurai, that deserves every minute of the 3 hour and 15 minute run time.

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Guest GwaiLoMoFo
excessive cgi really bugs me...

I heard they tried to avoid using CGi, but had a bit of trouble finding dinosaurs and a big enogh ape to fill the role of Kong. ;)

Cant wait to see this one either, although the 3 hr running time is a bit much.

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Guest Yakuza954

Just came back from seeing it and I had a good time. The film dosen't feel 3 hours at all because most of the film is action and there are few slow parts. The fight between Kong and the 3 t-rex's is definitely the highlight.

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Guest Chen Zhen

even the almight 7 Samurai was a bit tough to sit through....as amazing as it is. but at the same time, i'm glad nothing was cut, and every minute was deserved...but it was tought to sit through in one sitting.

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Guest Daisho2004

The reason the sales for King Kong are low at the box office is because the movie is 3 hours long, so it can't be played as many times as a movie that is 90min.

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Guest actionjackson

Chen, come on man this is a film about a 25 foot ape who lives on an island populated with dinosaurs and gigantic insects! You need CGI for this, otherwise the film couldn't be made. (Or it could, but would end up looking a lot like the 1933 and '76 versions.)

Having said that, I'll have to admit there were parts where the CGI let the film down. Thankfully none of it was on important stuff like King Kong or the masterful re-imagining of 1930s NY. It was things like humans not blending well with a completely computer-generated background (like the stampede scene) or worse, the use of digital stunt doubles.

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Guest Daisho2004

I agree the stampede scene was to much it couldve been better, I just wish Kong had fought with at least one more creature on the Island Like a giant Snake or something, but lets see what the Extended additional will have when it comes out.

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Guest Chen Zhen

i didnt say that the film cannot be made without cgi...what i meant by excessive cgi is a film like star wars episode 3..where there is not even one shot in that entire movie without cgi...even most of the regular dialogue scenes are filled with cgi...thats when it really irritates me..cuz it films like that seem like it only took like 3 weeks to shoot...and then the director lets the cgi guys do the rest..basically, too many films these days are RELYING on cg., rather than using cgi to compliment/enhance the film, cgi is used to dominate the film, which i cant really stand. having sed that, i'll still give King Kong a try...but i am more concerned about the running time.

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Guest Yakuza954

There's 2 sides of the coin. There were a lot of ocean scenes in King Kong which were entirely CGI. I mean, aren't real life oceans good enough anymore? But on the other hand, at least its consistent with the CGI feel and lighting of the rest of the movie. I think for King Kong it was fine, but Star Wars was overdose.

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Guest limubai2000

I agree on that one, SW was total CGI overkill just for the sake of using it. In KK at least every CGI shot was either required, served the story, or was used to maintain consistency through the film.

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Guest kenichiku

Kong has been a part of popular culture as old as ‘Casablanca’, ‘Frankenstein’ and ‘Gone with the Wind’. This is a timeless story that begged to be updated for the current CGI generation. Surprisingly all the plot elements are faithful to the past material if not taken to a higher delirious level. Many of the may argue that the prehistoric elements were taken from ‘Jurassic Park’ but au contrare, Spielberg’s effort echoed much of the imagery seen in Cooper’s 1933 original.

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Guest Megaloman

it's too long. there are too many "nits" to pick (Jimmy/Hayes useless subplot, no breath seen in freezing NYC, overuse of slow-motion) for it to be a great movie. one shouldn't have to wait for the extended version of the DVD (which of course we will get) to find out about movie points. all the action scenes are overkill, trying to top the original- instead of one rex we get three, instead of on bat thing we get a swarm, etc.

this should be the extended version, and a 2.15 hour version would have been much better in the theater.

mostly this (and kino 76) prove there was no need to remake KING KONG in the first place.


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Guest dndcollect

I thought it was too long ,however I thought the special effects were great. With that said overall as a movie I give it 3 out of 5 stars. I just cant buy the women wanting to be with this creature.

Also, I just want to add that I thought SW3 was the best movie ever made. I sersiouly felt like I did a line of coke while watching this movie.

Weird how people differ.

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The movie layed down great character development in the start,then introduced kong.

The movie succeded if you think of the basic concept of Kong-

Feel sorry when kong dies..mission accomplished in that aspect.

Jack Black was a good choice for Carl Denham.the fight w/Kong and the T-rex's falling down the ravine, and Ann were awesome.

Still my buddies and i always laugh about the Wall.

Kong can scale Empire state building ,and swing effortlessly,

among numerous structures, but he cant punch through or climb a wooden wall 2 or 3times his height..lol

Ahh-enjoyable..i wont watch again.. but it was fun

4 kernels out of 5.

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Waaaay to much CGI

I think in this instance CGI was needed and not whored out.

Would you prefer dolls, or people in suits to portray to

portray Kong and the T-rexs'.

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Guest dndcollect

I give it 3 out of 5 stars. My main problem is that while I could buy the ape being in love with the girl, I could not buy the girl wanting to be with him at all. I know they had to stick with the story but it took out any possible emotion that I would have had.

And also, at the end while I wont reveal it (i think people know how it ends anyway) there is a part that reminds me of a seinfeld episode when George follows Jerry everywhere and when Jerry is in a confessional, George opens the door out of no where and says "Jerry, I need to talk to you."

The end of King Kong reminded me of that and I could not stop laughing.

Great CGI, and yeah, something about that stampede I didnt like. It looked amazing, but it just didnt sit well with me.

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Guest Daisho2004

I hate to say it to myself, but I shoulda known better, that Peter Jackson would release an Extended version of King Kong, he did it with the Lord of the Rings and now with King Kong, I really loved this movie as I grew up watching the Original so I guess I'll be shelling out another $25.00 for this movie hopefully it will have a couple of added fight scenes with Kong.

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I saw this on the flight back from Shanghai, I wasn't to impressed, though it was a great way to kill 2 and a half hours on a 13 hour flight.

The raptors have been done to death in Jollywood, it ruined the US version of Godzilla (what a joke), I can just see some suit sitting there saying, it has to have raptors in it, it worked for Jurassic Park. I mean why did the brachiosaurus go on a stampede, when they could of just stomoed them in the first place!

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