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Funimation’s Bastard Swordsman 1 and 2 English dubs- bad news

Morgoth Bauglir

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UGH that is so weak! Why even bother???? I guess your average 12 year old kid in middle America isn't going to notice / care , but he is probably more likely to rent/copy/download then the real heads like us who would buy a copy. I'm still going for it since I don't have the IVLs but will definitely wait until they go on sale.

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Morgoth Bauglir

Yeah I don’t see why they would put the time and effort into doing these dubs. And the music is lousy. It’s actually not new music, just newly made and it sounds really bad. I don’t really know how describe it.

Does anyone know if SB ever made dubs for these movies? If Celestial has them, I think Funimation tried to acquire them, but maybe they cost too much and it was cheaper for them to create their own dubs. It would be nice if someone from Funimation could come on the forum and explain why they are making new dubs. I emailed them awhile ago asking if their upcoming releases will have the oldschool dubs, but they never replied. Now I know why.

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hi---- as for these movies having original dubs ---i always believed that they did because like SOUL OF THE SWORD these two always were on the old lost dub list and people on this forum claimed to have seen them. also , i'm not sure but were these two movies on the old BLACKBELT THEATRE list, if they were that should have meant that they were in english. i have to admit that even though i love english dub shaws i obviously prefer the old school original ones over the new dubs. these new dubs just can't seem to capture the mood or the characters and that new music is just lifeless and dull. part of the problem with SOUL OF THE SWORD was that it seemed to me that the dubbers were just reading the sub titles line for line and not using their imagination to come up with lines to better match the mouth movements. i pre ordered SOUL OF THE SWORD and SHAOLIN RESCUERS but i'll have to rethink about these next two if they don't have the real dubs. i was really looking forward to SWORD OF SWORDS, SUPREME SWORDSMAN and LADY HERMIT finally showing up with dubs but now i'm worried. if these two have old dubs then you have to suspect that celestial didn't provide them or funimation didn't pursue them----THIS SUCKS.:tinysmile_angry2_t:

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I've been fuming for a while about buying the two "Bastard Swordsman" films on the IVL label because I had no idea they were being released by Funimation.

I'm a sucker for a good dub but typically dislike newer dubbing. So, I might be better off with the IVL'as after all.

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i did a little research and as far as i can tell by my info is that BASTARD SWORDSMAN in english was to air on blackbelt theatre but never made it to the air because the channel folded---but they did have an original dub--not sure about RETURN OF but like i said it was always on the lost dub list. i sent an e mail to FUN with our concerns--hopefully they will respond.

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Morgoth Bauglir

I figured there were dubs for these. I guess we were spoiled with the dubs from Holy Flame, Brave Archer 4 and Deadly Breaking Sword. Funimation is yet to surprise us with one of these "lost" dubs, and like you I'm also doubting that their next 3 releases will have the old dubs.

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Im positive Bastard Swordsman has original english dub, but Im almost sure it was the house of traps team so im cool with new dub. Is it Legend[jet li type] type dub or Brave Archer 4 type dub?

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Morgoth Bauglir

It's worse than Legend, and much much worse than Brave Archer 4. Like bobo said they just read the subtitles. And then you think it can't get any worse than that right? Well wait till you hear the music.

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I guess your average 12 year old kid in middle America isn't going to notice / care , but he is probably more likely to rent/copy/download then the real heads like us who would buy a copy

Your average 12 year old kid in America probably doesn't know this movie exists.

i pre ordered SOUL OF THE SWORD and SHAOLIN RESCUERS but i'll have to rethink about these next two if they don't have the real dubs. :

If there is one thing you should never do when it comes to these movies is pre-order. Especially when it comes to a companies with faulty track records like Funimation.

It's worse than Legend, and much much worse than Brave Archer 4. Like bobo said they just read the subtitles. And then you think it can't get any worse than that right? Well wait till you hear the music.

So if they just read the subtitles then it sounds like they might even be dubtitles. Did they even get the cantonese audio right or did they only include the mandarin track like in some of their past titles? I

I've seen bootlegs of Bastard Swordsman on EBAY before with English dub. I bet those have the older dub.

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Oh, they better not mess up the Shaolin Rescuers dub or I'm jumpin, blind drunk on you guyziz whining wagon. Fear not, I'll bring more wine. I'm gonna see this flick Saturday. We'll see.

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In my opinion, if there was never an English Dub for these films, then more power to Funi for giving us the option to have one. But why fool with the music? That's seems very unnecessary..

But if there were Dubs, then it's probably like Morgoth speculated and too expensive to acquire.. which would be a damn shame...

I'm still going to buy them, because I don't own them, and the only difference between these and the IVL are these will have an optional dub.. Was the voice acting done by Funimation? Or a different group all together? Because if it was Funi it will be weird hearing shaw actors with the same voices as dragonball z characters :squigglemouth:

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Oh, they better not mess up the Shaolin Rescuers dub or I'm jumpin, blind drunk on you guyziz whining wagon. Fear not, I'll bring more wine. I'm gonna see this flick Saturday. We'll see.

Not to worry they left the original dub intact thankfully..

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The Silver Fox

Ok, so would you guys be happier if they didn't include a dub at all? Personally, I couldn't care less because I prefer subs but since they could not aquire the original dub for whatever reason-at least they went to the trouble of making one available.

I'm still looking forward to these releases because they are great films. Go ahead and try to get the IVL's they are way OOP and pricey if you can find them. Rest assured, if you can find them- I can guarantee you will find something wrong with those too.

I think you have to weigh the good and the bad.

The Good: Legit release,re-mastered,un cut, widescreen,2 language options,eng subs.

The 'Bad' : New Dub,some new music.

Pretty lame reason to not buy these releases .

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Morgoth Bauglir

Would I be happier if they didn't include a dub at all?

I'd still feel the same way. If there are original dubs for these movies they should have gotten them.

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Original dub, that's cool, though I don't really care...

New dub, what's the fucking point??? Only for retards!

Changing the music!!!!!!! A crime in my book, they should be dragged out behind the barn and shot!!!!!

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"Pretty lame reason to not buy these releases . "

dude ,show some respect. You like subs-bully for you-buy it. I like dubs and own the ivl-whats the point. :nerd:

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I like dubs and own the ivl-whats the point.

You like dubs and bought the dub-less IVL's... er, what is the point you're makin' here, dude ???

Nothing to do with respect, I'd say. Silver Fox made his point quite clearly. The IVL's are OOP by now and difficult to find. And not to pick up the (picture-wise far superior!) Funimation DVD's because the dub is "new" is indeed a pretty lame excuse.

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I don't think the original dubs for these exist. I've done some looking aorund. These dubs haven't appeared in any document or list of films. Jumper, who makes pretty much all of the fan made dubs that are going around, doesn't have this on any list of his. The only proof of this existing is someone who says he saw it in a theater years ago, and this guy never posted anything again. Others posting about it's existence have only speculated. I think this dub is with the saw in the head scene, stored in Jimmy Hoffa's basement.

Here is a link to the thread discussing the potential existence of Bastard Swordsman's english dub:


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With exception to 14 Amazons and Shaolin Hand Lock, the FUNimation Shaw releases have the best video quality on the market. For your own good, please don't spend your time trying to find the IVL releases of the Bastard Swordsmans. Both IVLs are DVD5s and probably interlaced NTSC. On the other hand, the Funimation releases have all been progressive scan DVD9s (higher bit rates). Funimation also puts in alot of time further restoring the audio.

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I feel whut youre saying HAZ, but i believe in my heart it exist. This was a very popular series, manga, and movie. they even made a new series, not to mention box office was better than a lot of shaw flicks [earned a sequel]. It just makes sense that this would be englished dubbed and internationally released. i actually believe all the shaw martial arts films had english dubs even though a lot never made it to America[Flying Guilotine2]. Back in the vhs boot days i got a catalog from a seller from either Philly or detroit and he had it listed with a dub. know that means nothing, but still. This makes me think of my Last Hurrah for Chivalry dvd. I know an original dub exist yet the dvd has a terrible new dub. Why?

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Morgoth Bauglir

It is speculation whether or not they exist. I only took about a 5 minute scan through the thread you posted HAZ, and I didn't see Deadly Breaking Sword there, but yet it showed up on the Image DVD.

I've seen bootlegs of Bastard Swordsman on EBAY before with English dub. I bet those have the older dub.

I wish I knew for sure they had the dubs. I'd buy them.

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It is speculation whether or not they exist. I only took about a 5 minute scan through the thread you posted HAZ, and I didn't see Deadly Breaking Sword there, but yet it showed up on the Image DVD.

I wish I knew for sure they had the dubs. I'd buy them.

But Deadly Breaking Sword did show up on a list of dubs in the Library Of Congress. That's pretty official & authoritative. Many dubs only rumored to exist showed up on that list. Bastard Swordsman doesn't come up anywhere except in people's assumptions and speculation. Maybe it was solicited, but never actually recorded?

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