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The Expendables - First Draft Script Pdf


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Let me know how it is. I haven't seen this at all and am really wanting to but was thinking I'd hold out for the DC.

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Guest WuxiaFan
Speaking of that is anyone picking it up on DVD or waiting for the Directors cut?

I picked up the DVD last week when it was released. I watched it twice over the Thanksgiving weekend. I LOVED it! Once you get passed the fact that the fight scenes are edited badly and not the way we like to see them, it's just a great guys-badass-movie.


The print is flawless. I haven't watched the special features yet. I'm not holding my breath for a director's cut as Stallone has mentioned director's cuts for some of his other films and they never came out. If, however, it does come out, I'll be first in line to get it! :smile:

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I'm going to hold out for the DC myself. I'm tired of buying numerous copies of each movie they release!

1st. Print

Director's Cut

Unrated Version

Unrated Director's Cut

Extended Cut

Extended Unrated Directors Cut

Did I leave any out?

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I'm going to hold out for the DC myself. I'm tired of buying numerous copies of each movie they release!

1st. Print

Director's Cut

Unrated Version

Unrated Director's Cut

Extended Cut

Extended Unrated Directors Cut

Did I leave any out?

Yeah, the 1st Print of the Director's Unrated Extended Version of the Extended Unrated Director's Cut of the 1st Print.

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I laughed when Stallone said that he went thru 100 drafts of screenplay.

I believe that about as much as I believe Stone Cold Steve Austin broke his neck. Recently, a UA publicist admitted he invented the story about Stallone fighting with the studio and refusing a buyout in order to star in ROCKY. And Stallone has repeated that bs for three decades.

I do believe him when he says he wrote COBRA in three days.

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Guess you better stock up on guns and booze for 2012.


The story of Stallone’s big break is as oft-told as Rocky itself, and according to the studio PR department, no less fanciful. As the legend goes, Stallone got United Artists interested in his script about a washed-up boxer who gets a title shot, but insisted he play the title role. The studio kept offering him more money, intending to cast a big star, but even when faced with an offer of $18,000, the broke unknown refused to budge.

'It was horsesh-t!’ admitted Gabe Sumner in 2006, who was then head of marketing at UA. He concocted the whole thing for Stallone to ply to the press. 'But it worked. It promoted the whole underdog concept and kept on going.’ The truth, apparently, is even more bizarre.

According to Rocky producer Robert Chartoff, Stallone was always approved by the producers for the role because the budget was so small; they’d even helped him rewrite his script over six months. And the studio had no problem approving Stallone after watching a screening of his 1974 film, The Lords of the Flatbush, but only because they mistakenly assumed he was the lead, played by blond-haired, blue-eyed Perry King. One thing is irrefutable: the film was a word-of-mouth sensation, a Cinderella success story off-screen and on, topping that year’s box office and winning three Oscars, including Best Picture, in 1977.

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Yeah, I'll go to his fan site, where I'm sure everybody has a clear, level-headed view of the actor they worship.

This reminds of the Jackie Chan fans that refused to accept that he lied his ass off about doing all his own stunts. Showbiz is full of worked, phony bullshit. This has happened since the days of nickelodeon machines.

You can talk all you want about him, but he has done things no actors have done. The Expendables is proof of that, and compared to him you're nothing but a speck of dust.

No actor has made a mediocre action movie with hideous action scenes and a lousy fight between Dolph Lundgren and Jet Li. Yep, you are right.

And where did I ever say I disliked Stallone? I thought ROCKY BALBOA and the recent RAMBO were excellent, which makes THE EXPENDABLES all the more disappointing.

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Yeah, I'll go to his fan site, where I'm sure everybody has a clear, level-headed view of the actor they worship.

The idea of a place called Stallonezone where worshippers congregate to talk about Stallone is mind boggling. It's also hysterical.

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So fucking what? You think people are going to start burning their Stallone dvd's or something? You might as well talk to a wall because no one gives a fuck about your press articles.

It's good to know you can go to Stallonezone and live in a world where everything Stallone says is pure 100% golden truth, and an article by a major UK newspaper, quoting well known people in the industry and NOT disputed by Sly anywhere on his Twitter page or other media, is on the level of the Onion.

Typical Stallonezone conversation:

"Yo, Joey!. You picking up Frank Stallone's latest album? I'm getting it and the special BluRay of LOCK-UP and TANGO & CASH. They is classic Sly. Don't listen to tha haters!"

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More from the Stallonezone, Dragonsword's pedestal of truth...

Gonnaflynow25: YO!

CliffhangerGabe: Yo! To all those playerhaterz that sez Stone Cold didn’t break Sly’s neck in THE EXPENDABLES, I sez watch ROCKY IV. Dolph Drago shattered Sly’s chest bone with one punch and sent him to the emergency room. I knows it to be true because Sly sez so!

MarionCobraCobretti: Lemme tell you guys, I turn my cap around on my head and its like turning on an engine. Vroom! I’m ready to go over the top. Now let me get back to taking my Instone Vitamins!

CliffhangerGabe: Thanks for reminding me to eat my Sly Pudding, Cobretti.

Gonnflynow25: YO!

CliffhangerGabe: Any of youz guys get the 3-disc import of Judge Dredd. Sly almost broke his feet wearing them boots. And he couldn’t see out of the Dredd helmet. Armand Assante broked his nose in the fight scene. Sly almost died, man!

MarionCobraCobretti: Sly said he wrote the Judge Dredd script 200 times. The quality is there. He’s the worst thing that can happen to a fighter, he became civilized.

Gonnaflynow25: I’m COMING TO GET YOU!!! YO!

CliffhangerGabe: Sly is like a modern Jesus, guyz. He said HGH can cure cancer.

Gonnaflynow25: YO!

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Stallone's movies have bombed as much as they've been 'da bomb'.

One of my personal faves of his is "Get Carter". I love that movie. And "Rhinestone" is cinema gold ---- Sly banging on the piano and singing? Come on!

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His movies have different levels of quality, like any star with 4 decades of work. Some genuinely good (most of the Rocky series, NIGHTHAWKS, RAMBO), some adequate but disappointing (EXPENDABLES, CLIFFHANGER), so bad they are fun(OVER THE TOP. COBRA), and some are numbskull bad and dull (THE SPECIALIST). Some I'd like to see again with older eyes for a better evaluation (PARADISE ALLEY).

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I loved "Copland". When that came out I remember the director stating that Stallone was begging him for that role but he kept turning Sly down 'cause he just didn't have that kind of money in his budget (Sly was making millions per picture at the time, his paycheck would've been the budget). Stallone agreed to do it for scale which for him was like 40 grand (I think) and he then packed on 50 pounds. That belly of his you see is no prosthetic padding. That six pack went keg.

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Guest Markgway

To be honest I like most of Stallone's films to some degree. I know he gets loads of stick but they're usually more entertaining that the kind of dull arse claptrap that wins awards. Cliffhanger I think is a career highlight and I'd rather sit through The Specialist than any of the last ten Best Picture winners.

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