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New US Cartoons Starting FRIDAY

Michael L.

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For US viewers the day after Thanksgiving brings two, maybe three, new, potentially awesome, animated shows!

On HUB, formerly Discovery Kids, GI JOE RENEGADES and TRANSFORMERS PRIME. The HUB website lists GI JOE RENEGADES as starting Friday and TRANSFORMERS PRIME as starting the following Monday, but the Dish Network TV listings says both start on Friday.

GI JOE RENEGADES page:http://www.hubworld.com/gi-joe/shows/renegades

I'm excited when I see the voice talent (Clancy Brown is so underrated) but the visual style is a little too MIB The Series for me.

TRANSFORMERS PRIME page: http://www.hubworld.com/transformers/shows/prime

Transformers dropped just after I was too old and cool for that stuff, so I guess I don't have quite as much interest in this show as GI Joe... but it looks cooler!

Over at the ol' Cartoon Network we have something that my daughters and I have been waiting for (they are still pissed Teen Titans got canceled; my seven year old is planning on marrying Robin someday): YOUNG JUSTICE!

YOUNG JUSTICE trailer: http://www.cartoonnetwork.com/video/index.html?episodeID=8a250ab02c325aa5012c4256c89401c0

There isn't anything else on Cartoon Network... probably because they aren't starting the series proper until January.

I don't know about y'all, but this fills out the rest of my Day After Turkey Day plans (along with sleep late, be hungover and try to get a fat online deal on an American Girl doll).

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The Transformers one seems to have copied the awful robot designs from the terrible movies. I think I'll stick with remembering the old cartoon instead of this.

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Thanks for the links!

Anything JOE related I'll have to check out.

I've heard many good things about YOUNG JUSTICE - this could be something special. The 6 minute trailer was impressive stuff.

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So far, DC Animated has pretty good. The only thing I can think of not really liking was The Batman... I mean, when compared to the original Batman: The Animated Series, it is pretty weak!

Yes, I even liked Legion of Super Heroes. I am waiting for boxsets of it and Static Shock!

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GI Joe was news to me, too! I'm not sure why it isn't getting more press... except maybe because of crappy live action movie backlash!

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GI Joe was news to me, too! I'm not sure why it isn't getting more press... except maybe because of crappy live action movie backlash!

So the live action movie was crappy or the backlash to it was crappy?

I kind of liked the movie myself. I'm waiting on a sequel. ;)

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So far, DC Animated has pretty good. The only thing I can think of not really liking was The Batman... I mean, when compared to the original Batman: The Animated Series, it is pretty weak!

Michael L. I agree with you on The Batman I thought it was kinda of a let down from the original series as well. I'm looking forward to watching some of these newer cartoons as well. Its funny you notice how they are really making these cartoons geared towards Teenagers and Young Adults now.

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Well, I watched the 2 GI JOE eps last night. I wasn't as impressed as I'd hoped to be. The plot was good but I thought the animation was meh. I started watching a Transformers: Prime ep this morning. Never was a Trans-fan but the CGI in this is very clean. Kind of wish JOE had gone this route.

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I enjoyed the Transformers a lot I thought the CGI was well done and the action scenes were really good. G.I. Joe was so-so.

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Haven't watched Transformers or GI Joe yet, but my kids and I all liked Young Justice. My seven year old, whose current goal in life is to marry Robin from Teen Titans, was even won over despite this Robin's lack of spiky hair.

I do miss the Puffy Amiyumi Titans theme song... the extended version with the Guitar Wolf solo is pretty darn fine.

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I, too, thought the TRANSFORMERS: PRIME eps were really good CGI. The action was solid and even a little kung fu-y.

As for Young Justice? DUDE! Nobody does animation like DC. I don't know if I can be patient enough for the series to start in January and it'll probably be the end of the month to boot. (Love that Teen Titan theme song myself. Oh, great! Now it's stuck in my head. Thanks alot, ML.)

I don't know if any of you are watching the new Avengers cartoon but if not you're missing out. It is rocking! This weekend was a 2 parter titled "Gamma World". There's lots of solid action in this and the animation looks good.

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ShaOW!linDude, this is for you:


3+ minutes of J-Pop goodness with DCAU highlights and a special appearance by Guitar Wolf from Guitar Wolf (depending on my mood, my favorite Japanese punk band) and star of Wild Zero!

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T...E...E...N...T - I - T...A - N - S...TEEN - TI - TANS! LET'S GO!

That's one of those 'ear-worm' songs! Catchy, catchy, catchy! Love the video!

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Yeah, I'll admit that it is on my iPod. Of course, so are the soundtracks to Destroy All Monsters and World of Goo and a buttload of German opera. My tastes run wide.

So, I am finally getting around to watching these new toons. GI Joe: Renegades is, as I feared, MIB The Series ugly. However, it was so awesome. The voice acting was top notch and the story was surprisingly good. From the opening commercial from Cobra Industries, I was hooked. BP should probably look at hiring Cobra's PR people! I also find it hilarious that they run the Cobra Industries commercial (complete with "The Hub is a proud supporter of Cobra Industries") during other shows.

I'm watching Transformers Prime now. I really am not a huge Transformers fan in general; I acuatlly associate it with babysitting my younger cousins. Give me Macross or Gundam instead but even I have to admit that hearing the old Optimus Prime voice. Isn't that the guy who did the opening Voltron narration too? I'm not sure I'll watch Transformers Prime long term, but they are saying it is a 5 part miniseries, and I'll stick it out that far.

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Okay, I've watched all the Transformers: Prime except for the final ep of the 5 parter which aired tonight.

I like it......animation wise......but I don't know that I'll hang with the series once it goes full-fledged. The mini-series is certainly worth taking in though. All I have to say for part 4 is 3 words: freaking autobot zombies!

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I know, right? Zombie robots? This is wasted on children.

I'm digging the GI Joe on the run thing but it is so ugly.

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G.I. Joe was fun and action packed but I felt the same way about the animation...looks like the HUB's budget went to Transformers Prime. Speaking of Transformers Prime......great start to he show with references to Unicron and some great action.

Young Justice was a blast and yeah DC's animation on it was superb!!! A lot of the Friday night line up on Cartoon Network has terrific animation quality.

I'm glad I can disguese my excitement for these shows as time to spend with my kids but yeah it's also for me. :tongue:

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I'm glad I can disguese my excitement for these shows as time to spend with my kids but yeah it's also for me. :tongue:

Hey, no fair! You're being a good parent and spoiling your inner child at the same time!:tongue:

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Definitely enjoyed this Transformers series, the Zombie-bots were awesome! Looking forward to the new series in February.

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I watched this weekend's "GI Joe: Renegades" ep.

I still don't know. I want to like it, I really do. The animation style still throws me off some what although this weekend's ep didn't bother me so much. (I'm sorry but the women seem to have masculine features or look like severe school-marms. And Scarlett is being depicted as nothing but a nag.)

This Friday is part 1 of Snake-eye's origin. So I'll hang through that. That's the one thing I don't have a problem with. When they animate him in action, it's really good. Not too fast and they have him doing some complex moves.

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I know, the animation on GI Joe is really a distraction. Transformers is pretty bad ass, though, because zombie robots combine like Voltron to be 10 times cooler than robots or zombies on their own... With my Adult Swim shows in repeats, though, I need my animation fix. I might have to hang with Transformers when it starts in February.

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Hey, no fair! You're being a good parent and spoiling your inner child at the same time!:tongue:

Why yes you are correct!!! Yet another reason why I post here so many positive reinforcements!! :wink:

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Watched yesterday's GI JOE: RENEGADES ep which was part 1 of Snake-Eye's origin. It was actually pretty good. The animation is seemed less bothersome. (Must be getting used to it.) Looking forward to part 2.

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