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Favorite "Bond" actor and "Bond" film???

Guest moviegyrl

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Guest moviegyrl

Maybe a "Bond" film doesn't count as "cult" cinema, but the franchise does have its "devotees.":smokin

So, name your favorite "Bond" actor and "Bond" film.

For me, it's Brosnan and a tie between THE LIVING DAYLIGHTS and GOLDENEYE.

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I think Sean Connery was the best Bond, my favorite movie would be a toss up of Goldfinger and Moonraker, I liked the villian in these, the big Japanese guy and Jaws. I think the franchise has run it's course though.

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Actually, I rather liked Lazenby in On Her Majesty's Secret Service. They gave him a lot to work with and imo, he succeded. Good action, good story and a very important part of his(Bond) life to boot.

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Guest Daisho2004

Being a die hard Bond fan I'd have to say Brosnan was the best he was everything a Bond Guy should be. And all his films were good.

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Guest sevenhooks

Yeah, Lazenby often gets a bad rap but he wasn't bad at all and I actually don't think Connery would've been able to convincingly pull off the final scene with Bond crying over the body of his beloved Teresa.

Oh, and OHMSS is probably my overall favorite Bond film alongside The Spy Who Loved Me.

A close third place would be my guilty pleasure Bond, Diamonds Are Forever. Yeah Connery was getting a bit long in the tooth and chubby too, but it was probably the most fun Bond overall. Best Bond score too, which is saying a hell of a lot.

Favorite Bond: Roger Moore.

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Guest Markgway

Best 007?

I want to be loyal to the majestic Sean Connery... but perhaps Timothy Dalton was the best Bond. He played the part with such integrity that he made a comic-book character believeable.

Best film?

I can't choose one, honestly. Here are some of my faves: From Russia With Love, OHMSS, The Living Daylights, Licence to Kill.

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Connery by far.

IMO he WAS bond, and everything after him was not in the bond spirit.

I dont like the newer ones,they seem to,for a lack of better

words , highly produced?

Gimme old school bond, slap the girls ass,great one-liners,

"we use live targets as well"

I'm with you mark, Dalton would be my 2nd chioce if i had to.

And not to contradict my previous comments, The Living Daylights was quite good.

Lots of Bond fans amongst my crowd, and i am the only one to like daylights.

Favs would be-

Man with the golden gun

From russia with love

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Guest rebelliousreign1

Well, my favourite film is an easy choice. 'OHMSS' has to be it- it gets better and better every time I see it. Diana Rigg is imo the very best Bond girl of the lot in terms of both acting ability and beauty (I'm also a big fan of The Avengers which she starred in) and the action is superb, give or take the odd bit of dubious back projection. Lazenby is excellent and I can find little to fault in his performance. Lots of superbly written scenes throughout, and a stunning John Barry score.

Other faves include 'Goldfinger', 'Dr No', 'You Only Live Twice', 'The Spy Who Loved Me', 'For Your Eyes Only', 'Goldeneye' and 'Tomorrow Never Dies'.

As for favourite Bond actor, that's a toughie. I actually like all of them. I suppose if pushed it would have to be Connery, even if he gave some rather lacklustre performances in some films, imo.

I'm really looking forward to 'Casino Royale'- I hope Daniel Craig proves all the doubters wrong. Most of all, let's hope it's better than The World Is Not Enough and Die Another Day, two of the most boring and bloated in the series.

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Guest rebelliousreign1

Yeah, Pierce was superb in 'Goldeneye' and 'Tomorrow Never Dies', but seemed to give up a bit in the last two, perhaps because the material was so weak. 'Die Another Day' agitated me with its constant continuity references like 'well you know what they say, diamonds are forever...'.>: Reminds me of the 80s Doctor Who episodes with footage of 60s/70s episodes and endless regurgitations of old foes....

Actually, to be fair, the opening of Die Another Day was excellent. Bond being captured, tortured and disowned by MI5 at the start was a truly excellent premise, yet they gave up on that straight away, Bond was seemingly indifferent towards his treatment from 'M' and plunged headlong into what was possibly the weakest and stupidest Bond film since 'Moonraker'.

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Guest moviegyrl

I enjoyed Dalton's performance in THE LIVING DAYLIGHTS, too (sans the ill-delivered one-liners -- Boy! Did he ever mess those up?! :x ).

What do you think of his second go in LICENCE TO KILL? I wasn't impressed. And, talk about your weak "Bond" films! That one was cast almost entirely with B-rated actors. It's 'saving grace' was the awesome 'monster' truck sequence as the finale! 'Still tops after 14 years! :smokin

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Guest sevenhooks

I could never get through all of LICENSE TO KILL.

Probably due to the fact that it seemed more like an episode of Miami Vice than a Bond film.

A little TOO grounded in "it-could-really-happen" reality for my tastes.

Come on now, Bond should be matching wits with billionaire meglomaniacs, not wasting his time battling sleazy, smarmy drug dealers that just left central casting.


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Guest Markgway

I actually thought Robert Davi was excellent as Sanchez - probably my favourite Bond villain. He made his character real, three-dimensional, rather than some cartoon megalomaniac, with bad dialogue. He may not be an A-list star but I would certainly not call his acting B-grade. As you can tell I really rated the film... ;)

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Guest Chinatown Kid

Anyone seen Casino Royale yet and if so, how do you rate Craig? From the trailer and clips I saw there was several hand to hand combat scenes that looked pretty good.

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Guest Chinatown Kid

Sorry to hear that Mark, hopefully you will make a quick recovery. If you do get a chance to see it let me know what you think, thanks.

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Ok, saw this today, and I thought it was fantastic. Craig is superb---bad-ass, intelligent, controlled, complex. Awesome pre-credit sequence (in B&W), and a totally kick ass final 2 minute scene!!! Definitely my favorite Bond since Goldeneye, and I certainly rank Craig as good as any of the others at their best.

Good story, and to me it really felt like a very fresh take on the character. The movie's not perfect, maybe, but I think it's exactly what the franchise needed after the horrible Die Another Day. I hope they bring back Martin Campbell to direct the next one as well.

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Guest kungfusamurai

I don't know if I should warn about *SPOILERS* below. I didn't really reveal any plot twists, as far as I can tell.

By the way, the girl who plays Vesper is hot. Her name is Eva Green. She's presented as some stuffy conservative lady, but she's totally stacked. She was in some Bertolucci film a few years ago where she took it all off. All I can say is that "they're real and they're spectacular." :)


I've never been a huge Bond fan. I like the occasional flick like On Her Majesty's Secret Service and Live & Let Die, but I found Casino Royale rather weak. It probably would have been better had it been made in a tongue-in-cheek manner like the Moore Bond films because there were so many problems with the film. First of all, it was too long. I think they could have made a better flick in a shorter time length. The plot developments and continuity and editing really sucked. For example, they don't explain how he got away from a sex-filled evening with that Penelope Cruz look-alike. He just says he wants champagne and caviar for one, and then next thing you know he's driving to the airport. I guess we're to assume he excused himself by saying he needed to go to the drug store and get more rubbers or something. And the whole puffer 'sub-plot' with that supposedly asthmatic french guy - how come that was heavily emphasized throughout most of the time we saw him, and then suddenly after the bug was planted, he didn't need it anymore? Did the fight in his room cure him of his ailment? And last, but not least, I think Daniel Craig is tiresome. He's got no charisma, and he's got that pouting lip look that makes him more like Zoolander than Bond. I found him more diva-esque than macho (yes...I think Daniel Craig is probably gay, not that there's anything wrong with that).

The ending was weak too...


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Guest moviegyrl

Peace, everyone!

I haven't read all of kungfusamurai's posting because it may/may not contain dreaded "spoilers." Please ease up on those, as the film is newly released. 'A lot of us have yet to see it! 8o

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Guest BleuVenom

Royale. Casino Royale. I thoroughly enjoyed this movie. It's been awhile since a movie had me grinning from ear to ear, sitting forward in my seat with anticipation and then getting exactly what I wanted in coming to see the film. I was entertained, intrigued, mesmerized and intoxicatingly hooked from the first minute to the last. On top of that, I went on to be the days' Spokesperson for the movie. I will recommend this movie to a friend, to a stranger, and guess what? to an enemy as well.

I was not a die hard follower of the James Bond movies nor have I read any of the Ian Fleming novels. But I had gotten into seeing some of the later films like Goldeneye, License To Kill, Tomorrow Never Dies, The World Is Not Enough, The Living Daylights, A View To A Kill and Die Another Day. Yet not in the way most people go to see a Bond movie. My seeing a James Bond movie was closely linked to another source plugged into the film. Let me explain: I went to see A View To A Kill because of my favorite band at the time: Duran Duran's Video. I saw The Living Daylights because it was a continuing chapter, I saw License To Kill because of Benicio Del Toro's later films I liked then researched his older roles. Seen Goldeneye because I liked Pierce from Remington Steele and that he brought something nice, cool & suave to the role, considering what I'd seen so far. Tomorrow Never Dies because of Pierce, Michelle Yeoh (like her films) and a cameo by Philip Kwok (big fan of Venoms movies). The World Is Not Enough for Pierce but then the story was convoluted and at this point I was starting not to feel the James Bond character with my heart not being too into it like before. I gave it one last shot with Die Another Day. I waited for it to come out on video and still I couldn't sit through it entirely. They added Halle for window dressing and Ricky Yune (fast and furious fame) as an antagonist. I was out at this point and moved on. The story sucked, the silly invisible car, the weak nemesis, whatever, I was done.

Then along came the idea of Daniel Craig later on. I was familar with him having seen him in the Tomb Raider movie and thought - hey, give this guy a bigger role in his next film. I liked him. He had something at the time I couldn't quite put a single finger on. Then I saw the preview of Layer Cake, like other films in the similare genre, I didn't allow the fluffy title to dissuade me in seeing it. Then I knew after seeing it why I began to like this guy. He had this cold-cool exterior, smart, serious yet funny demeanor and I found it hard to look away from him even when others were on screen too. I knew I was becoming a fan.

So when they announced that he'd be the new Bond, I was stoked. I had every belief in that he'd make a formidable Bond. Then came the harsh critics, haters and any other anti- Daniel Craig basher. I thought, God, let the guy do the film, let him & the film suck --then berate him if need be. But no, they based everything on his blond hair, his beefy physique, his shorter stature, and on and on.

I just knew that at this point Bond needed a new life breathed into it. At the rate it was going, no offense to Pierce, but the real fans wasn't in it and nor was he, so he got replaced by Craig. I felt Bond was reduced to smirks, winks, pucker-ups, dinner jackets, bedding any woman, and overblown gadgets, martinis & that Aston Martin. Blah, blah, yada, yada, whatever.

I felt Daniel Craig was going to bring a fierceness, hardness, coldness, smartness, cunningness, a he could care less/ doesn't give a damn sort of attitude to the role and so on. He had a cool that wasn't manufactured but that he was already carrying. So did I like the New James Bond Movie? Absolutely! Go see the film. It's truer to what I think Bond should be. It's grittier, darker, more suspenseful, a great story and exciting action. And I'll be a fan of the Bond movies-to-come as long as they have Daniel Craig, the same writers and director attached. I've already read that they're doing another Bond film with him after Casino Royale. I hope so. Because if they can renew my faith in the Batman movies with Batman Begins, why not James Bond with Casino Royale. I came out from seeing that movie shaking with excitement and stirred up to share it with anyone who was or wasn't curious. Consider my ticket to the next one already purchased! :D

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Guest limubai2000

My favorite bond actors in order -

Pierce Bronson

Daniel Craig (yes 2nd place)

Roger Moore (notice no one else mentioned him)

Sean Connery

Favorite films in order -

Tomorrow Never Dies

View To A Kill

Casino Royale


I loved the new film and this is coming from someone who totally doubted Craig could pull it off at all. They totally reinvented bond in a more intersting and dark way. The last 2 movies DAD and TWINE both sucked badly, I only liked the intro sequence and credits of DAD, the rest of the film totally sucked and was far to "out there". They really needed to "reboot" the franchise and I think they pulled it off quite well. Adding a new multi-movie storyline arc was great as well as it adds some new dimension to James Bond-land. I don't want to spoil the film for those who haven't seen it yet, but definetely go see it and judge for yourself. I hated the new theme song however, it sounded like crap, but the intro credits were well done but I like my dancing ladies thank you very much.

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