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Karate Girl (High Kick Girl 2)

Drunken Monk

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While I didn't watch the first film because of being unimpressed with the trailers and what choreography I saw, I must admit that this video certainly shows a step up in the fight department.

Rina Takeda genuinely looks good here and though I'm not highly anticipating the sequel, another badass female in the genre can't be a bad thing.


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Rina is definitely awesome, but I'm more looking forward to whatever Tatsuya Naka is busting out to be honest. Just cut down on the slo-motion replays and we'll be good to go.

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That's practice run footage. I like what they're trying to do. We'll see how it comes across on film. And, yeah, go a little easy on the slo-mo this time (though I do like it).

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Guest Yi-Long

Looks cool. I'm a huge kicking-fan so it's always nice to see someone who's comfortable doing so...

Haven't seen the first one though. Is it even released in the west?

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Rina Takeda has got talent that is for sure, and as far as the 1st. movie goes I thought it was really good. Yes I did hate the slow motion rewind effect it had that really bothered a lot of us on here, but overall a really good movie. So I will be looking forward to seeing a new movie with her in it.

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Karate Kid had so many things wrong in it...but it was a good movie.


-Story about outsourcing.

-Beautiful China.

-Fairly decent story.

-Fighting between and with Asian kids was awesome.

-Jackie Chan


-Will Smith's son can't act...at least not good enough for this movie.

-Stupid love story.

-Stupid that a kid that can't fight and can't pretend to fight manage to kick everybody's butts.

High Kick girl was just a stupid movie overall. Japanese can do better and done so...why they release this crap?

I'll watch High kick girl a thousand times before I watch the bastard remake of the Karate kid which was one of the worst things I ve seen trying to display a martial arts movie. I am happy for the success of Rina Takeda, who impressed me with her charisma, skill, and bravery. I am eager to watch this sequel, so I can see how she has improved her skills which I can tell she has. So let the cinema continue...
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Rina Takeda genuinely looks good here and though I'm not highly anticipating the sequel, another badass female in the genre can't be a bad thing.

my thoughts exactly.

Overall I thought Karate kid was even more stupid and pointless than high kick girl. It was a total poor excuse for a martial arts movie. The originals are way way better, and It saddens me that Hollywood uses the name to solely make a sale and deceives the audience with bubblegum crap.

I do agree with most of what you said but I did find the new Karate Kid movie a good film. Okay the martial-arts was nothing to rave about but then neither was the original films. To be honest I wouldn't consider the karate Kid a martial-arts film as such. They are more of a drama that happens to have martial-arts in. I also thought Jackie Chan was very good in this film and is probably the best film he's been in in some time

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Unlike the original Karate Kid film, this new one left me filling hollow, like there was nothing to gain from this film. Many ideas were stolen from the original Karate kid movies instead of trying to create something new, they just hijacked ideas from the first and second Karate kid movies. Jackie Chan's character came off as wooden and I felt no emotional connection to him like I did for Pat Morita. Jaden Smith, I don't see anything special about this kid other than the fact he can do the splits. The bullies in the film were a joke too, absolute joke. Good film for little kids I guess, but I have no interest in seeing this new version ever again. I watched the original the other night and it holds up well, it's paced so much better, and the emotional impact with the characters is there.

I really liked Jackie in KK but I'll give you the original does have more emotional impact. Pat Morita's drunken anniversary was better played. I do Agree even though I liked the new KK that the original is much better. I suppose seeing a recent JC film I like raises it a little.:bigsmile:

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Haven't seen the first one though. Is it even released in the west?

Yes, HIGH KICK GIRL is available as a legit region 1 release. Just one majorly annoying problem with the DVD. The only subs are for the hearing impaired. So it's quite distracting as they say stuff like "music plays" and other nonsense while you're trying to watch the movie. It really draws your eye to read the subs when you don't have to, and it really took me out of the movie. This same company- First Look Entertainment- pulled that bullshit with their release of BLOOD BROTHERS (2007 version) too. On the plus side- nice behind-the-scenes footage!

I thought HKG was a very enjoyable movie. Yes, there were way too many times when they replayed scenes, and an over-abundance of slow-mo, but I love me a good karate flick, and gals that kick ass, and this has both of them. One of the leads from BLACK BELT- Tatsuya Naka, has a big role here as HKG's teacher, and this guy has crazy talent! Gorhama and I were just BS'ing and talking about how cool he'd be in a remake (or continuation of) THE STREETFIGHTER. Terry Tsurugi Jr. anyone?

Part 2 looks very promising to me. I liked the footage and moves. Rina has definitely improved since the first one.

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One Armed Boxer

Guys just to let you know there is already a thread about this movie in the Japanese forum which contains trailers, links to the official website, and....bizarrely....a discussion about how all Japanese people are pedophiles -


Perhaps one of the moderators could merge these threads together?

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Yes, HIGH KICK GIRL is available as a legit region 1 release. Just one majorly annoying problem with the DVD. The only subs are for the hearing impaired. So it's quite distracting as they say stuff like "music plays" and other nonsense while you're trying to watch the movie. It really draws your eye to read the subs when you don't have to, and it really took me out of the movie. This same company- First Look Entertainment- pulled that bullshit with their release of BLOOD BROTHERS (2007 version) too. On the plus side- nice behind-the-scenes footage!.

thanks for the info KFB:bigsmile:

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I really loved HKG - very, very funny, excellent action. I didn't mind the slow mo repeated action at all. I'd be up for a sequel if they make one. I thought the lead carried the movie well too.

BTW, I HATED the New Karate Kid - way too much wrong with it for my taste. Tampering with that film was like tamping with a Hitchcock film - why mess with a great film if it was already done right? For me, it's always going to be Pat and Ralph....


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One Armed Boxer
I'd be up for a sequel if they make one.

Hi CatNap.....they did make one, & it's the subject of this very thread!:tongue:

You can also find information about 'Karate Girl' over in the Japanese forum -


& a review by Albert V on the main page -


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