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Bangkok Knockout (2010)


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One Armed Boxer
New R1 artwork!

That seems to be the standard artwork for every release...same as the Thai DVD & the upcoming UK release.

I thought it was funny, the guy who has left a comment on the article....he better not visit this thread or I think it will make him stay well away!

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Michael Bay is a bad director...but this is just too insulting. You have to give Michael Bay credit for hiring people that can act. The voice of Optimus prime is just amazing.

Bangkok Knockout on the other hand just had horrible acting. I mean, can you honestly be okay that Optimus Prime talked like those Thai "actors"?

I will be going to see Transformers 3 and happy to pay...knowing that the story will be stupid. I wouldn't pay a penny for BK.

To be fair Michael Bay has about $200 million to make the movie. The entire movie budget for Bangkok knockout was probably made on a budget cheaper than the catering bill for transformers 3. Given those budgets that Michael Bay has to play with it certainly makes him more of a hack director in my eyes.

Then given the sheer amount of money involved in making a Hollywood blockbuster like that he should be delivering the greatest action movies ever made not pieces of shit like Transformers.

Also knowing that it costs more to make an episode of a TV show in the US and that probably dwarfs the budget of the average Thai martial-arts actioner. They deliver a lot of bang for the buck than something that Michael Bay could never even deliver from an action point of view given a billion dollars.

The sheer effort and risks to the actors and stuntman that go into making these films is just unbelievable. Even if this movie sucks there's a lot more to be applauded and worth paying to see than some stupid Hollywood by the numbers, over use of CGI with no real exciting action. You go pay for your Hollywood wank fest. I'll go stick with real action that might show something breathtaking.

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even tho michael bay does use some hell of explotions and CGI....his movies are still more impressive and watchable than half the people give him credit for....i mean just because theres a lot of CG in Transformers doesnt mean its a complete shit movie....

If we had the same exact Transformers movies we have today, but they were made in...lets say Korea.....i bet everybody would love them....just saying......

sn: i need to see the 2nd one again before the 3rd one...looks like a promising 3d imax film

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To be fair Michael Bay has about $200 million to make the movie. The entire movie budget for Bangkok knockout was probably made on a budget cheaper than the catering bill for transformers 3. Given those budgets that Michael Bay has to play with it certainly makes him more of a hack director in my eyes.

Then given the sheer amount of money involved in making a Hollywood blockbuster like that he should be delivering the greatest action movies ever made not pieces of shit like Transformers.

Also knowing that it costs more to make an episode of a TV show in the US and that probably dwarfs the budget of the average Thai martial-arts actioner. They deliver a lot of bang for the buck than something that Michael Bay could never even deliver from an action point of view given a billion dollars.

The sheer effort and risks to the actors and stuntman that go into making these films is just unbelievable. Even if this movie sucks there's a lot more to be applauded and worth paying to see than some stupid Hollywood by the numbers, over use of CGI with no real exciting action. You go pay for your Hollywood wank fest. I'll go stick with real action that might show something breathtaking.

Amen, brother!!!:bigsmile:

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It's out on DVD and Blu-Ray tomorrow in the Uk, but I'm not expecting much from a company that did nothing to promote the release (not even a full size sleeve or any info regarding extras) even in their own website 

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Am halfway thru this and yeah, as a film it stinks but as a fight/stunt/holy-moley-that-kid-just-got-hit-with-a(insert inanimate object/mode of transport here), it's mightily impressive.

The acting is pretty painful all around, the story utterly laughable BUT - and it's a big but - wow, these kids will do anything to entertain!

The dude who looks like Eric Tsang is seriously getting on my nerves, though. :tongue:

BTW, one character is introduced as "Chin, son of Porn", which may be THE greatest name EVER.

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such a high rated action film ,, literally slips like a slimy slug onto the UK shop shelves

I only just noticed it.. Blu Ray too!!!! Anyone pick it up?

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I finally got round to watching this over the weekend. I settled down with a few beers and, knowing that the story and acting were probably going to be a little shoddy, hoped the action would make up for it.

You know what? Forget the acting and story. This film is FANTASTIC.

From the get go, I couldn't have cared less about the performances as it's blatant that the film is just an extended show reel for Thailand's "new blood." Not once did this fail to deliver. In fact, the fight between the two exponents of Chinese kung fu put even some of Donnie Yen's latest choreography to shame.

This was over 90 minutes of high octane, ballistic bone crushing stuff and I was sold right away. I will say that it loses a little steam towards the end (the "under the truck" fight was a poor finale) but everything else is pure fun.

If you like your martial arts films with a little style, grace and depth you might not like this but, the good thing is, what it lacks in plot, it makes up for in amazingly shot, wide angled fights with no choppy editing or shaky cam.

Wonderful stuff!

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amazingly shot, wide angled fights with no choppy editing or shaky cam.

Man, I wish I would've made that very point when I reviewed this a couple of days ago!

This ought to be automatic "gold" standard based on that very fact: zero close-up shaky cam work marring the choreography.

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Didn't really enjoy this, just like many of the other Thai films at the moment that look amazing from the trailers but as films don't really work. It just felt like watching a series of showreels and although the fight scenes were good I didn't really care about any of the characters, also the villains were mostly masked and they all seemed similar which didn't help to make the fights memorable.

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Was in the mood for some mindless action last night and too tired to watch a film I'd feel compelled to review. So I rummaged around and found this to watch for the 3rd time. Still, love the action in this film, it blows my mind in some places. May have to start digging through my Thai dvds now. I want more!

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One Armed Boxer

Interesting opinions, I first watched this 18 months ago and posted my thoughts in post #79. Back then I think I watched it something like four times in as many weeks, simply to gawk at the fight choreography, however since then, my urge to put it back into my DVD player has practically been non-existant.

For me it's probably a case of I enjoy at least a half strung together story, that 'Bangkok Knockout' sadly can't claim to have, and some decent acting performances don't go amiss either...I guess literally all this movie has is the fighting, and for me that doesn't make it stand the test of time.

People so often say that the golden era of martial arts movies has passed, often referring to the fight choreography, but if anything, movies like 'Bangkok Knockout' remind us that the golden era also had charismatic performers with screen presence and charm, not just bodies that can perform choreography.

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For me it's probably a case of I enjoy at least a half strung together story, that 'Bangkok Knockout' sadly can't claim to have, and some decent acting performances don't go amiss either...I guess literally all this movie has is the fighting, and for me that doesn't make it stand the test of time.

People so often say that the golden era of martial arts movies has passed, often referring to the fight choreography, but if anything, movies like 'Bangkok Knockout' remind us that the golden era also had charismatic performers with screen presence and charm, not just bodies that can perform choreography.

Oh, I don't know. I thought the story was kind of half strung together. Granted, the plot was nothing new, but it served to move the action along. Now the dialogue on the other hand seemed nothing more than game of "Marco Polo" as they go about shouting each others' names.:tongue:

I have to agree with your last statement. But I also try to consider the fact that this is a first time out at the ball game for most of these guys. And I thought a couple of them really stood out as far as having screen presence. While they certainly sold their fights better than their dialogue, I think there's a lot of potential to be found and room for growth. I hope Panna's working with them right now and putting something together for a new film.

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One Armed Boxer
I hope Panna's working with them right now and putting something together for a new film.

I'd like to hope so as well, but I think his hands are probably still full right now with 'Tom Yum Goong 2', and who knows when that will be finished with one of its main stars being heavily pregnant, and the other one in the first few weeks of fatherhood!:tongue:

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How opinions differ. I agree about the choreography being wonderful, but this is a feature film, not a show-reel. If i wanted that i can go on Youtube.

The acting is appalling as well, as much as i am a fan of martial arts cinema this just bored me after a while, it needs some structure and decent acting to make it a GOOD FILM, not just a showcase for stuntmen.

This is a reason why Martial arts cinema is still laughed at in many circles, i would rather watch WuXia any day.

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Not the best story or direction(a bit confusing in places)but the action is quality and relentless,if you like fight choreography with big hits and bodies hitting the floor then check it out?

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Relentless action packed Martial Arts picture from Thailand. From the director of Ong Bak - The Begining Panna Rittikrai. Who also co-wrote the script alongside Dojit Hongthong. Martia Art's sensation Panna also handled the action direction duties too. He also makes for a great un-credited screen villian here too. Watch out for him playing an evil, crazed fighter who suffer's from Asthma.

Put this on late during the weekend, after a marathon of T.V show's with my girlfriend. The undemanding low on plot high on action mash-up being just what I wanted. Probably one of the best worst film I've ever seen, to quote who-ever came up with that term?. Some mind bending Martial Art's/stunt/parkour displays throughout the hour and  forty minute runtime. At its best it gave me the same feeling I used to get from discovering late 1980's to late 90's Hong Kong movie's. That sense of awe, when you are watching highly skilled performers working at a high level. In terms of the plentiful choreogrpahy and fight scenes. At it worst it featured some terrible acting and production values/creative ideas, that belonged in some of the worst MA flicks. 

One I'm going to re-visit someday and give a more in depth write-up of.

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Drunken Monk

I had fond memories of watching this one when it was originally released so I looked forward to revisiting it. Boy, how times have changes. This movie is objectively terrible. Bad acting, boring characters, cheap effects... It's all here. The question is, "Can good action save a movie?" Sadly, the answer is no. While Panna Rittikrai and his team give it their all, the good action scenes (and there are a few) just can't outweigh the negatives.

This was such a disappointing rewatch. Do yourself a favour and watch the cage fight, kung fu fight and sword fight on YouTube. Then call it a day.

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On 6/28/2021 at 10:53 PM, Drunken Monk said:

I had fond memories of watching this one when it was originally released so I looked forward to revisiting it. Boy, how times have changes. This movie is objectively terrible. Bad acting, boring characters, cheap effects... It's all here.

Does it have anything resembling a plot? And you mean that the characters/actors make Tony Jaa look like Chow Yun Fat in terms of charisma and screen presence?

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Drunken Monk
3 hours ago, DrNgor said:

Does it have anything resembling a plot? And you mean that the characters/actors make Tony Jaa look like Chow Yun Fat in terms of charisma and screen presence?

It has a plot but it's laughable. The whole story is paper thin and then they try to throw in a number of "twist" moments at the end that lack both logic and weight.

Tony Jaa was at least memorable. You'll forget about this entire cast (save for Rittkrai himself) five minutes after the film ends.

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