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Bangkok Knockout (2010)


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Sen, everyone is entitled to their own opinions so don't take it personally when other people don't agree. I know sometimes people can get passionate and heated but it doesn't hurt to be courteous to other members even if you don't like what they're saying.

I'd tried to look back at what it was you were getting upset at but with your posts Deleted it's hard to make any comments. However, I was surprised by one of your posts where you said

From my experience, the only good martial arts film are by Tony Jaa...

I think Tony Jaa is an amazing martial-arts star but surely you really don't believe that?

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One Armed Boxer
Fight broke out, I got front row!!!!

Ha ha...congratulations, your invoice for the tickets is in the mail! On a serious note though, I have become my own worst enemy. My pet hate is seeing a thread get de-railed, especially when it's by 2 people just bickering with each other, and this is exactly what I've done with this thread. I'm not going to go and delete my responses, because they contain quotes from sen_pai which he has since deleted the original posts of which contained them, however I will say that this will be my last post not related to 'Bangkok Knockout'. Apologies all around.

Sen, everyone is entitled to their own opinions so don't take it personally when other people don't agree. I know sometimes people can get passionate and heated but it doesn't hurt to be courteous to other members even if you don't like what they're saying.

Seconded. Sen_pai, I have no idea how old you are, where you're from, or know anything else about you for that matter. But I will say this, I treat you with the same level of respect that I do for everyone else that frequents this forum. People come on these boards to have lively and topical discussions about the movies they love, it is the differences of opinion and viewpoint which makes being part of this community so much fun. However, the moment someone disagrees with you, you call it a "personal attack".

Contrary to your belief, my disagreeing with your posts is not an indication that I am crying in front of my computer or anything even close, I simply want to understand more where you are coming from. I do this by asking you to provide examples of things like terrible Korean martial arts movies or popular Japanese dramas, of which I'm sure there are plenty of both and I look forward to hearing from you what they are, however you never actually do provide these examples, you simply respond by repeating your previous statements.

Myself & blue_skies are at complete loggerheads when it comes to the Hong Kong movie 'Invisible Target'. I see it as a great throwback to the 80's HK action movie heyday, but he see's it as simply a trio of HK idols strutting around with no talent. Do we throw insults at each other and tell each other to 'STFU'? No, we respect each others opinions and appreciate that everyone has individual tastes in movies. His comments on this forum are some of those which I respect the most, simply by the fact his character is reflected in what he posts.

I'd tried to look back at what it was you were getting upset at but with your posts Deleted it's hard to make any comments.

Yes, regarding this I think it is quite dis-respectful to the forum members who responded to your posts but didn't include your comments as quotes in their replies, as it now looks like they are talking nonsense to anyone who didn't realize you had posted here previously. Particularly David Rees comments regarding your statement that only movies that are good get an English subtitled DVD release, despite the fact you deleted your post as well as ordering others to do the same thing, his reponse was very relevant and he should feel no need to delete it because you asked him to.

Who cares about my opinions or if I am stated it as facts. It doesn't matter!

I would say the person who seems to care the most is yourself, simply going off the aggressiveness of your language. I have no problem about you expressing your opinions about the movies you've watched, this is what this forum is here for in the first place. However some of your comments cross the line from comments about movies to making broad generalizations about race and culture. As this will by my last post off-topic, let me spell it out for you - these are a couple of your comments that I couldn't disagree more with, but they are just your opinion of which you are perfectly entitled to:

On 'Reign of Assassins' -

The fighting is so freaking fast and amazing. It's the Michael Bay of martial arts!

On modern-day kung-fu movies -

I love all of the new Chinese martial arts movies since Hero. I love the new special effects, cutting, and camera angles. That's entertainment to me!

It is this kind of stuff which I have a problem with, as it just seems kind of ignorant and ill-informed to me.

On 'High Kick Girl' & 'Karate Girl' -

The fighting looks so fake and it's just adds to the perception that the Japanese are pedophiles with her kicking with a skirt on.

On Korean martial-arts movies -

I've seen some Korean Martial Arts film and all of them was bad. Another thing is that Koreans usually put sex scenes in the films. Are they stupid?

Regardless of the sex scenes...the movies suck. Koreans are known for making corny dramas about terminal illnesses. That's it.

On Aarif Lee, the actor who plays Bruce Lee in 'Bruce Lee, My Brother' -

The worst part of the film is the actor. The kid that played him was awesome, but the main guy just was horrible. He just didn't have the look...very ugly in my opinion and he looks half white or something. I know Bruce Lee is mixed with white, but he was mostly Asian but this dude just looked wierd and mixed.

On Van Damme -

I was a huge Van Damme fan growing up, but now, after seeing stars like Jet Li and Jackie Chan, I think he's a joke. He was good during thet ime when they only wanted whites to do martial arts.

I hope you're able to see the difference in the examples I've given, the first couple are you stating your opinions about movies, however the rest border, if they aren't already, on being racist and sterotyping whole nations. Anyway, regardless of if you can or can't, I will keep my promise of this being the last off-topic post from me....onwards to 'Bangkok Knockout'!

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One Armed Boxer
Has this been picked up for a U.S. release yet? Any chance it can be seen here, by the end of the year?

Magnolia have picked up the US distribution rights for this movie, lets hope it shows up on their release schedule soon, but as of now there is no word.

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One Armed Boxer
Thanks for the info guys. Ever since seeing Ong Bak, Protector, and Born to Fight, Panna Rittikrai is one of my new favorite action directors.

I know he's been around for awhile, and I did see one of his "older movies" but it was really bad. It claimed to have Tony Jaa in it but I am sure he was just a stuntman and I couldnt spot him. It looked like it was filmed on Super-8, these guys came a long way. "Battle Warrior" was the name of it.

Likewise, & I would suspect with most other people on here as well, it was Tony Jaa's initial movies along with the 'Born to Fight' remake which brought the talents of Panna to a wider audience than just Thailand.

Unfortunately as you mention, a few DVD companies have tried to cash in on the success of Jaa, by digging up some of Panna's older movies that have him in a minor role of some sort, regardless of if they are Panna's lesser works or not, and then plastering his image all over the DVD artwork.

The best DVD release to feature Panna's older stuff is the 'Born to Fight / Thai Police Story' double bill. Neither feature Jaa, but trust me when you see Panna fighting in his prime Jaa will be the last person on your mind. 'Born to Fight' has some pretty tiresome comedy to sit through, but the finale more than makes up for anything that came before with it's unrelenting brutality.

'Thai Police Story' is obviously a severely trimmed down version of another movie which I doubt shares the same name, however what is left is pretty much 90% of brutal full contact fighting. You can sample a taste of it in this video, for some reason it's set to some crazy music, but the fights are so obviously full contact that none of the impact is lost even with the sound effects muted out!


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Thanks for posting that, OAB. I've never seen any of it. (Love the flubbed kick at the 6:23 mark.) It's some impressive stuff, almost guerrilla type choreography: very raw and innovated on the spot. Really interested in seeing "Thai Police Story" now.

Question to anyone who knows:

Okay, so is there 2 "Born To Fight" films ---- one starring Panna in his early days and then the one he did starring Dan Chupong?

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One Armed Boxer
Okay, so is there 2 "Born To Fight" films ---- one starring Panna in his early days and then the one he did starring Dan Chupong?

Yeah, spot on. The original 'Born to Fight' (aka 'Gerd Ma Lui') as far as I'm aware was Panna's first movie from 1984, and is the first of what would turn out to be a trilogy. That's not including the 2004 re-make, and it should also be noted that the recently released 'Born to Fight trilogy' DVD set does not actually contain the genuine 'Gerd Ma Lui' sequels to my knowledge.

Regarding the re-make, Panna explains in the documentary contained on the Dragon Dynasty release of 'Born to Fight', that when they where presented with the opportunity to make an action movie with a higher budget than they'd ever had before, they decided to re-make the original 'Born to Fight' in terms of recreating the action sequences but not the actual story.

So the re-make in terms of story is completely different than the original, however all of the brutal stunts are re-created on a much bigger scale in the re-make including some completely new ones of course. I'm sure I've said it before, but only in Thailand could a movie be classed as a re-make based on action scenes alone and not plot!

It's some impressive stuff, almost guerrilla type choreography: very raw and innovated on the spot. Really interested in seeing "Thai Police Story" now.

About 'Thai Police Story', forum member Knockabout posted some really interesting information about the movie over in the 'Panna Rittikrai Filmography' thread -

Most (if not all) of TPS is made up of scenes from 2 Nuk Soo Poo Ying Yai (Two Men Known by All - litteral translation), but with an english dub that is far from what the original story is all about.

I'm not 100% sure if TPS contains footage from other movies than 2 Nuk Soo Poo Ying Yai, if it does i guess there's some sense in having it as a separate movie. However, i think i would list it as an AKA rather than an individual movie.

The DVD goes for pretty cheap I believe, this is the one you want -


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Action wise it was enjoyable in parts. The kung fu pole fight and the swordfight were the highlights for me. The finale underneath the lorry didn't do it for me.

I bought the thai dvd with no eng subs. In the dvd extras there's some behind the scenes footage which shows some clips which was cut out from the finished film.

Recommended only for the fights and stunts.

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Saw it at Actionfest. Probably the most solid Thai action movie since the first ONG BAK. Sorta combines HOSTEL with Thai action. Some jaw-dropping action including a beautiful wushu vs. muay thai fight. But nothing good in the acting department and zilch charisma from the leads.

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One Armed Boxer

A friend of mine recently went to Thailand on vacation, & guess what they brought me back as a souvenir....'Bangkok Knockout' on DVD! Subtitles or no subtitles, this went in the DVD player straight away, here are my thoughts -

'Bangkok Knockout' is a unique movie, in that it appears to take 2 steps forward in terms of action choreography, and I mean that from anywhere, not only Thailand, but on the other hand it also seems to take 2 steps back in terms of acting and plot, and sadly when I say that, I'm only comparing it to other Thai action movies.

As another forum member mentioned, there is enough English in the movie to figure out what's going on, and even with none at all, it's hardly rocket science to figure out what the deal is. Sadly the lack of subtitles made me concentrate on the performers (I honestly can't bring myself to call them actors), and their complete lack of any acting skills, all the more....to the point where after 20 minutes I was actually wondering if any amount of action and stunts could make up for the torturous ordeal the beginning of the movie was to get through.

Then....bang....the fighting starts, and rarely does it stop, with each passing second the cringe inducing attempts to act on display in the opening 20 minutes become more and more of a distant memory. There is some of the most innovative choregraphy I have ever seen contained within 'Bangkok Knockout's' runtime...it strikes the perfect balance of being acrobatic without being flashy (I'd class 'Raging Phoenix' as an example of failure in this department), hard-hitting but minus the endless double takes Thai cinema has a habit of, and all shown through gloriously long shots.

To describe the action scenes in detail would take all day, there is that many of them....but a few definite highlights are the cage match which kicks the action off, the main character (who kind of looks like a young puffy faced version of Donnie Yen) taking on the katana wielder, and the massive group fight complete with car smashing into anyone that happens to get in it's way!

Towards the end there are 2 opportunities to collapse from laughter due to some serious unintentional comedy, the first when the main character is re-united with the girl that he loves, and amidst all the violence and techo soundtrack (come on, after 'Born to Fight' it was to be expected from Panna) we're suddenly subjected to epic sweeping strings as the pair of them try to look doey eyed at each other. Secondly when the bad guys show a photo of the main characters kidnapped mother and brother who are tied up, the shot actually looks like it has been taken in a professional photo studio, as the pair of them look longingly into the camera against a white background, it's the most hilarious kidnap photo I've ever seen, they look so relaxed!

However before you have a chance to ridicule the movie too much, the action kicks in again, and if it's action you're looking for, the movie definitely doesn't dissapoint.

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good review i have seen it and thought it was ok..

Raging Phoenix' i viewed yesterday on a Blu Ray impulse buy after enjoying Chocolate alot i thought it would be pretty good, i was sooo wrong Hated it! BBoy fights and a lame poorly double badgirl.. turned it of before the end fight finished

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First time I watched it was without subtitles. I fastfoward and got a general understanding of the story, and enjoyed it enough, and love the fighting. No doubt that the fighting is bad.

Now I just rewatched it with subtitles and man...the film is just horrible!! The first half hour was very little fighting. It was all about setting the story up. The story isn't that bad, but the acting is just so horrible. These good thing about Tony Jaa is that he knew that he had to shut up and do what he's good at. These guys on the other hand just talk talk and talk. What they're talking about and doing is not boring, but the acting is so horrible that it makes it boring. I literally stopped watching. The great fighting in this movie is not worth watching the crap acting. It's like talking to a beautiful girl with bad breath. It's so sad that a film with so much amazing fighting is also crap.

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The great fighting in this movie is not worth watching the crap acting. It's like talking to a beautiful girl with bad breath. It's so sad that a film with so much amazing fighting is also crap.

Ha! Good analogy.:tongue:

I reckon the same could be said about BANGKOK ADRENALINE. The acting in that was pretty bad but the action/MA was really enjoyable (to me anyway). I'm still looking forward to see this and I'll suffer through the dialogue the first go-round..

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Saw this yesterday,pretty poor,no real story fights were ok,but really seen it al beforel in ong bak and Born to fight

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One Armed Boxer
Saw this yesterday,pretty poor,no real story fights were ok,but really seen it al beforel in ong bak and Born to fight

I can understand people having a dislike of this based on the poor story & acting, but to say what`s on display in the fighting department has been seen all before in `Ong Bak` & `Born to Fight` is misleading I think.

It`s like watching any random kung-fu movie and simply saying that they`ve seen it all before in other kung-fu movies. It seems people have a certain tendency with Thai action cinema to simply repeat ad lib "Seen it all before in Ong Bak / Seen it all before from Tony Jaa etc", which with some efforts has certainly been true, but definitely not the case here, nor with movies such as `Chocolate` & `Raging Phoenix`.

`Bangkok Knockout`s choreography is completely different than anything from `Ong Bak` & `Born to Fight`, where the focus was on muay thai and muay thai mixed with sports / acrobatics etc. respectively. In BK we have taekwondo, kung-fu, muay thai, weapons work, vehicle chaos, massive group fights, free running, and the great show of bad assery by Panna himself at the end....all the variety of which wasn`t seen anywhere in `Ong Bak` or `Born to Fight`.

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I can understand people having a dislike of this based on the poor story & acting, but to say what`s on display in the fighting department has been seen all before in `Ong Bak` & `Born to Fight` is misleading I think.

It`s like watching any random kung-fu movie and simply saying that they`ve seen it all before in other kung-fu movies. It seems people have a certain tendency with Thai action cinema to simply repeat ad lib "Seen it all before in Ong Bak / Seen it all before from Tony Jaa etc", which with some efforts has certainly been true, but definitely not the case here, nor with movies such as `Chocolate` & `Raging Phoenix`.

`Bangkok Knockout`s choreography is completely different than anything from `Ong Bak` & `Born to Fight`, where the focus was on muay thai and muay thai mixed with sports / acrobatics etc. respectively. In BK we have taekwondo, kung-fu, muay thai, weapons work, vehicle chaos, massive group fights, free running, and the great show of bad assery by Panna himself at the end....all the variety of which wasn`t seen anywhere in `Ong Bak` or `Born to Fight`.

Now I really want to see this.. I rarely pay attention to story anyways I'm too busy gettin high on pot, lol...

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Does Yamada have those stupid looking sped-up parts like in the trailers? I thought the trailers started out great, then towards the end there were all these moves that looked like they were sped up 10x. It looked really dumb.

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