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The Wolverine (2012)


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I'm very excited for this one and while it looks amazing I don't know if theyre ever going to show that Wolverine is actually a martial artist not just a brawler.

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Drunken Monk

I thought the trailer was terrible with far too much emphasis on major action set-pieces. Thus far it doesn't look that different from the first one.

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Secret Executioner
I thought the trailer was terrible

I saw a trailer and I have to concur: absolutely horrible. I was hoping for a great Wolverine film, well my hopes went right out of the window.

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Is that huge robot the Silver Samurai in a suit or is it the S.H.I.V.A. System? I haven't seen any mention of Shiva online so I assume the former.

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Chinatown Kid

I'm jacked to see this one, Hugh has got himself in phenominal shape and the Japanese and Martial atmosphere will make this one unique. Wolverine has always been a blue collar down to earth type hero I identify with and Jackman owns this character imo. Can't wait to take my girl to see this on the 26th. :bigsmile:

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Saw this last night and overall I found it a missed opportunity.

The first half is markedly better than the 2nd, which sees the film descend into nonsense and undoes much of the good work the film had managed earlier.

It's a shame because until then it really did feel like a much more grown up Marvel film than we're used to, and one that didn't seem as formulaic.

It's as if the suits walked in half way thru and said, OK, you've had your fun, now stick to the standard tropes we think the people want.

BTW, there is an in-credits sequence for those who stick around - thankfully, they don't make you wait until the entire credits have been shown, a la the Iron Man films.

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Saw this last night and overall I found it a missed opportunity.

The first half is markedly better than the 2nd, which sees the film descend into nonsense and undoes much of the good work the film had managed earlier.

It's a shame because until then it really did feel like a much more grown up Marvel film than we're used to, and one that didn't seem as formulaic.

It's as if the suits walked in half way thru and said, OK, you've had your fun, now stick to the standard tropes we think the people want.

BTW, there is an in-credits sequence for those who stick around - thankfully, they don't make you wait until the entire credits have been shown, a la the Iron Man films.

agree 100%, 1st half of the film, so good could have been the best Marvel movie to date until that 2nd half showed up and brought everything to a screeching halt. But I still enjoyed it and if people wanted a character studied Wolverine film, this is fucking it. Just that the dramatic tone especially with the Grand-daughter was too much unnecessary exposition and unwanted chemistry between the two. After sitting through that, the film redeems itself when that hot ass blonde chick aka Madame Hydra showed up on screen making my penis very happy, maybe a little too much little Johnny wanted to pop out and say Hi... The fight scenes were good not great but good and the speed train action sequence was by far the best thing in all of the X-men movies.

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Do either of you consider it better than the 1st WOLVERINE film?

I thought the first Wolverine film had it's moments here and there (but not many!), but this new one, although not great, is much better - even factoring in the drop in quality during the 2nd half.

BTW, there's already talk of a much longer cut on BD.

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Cool. A DC of this would be sweet when the time comes.

There were aspects of the 1st Wolverine film that I really liked. This one looks to have a darker overtone and I'm very forgiving of any story/plot deficiencies as long as the action delivers.

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Chinatown Kid

This turned out to be what I was hoping for, nice character study of the Wolverine without an overabundence of other mutants clogging up the story and tired plot of humans vs mutants of the other x films. Jackman proves he can carry a film and gives off a charisma that reminds me of a young Clint Eastwood. I liked the smaller, personal and more contained feel of this film compared to the epic, whole world is at stake of the other recent superhero films. Can't wait to get the unrated version when it comes out on DVD. :bigsmile:

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Note: May Contain Spoilers: OK I just got back from seeing this movie with my Son so here is my review:

I was so psyched to see this movie, I figured this was going to be one of the ultimate summer blockbusters! But I was totally disappointed with it!!!!! Now I love the Wolverine Character he is a total bad-ass! And to go to Japan and fight against Ninjas! I get the best of both worlds! But the action scenes were far and few in between! Now we all know the basic storyline what happens etc.! The movie to me just dragged on a little to much, and a few of the fight scenes with Wolverine fighting a Gang of Yakuza's was good but the camera was very shaky! And when you see all the Ninja's and Wolverine says that's all the Men you brought, he doesn't even fight any of them! I was like are you Fucking Serious?! And the Main fight with the Silver Samurai was a wash also! One thing I forgot to add in "X-Men Wolverine Origins" Logan's memory was wiped out so how the hell could he remember this Guy from WW2?! Now the Japanese Female in the Movie was a badass! I would love to see her again in another Action movie! The one female mutant goes by the name of Viper! Her character was just blah! I think the movie could've been so much better with her out of it. Overall I really feel this is a BR/DVD movie! I totally expected so much more and I was disappointed with it. I wasted my money seeing it in 3D, and also stay for the end credits there is a key scene which was the best part of the movie.

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Drunken Monk
Note: May Contain Spoilers: OK I just got back from seeing this movie with my Son so here is my review:

I was so psyched to see this movie, I figured this was going to be one of the ultimate summer blockbusters! But I was totally disappointed with it!!!!! Now I love the Wolverine Character he is a total bad-ass! And to go to Japan and fight against Ninjas! I get the best of both worlds! But the action scenes were far and few in between! Now we all know the basic storyline what happens etc.! The movie to me just dragged on a little to much, and a few of the fight scenes with Wolverine fighting a Gang of Yakuza's was good but the camera was very shaky! And when you see all the Ninja's and Wolverine says that's all the Men you brought, he doesn't even fight any of them! I was like are you Fucking Serious?! And the Main fight with the Silver Samurai was a wash also! One thing I forgot to add in "X-Men Wolverine Origins" Logan's memory was wiped out so how the hell could he remember this Guy from WW2?! Now the Japanese Female in the Movie was a badass! I would love to see her again in another Action movie! The one female mutant goes by the name of Viper! Her character was just blah! I think the movie could've been so much better with her out of it. Overall I really feel this is a BR/DVD movie! I totally expected so much more and I was disappointed with it. I wasted my money seeing it in 3D, and also stay for the end credits there is a key scene which was the best part of the movie.

You see, I fall down on the opposite side of your opinion, entirely. I didn't want a mutant filled summer blockbuster that was just fights and explosions. Wolverine is such a deep character and I wanted some exploration of who he is.

I thought the fights, even with the shaky cam, were really good. Quick paced, pretty brutal and, in some cases, more realistic than other directors would have gone for.

I agree that Viper seemed somewhat pointless. She was crammed in there and they didn't really establish exactly who or what she was. And her outfits seemed a bit silly compared to the general tone of the film.

All in all, I genuinely enjoyed it. In fact, I didn't think it was that far behind "Iron Man 3" and everyone raved about that film.

Weirdly though, many people are celebrating the in-credits sequence and I was completely underwhelmed by it.

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Those X-men movies were boring as hell, except for First Class/ which I liked very much.. I have not seen X-Men 3 directed by Brett Ratner, should I take a chance??

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Drunken Monk
Those X-men movies were boring as hell, except for First Class/ which I liked very much.. I have not seen X-Men 3 directed by Brett Ratner, should I take a chance??

General consensus is "NO!" but I actually don't hate it. It's a bit of a mess and a case of too many cooks spoiling the broth, but for empty minded entertainment I've actually seen much worse.

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I like all the X-men movies EXCEPT First Class which I found boring and actually put me to sleep the first two times I tried to watch. Made it through on the third viewing, and the ending was pretty cool, but that's it. Thought the first Wolverine was so so.

But what is up with the fucked titling for these flicks? First one was X-men Origins: Wolverine, and now the second.... The Wolverine..... man, get it together!

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Secret Executioner
General consensus is "NO!" but I actually don't hate it. It's a bit of a mess and a case of too many cooks spoiling the broth, but for empty minded entertainment I've actually seen much worse.

I find 3 to be okay, though it's clearly not on par with the first 2. First Class is (IMO) one of the most solid X-Men films (though X2 is the best) - despite some continuity errors with the first trilogy.

The Wolverine ones ? No thanks (for the record, The Wolverine is supposed to take place after The Last Stand)

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I didn't see anyone mention this, but did anyone else notice that the temple where the funeral is held was the same one used in Tower of Death? The giant orange tower behind said temple was a dead giveaway.


Hell, even both films had the "villain fakes his death and fights protagonist in secluded tower" in their finales :tongue:

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I didn't see anyone mention this, but did anyone else notice that the temple where the funeral is held was the same one used in Tower of Death? The giant orange tower behind said temple was a dead giveaway.


Hell, even both films had the "villain fakes his death and fights protagonist in secluded tower" in their finales :tongue:

I noticed it right away, OPY! I looked around, but there weren't any film attendees to talk about it with! :tongue:

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Took in a matinee of this today. I guess I liked it for what it was but was disappointed in how the Silver Samurai was portrayed. (And I had a gut feeling as to what they were going to do with him and, sadly, they didn't disappoint me.) Still, there's lots of good action and the best fights are the 2 of Sanada as Shingen against first Yukio and then Logan.

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Honestly. I was very underwhelmed by this film. It just didn't deliver. Maybe its a bias from reading the books. (Been reading comics my whole life.) This changed just about every character in some way. The only fight scene I thought worthwhile was the final one.

As for the X-Men films. X2 is definitely the best IMO. But I enjoyed Last Stand. Hated the ending but again Its probably because it was totally different from the comic. I have since learned to take these films as "alternate universe stories."

Oh. and for me that scene in the credits was better than the movie. And judging from the reactions in the theater I was not alone in that thought.

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Blu Ray/DVD is out December 3rd. Gonna get the extended cut which is only on the Blu Ray package.

It's only on the 3D combo pack release from my understanding.

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