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Battle Royale (2000) & Battle Royale 2 (2003)

Guest BuddhasClaspedHandz

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Guest I am 138

Battle Royale is a good film, but I don't know that I'd call it horror. It's more of a social commentary, and it IS scary, but not really a horror film. Best thing I've seen with Beat Takashi.

Here's a really good forum with a topic on Asian horror going already. Maybe this one is overkill?

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Guest AsamiYamazaki

Jeeze... Been a while since I used this.. YAYY! Its back up!!


BR was good, I enjoyed it, raather twisted, but great movie, maybe because I'm slightly twisted myself... But Anyways!

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Guest kungfusamurai

In case anyone is wondering, Battle Royale 2 is getting it's HK release in a few days. Check out sites like DDDHouse who are selling it on special.


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Guest chiba2000

I don't want to be a bitch about it but KungF, why in the world buy a HK release of a Japanese movie, when you can have the Japanese (superior quality) and perfect English subtitles?

/Chiba2000 8)

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Guest kayelefkay

Cos its cheaper?

Having only been a student in the not too distant past, I can understand the lack of spending power.

And so long as the subs are comprehensible, the savings are HUGE, especially for people who also do not have top class home cinema systems (so the difference in quality will be barely noticeable).

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Guest kungfusamurai
I don't want to be a bitch about it but KungF, why in the world buy a HK release of a Japanese movie, when you can have the Japanese (superior quality) and perfect English subtitles?

I looked at Yesasia, and they indicate that the price is approx $44US, with no extra features and no subtitles. I'm not sure where you saw the English subtitled version. If it's a boot, then I'll stay clear of that one. As for HK doing the English subtitling, I don't really mind it. And lastly, I have no idea if I will like the film or hate it. I'd rather spend less than $15US on something I might not like than $44US.


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Guest chiba2000

Can be found on Ebay for $24, 2 disc (5 hours of bonus stuff) version with English Subtitles. It's a fan-subbed version, but since video quality and subtitles are superior, I have no problem with that.

by the way, everyone I've talked to say the movie sucks and the first Royal movie RULES! :)

/Chiba2000 8)

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Guest kungfusamurai

Yeah. I thought Chiba was talking about $10.99 or something that makes sense. $24 is milking it a bit, isn't it, especially since the Japanese DVD is around $44. Unless the profits are going into R&D. :)


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Guest chiba2000

well when a Japanese movie (the rights for a Japanese movie is very very expensive) is sold as a special edition 2 disc HK DVD for just $7! Is it just me or? It smells BOOOOTLEG all the way! It's cheap alright, but like they say, if you pay for a $5 haircut, then you get a $5 haircut, nothing more. ;)

Anyway keep us posted on the quality of that one, always good to have an option when buying.

/Chiba2000 8)

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Guest chiba2000


I'm a collector of Japanese movies YES! I want my items in the best damn quality available, HK stuff AINT'T IT! If some fan-subber makes a MUCH better (video quality, extras, subtitles etc) version which costs more, YES I'm willing to pay for that, and spread the word to fellow collectors. If you have a problem with "boots" don't buy them, stick to the poor HK stuff, like I said it's good to have an option right?!

I'm CHIBA2000 web master of the NINJADOJO web site, NO I'm not ICHIBAN dude...although I know him. Anything else you want to know?

/Chiba2000 8)

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Guest Lunamask

Chiba 2000

I must agree with you! I am also a collector of DVD movies and those Hong Kong subbed version can get really whacked out!

I bought some great custom DVD's from Ctnesaur I believe his ebay id is Cannibal king. Cannibal king does an outstanding job! His subtitles are way better than what you get with the "Chinglish" subs from Hong Kong customizers which can be really distracting! Example Sugata Sanshiro, Shinobi mono, and many other Japan movies subbed by Hong Kong DVD customizers.

These customizer DVD artist also make it easier for us to get the rare movies.

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Guest ninjamama

It's fine if you want to collect that stuff ... though it is ILLEGAL and you know you're indulging in it.

My problem with these guys is that they try to hide the fact that they are selling DVD-Rs by calling it "custom DVD". :rollin

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Guest chiba2000

Ninjamama, "Illegal", oboy I had now clue dude, thx for pointing that out to me. :eek Please, spare me the illegal ranting will ya. Do you also lecture people out on the street when they jaywalk or if someone is driving too fast?! Enough with all self-proclaimed Internet policemen already.

I don't know why people tend to get so upset about custom DVD's, I mean the quality is always better, only a fool would cry out and demand a "legit" release with less quality instead. And then again, there's always the option NOT to buy them. ;)

There are many different types of movie collectors, some just want the damn movie in any crappy quality and it must be cheap (Internet downloaders). Some have higher demands, want better quality, often waits for a proper US R1 release instead of a sloppy HK disc. Some are even more picky, only satisfied with top quality and doesn't accept crappy "Engrish" subtitles, they pay more and can live with "custom" discs made by people who really knows how to make a proper DVD release.

Like I said, it's good to have some options, personally I HATE paying for crap DVD's. There you have my 5 cents on this subject, over and out.

/Chiba2000 8)

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Guest pressureworld

Thank goodness for Cannibal King his releases leave the so called legit releases in smoke, look at the full screen HK release of Triple Cross and the wide screen release Cory put out not to mention all the Fukasaku dvds he released, as a matter of fact his were so good I sold the crappy R2 versions I owned. you should try him before you knock him yI think you will be very suprised

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Guest Lunamask


Cannibal King rules with his accurate subtitling and crisp DVD quality!

Recently got Azumi, Andromedia, and Yagyu Conspiracy and it was awesome!!!

I'm getting Kumamoto Stories, When The Last Sword is Drawn, Stereo Future, and Iga Ninpocho next!

One more thing to mention, His DVD's are not home burned! These play in a DVD player that ordinarily cannot play burned DVD's. The image on the DVD is also not on an ink printed sticker, but on the DVD itself! Pretty cool huh!

I'm buying more!


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