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Iron Man 3 (2013)


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I just got back from this movie and I loved it! Better than 2, but not quite as good as the first (which is a personal fav to me). The action was very well done and the big finale was absolutely fantastic. Yes, it was a lot of stuff flying around, but it had purpose and you were emotionally invested the entire time. This isn't Michael Bay filmmaking.

The characters were all well written by Black. Tony Stark feels more real in this one than ever. Pepper is amazing. There are some good surprises too...

I am not familiar with the comics, so I can not judge The Mandarin based on them, but I do think what happens in the movie was interesting and well done.

Also, the post credits sequence is awesome! Totally worth sticking around for.

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Secret Executioner
Also, the post credits sequence is awesome! Totally worth sticking around for.

I knew there would be one. Damn you stupid theater employees throwing everyone out during the credits... :2:

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I'm gonna go see this one today. Looking forward to it.

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I saw it last night. Very entertaining with great action and good dose of humor. The Mandarin is totally different than the comic book's character. The 1st one is still my favorite.

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I saw it last night. Very entertaining with great action and good dose of humor. The Mandarin is totally different than the comic book's character. The 1st one is still my favorite.

Glad to hear you liked it. But didn't it annoy you how often he was out of the suit? Then he'd get in it, and before the action would really even kick in, the armor would get knocked off! :squigglemouth: I still enjoyed it, but there were a lot of things about it that bothered me.

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Too much John Favreau in this 3rd film, I mean too much/ I don't want to see his fat Guido head.Was hoping for a little more screen time with Iron patriot but looks like he took a backseat in this film.. Now the Mandarin, I mean the Mandarin to me in Iron Man 3 is like going to a strip club to see a hot ass stripper you like, you slip the dollar in her thong and nothing happens. She brings out her other friend instead but I don't want her other friend I want what I paid for, like the Mandarin (Ben Kingsley)

This came from the comics? Why is Ben Kingsly doing comedy/British comedy? Why did that story-line turned into Ironic man 3?? How badass would it be if the fukin Mandarin was actually Ben Kingsly??? Ben Kingsly was killin it yo, he was killin that role in the beginning, I was engulfed/entranced into his transformation of being a badd ass comic book villain.. No disrespect to Val Kilmer, that was Val Kilmer right? No wait/ sh!t that's Guy Pierce/ my bad, No disrespect to Guy Pierce he was awesome but dammit I want Ben Kingsley/ he was bringing some raw sh!t to the Iron Man movies up until it became a comedy role for him!!!!

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Secret Executioner

Looks like I'm not the only one that went mad at what was done with Mandarin. :tongue:

I mean, it's Iron Man's classic nemesis for f**k sake, like Lex Luthor for Superman or Joker for Batman. Imagine what The Dark Knight would have looked like if they used that weak-ass twist with Joker... :squigglemouth:

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Looks like I'm not the only one that went mad at what was done with Mandarin. :tongue:

I mean, it's Iron Man's classic nemesis for f**k sake, like Lex Luthor for Superman or Joker for Batman. Imagine what The Dark Knight would have looked like if they used that weak-ass twist with Joker... :squigglemouth:

I know right like what the fuck is this shit Austin Powers comedy??? Look The action in this movie is outstanding, I got my action fix which is typical for this summer fare in this movie but goddamn it, this was supposed to be a showdown of epic proportion and they played it safe and turned it into cliche/bad villain with shitty cgi/underworld/ rip off of other action movies... This movie was just another cliche comic book movie when in reality it could have raised the bar and been so much more, much much more, fuck!!!!:tinysmile_angry2_t:

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Secret Executioner

Totally agreed with you, OpiumKungFuCracker. This movie couldn't help use clichees such as the annoying kid (seriously, what was his point ?) and bad guys NEVER using opportunities to take down the hero (was it too simple to shoot him down when they caught him without his armor... It's not like Iron Man's identity is really secret anymore (an element I hate with this franchise)).

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For those who were okay with how the Mandarin turned out, could you please tell me why? I'm not trying to spark a heated discussion or anything it's to better understand and educate my well being..

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Secret Executioner
For those who were okay with how the Mandarin turned out, could you please tell me why? I'm not trying to spark a heated discussion or anything it's to better understand and educate my well being..

Except not being a comic fanboy and not expecting a dark serious film (though the trailer clearly gave that impression), I can't really see any explanation.

(when I say fanboy, it's not in a negative sense. Just that you weren't necessarly expecting the Mandarin to be a guy with the magical rings and all the backstory treated exactly like in the original comics)

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Except not being a comic fanboy and not expecting a dark serious film (though the trailer clearly gave that impression), I can't really see any explanation.

(when I say fanboy, it's not in a negative sense. Just that you weren't necessarly expecting the Mandarin to be a guy with the magical rings and all the backstory treated exactly like in the original comics)

My man speaking the truth... Anyone else?? Damn I don't know why I'm so bent out of shape over a comic book movie, shit!!! I need to lay off the internet for awhile...:tongue:

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Secret Executioner

I've seen worse reasons for big arguments on forums. Ain't the Internet a wonderful place ? :tongue:

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Glad to hear you liked it. But didn't it annoy you how often he was out of the suit? Then he'd get in it, and before the action would really even kick in, the armor would get knocked off! :squigglemouth: I still enjoyed it, but there were a lot of things about it that bothered me.

I think that's the point of the movie. In The Avengers, Cap says to Stark, "Take off the suit of armor and what are you?" This movie is an answer to that question. It's about Tony finding who he is without the suit.

For those who were okay with how the Mandarin turned out, could you please tell me why? I'm not trying to spark a heated discussion or anything it's to better understand and educate my well being..

I didn't follow the comics so I wasn't offended by it. I thought it was funny.

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Originally Posted by KUNG FU BOB View Post

Glad to hear you liked it. But didn't it annoy you how often he was out of the suit? Then he'd get in it, and before the action would really even kick in, the armor would get knocked off! I still enjoyed it, but there were a lot of things about it that bothered me.

I think that's the point of the movie. In The Avengers, Cap says to Stark, "Take off the suit of armor and what are you?" This movie is an answer to that question. It's about Tony finding who he is without the suit.

I agree with you guys.

RDjr was great in the role of Stark as always. The story was good, the action great.

However......I had some qualms as well. ***SPOILERS!!!!!!***

1) The issue of his anxiety is raised but I don't think it is ever really remedied. (Maybe I missed that.)

2) The whole Mandarin plot premise.....lame. I understand that films aren't always exactly faithful to comic book canon but come on!....you need to be a little faithful especially in context to who the character is and that is one of Iron-Man's best villains. If you're not going to do that then make up a villain.

3) I didn't get the Extremis bit other than Guy Pierce's character is megalo-maniacal, but he and his minions come across as super-amplified Iron Fist models almost. It was cool but I don't think really fit.

4) The kid as a comedic foil. Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn't. Some of the dialogue was good but there were some things he said to the boy that just shouldn't have been said.

5) Leave Stark in the suit. It's like most of the time he's fighting via the armor as an avatar. Meh. It's kind of cool but....it got old real quick. All the different armors was neat but they just got trashed. I'd prefer 1 suit and a more epic 1-on-1 end fight. (I think massa_yoda's point is good and correct but it really should have had him donning the suit and being Iron-Man after resolving that little personal dilemma.)

6) The film had kind of a super-spy feel. Not what I got to see Iron-Man for.

I loved the 1st two films and this one is really good but it just seems to misfire on a number of levels for me, especially coming behind the Avengers movie.

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Secret Executioner

Agreed on Extremis. Seriously, it seems like Iron Man's villains are always mad scientists in the films.

110% agreed on Mandarin. They should have created a new villain instead. But I guess having Mandarin was a better seller (the trailer implies Mandarin IS the villain, not that mad scientist).

I have to agree also about the suit. The comedic possibilities of the armor and of the remote controlled armors are nice, but when I think Iron Man, I think of Tony Stark in the suit, not suits fighting on their own and Stark being away. Okay, TDKR also had Bruce Wayne barely wearing the Batsuit at all but hey, it's not because it worked here that it will work somewhere else (and the character development is far different: Bruce is a tortured soul, a deep and complex character while Stark is basically some wise-cracking jackass coupled to a little whiner who wouldn't be any bit interesting as a lead character in a film if it wasn't for the armor).

Another thing that seems wrong: why the hell would Stark be cured ? His illness is his trademark.

Also, what is up with the post-end credits scene ? I read stuff about Guardians Of The Galaxy, Ant-Man and the Hulkbuster suit (which I don't think is in the film), but what is going on exactly ?

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Bruce is a tortured soul, a deep and complex character while Stark is basically some wise-cracking jackass coupled to a little whiner who wouldn't be any bit interesting as a lead character in a film if it wasn't for the armor).

I guess that's a matter of opinion then as I find him an interesting lead character.

Another thing that seems wrong: why the hell would Stark be cured ? His illness is his trademark.

I think they're just modernizing things a little more...don't you think Stark could be cured in this day and age? I'm sure they have a plan for this in Avengers 2.

Also, what is up with the post-end credits scene ? I read stuff about Guardians Of The Galaxy, Ant-Man and the Hulkbuster suit (which I don't think is in the film), but what is going on exactly ?

Okay, here's the spoiler:

The narration at the beginning...it turns out Stark was talking to someone the whole time about the events of the film and after the credits are over you find out who he's been talking to: it's Banner. Except Banner has been asleep the whole time so he missed everything.

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Okay, here's the spoiler:

The narration at the beginning...it turns out Stark was talking to someone the whole time about the events of the film and after the credits are over you find out who he's been talking to: it's Banner. Except Banner has been asleep the whole time so he missed everything.

I don't think GHw is questioning that but rather the fact that with the past few Marvel films the post credits clip usually act as hook for the next film. This one was just a bit of comic relief that could've played before the credits even rolled. Honestly, I was a bit let down by that, too.

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Secret Executioner
I don't think GHw is questioning that but rather the fact that with the past few Marvel films the post credits clip usually act as hook for the next film. This one was just a bit of comic relief that could've played before the credits even rolled. Honestly, I was a bit let down by that, too.

I hadn't seen it so I was wondering what it was. I'd need to see it but it may be a nice little scene, though not really what one could expect (was wondering what the narration thing at the beginning was about... I got it now).

massa_yoda: I don't find Stark very interesting in the Iron Man movies. Iron Man 2 tried to play on the tortured soul bit and Iron Man 3 had the anxiety story but honestly, it sounded too much like filler between the action or comedy sequences the movies majorly consist in. Regarding the curing of his condition, I found it a bit shocking for a purist (like the Mandarin thing) but if they manage to exploit this in IM4 (assuming it is planned) or in Avengers 2, it could turn out to be an interesting move. Having not seen Captain America nor Avengers, I don't think I missed much in the evolution of this universe except for the "New York events" the annoying kid kept bringing up.

Since I'm mentionning a possible (?) IM4, I guess that with the new Thor, Captain America and Avengers movies scheduled for 2014/2015 - along with the Guardians of the Galaxy film, Amazing Spiderman 2 and a new X-Men film - we won't see a new Iron Man solo movie before late 2015 if 2016. Nice to see Marvel movies are coming up strong.

Too bad all we have coming up in terms of DC stuff is a Superman movie as the JL and Wonder Woman movies - stuff people have kept bringing up every now and then for ages now - don't seem to be planned in a near future and a second Green Lantern movie sounds highly unlikely. They seem to be rather focused on DTV animated films - not a bad thing since those movies are overall really good. Marvel's animated films are more hit and miss: The Hulk vs. Wolverine was quite fun but the last Iron Man anime was awful.

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OK I seen Iron Man 3 on Monday I thought it was really good. Now I'm not a big comic book fan so I never followed the Iron Man storyline. But I know everyone was pissed off about the Mandarins character in the movie. After I heard what he did in the comics I was a little disappointed also.

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Did everyone really expect a guy with magic rings to be a good movie villain? I like what they did, I'm more upset that they changed AIM!

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Yeah! Where were the yellow suits with the wastebasket heads?:tongue:

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Secret Executioner
Did everyone really expect a guy with magic rings to be a good movie villain?

Sounds better to me than exploding mutants, Human Torch rip-offs and another mad scientist... Seriously, when did Iron Man become a mad scientist fighting superhero ?

Iron Man 2 - despite its many flaws - at least had a villain close to the original comic character (Whiplash) and this guy (though his backstory was altered) kicked ass. Too bad they couldn't bring him back - pretty much the same goes for Two-Facein the Nolan Batman movies.

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Sounds better to me than exploding mutants, Human Torch rip-offs and another mad scientist... Seriously, when did Iron Man become a mad scientist fighting superhero ?


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Lol I remember I watched the very Iron Man film on plane in 08, gotta watch the latter ones. good film tbh :P

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