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Update on To Kill A Mastermind


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Movie surfaced which is definitely good thing.At last now have chance to see was it worth all praise and mist of mystery covering it.I have taken looks from here and there it looks like masterpiece.When it eventually ends up into circulation with fan made subs is it good thing?For many people yes but I am bit skeptical.If there was real hope this would be released officially this will not help it.I think I am not only one who would rather see this in shelf as original release for 20€ than get free as file/dvd-r.

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Movie surfaced which is definitely good thing.At last now have chance to see was it worth all praise and mist of mystery covering it.I have taken looks from here and there it looks like masterpiece.When it eventually ends up into circulation with fan made subs is it good thing?For many people yes but I am bit skeptical.If there was real hope this would be released officially this will not help it.I think I am not only one who would rather see this in shelf as original release for 20€ than get free as file/dvd-r.

I think the presence of it in a remastered condition makes it more likely to get an official release. Now celestial can't pretend they don't have it.

Whether fan subs will make a dent in the sales, I doubt it. The quality of the youku upload is poor. If a company puts it out on blu ray, that will be miles better than any fan subbed bootleg project, so everyone wins.

The companies want to know if a movie is worth something, well a bootleg in heavy circulation will definitely show it is in high demand. So the faster they get a legit copy out, the better. I think companies like Dragon Dynasty waited TOO long after those Ground Zero versions to start putting out their legit versions. People got tired of waiting and got the region 3 or other region versions first.


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^hopefully it happens and celestial do not demand too high fees.There are customers for those thought-to-be-lost gems...

Off topic again I am now waiting postman who should bring me singapore dvd "twin blades of doom" which costed a lot.But it`s not money but trouble I needed to track it down.I wish all those old shaws be available easily in legal format but thats fantasy.Still celestial have done so much good for us,sometimes people just forget it:nerd:

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Just throwing my opinion out there... I think there is a big difference between a fansub project made available to a handful of people on an internet forum and a true bootleg which is distributed across the country in major DVD retailers. We can hardly get 20 people to sign up for a 6 rare release package from Jamal... this is not going to raise any red flags at Celestial in regards to releasing a legitimate version. Yes, we live in the internet age where everything can be downloaded, but again we're talking about a very low quality version here, not anything that is going to threaten a full DVD production run. You can probably make an argument ethics-wise, but to suggest we won't get a legit release because of kaleyboy's fansub project is a stretch.

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Just throwing my opinion out there... I think there is a big difference between a fansub project made available to a handful of people on an internet forum and a true bootleg which is distributed across the country in major DVD retailers. We can hardly get 20 people to sign up for a 6 rare release package from Jamal... this is not going to raise any red flags at Celestial in regards to releasing a legitimate version. Yes, we live in the internet age where everything can be downloaded, but again we're talking about a very low quality version here, not anything that is going to threaten a full DVD production run. You can probably make an argument ethics-wise, but to suggest we won't get a legit release because of kaleyboy's fansub project is a stretch.

It all comes back to Celestial Pictures. Now would be a good time to email that Roger dude (at CP) who was mentioned earlier in this thread. Perhaps he may then be able to give us a clearer idea of what his company is up to and understand releasing TKAM as well as the others discovered will be good for business.


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This thread has totally got out of hand, many of you are overthinking the situation, no fan made version is going to affect a general release, I look forward to the best boot available.

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Guys, as we are fans who are doing what we can to help one another out (and not looking to get rich), I'd be glad to pay for any (if not all) of these films in subtitled form. I tried downloading, and its a hassle. some parts are repetitive, etc.

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i've watched TKAM six times now---it's great without subs--- subs would be better---> english dub would be fantastic. just about every shaw martial arts movie was dubbed in 1979 so i believe without a doubt that this one was dubbed as well--more than likely by their best team of dubbers--the ones that did AVENGING EAGLE. did HAZ ever get back in contact with whatever company he was talking to ? we need a legit release of this with the english dub---TOP PRIORITY. i mean this movie far surpasses it's legendary status.

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I have spoke to the R1 company about To Kill A Mastermind. I spoke to the VP and he was very surprised to find out that the movie was remastered because Celestial told them otherwise. It isn't a good reflection on Celestial to see that they don't know anything about their own inventory. Either that, or they were trying to deceive someone into buying an unremastered film. I'd like to think that this was just an oversite on their part. Dicussions will resume with Celestial & I've suggested a double-bill of TKAM with another unreleased film. The VP and President of the company have seen my emails. We'll see if something happens. I'm always skeptical - I've spoke to many legit companies about releases & business ventures, but things seldom ever get finalized. These people seem sincere to me, though. I'll keep people informed.



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Guest Markgway

If the fan subbed copies are distributed amongst only 'we' small band of collectors then it won't affect any legit release. If it winds up in Best Buy (or one of your other US chain stores) that's a different kettle of fish -- and no one here is going to do that. I won't be passing anything onto Pan Media and as long as we all agree likewise I see no problem. I don't agree about money being paid for the creation of fan subs (it is supposed to be a labour of love after all) but it's understandable that Fu Subs would want payment (in some form) for postage and materials. No one expects them to run at a loss.

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This thread has totally got out of hand, many of you are overthinking the situation, no fan made version is going to affect a general release, I look forward to the best boot available.

if that boot ends up to supermarkets I think it affects.

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It is obvious that some members here are against FuSubs releasing and selling a fan subbed version of TKAM and/or of other Shaw titles that have been discovered in remastered versions this week. There are only a few groups who regularly release fan subbed projects, including us, and none of them does it for free. I believe that at US$7 we have the lowest price for such projects and that it is a more than fair price. VenomsFan suggested for us to make our subs available for free. It won't happen. He also said that he might as well pay himself to have it translated. His words: I have half a mind to send some money to get this translated myself. Why not! Then he can give it and/or make it available for free to everyone himself! We don't believe that such fan release would affect any possibility of having TKAM and/or the other newly found remastered versions being released by legit company/distributors. When or will this ever happen? God knows! I don't see any of those legit companies rushing to release them or Celestial pushing for their releases.....All we see are releases of the same titles over and over and over again....Having said that, we don't need the unnecessary headaches that could come with us releasing these movies as fan subbed projects. Therefore, we have decided for the time being that these projects will not be made available on this forum or on other forums or on our website or on any public auction/sale websites or on any torrent websites. Maybe VenomsFan can help all of us get a legit release of TKAM and of the other ones too or make his own fan subbed version and then make it available for free to everyone! Sorry but this will be our last post on this matter as we do not wish to get involved into a never-ending debate on this.


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if that boot ends up to supermarkets I think it affects.
Shaw films have been booted for 30 years, is a boot of TKAM going to change the world? A boot doesn't have special features, commentaries, Interviews, etc...if Celestial or whoever releases the film legitimately and offer no more than what the boot offers then they deserve to lose money.

To Celestial I say make me a Fabulous Latern one sure to win any competition.

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It is obvious that some members here are against FuSubs releasing and selling a fan subbed version of TKAM and/or of other Shaw titles that have been discovered in remastered versions this week. There are only a few groups who regularly release fan subbed projects, including us, and none of them does it for free. I believe that at US$7 we have the lowest price for such projects and that it is a more than fair price. VenomsFan suggested for us to make our subs available for free. It won't happen. He also said that he might as well pay himself to have it translated. His words: I have half a mind to send some money to get this translated myself. Why not! Then he can give it and/or make it available for free to everyone himself! We don't believe that such fan release would affect any possibility of having TKAM and/or the other newly found remastered versions being released by legit company/distributors. When or will this ever happen? God knows! I don't see any of those legit companies rushing to release them or Celestial pushing for their releases.....All we see are releases of the same titles over and over and over again....Having said that, we don't need the unnecessary headaches that could come with us releasing these movies as fan subbed projects. Therefore, we have decided for the time being that these projects will not be made available on this forum or on other forums or on our website or on any public auction/sale websites or on any torrent websites. Maybe VenomsFan can help all of us get a legit release of TKAM and of the other ones too or make his own fan subbed version and then make it available for free to everyone! Sorry but this will be our last post on this matter as we do not wish to get involved into a never-ending debate on this.


if providing fan subs is what FuSubs do then why are you worried about what a few members on a forum have to say? If people want to spend $7 on your version they will. Let Celestial worry about you, you are their problem not ours.
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It is obvious that some members here are against FuSubs releasing and selling a fan subbed version of TKAM and/or of other Shaw titles that have been discovered in remastered versions this week. There are only a few groups who regularly release fan subbed projects, including us, and none of them does it for free. I believe that at US$7 we have the lowest price for such projects and that it is a more than fair price. VenomsFan suggested for us to make our subs available for free. It won't happen. He also said that he might as well pay himself to have it translated. His words: I have half a mind to send some money to get this translated myself. Why not! Then he can give it and/or make it available for free to everyone himself! We don't believe that such fan release would affect any possibility of having TKAM and/or the other newly found remastered versions being released by legit company/distributors. When or will this ever happen? God knows! I don't see any of those legit companies rushing to release them or Celestial pushing for their releases.....All we see are releases of the same titles over and over and over again....Having said that, we don't need the unnecessary headaches that could come with us releasing these movies as fan subbed projects. Therefore, we have decided for the time being that these projects will not be made available on this forum or on other forums or on our website or on any public auction/sale websites or on any torrent websites. Maybe VenomsFan can help all of us get a legit release of TKAM and of the other ones too or make his own fan subbed version and then make it available for free to everyone! Sorry but this will be our last post on this matter as we do not wish to get involved into a never-ending debate on this.


This is extremely disappointing, most of us here including myself were looking forward to this project. Now again we have to sit and wait on a legit release which seems far off. If someone does go through with subbing TKAM, please get ahold of me. This whole discussion on whats right and wrong is ridiculous if you asked me.

raider yang

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Shaw films have been booted for 30 years, is a boot of TKAM going to change the world? A boot doesn't have special features, commentaries, Interviews, etc..

Well legit releases seems do not have those as much as before.Money is tight today I guess..No use to speculate now though but I think we do not see ever official release of TKAM.Hopefully I am wrong.

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I would prefer if this thread was deleted and we start over with, Kaleyboy's "hey I found a remastered version of TKAM!!"

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I would prefer if this thread was deleted and we start over with, Kaleyboy's "hey I found a remastered version of TKAM!!"

Here here.....and

Ok....can someone please sub TKAM? I dont need much but I do need this done at some point.

raider yang

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Hi Folks,

Well, I had no idea when I started this thread that a remastered TKAM would be found. This is a cause for celebration. Let's try & keep the mood positive - if you want to discuss the reletive merits of bootlegs & fan projects, make a thread. It's a topic that will never get resolved & we've beaten that horse to death so many times. I support Big Rogie & the fusubs crew. They've gotten some great rares out there. I've been talking with a company to get a legit release out there. The quality of any fan project is limited by the source material, which is not that great, honestly speaking. You're looking at RMVB quality. I don't think that will keep people from buying the disc if it ever comes out legitimatly. A greater problem is the torrent sites that will have the legit dvd up for sale. If the fusubs crew gets a disc made, I hope that they reconsider offering it here.

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Hi Folks,

Well, I had no idea when I started this thread that a remastered TKAM would be found. This is a cause for celebration. Let's try & keep the mood positive - if you want to discuss the reletive merits of bootlegs & fan projects, make a thread. It's a topic that will never get resolved & we've beaten that horse to death so many times. I support Big Rogie & the fusubs crew. They've gotten some great rares out there. I've been talking with a company to get a legit release out there. The quality of any fan project is limited by the source material, which is not that great, honestly speaking. You're looking at RMVB quality. I don't think that will keep people from buying the disc if it ever comes out legitimatly. A greater problem is the torrent sites that will have the legit dvd up for sale. If the fusubs crew gets a disc made, I hope that they reconsider offering it here.

Couldnt agree more Haz.

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Let's try & keep the mood positive - if you want to discuss the reletive merits of bootlegs & fan projects, make a thread. It's a topic that will never get resolved & we've beaten that horse to death so many times.

Co-sign on that. Further discussion (in this thread) about such will be moved. This thread is about TKAM and getting it released - period. If KB and Rog decide that they will be the first to do such, then they will have our full support. Now, get to those PMs and shower those FuSub boys will plenty of verbal esteem.

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It is obvious that some members here are against FuSubs releasing and selling a fan subbed version of TKAM and/or of other Shaw titles that have been discovered in remastered versions this week. There are only a few groups who regularly release fan subbed projects, including us, and none of them does it for free. I believe that at US$7 we have the lowest price for such projects and that it is a more than fair price. VenomsFan suggested for us to make our subs available for free. It won't happen. He also said that he might as well pay himself to have it translated. His words: I have half a mind to send some money to get this translated myself. Why not! Then he can give it and/or make it available for free to everyone himself! We don't believe that such fan release would affect any possibility of having TKAM and/or the other newly found remastered versions being released by legit company/distributors. When or will this ever happen? God knows! I don't see any of those legit companies rushing to release them or Celestial pushing for their releases.....All we see are releases of the same titles over and over and over again....Having said that, we don't need the unnecessary headaches that could come with us releasing these movies as fan subbed projects. Therefore, we have decided for the time being that these projects will not be made available on this forum or on other forums or on our website or on any public auction/sale websites or on any torrent websites. Maybe VenomsFan can help all of us get a legit release of TKAM and of the other ones too or make his own fan subbed version and then make it available for free to everyone! Sorry but this will be our last post on this matter as we do not wish to get involved into a never-ending debate on this.


Y'all must have forgot I had mention at least 4-5 times my friend was translating TKAM, but as soon as kaleyboy announced his group is translating TKAM, everyone wants to get excited because he's a well known member here. Call me pissed off because I am! I had this plan since July and finally got a buddy of mine to start on the translation in September. In all honesty, if the fusubs team still have plans to translate TKAM... then I of all people should receive a free copy, since they didn't give one full consideration to my project.

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I know this kind of thing has been done before but, is it worth getting some kind of petition together for a TKAM release (plus others)?

We now know that they have been remastered and that they are open to public viewing, it's probably only a matter of time before DVD quality versions hit torrent sites and into the laps of bootleggers. If the films have been remastered then Celestial will also have created English subtitles and probably have dubs for most of them. Maybe we could send something to Mr Pollack.

It's probably futile to try and get Celestial to listen to us but.... dammit........I want some new Shaw DVDs!

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