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Update on To Kill A Mastermind


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In March/April 2009, the fan site SBR (Shaw-Brothers-Reloaded) and I got valid information about the fact, that the work process of re-mastering some 80 more titles of the Shaw Brothers Movie Library was completed and DVD/VCD/BluRay releases to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the SB movie studio in HK, TW and Singapore were planned and pending. Information from within the Celestial Pictures organization itself stated that the home entertainment release of those 80 titles would start in Autumn/Winter 2009 (probably latest in December 2009 to start with a business bang at Xmas) and a close friend and former CP employee even handed me 5-10 minute video clips of each and every of those 80 re-mastered titles for SBR promo and ads for the weeks before the discs would hit the shelves of the shops.

Therefore, in Spring 2009 SBR and I distributed the news and the list of the 80 titles on both SBR sites and in various forums like this one. As usual, here and there we were greeted with disbelief and ridicule. Aside of some respected forum members and pals-in-the-know like Tantao, Daigoro etc. here at KFCF we were called liars, cheats and fan-boy idiots who do not know what they are talking about. Nevertheless, we were prepared to put our reputation and money where our mouths are and proceeded with spreading the news about the releases.

What happened then was a kick in the groin and sheer agony for SBR, myself and the few fellow fans who trusted us. A new CEO at CP was appointed, almost 70 percent of the CP staff was laid off and the deals with all three distribution partners (2 x Kadokawa Enterprises represented by IVL and Kam&Ronson as well as a third large Asian distribution partner who does not want his name being mentioned) were called off by CP as no agreement about two major business issues could be reached. The home entertainment releases were dead and buried and our well intended early announcement was slapped in our faces and exposed SBR and me to another truckload of ridicule.

Now, more than a year later those 80 SB movies re-mastered by CP finally have turned up (albeit in a very different context) and we can finally proudly shout out: “BOW YOUR HEADS… WE TOLD YA SO, AND WE SAID IT FIRST!”

Whatever dudes, as far as I'm concerned Kaleyboy is da Man, he provided real evidence the film exists, you provided nothing but rumors
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Whatever dudes, as far as I'm concerned Kaleboy is da Man, he provided real evidence the film exists, you provided nothing but rumors

I agree that Kaleyboy rocks for finding this.:bigsmile:But come on Iron Boat. :neutral: Can't you just admit that SadShawFan was telling the truth way back when and was dissed for it? It says a lot about a person's character when someone can just admit when they were wrong.

Anyway... I've barely had time to pop by the forum for even a quick visit lately, but this discovery is amazing! As others have said before me, this really is a great year for kung fu fans! :nerd:

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Errr....My release of 'Ninja in Ancient China' WAS the legit release. I paid for the distribution rights, the DVD production and distribution costs and the advertising.

I stand corrected Greenfan. No offense intended.

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I have not grabbed that much...after 1st exciment gone I felt I want to see those with subtitled..however could not avoid watching Purple Darts..I love old shaw wu xia and this delivered big time even without subs:bigsmile:

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Watching a choppy 'THUNDERCLAP' turns into a silly comedy very quick but the action is a 'CHOPPY' topnotch.


Its been really fun crusin through YOUKU.COM

Kudos to Kaleyboy!

But without subs and a proper download most difficult to watch,,,but still. Were getting there. The internet can open doors..

What A Treat ***** stars indeed.

This thread has been amazing,,,, how shall I say,,,,,, a kung fu movie shot in the arm,,,,,, just goes to show how the fans love,,, the fans love:

"Every one was 'Kung Fu Fighting', they were faster than lighting, it was a Little BIT frighting". Oh Oh OH OH." LOL!!!!!

Thanks to ALL on KFC,



Just watched a few parts of TKAM "WOW"the action is amazing "we" knew this was a gem and its reality is coming to to the light of day.. But we need the "REAL" deal HOLYFIELD to see TKAM in all its glory. I can wait now a little longer until the remedy is given.

Oh: "Sun Chung we thank you".

A kung fu madman has spoken!


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Guest Markgway
Oh my word, Curse Of Evil! I've been chomping at the bit for that one.

Do people actually skip my posts??

I posted that one yesterday. Actually I posted several and no one noticed! :squigglemouth:

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Do people actually skip my posts??

I posted that one yesterday. Actually I posted several and no one noticed! :squigglemouth:

Don't you worry Mr. Gway, I got that one from your post, and the others, not the consolidated one... it was a general reply, just happened there; I hadn't been on the forum at all to that point since my previous TKAM download attempt diary due to my work & life commitments. I'm watching every post in this thread like a hawk when time permits...

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I posted that one yesterday. Actually I posted several and no one noticed! :squigglemouth:

This has to be one of the quickest growing threads I can remember.

Have to keep backtracking not to miss all the responses.

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This has to be one of the quickest growing threads I can remember.

Have to keep backtracking not to miss all the responses.

This has to be one of biggest discoveries in my short time with the scene. The most wanted titles / prints for many people have been found in a few days, and I'm pretty sure more are coming.

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Do people actually skip my posts??

I posted that one yesterday. Actually I posted several and no one noticed! :squigglemouth:

You need to be more in your face with your posts. Lots of exclamation marks, large colorful text, and of course, take a page out of Falkor's book by saying that anyone who doesn't like your links isn't a real fan of Shaw Brothers. :)

For the record, nobody commented on my Black Enforcer!! ;)


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I don't think we should take the blame for Panmedia's bootlegging. If people want to sub it, then sub it. The quality from the website is sub par at best. If anything, if this crappy quality version does get booted, it'll make people want to get a legitimate version even more.

There aren't millions of people lined up to buy these films. You're lucky if you sell a thousand copies. Any company that gets cold feet because they think it's already been booted so there's no point in backing a legit copy doesn't understand the market. It doesn't help that they don't bother investing money in advertising, expecting titles to move on their own.


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If I understood it correctly, wikipedia indicated that youku was a website where TV companies and production companies were uploading their material. In other words, it wasn't just people recording off the TV.

It would make sense for some of these Shaw uploads. I was scratching my head trying to figure out how did the person perfectly isolate the widescreen image. When you play it in VLC, it fits perfectly - there are no black bars on top or the bottom. Unless the person uploading them took the time and effort to crop those parts from the TV broadcast, which I highly doubt.


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Do people actually skip my posts??

I posted that one yesterday. Actually I posted several and no one noticed! :squigglemouth:

You should make a yoku sticky. Posting the findings at the top and all the rants and raves therein. :smile:

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I don't want this to get in a bootlegging discussion war, !

I can understand that if you are same dude who sells/sold venom boots.If not sorry for mentioning that.

Beyond that I suppose there is f**kload who would buy official release even after seeing "pirate"copy.Me included.It`s my goal to get every shaw released legally in genuine version.Now have over 200 and main concentration is of course kungfu/wuxia.I start picking romance/comedy/horror after 1st things 1st.

Seems there is market for titles which have been available long time so I do believe officially unreleased stuff sell enough to make some profit too.

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Nice. To save us time and money, just provide us with the 2kb subtitle file and we can add them to the Media Players ourselves.

I know there is a reason to charge something for the time and labor it takes to subtitle the film. But what about those who bought the rights and the equipment to actually remaster this, which is now available at best in vcd format. Any credit going to them? And what about the actors?

I don't want this to get in a bootlegging discussion war, but this thread began with ideas on supporting official releases, not bootlegs. Most people seem happy that the prints are available in one format or another. No need to charge them for it too!

True that! If we are doing this project "for the fans".....

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That's my point. Why pay for a pirate copy when it can as easily be shared?

Okay, try telling that to everyone else who does fan work on this forum, like Jamal & HAZ. Truth is, nothing is ever "free". If we don't cover our costs, there won't be anymore translations from us, it's that simple. We charge the LOWEST amount for our projects, $7!!!! If people think that we're ripping anyone off or getting rich on $7, you're dreaming.

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Okay, try telling that to everyone else who does fan work on this forum, like Jamal & HAZ. Truth is, nothing is ever "free". If we don't cover our costs, there won't be anymore translations from us, it's that simple. We charge the LOWEST amount for our projects, $7!!!! If people think that we're ripping anyone off or getting rich on $7, you're dreaming.

I agree to that tho..compared you guys to redsun/bonzai pirates etc would be ridiculous...Jamal has put tremendous effort for releasing rare stuff or before available stuff in better versions for love on movies and should be rewarded Nobel Prize Of Kungfucinema if such would exist.

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Out of topic do chainstores(sorry english not my native language and dunno if this is correct term) give a damn they are selling bootlegs as long as money coming in?I guess cheaper boots affects sales of genuine releases to at least some degree.I dunno about economy but I guess shop would get more $ from selling 4 dragon dynasty than 5 red sun.Or maybe cheaper boots sell lot better??:ooh:

Of course for us fans it would be good legal releases have buyers because increases chance stuff to be released.

I am now waiting for DD to release killer army,have not seen it since vhs-days:wink:

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I am asking a fair question. Look, if it were for the labor of love, then the lowest would be free right? If you were not charging anything, then it would still be released, just not as quickly.

So you would have no problem then with the subtitle file being provided for free after your first batch? For example, if one of your customers provided the file free right away on this forum, would you continue to provide other sub projects? There are many who still would, not charge on this very forum, FYI. I don' think you would because you would see no returns (no matter how cheap) and spend time doing something else - as it does take alot of time and work.

And no need to send pms telling me to delete my posts. If you can post threads about charging for subtitling other people's work to cover your costs, I have every right to as ask a question on how it can be made available for all - again pointing back to the original point of this thread.

You didn't have a problem when the file was free for downloading to share with us. But now you have a problem with a derivative of that work being free. It's a viscous, ironic cycle that has always plagued this genre.

I have half a mind to send some money to get this translated myself.

There are givers and there are takers. It is what it is.

I have nothing to hide. Here are all the PM's between us:

Originally Posted by kaleyboy

Would it have hurt you to reply to me via PM instead of on forum? If we don't cover cost of translation, there will be no translation. Simple as that. What more do you want me say? I wish I was a millionaire and could make all this available for free, but I'm not and I can't. I think you're taking a very narrow view on this. If this translation covers costs, we'll be able to do more of these films. Do you want just one movie, or a sustainable approach that allows us to do more? You should delete your last post from the thread and continue the conversation via PM, as a gentlemen would.


Originally Posted by VenomsFan

Awesome. And actually, making the subs available to all in text format would make it easier for everyone to add. Keep me posted and when complete, I'll use the template I used for Ong Bak 3 and resync and send you the txt file with info on how to add it to your own dvd if needed.



Originally Posted by kaleyboy

Okay, mate. My group FuSubs will do a complete re-translation of this movie, so the english subs will be perfect.


Originally Posted by VenomsFan

None yet. I was trying to source the CAM print, but the subs are %70 there (still skewed and chopped)

If they were being worked on, getting them onto a DVD would be where I could help. I recently did the fan dubb for Ong Bak 3, takes time syncing, but once done a treasure for all.

Also, it looks like the yoku best quality is only 150 MB or so. Tried downloading different formats but all the same size in the end : - (


Originally Posted by kaleyboy

So do you have subtitles already done for To Kill A Mastermind?


Originally Posted by VenomsFan

Actually, the program will take the subtitle .txt file and add it to a DVD.

And they can be removable. It's pretty academic.

I just tested this on my DVD player in 16:9 widescreen. The quality is VCD at best, but still good.

Not sure what your plans are for those other ones just found on yoku, but I am grabbing those today as well. Keep me posted.


Originally Posted by VenomsFan

hey are you thinking of making english subs for this?

I already have the DVD prepped from the yoku site you posted today.

No this other program I have can add the subs before making a DVD of it all. Let me Know.

You first contacted me via PM about this project, not I you. All our conversations had been via PM, then you take our conversation onto the forum, I simply asked you to continue our conversation via PM, as you had initiated. I honestly don't understand where all your bitterness is coming from towards us, you're not pestering anyone else doing paid fanwork. I would suggest you find a better way to channel your energies, something positive and not negative like this. I will waste no more of my valuable time engaging in pointless debate with. All the best.

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Just a suggestion, keeping in line with the original point of this thread, you can take your Group's work to those planning in distributing the film. You may find it worthwhile in many ways. Remember many people are monitoring these threads so to be open about providing unofficial releases for profit may not be too smart. But it may be smart to put your name out there for upcoming projects.

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