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Kung Fu movies on UK TV


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sifu iron perm

i just checked on my recordings of the channel 4 titles..man my shitty antenna was all over the place , antenna/ on the balcony during a windy winter night!

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thanks for all the info guys. Working in a library finally paid off, eh?! :tongue:

I definitely saw A Chinese Ghost Story 2 and 3 on channel 4 as part of a season and I swear it was the late 90s. Definitely no earlier than that.

And yes, I heard Chinese Ghost Story 1 was shown on BBC2 in the late 80s. I also heard

that it was a quite heavily cut version and possibly dubbed in english?

I caught the Thunderbolt screening on ch4 2002.

Mr Vampire: Monday 26th December 1.55am

Zu Warriors: Tuesday 27th December 1.45am

Rouge: Wednesday 28th December 12.45am

Spiritual Love: Thursday 29th December 2.40am

Close Encounters of the Spooky Kind 2.05am

Yikes! I don't remember staying up till 2.40am to watch Spiritual Love! 'lol

This doesn't seem to coincide with my memories but I can't prove there was a repeat of this Ghost season after 1994.

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i just checked on my recordings of the channel 4 titles..man my shitty antenna was all over the place , antenna/ on the balcony during a windy winter night!

He he" , I have a similar experience when watching back the old tapes.

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sifu iron perm
thanks for all the info guys. Working in a library finally paid off, eh?! :tongue:

Yikes! I don't remember staying up till 2.40am to watch Spiritual Love! 'lol

This doesn't seem to coincide with my memories but I can't prove there was a repeat of this Ghost season after 1994.

That's funny about staying up, we didn't even own a LP video player around that time, so i had to stay up and record it from the start! Me and my eldest sister used to be up super late during the holidays and sleep in the living room..

I remember one late christmas night/morning itv played The last dragon.

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That's funny about staying up, we didn't even own a LP video player around that time, so i had to stay up and record it from the start! Me and my eldest sister used to be up super late during the holidays and sleep in the living room..

I remember one late christmas night/morning itv played The last dragon.

Yeah, i think I had to stay in the living room for the duration of the Ghost Story season because that's where the good video recorder was. I had to record the films with the best vcr. :wink:

The Last Dragon! Is that about the black dude in america who walks around dressed in traditional chinese dress, complete with the bamboo hat?

And that chick he fancies makes a Bruce Lee montage video for him to get his freak on to at the night club?

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Guest Markgway
Look's like Mark is right...

Obviously. :angel:

Yikes! I don't remember staying up till 2.40am to watch Spiritual Love! 'lol

I do. Finished about 4:15 am.

I remember looking outside at how quiet the winter scene was... funny how some things stick in your mind.

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The Dead and the Deadly wasn't shown until 1997.

Damn! I missed The Dead and Deadly'' on tv in 1997?!

If only I had seen it back then, I could have been introduced to it way earlier than I was.

Ofcourse I have several dvd versions now but I didn't see it untill about 2007.

If I had looked in the bloody tv guide in 1997 I could have saved myself 10 years.:sad:

I do. Finished about 4:15 am.

I remember looking outside at how quiet the winter scene was... funny how some things stick in your mind.

Was it snowing? I can't remember. Looking outside in the early hours of the morning when it has snowed is the best.

I don't walk many places but when it snows heavy here, I'll walk anywhere. I love walking in the snow in the dark.


Sorry - off topic there.

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It certainly is odd what sticks in the mind.

I clearly recall watching the 1996 showing of Rouge whilst eating some noodles – with some fish balls I added myself! - in the freezing cold house I lived in at the time.

Sat cross-legged on the floor, with the sound down low so I wouldn’t wake anyone, I was totally engrossed in the film and still love it to this day.

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Reading the earlier thread on kung fu movies on UK TV, why not have a thread for films that are scheduled to be shown?

List them and then afterwards people will be able to comment on which version was shown etc.

For a start

Monday 25th October 2010

Snake in the Monkeys shadow (Movies4men 2:30am)

Tuesday 26th October 2010

Black Eagle (Movies4men 9:00pm)

Shadow Of The Tiger AKA Duel Of The 7 Tigers (Movies4men 2:20am)

Wednesday 27th October 2010

Fist Of Fury 2 (Movies4men 2 2:25am)

Thursday 28th October 2010

A.W.O.L (Movies4men 9:00pm)

Revenge Of The Drunken Master (Movies4men 2:30am)

Friday 29th October 2010

Operation Golden Phoenix (Movies4men 9:00pm)

The Legend Of The Drunken Master (Sky Movies Indie & HD 10:00pm)

Dragon From Shaolin (Movies4men 2:35am)

Saturday 30th October 2010

Mask Of The Ninja (Sky 3 10:00pm)

Sunday 31st October 2010

Kung Fu Genius (Movies4men 1:10am)

Naked Fist (Movies4men 2:35am)

Monday 1st November 2010

Shaolin Drunk Fighter (Movies4men 2:25am)

Tuesday 2nd November 2010

The Legend Of The Drunken Master (Sky Movies Indie & HD 8:00pm)

Mr Nice Guy (Five USA 9:00pm)

Snake Strikes Back (Movies4men 2:30am)

American Ninja (Sky Movies Action & Adv + HD 2:35am)

Wednesday 3rd November 2010

Fearless Tiger (Movies4men 2:25am)

Friday 5th November 2010

Way Of The Dragon (SyFy & SyFy HD 10:00pm)

Naked Fist (Movies4men 2:35am)

Sunday 7th November 2010

The Legend Of The Drunken Master (Sky Movies Indie & HD 2:00pm)

Fearless Dragon (Movies4men 2:30am)

Monday 8th November 2010

Fist Of Fury 2 (Movies4men 2:25am)

Tuesday 9th November 2010

Jet Li (Bio HD 5:00pm)

Wednesday 10th November 2010

Jet Li (Bio HD 8:00am)

Shadow Of The Tigers AKA Duel Of The 7 Tigers (Movies4men 2 2:15am)

Thursday 11th November 2010

Exit The Dragon, Enter The Tiger (Movies4men 2:35am)

Friday 12th November 2010

Fist Of Fury (SyFy & SyFy HD 10:00pm)

Revenge Of The Drunken Master (Movies4men 2:25am)

Saturday 13th November 2010

Black Eagle (Movies4men 11:10pm)

Revenge Of The Drunken Master (Movies4men 2 2:30am)

Monday 15th November 2010

A.W.O.L (Movies4men 10:00pm)

Tuesday 16th November 2010

The Legend Of The Drunken Master (Sky Movies Indie & HD 11:50pm)

Fist Of Fury 2 (Movies4men 12:50am)

Fearless Dragon (Movies4men 2:30am)

Wednesday 17th November 2010

Shadow Of The Tigers AKA Duel Of The 7 Tigers (Movies4men 12:50am)

Thursday 18th November 2010

Shaolin Drunk Fighter (Movies4men 2:25am)

Friday 19th November 2010

Game Of Death (SyFy & SyFy HD 10:00pm)

Fist Of Fury 2 (Movies4men 2 2:25am)

Saturday 20th November 2010

The Legend Of The Drunken Master (Sky Movies Indie & HD 4:10pm)

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Do you remember a show called VIDZ? late night channel four cult film review show, lots of cat 3, modern and new wave used to get shown.

It's funny you mention that because recently I've been trying to remember what that show was called! I really love that quirky review show, those two guys were totally mad... In a good way of course. Wouldn't it be great to have them back for a new series, not only reviewing new releases but classic ones too !

Mind you I think they could lose the soft porn review parts.

I used to love that show! I've often wondered what happened to the two guys who hosted it?

Also, re: CNX channel.

Off the top of my head, the films shown included:




OUATIC 1 - 3

As well as a host of Jackie and Sammo flicks.

All were shown in W/S, with Cantonese soundtracks.

One of the very best things about the channel was most of the films had a specially shot intro, usually ten or so minutes long, by Bey Logan.

I remember one particularly excellent one being his Enter The Dragon piece, which told me a ton of stuff I didn’t know.

Alas, the channel was short-lived – why? No idea.

If anyone knows where I could see Logan’s intros again, please LMK!!

Also CNX showed a late night repeat which was usually advert free!:xd:

C4 has a hard-on for Indian films for some reason. But largely ignores the rest of Asia.

I know what you mean there never seems to be any good Asian action films on Channel 4 any more. Even film for doesn't seem to show much. Mind you they do show plenty of Asian drama and horror but very little action.

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CNX showed HKL dvd prints of the movies.

I saw "Magnificant Butcher", "Legend of a Fighter", "Heroic Trio 2" and "Avenging Fist" on CNX channel. (with Bey Logan's

intros I think)

F*ck knows what that Avenging Fist was all about though. Didn't like that atall. Mixing a kung fu movie with "Tron" or something. 'lol :tongue:

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haha, can you imagine if a random channel just surprised everybody one day and showed one of these in original ratio/language etc. But no.

Also, does anyone have any idea what the Bruce Lee prints will be like on SyFy HD. True HD? Or upscales of normal prints?

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Can you give us a link? I just tried 2 BFI sites and did a search... one found MR Vampire but didn't list anything about television dates. And the other site didn't find the film atall.

There are so many BFI sites. Can you be more specific?

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Can you give us a link? I just tried 2 BFI sites and did a search... one found MR Vampire but didn't list anything about television dates. And the other site didn't find the film atall.

There are so many BFI sites. Can you be more specific?


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Cool, thanks for the info. Will be watching some of these.

And yeah, like Chen said, I think the FiveUSA will be the original longer version of

Mr Nice Guy, as that's what they showed last time it was on. But zoomed in to 1:78:1 aspect ratio.

Bruce Lee films on SyFy! Probably HKL prints zoomed into 1:78:1 ratio but we'll see.:wink:

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I see what you did that i didn't. I didn't click on "TV Transmission" to the left of the screen once I found the film.

So peeps. If you want to know the TV Transmission details of a search result - click on

"TV Transmission" to the left of the screen. :bigsmile:

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I've seen FOF2 on movies4men before and its your usual bullshit print. I'm wondering, are all their kung fu flicks like this? Any reasonable versions? Or are they all budget, pan and scan dub jobs?

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