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Kung Fu movies on UK TV


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Guest Markgway

C4 showed Peking Opera, Fong Sai Yuk, Once Upon a Time, etc in 1997.

That was a good year for seasons.

Been hardly bugger all since.

The more popular HK cinema has beceome ther LESS you see on TV(!)

BTW. C4 - for some reason - dropped Espirit D'amour from the 1994 season repeat.

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C4 showed Peking Opera, Fong Sai Yuk, Once Upon a Time, etc in 1997.

That was a good year for seasons.

Been hardly bugger all since.

The more popular HK cinema has beceome ther LESS you see on TV(!)

BTW. C4 - for some reason - dropped Espirit D'amour from the 1994 season repeat.

They did repeat Espirit D'amour though because I saw a bit of it and it was years after 1990. But it wasn't part of

the Chinese ghost story season as you said.

But I remember they showed it during a "Drama Romance" season, or something like that. It was the only chinese film out of the lot I think.

I've never seen the film in full. Is it any good?

Mr Vampire 2 was shown as part of a "Vampire" or "Blood Sucking" season.

It was the only chinese film in the season.

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Guest Markgway
They did repeat Espirit D'amour though because I saw a bit of it and it was years after 1990. But it wasn't part of the Chinese ghost story season as you said.

Right. I guess they were only allowed to show them twice each?

Mr Vampire 2 was shown as part of a "Vampire" or "Blood Sucking" season.

It was the only chinese film in the season.

Xmas Eve 1997.

Told you it was a good year for HK cinema on C4.

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Oh yeah i remember Fong Sai Yuk being on the box too, forgot about that. The Victim on Bravo!!! wow i really missed out on that one. i know they have shown a few Kung Fu movies before but didn't realise they showed the Victim...one of my favourite movies.

Channel 4 really came up trumps though with the seasons they had on. all subbed and mostly wide, where are those days gone? i'd love to see a channel devoted to Martial Arts cinema.

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Right. I guess they were only allowed to show them twice each?

Xmas Eve 1997.

Told you it was a good year for HK cinema on C4.

I must have missed that 1997 showing because I watched and recorded Mr Vampire 2 in the early 2000s.

And I swear it was Mr Vampire 1 I saw on Xmas eve 1997. I'm so confused now with the dates. Maybe there was the Chinese Ghost Story Season on Xmas 1994 and then another one in Xmas 1997?

I need a Delorean to go back and find out what I was doing on those dates. :xd:

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Oh God, this thread is bringing back some memories... I can't remember the years but I do remember watching and recording on VHS at the time on Channel 4/Film Four films like the big boss, the Young Master, the Legend of Fong Sai Yuk, Once Upon a Time in China and others. I almost forgot Channel 4 showing police story 3 with English subtitles! Still can't believe this has never been released in UK. Strangely the DVD appeared in Hot fuzz a British comedy movie.

I recall living at my parents' house when BBC shown the Prodigal Son and setting up to VCR's one in the kitchen and one in the living room and I had never even heard of the Prodigal Son at the time.

I remember Bravo and another short lived satellite channel CNX showing lots of Chow Yun Fat, Sammo, Jackie and various other Hong Kong action movies.

It's just a shame now that in all likelihood you will only see modern Jackie Chan, jet Li plus the Miramax English dub titles, some Van damme and Steven Seagal movies.

I can't say I would want a channel devoted to martial-arts movies because to sustain the Channel there would have to be so many bad movies shown. I would rather see various channels having regular seasons, preferably showing more than just the same old predictable fare... Even if some of them are superb films more films just need to be shown.

Edit: reading back the whole thread I can't believe i missed so much on Channel 4. I'm astounded, I didn't think there was that much on free TV!

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sifu iron perm

I remember when film4 had a takashi mike & Kitano season..no commercial breaks!!

*i remember CNX, that was short lived or did that turn into FX channe? CNX had manga/anime and hong kong films every most nights!!

Bravo also played My Lucky stars (cantonese version).

i still have tapes of the 1989 channel 4 presented by J Ross , jackie chan season early 90s , bravo- made in hong kong. I was a young teen in the mid 90's who couldn't always afford buying tapes from flash legs, eastern heroes, made in hong kong and hmv..

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sifu iron perm

Do you remember a show called VIDZ? late night channel four cult film review show, lots of cat 3, modern and new wave used to get shown.

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Do you remember a show called VIDZ? late night channel four cult film review show, lots of cat 3, modern and new wave used to get shown.

I used to love that show! I've often wondered what happened to the two guys who hosted it?

Also, re: CNX channel.

Off the top of my head, the films shown included:




OUATIC 1 - 3

As well as a host of Jackie and Sammo flicks.

All were shown in W/S, with Cantonese soundtracks.

One of the very best things about the channel was most of the films had a specially shot intro, usually ten or so minutes long, by Bey Logan.

I remember one particularly excellent one being his Enter The Dragon piece, which told me a ton of stuff I didn’t know.

Alas, the channel was short-lived – why? No idea.

If anyone knows where I could see Logan’s intros again, please LMK!!

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Guest Markgway
I must have missed that 1997 showing because I watched and recorded Mr Vampire 2 in the early 2000s.

Might have been repeated. I don't remember. Seems C4 never show a HK film more than twice though.

And I swear it was Mr Vampire 1 I saw on Xmas eve 1997.

And I swear you're wrong.

Maybe there was the Chinese Ghost Story Season on Xmas 1994 and then another one in Xmas 1997?


I need a Delorean to go back and find out what I was doing on those dates. :xd:

Or you could save your petrol money and just take my word for it...

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Guest Markgway
Do you remember a show called VIDZ? late night channel four cult film review show, lots of cat 3, modern and new wave used to get shown.

I hated the show and the presenters... but watched it because they featured HK cinema. The pain we fans must suffer.

CNX was a good channel. Shame it didn't last. Turned into Jetix(?) or something. Cartoons for the kiddies. Like there aren't enough kids channels on cable.

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sifu iron perm

I missed the 1994 chinese christmas repeat (think i was away).

Did the jackie chan/ross incredible film show repeat more than twice? I saw the prem version and the repeat in mid 90's.

Man, we need another one of those.

Channel 4 loves the Bollywoods, i keep seeing every old and modern Indian flick every week.

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And I swear it was Mr Vampire 1 I saw on Xmas eve 1997.

And I swear you're wrong.

I definitely watched a Chinese spooky film at 1am-ish, Xmas day morning in the mid to late 90s as part of the Chinese Ghost Story season. And it wasn't Mr Vampire 2, as I didn't see that untill the early 2000s.

I watched and recorded all of them that Xmas. I'm so confused now.

I still have the VHS recordings of 2 of them so I'm gonna whizz through them and see if there's any commercials or ch4 messages that will give me a good idea of the date.

You've got me doubting something that I was so sure about for 14 years. 'lol :squigglemouth:

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sifu iron perm
I definitely watched a Chinese spooky film at 1am-ish, Xmas day morning in the mid to late 90s as part of the Chinese Ghost Story season. And it wasn't Mr Vampire 2, as I didn't see that untill the early 2000s.

I watched and recorded all of them that Xmas. I'm so confused now.

I still have the VHS recordings of 2 of them so I'm gonna whizz through them and see if there's any commercials or ch4 messages that will give me a good idea of the date.

You've got me doubting something that I was so sure about for 14 years. 'lol :squigglemouth:

There was a Mr vampire film on in the late 90's..Im sure it was part 2.

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Guest Markgway
Did the jackie chan/ross incredible film show repeat more than twice? I saw the prem version and the repeat in mid 90's.

They screened it with the Jackie season Xmas '91. My first exposure to Jackie as matter of fact. I was hooked instantly. Wasn't shown when the season was repeated in '95.

Channel 4 loves the Bollywoods, i keep seeing every old and modern Indian flick every week.

C4 has a hard-on for Indian films for some reason. But largely ignores the rest of Asia.

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Guest Markgway
There was a Mr vampire film on in the late 90's..Im sure it was part 2.

That's what I said!!

EDIT: http://sites.google.com/site/ukchristmastv/c4-1997

The last time the original Mr. Vampire was screened by C4 was Dec 26th (am) 1994.

EDIT: Rouge was repeated Xmas 1996. Breaking the two screenings rule.


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That's what I said!!

EDIT: http://sites.google.com/site/ukchristmastv/c4-1997

The last time the original Mr. Vampire was screened by C4 was Dec 26th (am) 1994.

EDIT: Rouge was repeated Xmas 1996. Breaking the two screenings rule.


Yes!! i knew it! Rouge was broadcast Xmas 1996. I knew I wasn't going crazy.

Now to find out if the other films were shown on the days before and after Rouge.

I also noticed last night, when watching the Mr Vampire VHS that I recorded back then, the recording is in stereo. (I know the movie is in mono) but the recording is in stereo and we didn't get our first Nicam Stereo VCR untill 1995.

I'm so confused right now, it's ridiculous.

Look's like Mark is right about the films being shown at Xmas 1994 but for some reason it doesn't match up

with certain things I'm thinking of. Like me not having a stereo vcr in 1994.

I guess I could be wrong about that aswell though.


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What a wonderful topic guys. Sure is a trip down memory lane. Funnily enough only last week I rewatched my VHS tapes of many of the Ch4 screenings including Mr Vampire 2, Spritiual Love and Fong Sai Yuk 1 & 2. They are great picture quality wise and the subs are top notch too. Ironically the HK DVD's of Mr Vampire 2 and Spiritual Love don't look as good as these broadcasts and have inferior subs.

Oh and The Dead and the Deadly was part of one of the Chinese Ghost Story seasons. I'm pretty sure it was sandwiched in with Encounters of the Spooky Kind, Zu, Rouge and Spiritual Love (maybe as a possible replacement to the previously screened Esprit D'Armor)

Any thoughts?

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Well remembered, bro!

The Dead and the Deadly was indeed shown.

So strange why C4 would go to all that trouble of getting these films and then not only shown them usually only once, but in the wee small hours, to boot!

That said, it was fantastic to spot them in the TV listings and getting ready to see them.

Along with the all-time classic movie geek maneouveur of taping them but also staying up and watching so we could - all together now - cut the ads out!!


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I'm gutted because I can't find my taped copy of The Dead and the Deadly :cry:

I said above it was sandwiched with Encounters of the Spooky Kind, Zu, Rouge and Spiritual Love, but now I'm fairly sure it was Mr Vampire in place of Rouge.

Does that sound right? And what month and year was this season? Markgway can you help?! :wink:

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I've just pulled the Xmas 1994 edition of the Readio Times off the shelves. The following films were screened on these dates

Mr Vampire: Monday 26th December 1.55am

Zu Warriors: Tuesday 27th December 1.45am

Rouge: Wednesday 28th December 12.45am

Spiritual Love: Thursday 29th December 2.40am

Close Encounters of the Spooky Kind 2.05am

Sadly I don't have any Radio Times going back any further to check the other seasons.

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That’s some pretty impressive research there, bro.

I’m slightly shocked by this because it means I missed a few of these – IIRC, my VHS was on the blink or something – man, I must’ve been gutted!!

To this day I’ve never seen spiritual Love.

Rouge was shown again Xmas 1996, as Markgway said, and I remember clearly watching it during it’s wee small hours showing - and loving every second of it.

Think Dead & The Deadly was shown on it’s own?

Look at those broadcast times – crazy!

True Story – Xmas 1990, I was working in a comic book store and myself and 2 customers got around to discussing the Chinese Ghost Stories season.

As soon as it was mentioned, the heavy front door of the shop flew open and a massive gust of wind flung dozens of comics off a desk and into the air, before subsiding. Never happened before or since.

VERY spooky!! :tongue:

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Thanks Karlos. Great story by the way. A Spooky Encounter of the Comic Book Kind haha.

I can also confirm Reel Power Stunts recollection that A Chinese Ghost Story was screened on BBC2 around 1988/1989. Someone lent me the tape years ago and it had a 5 minute introduction by someone (quite possibly Tony Raynes)

Apologies to Markgway. You already answered my question in a previous post. First Ch4 ghost season was Xmas 1990 and Chan was Xmas 1991. I know that the Jackie films shown in 1991 were Project A, Wheels on Meals, Police Story and Armour of God (in that order). Karlos Police Story 2 wasn't screened until much later on. But Mark can you confirm that Dead and the Deadly was part of the original Xmas 1990 season?

Just discovered that Birmingham Central Library has every Radio Times going back to the 1940s. Next time I'm in that area I will try and pop in. That way we can get 100% confirmation of what was screened and when.

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Just found some other bits and bobs on the net:

C4 showed THUNDERBOLT at midnight on 01/10/2002.

Also, the CNX channel launched late 2002 and some of the films it showed were:





It also showed (but only the first two seasons, IIRC) the 70’s classic TV show KUNG FU.

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