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Soo (2007)


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Soo: Art Of Revenge (Revenge For A Twisted Fate)

Director Yoichi Sai (credited as Choi Kang-Il) adds a violent installment about revenge to his resume with Soo, the story of twin brothers who tough it out using their wits on the streets but are separated at a young age after one of them, Tae-Soo, tries to steal from a local gangster, who takes the boy and makes him work for him. The other twin, Tae-Jin, grows up to be a police officer, and after decades apart with little contact with one another, Tae-Soo longs to get out of the business and reunite with his brother.... But it is not long before his past catches up with him and tragedy strikes, spurning Tae-Soo on a brutal, violent path of revenge driven by his guilty conscience.

Has anyone seen this movie it sound pretty good, if you have what did you think of it?


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One Armed Boxer

daisho2004....I have it coming in the mail, so I'll let you know once I receive it.

Did you ever get around to watching 'A Frozen Flower'?

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OAB: Cool let me know. :bigsmile:

And no I didn't get to see "A Frozen Flower" yet but I'm going to order it this week, then I'll post my review on it.

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One Armed Boxer

Cool...it should be noted though that Ji-woon Kim had nothing to do with `Soo` as the picture you`ve posted of the movie states.

Still, it looks like another great rough and tumble Korean gangster movie, and you can never have enough of them!

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One Armed Boxer

Ok...I just got through with watching 'Soo'!

Wow....what a wildly uneven film, there is a whole heap of scenes that are reminiscent of the Chang Cheh blood bath mayhem of old, like can be found in 'Vengeance' and 'The Duel'...however unfortunately not enough happens for us to care when they come.

Normally this wouldn't be a problem if the movie was just going for all out action, using the scenes inbetween to simply tie the action scenes together...however that isn't the case here.

Yoichi Sai wants to give us a deep and meaningful story as well, but doesn't come close to pulling it off. I could say this is definitely because, despite spending several expository scenes on the main character and his murdered twins girlfriend, he does nothing to tell us anything about either of them, or even give them that much of a personality. This can lead to the ultimate action movie crime...monotony. When the action scenes do come, your heart simply isn't with them.

The story itself doesn't hold up too well either. Two twins are seperated at an early age, leading to one becoming a cop and the other being a killer. The killer (Soo) has been trying to track down his lost brother for many years, as it was due to him they got seperated, but no matter how many private investigators he hires, no one can find him. Then suddenly one day someone does and tells him that his brother is a police officer...surely a police officer shouldn't be so hard to find!?

We meet Soo's brother the cop for maybe the best part of 30 seconds before he's killed off, so we never really care about his quest for vengeance too much to begin with, as we never knew his brother, and neither did he for that matter!

However if you can overlook all of that, some enjoyment can be gained from the chaotic brawls...legs are ran over, eyes gouged out, there are countless stabbings, and blood is spilled liberally over several fights throughout the movie, it just wasn't enough for me to care.

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Movie comment :

It's bloody and brutal, and harrowingly so. Japanese-born Korean director Choi Yang-il (Yoichi Sai) brings the Korean audience a hardboiled vengeance film with a slightly different flavor.

When you think of blood-splattered retaliation, Park Chan-wook's vengeance trilogy or Quentin Tarantino's ``Kill Bill " series may come to mind. But imagine such a film stripped of fancy cinematographic techniques and devoid of stylishly choreographed action sequences. Every gesture and grimace is meticulously planned, according to the director.

But Choi keeps the camera at a certain distance to portray the no-cut skirmishes. The product is heightened realism, and you believe in the brutal violence and the raw human instinct for survival.

Like I said ...I am just in a Korean mood ...But how did others like it ??

Take care, Athena..♥

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I started to watch this movie a while ago, but fell asleep (nothing to do with the movie, just tired).

Never did get round to finishing it, so maybe I should dig this one out again :smile:

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I started to watch this movie a while ago, but fell asleep (nothing to do with the movie, just tired).

Never did get round to finishing it, so maybe I should dig this one out again :smile:

I know what you mean.. That's how I am with a lot of movies.. I have stacks and stacks of dvd's/bluray's just piling up on my shelf and the only time I would be able to watch them is before I go to bed and by then I'm falling asleep, suxx!!!

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Here is the trailer for this movie, so far I heard mixed reviews about it, but from the trailer it does look interesting.


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