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The Man of Steel (2012)


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I thought Routh deserved another crack at the role. Everyone seems to be in agreement that a large portion of the cast was miscast. Personally I bought him as Supes/Kent. The story was terrible. I don't know what Brian Singer was thinking.

I'm all for giving a Cavill a chance though. Maybe this one will deliver the goods.

I grew up with Christopher Reeves playing the role. Saw the 1st one at the theater in the 70's. Hated it. I felt robbed and was thoroughly disappointed. The 2nd film was boss! That should've been the 1st one. For me, it set the standard for what a Superman film should aspire to be.

(Oh, and honestly......never cared for Reeves in the role. Maybe because all but the 2nd film sucked. I thought all of those were miscast as well. But that's me.)

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I thought Superman Returns came up short. The best are Part 1 and 2 with Christopher Reeves who played Superman like a champ. (Richard Donner cut of Superman 2 is awesome too.) I think Brandon Routh was mediocre as Superman and nothing special. I hated how Superman got Louis Lane pregnant, I thought that was so dumb and ruined the movie for me. Another problem is Lex Luthor, come on Hollywood Lex Luthor is not the only villian Superman fights in his long career, so it's time to bring something new for once.

The villian issue is my main problem with the live movies thats why I'm glad they make those pg-13 animated ones. I hate Lex Luthor as much as Superman does but I'm all for Darkseid!

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Guest Yi-Long
The villian issue is my main problem with the live movies thats why I'm glad they make those pg-13 animated ones. I hate Lex Luthor as much as Superman does but I'm all for Darkseid!

Superman doesn't really have many interesting villains, and the ones who are slightly interesting, are often not done justice by poor writing, either because they don'tunderstand the villain, or because they don't understand Superman.

Darkseid IS a very interesting villain though, and you could make an excellent movie with him, but again I'd say you would need to go to one of the Byrne stories to really do him (Darkseid) and the story any justice (Clark Kent/Superman gets 'zapped' to Apokolips, Darkseid wanted Superman but gets Clark, thinks he's got the wrong person, and tosses him out the window down to the ghetto below. Anyway, Superman later gets brainwashed into thinking he's Seid's son, kills a whole bunch of people, etc etc..)

Great story, great setting, great villain, great side-cast, but not really the story you would want to tell with a reboot.

Gawd I wish DC would just publish the old Byrne stories again in proper releases. A nice 'Absolute' bundle would be fucking nice. I'd even offer to do the recoloring for free.


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Brainiac and Doomsday would both be good villains for him. And with Metallo you could use any of the 3 along with Lex Luthor to create a sufficient problem for Supes.

All 3 could be the result of Lex's tech/experiments:

Brainiac --- the result of Kryptonian tech

Metallo ---- the powered by Kryptonian radiation

Doomsday ---- the result of genetic testing with Kryptonian DNA

I like Darkseid, too, though he's always seemed more of a Justice League villain. But he would be cool to see on the big screen.

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This is another problem here will go with another Actor playing a Superhero in another reboot. And I didn't think Kevin Spacey was the right person to play Lex Luther, he didn't command the screen look at the character in the Cartoons Lex is awesome in them.

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... I wouldn't mind if they used the guy from the Smallville show as Superman, I think he deserves it more than some nobody guy from the shadows.



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Saw a note that said it was rumored Viggo Mortensen was up for the part of General Zod.

If that turns out to be true.....and I said if........that would be cool but I really wish they would use characters that have never been depicted in film before.

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See I have to agree with you if your going to re-invent a movie that's already has been remade then atleast add some new Villains!

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I love Superman and have faith in Snyder, but is it too much to ask for an actual DECENT AND DIFFERENT VILLIAN! Darkseid is the best Superman villian. I don't wanna see Lex Luthor alone every again and definately not boring Zod.

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Reports are that Diane Lane is going to be Martha Kent... is Superman's mom supposed to be hot? I think not.

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Reports are that Diane Lane is going to be Martha Kent... is Superman's mom supposed to be hot? I think not.

Hey, couldn't hurt.

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Why do they have to bring Zod back! Superman already killed that motherfucker!

That's what I said when they were bringing the Joker back. And it look what happened? We got the best Joker performance ever.

Besides, it's a reboot right?

I'm still sorta twisted in this whole reboot thing... I actually liked Superman Returns. Liked the feel of it. I liked that it wasn't really a reboot, but an actual sequel with a different lead.

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That's what I said when they were bringing the Joker back. And it look what happened? We got the best Joker performance ever.

I dig what you're saying and agree.

Having said that.......General Zod was never a favorite villain for Supes of mine. I always thought of him as 2nd tier. Therefore, I'm kind of with DragonSword on this. This is a prime opportunity to bring on a different bad guy, one who has never had a portrayal on the big screen.

Still, it's early. You never know. Something could still happen.

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I guess my thing is: It's not about what villain they pick, it's what the actor/writer does with the role that creates the magic.

Take a look like Spider-man 3: Venom, one of the coolest, most anticipated LIVE-villains EVER, yet, look at the result on the big screen. What a waste.

With the right script, right performance, and right director, you can make a killer WONDER TWINS movie.

Remember before Iron Man came out? Everyone was skeptical... that's a pretty damn-near perfect superhero movie.

We shall see.

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I've been saying this all along! Stop with the damn reboots there was one just made and it was descent for the most part! Bring on some new Villains! I cannot see what Gen Zod will do to be any different in this one!

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So General Zod will have a right hand villainess. Antje Traue will portray Faora, a female Kryptonian serial killer, which Superman II's Ursa was based upon.


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New York Daily News say Russell Crowe is currently in talks to play Jor-El, the father of Superman.

Dark Horizons reports that Connie Nielsen (DEVIL'S ADVOCATE) may play Lara, Superman's birth mother and Harry Lennix (MATRIX 2 & 3) may join but his role is unspecified.

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