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One Armed Boxer
Aw, dude!:bigsmile: Dig you!!!!:xd: Cool beans!:tongue: Thank you much!:wink:

Anytime buddy, if any thread deserves to be a sticky, it's this one!

Just for that...

Ummm....you shouldn't have. No, really, you shouldn't have.:tongue:

Look, I love Tony Jaa, and I've already heard about how disappointing this movie is from other forum members. Still, I gave it the benefit of the doubt. I've watched it 3x's now. The more I've seen it, the more I've gleaned from it as far as some neat moves in the choreography. I want so bad to like this....but I can't. I just can't. Dadgummit.

Likewise. Between the absolute atrocity that this piece of crap is, the fact that it was Jaa's last contracted movie in Thailand allowing him to work overseas with other production companies, Jija Yanin marrying and having a baby, and the untimely passing of Panna Rittikrai, I think it's safe to say the Thai action movie industry is now a thing of the past.

I posted my own review of it here - http://www.cityonfire.com/tom-yum-goong-2-aka-the-protector-2-2013-review/

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Secret Executioner

Nice review, the best one I've read so far for this film. I'd still like to check out this film, in spite of the bad reviews. I've seen some of the action scenes on YT and Marrese Crump is a saving grace for the film - IMO, he'd make for a great villain in another movie with his threatening yet badass attitude (too bad he's working for RZA in this though).

Maybe it's a BIG spoiler, but I heard that Jaa's character was drugged at a point - wouldn't that kinda explain him taking a beating in the ending fight ?

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Maybe it's a BIG spoiler, but I heard that Jaa's character was drugged at a point - wouldn't that kinda explain him taking a beating in the ending fight ?

It wasn't the end fight where he was drugged.

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Morgoth Bauglir

Give all the spoilers you want. I doubt I will ever watch that Tony Jaa movie I already forget the name

Hey Dude (no not the shitty TV show), I was wondering if I need to watch Tekken 1 before I watch Tekken 2? (I'm not going to watch Tekken 1)

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Hey Dude (no not the shitty TV show), I was wondering if I need to watch Tekken 1 before I watch Tekken 2? (I'm not going to watch Tekken 1)

No. In all honesty, they're 2 completely different animals.

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One Armed Boxer
Maybe it's a BIG spoiler, but I heard that Jaa's character was drugged at a point - wouldn't that kinda explain him taking a beating in the ending fight ?

Like the others have mentioned, he doesn't get drugged at any point in the movie. I think this rumor started when the clip of Jaa vs. Crump was first released and posted over in the dedicated thread for the move. Pretty much everyone that responded was surprised at how crap and slow it looked, and it was mentioned that the reason could possibly be that there was a part in the movie were Jaa is supposed to be drugged by the bad guys.

Once the movie was released though, of course it was revealed there there is no such scene, and that the fight really is that slow and crap for no other reason other than the movie just plain sucks.

Check out posts #55 - #65 here - http://www.kungfucinema.com/forums/showthread.php?t=20419&page=6

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And he wasn't drugged. It was an acupuncture needle to a pressure point.

How do you know that? Do they ever say this, or are you just assuming it? Because I just assumed that she was using poison-tipped needles. What you said makes more sense though.

Hey Dude (no not the shitty TV show), I was wondering if I need to watch Tekken 1 before I watch Tekken 2? (I'm not going to watch Tekken 1)

Just for your information- I recently watched the first TEKKEN and it was entertaining, stupid fun. Sadly, I had picked up the new TEKKEN film as a blind buy, and after ten minutes I turned it off. It just wasn't grabbing me. I will eventually return to it, but I wasn't in the mood for what I was seeing at the time.

Once the movie was released though, of course it was revealed there there is no such scene, and that the fight really is that slow and crap for no other reason other than the movie just plain sucks.

No, Jaa's character is slowed down by the needle that was shot into his neck.

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One Armed Boxer
No, Jaa's character is slowed down by the needle that was shot into his neck.

Hmmm, am I getting my wires crossed? Which part does he get the needle shot into his neck? Below is the full sequence, including the God awful shot that they didn't bother to convert to 2D at 3:21 of Jaa kicking the camera, but it doesn't seem like he gets shot in the neck at any point?


Sadly, I had picked up the new TEKKEN film as a blind buy, and after ten minutes I turned it off. It just wasn't grabbing me. I will eventually return to it, but I wasn't in the mood for what I was seeing at the time.

Man, Kane Kosugi in 'Tekken 2' & Michael Jai White in 'Falcon Rising' were supposed to be the martial arts movie saviours of 2014, can't believe these two movies are getting such split reactions from people!

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Hmmm, am I getting my wires crossed? Which part does he get the needle shot into his neck? Below is the full sequence, including the God awful shot that they didn't bother to convert to 2D at 3:21 of Jaa kicking the camera, but it doesn't seem like he gets shot in the neck at any point?

"This video is not available in your country" is what I get when I hit play on that clip. :squigglemouth:

From memory- at some point during Jaa and Crump's first fight Jeeja shoots a needle. You can't tell who she was shooting it at. After Crump beats Jaa, he notices something and leans down over his opponent. Then he pulls a needle out of the back of Jaa's neck.

Man, Kane Kosugi in 'Tekken 2' & Michael Jai White in 'Falcon Rising' were supposed to be the martial arts movie saviours of 2014, can't believe these two movies are getting such split reactions from people!

I'm not giving TEKKEN 2 a thumbs down yet. Kane has a brief, but well executed fight right away, but then soon after it introduced one of those preachy, cult leader type characters and I just wasn't in the mood to hear any of his bullshit. As soon as he started yammering away I turned the movie off. It's not that what I saw was terrible, I just wanted to watch something else.

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From memory- at some point during Jaa and Crump's first fight Jeeja shoots a needle. You can't tell who she was shooting it at. After Crump beats Jaa, he notices something and leans down over his opponent. Then he pulls a needle out of the back of Jaa's neck.

At one point prior to the 1st fight with Jaa, Yanin, & Crump, Yanin's character uses the acupuncture needles on her sister who seems to be asthmatic.

Then during the fight after witnessing Crump kill her sister, she throws a needle at him, but apparently Jaa steps in the way and doesn't realize he's been hit by the needle. I think Crump's character can tell the difference in Jaa's fighting and after he defeats him, he finds the needle. To me his reaction denotes that he feels Jaa was hampered by the needle in his neck, and therefore his victory isn't completely due to his fighting prowess.

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Morgoth Bauglir

I'll be honest I'm gonna wait until Tekken 2 shows up in the dollar bin at CD Tradepost just like I do with 99% of all new movies. All movies seem to end up there at some point. And there's so many to choose from its nice to know ahead if time which items are worth my dollar. Plenty of Tekken 1 in stock I'll probably pick that up soon.

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I'll be honest I'm gonna wait until Tekken 2 shows up in the dollar bin at CD Tradepost just like I do with 99% of all new movies. All movies seem to end up there at some point. And there's so many to choose from its nice to know ahead if time which items are worth my dollar. Plenty of Tekken 1 in stock I'll probably pick that up soon.

That is probably a wise tactic to take. I should practice it more often.

I'm not giving TEKKEN 2 a thumbs down yet. Kane has a brief, but well executed fight right away, but then soon after it introduced one of those preachy, cult leader type characters and I just wasn't in the mood to hear any of his bullshit. As soon as he started yammering away I turned the movie off. It's not that what I saw was terrible, I just wanted to watch something else.

If you're only about 10 mins. in, you've got some fight scenes for about another 20 mins before the real lull kicks in. But it kicks back up the last 20 mins. or so. It's some odd pacing. Lots of action at the start, story and attempted drama (yawn), action at the end.

This is why I write the mini-reviews, Bob.:wink:

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At one point prior to the 1st fight with Jaa, Yanin, & Crump, Yanin's character uses the acupuncture needles on her sister who seems to be asthmatic.

Aha. Yup, now that you say that I remember. :bigsmile:

But... she still could've had some poison needles set aside for her enemy, right? :angel: LOL

Then during the fight after witnessing Crump kill her sister, she throws a needle at him, but apparently Jaa steps in the way and doesn't realize he's been hit by the needle. I think Crump's character can tell the difference in Jaa's fighting and after he defeats him, he finds the needle. To me his reaction denotes that he feels Jaa was hampered by the needle in his neck, and therefore his victory isn't completely due to his fighting prowess.

I really liked that moment. You could see that he was upset that he hadn't won fair and square in his fight with Jaa.

If you're only about 10 mins. in, you've got some fight scenes for about another 20 mins before the real lull kicks in. But it kicks back up the last 20 mins. or so. It's some odd pacing. Lots of action at the start, story and attempted drama (yawn), action at the end.

Okay, that's good to hear. :smile: Oh... and that's bad to hear. :squigglemouth: Um... and then... that's uh... good again. :xd:

This is why I write the mini-reviews, Bob.:wink:

I love to read your reviews after I've seen something, because I don't like to go in knowing what all the action will be ahead of time. I'm already seeing so much of films in their spoiler-heavy trailers, so I like to have something fresh to experience.

Sometimes though, if you write one before I've seen or purchased a film I will scan your last thoughts on the film, at the end of your review to see what you thought of a title. That's been very helpful.

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Secret Executioner

Congrats, man. And it's well-deserved I must say.

Back to Tekken 2, AlbertV wrote a review on the main site some time ago and it seems like this film has a Tekken tie-in only as a reason for being, since the original scenario had nothing to do with the franchise.

(edit: starting page #40 right here)

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Sorry I'm late with this, but I want to express my appreciation for the kind words and feedback and comments. It really means a lot to me. You're all very kind...and tolerant.


(2014) Running time: 75 mins.

This dvd is a compilation of short films that Eric and his team of friends have created over the last few years. I am a massive fan and supporter of his. For many of these there is the vaguest premise of story to set off the action. Others are fleshed out a little better, but again the action is the primary focus. Still others are nothing more than just goofy fun.

ROPE-A-DOPE (2013) 13 mins.

Stars: Eric Jacobus, Dennis Ruel, Shaun Finney, Yun Yang, Thomas Tan, Lorenz Hideyoshi Ruwwe, Sergio Munoz, Jacob Gonzales

Fight choreography: EJ, DR, SF, YY, & TT

Dir: Eric Jacobus

Most of you have probably already seen this "Groundhog's Day" meets Hong Kong actioner. This short film won EJ numerous awards on the independent film festival circuit and garnered him a lot of well-deserved attention. It's funny, concise, and the fight sequences are banging!!!! The final fight with EJ facing 5 opponents is thrilling to view and full of rewatchable moments. If you've never seen it, you will not be disappointed! I never tire of watching it. It always makes me laugh or mutter "Dude!" in awe.

Oh, and they just wrapped production on Rop-A-Dope 2. Can't wait for that. (Weapons!!!!)

BEARD OFF 4:13 mins.

Stars: Eric Jacobus, Shaun Finney

Dir: Eric Jacobus

A "Terminator" type action sequence set around a man and his doppelganger fighting over facial hair. It's a neat idea and well executed. However, it is more stunt oriented though there's a little bit of fighting.

FUTURE BOSS 5:30 mins.

Stars: Eric Jacobus, Lorenz Hideyoshi Ruwwe, Felix Fukuyoshi Ruwwe, Shaun Finney

Action by: LHR & EJ

Dir: LHR

This is a super fun short!!! It's a boss fight (in both senses) that contains some "shapes" work and excellent kicking.

WAKE UP JUICE 5:30 mins.

Stars: Eric Jacobus, Thomas Tan, Rebecca Ahn, Donaghan Stoddard, Jesse Chandler

Stunt Choreography: EJ

Dir: Tylor Bohlman

EJ vs a clown, a flower girl, and a pizza delivery guy. Some good action here and it's schlocky with lots of blood. Some of the falls are brutal.


Stars: Eric Jacobus, Hiroshi Adachi

Dir: EJ & Pete Lee

Superb fight sequences that are hard-hitting with intricate exchanges.

KICTIONARY (200 PLUS KICKS) 4:30 mins.

Stars: Eric Jacobus

I can't get enough of this. Every kick is labeled and the whole thing is set to a perfect score. They build in tempo and difficulty, and I am absolutely amazed. I'm so glad he put this on dvd so I can slo-mo the kicks and appreciate the agility and coordination on display. Some of these are just jaw-dropping to me. I do so hope he uses these in forthcoming films.

NESS 13 mins.

Stars: Eric Jacobus, Edward Kahana, Victor Repizo, Hiroshi Adachi, Alvin J Hsing, Lucas Okuma, Shaun Finney, Steven Yu, Anthony Noceda

Dir: Hiroshi Adachi

There are a number of excellent fights here!!!! I remember seeing this a few years ago and had completely forgotten about it. HA vs EK; EJ vs AJH & LO; EJ vs HA. The story was left hanging for a continuation. Hope they get to it eventually. Not that I care about the story so much, but I want more mix ups like this!

INFORMANT 3:10 mins,

Stars: Andy Long, Shaun Finney, Eric Jacobus

Dir: EJ

It's short but jam-packed! In fact, I think when it first came out I put it in my "Talent Reels & Short Films" thread under General Discussion. The choreography is smooth and fast and a great showcase for both of these guys.


Done for you "Star Wars" fans, EJ had fun experimenting with Go-Pro. The 1st was such a hit on Youtube that he did a 2nd and 3rd. They're fun to watch, and a great homage to the franchise.


Again, EJ experiments with Go-Pro but gives the films a video game type feel. Solid action and chuckle worthy.


Actually there's only the one and so corny you can't help but smile.



More Go-Pro vantage points done with a Southern fried perspective. I actuall prefer the "Fallin" one. It has an inset so you can see not only his viewpoint but just what he is performing. It's funnier, too.


This is an old Stunt People bit that pokes fun at the martial arts masters who seemed to be able to send folks flying through the air without ever actually doing anything to them. The gag runs a little longer than it should, but it's wild watching these guys send themselves flipping around and taking some hard falls.


And this does not do the film justice. If you've not seen this, then add it to your list.

I'm so glad Eric did this compilation. The great thing about the early Stunt People dvds is that he packed them extras which included a lot of such shorts not found here. As he seems to be focusing more on short films at the moment, I'm thankful for his packaging them together. I'll buy this all day long.

I hope that the Young Masters and LBP Stunts especially take note of this. It can be done, and both of those groups have a lot of short films on Youtube. Their choreography is just as good as this.

Support this, please! Go to the Stunt People Store and get your copy. It's $15 and Eric personally signs and ships them. And he's quick about it.


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One Armed Boxer
Sorry I'm late with this

So you should be.:tongue:


Done for you "Star Wars" fans, EJ had fun experimenting with Go-Pro. The 1st was such a hit on Youtube that he did a 2nd and 3rd. They're fun to watch, and a great homage to the franchise

I remember when these were first released, Eric actually started a Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign with the aim of raising enough to turn the concept into a feature length movie. Unfortunately they didn't raise enough, and I believe it's Kickstarter policy that if a campaign doesn't raise its financial goal within the set period, all pledges are considered null and void. A pity, as it would have been great to see a Star Wars movie choregraphed by the Stunt People, which is essentially what it would have been.


And this does not do the film justice. If you've not seen this, then add it to your list.


Support this, please! Go to the Stunt People Store and get your copy. It's $15 and Eric personally signs and ships them. And he's quick about it.


I just put through my purchase, looking forward to watching this! But damn, $13.00 for international postage, that's just $2.00 short of the actual DVD price!:cry: Still, happy to support these guys, and I hope it goes towards making another full length movie, 'Death Grip' provded Jacobus has developed his filmmaking talent considerably since 'Contour'.

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I just put through my purchase, looking forward to watching this! But damn, $13.00 for international postage, that's just $2.00 short of the actual DVD price!:cry: Still, happy to support these guys, and I hope it goes towards making another full length movie, 'Death Grip' provded Jacobus has developed his filmmaking talent considerably since 'Contour'.

The international postage price is robbery for a dvd. Eric was bemoaning this very fact when they upped their price as it essentially double the cost of the dvd. Crazy. Glad you're picking it up though. I think you'll dig it.

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I just put through my purchase, looking forward to watching this! But damn, $13.00 for international postage, that's just $2.00 short of the actual DVD price!:cry: Still, happy to support these guys, and I hope it goes towards making another full length movie, 'Death Grip' provded Jacobus has developed his filmmaking talent considerably since 'Contour'.

The international postage price is robbery for a dvd. Eric was bemoaning this very fact when they upped their price as it essentially double the cost of the dvd. Crazy. Glad you're picking it up though. I think you'll dig it.

I'm aware prices have gone up but still it is extortionate. I recently paid $13 postage for a DVD from Amazon US marketplace(The standard International charge) and it did actually cost the sender a little bit over. However it was a six disc box set so Eric really could bring his prices down I'm sure!

I'd really like this title and as you guys know I love the stuntpeople. It's just kind of a lot for something pre-released on YouTube in good quality. Wouldn't be so bad if I could order detective story and undercut to save on postage but then I would get stung by customs. :sad:

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I'm aware prices have gone up but still it is extortionate. I recently paid $13 postage for a DVD from Amazon US marketplace(The standard International charge) and it did actually cost the sender a little bit over. However it was a six disc box set so Eric really could bring his prices down I'm sure!

I'd really like this title and as you guys know I love the stuntpeople. It's just kind of a lot for something pre-released on YouTube in good quality. Wouldn't be so bad if I could order detective story and undercut to save on postage but then I would get stung by customs. :sad:

If Eric cut his dvd price then he'd be out of pocket the money on the disc itself. And he can't set the postage rate. He knows it kills his overseas buyer potential. Is it possible to couple 1 of the 2 additional movies you want or is it that customs stings you if it's more than 1 dvd period?

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Morgoth Bauglir

I didn't hear about this coming out. You've definitely got me interested in this one Dude. I'll be picking it up when I can.

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