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One Armed Boxer

Great review as always ShaOW!linDude! It's been years since I watched this one, it's in my collection though.

I've got that same collection for the same price. Got it at Xmas last year, specifically because it had this film. (That may have been me who mentioned it, but probably on an other thread.) Otherwise, I think it is hard to come by.

I have the UK Soul Blade DVD of this which was released in 2007, amazon still have it in stock, although it's fairly pricey. I remember the print of it being decent though -



Damn George Tan might actually be making some money on these sets. Well, probably just the Sammo set since he's one of the more popular kung fu actors.

Some of them don't look to bad, why would you say that ? Bad copies ? Movies previously released in a billion other sets ?

George Tan is basically a bit of a dodgy character, who has a reputation for ripping people off and being the man behind shoddy DVD labels like Video Asia, who put out the worse prints imaginable of numerous kung-fu movies, often bootlegs. There's a thread on him here -


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Secret Executioner
You lost me. Are you asking why I said that these aren't Sammos best movies? It's all personal opinion of course, but I've seen a lot of sammo movies that are better than the 6 in this set. He's been in too many good movies:tongue:

Was talking about the "making money on these sets" comments actually.

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Morgoth Bauglir

Sorry. I didn't know I had to explain it. DVDs are generally released so that the company can profit from it. In the case of Videoasia, I doubt that the sets make much money, but I would bet that Sammo set has sold more than others. The reason I made that comment is because I was surprised to see that so many people commented very quickly that they own the set. Therefore in my mind, the set seems to be selling pretty well, and is probably making money.

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Secret Executioner
George Tan is basically a bit of a dodgy character, who has a reputation for ripping people off and being the man behind shoddy DVD labels like Video Asia, who put out the worse prints imaginable of numerous kung-fu movies, often bootlegs. There's a thread on him here -


Thanks for the read. :smile:

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Secret Executioner
Sorry. I didn't know I had to explain it. DVDs are generally released so that the company can profit from it. In the case of Videoasia, I doubt that the sets make much money, but I would bet that Sammo set has sold more than others. The reason I made that comment is because I was surprised to see that so many people commented very quickly that they own the set. Therefore in my mind, the set seems to be selling pretty well, and is probably making money.

Videoasia "sets" are usually a couple of discs (if not just ONE) with several movies - seems like this MA Essentials is only 2 discs for instance... They must be made for pretty cheap (also the prints must not be the best, they could just be VHS rips), so no matter how little they sell, the company can turn up some profit off them.

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Morgoth Bauglir

How do you figure they are making money? If nobody buys it I don't see how it is going to make money, no matter how cheaply it is made. Unless these sets have Bruce Lee in the title, nobody is buying it. The sammo set might be selling better than the other sets, but thats only because Sammo is one of the few HK actors to gain some popularity outside of HK.

Of course you and me will buy this set and will love it. But for every one of us kunf fu movie fans, there's at least 1000 people who do not like this genre. It sucks, but that's just the way it is

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Morgoth Bauglir

George tan is actually a visitor to this forum. I doubt he's here enough to read this thread, but it would be nice to see him make an appearance and let know if any of his non Bruce Dvds have made a profit.

But that won't happen. We're more likely to get a cameo from Ric Myers!

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I imagine the Martial Arts Essentials Set Vol. 1 & 4 sell pretty well, too, seeing as they are Yuen Woo Ping films. I scored Vol. 1 for $4 also. Again the copies aren't the best.

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I imagine the Martial Arts Essentials Set Vol. 1 & 4 sell pretty well, too, seeing as they are Yuen Woo Ping films. I scored Vol. 1 for $4 also. Again the copies aren't the best.


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Secret Executioner
I imagine the Martial Arts Essentials Set Vol. 1 & 4 sell pretty well, too, seeing as they are Yuen Woo Ping films. I scored Vol. 1 for $4 also. Again the copies aren't the best.

Which one(s) of these sets are the most recommended anyways ? (talking "must-have" stuff here)

The Lau family one doesn't seem to have the greatest Gordon Liu/Lau family movies ever and neither does the Sammo one.

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I only have Vol. 1 of the YWP set. It has some drunken style films. A couple of the movies I really didn't care for, but otherwise I'm glad I picked it up. Here's the Amazon link but I'm sure you can score it cheaper than what it's listed here for.


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Secret Executioner
I only have Vol. 1 of the YWP set. It has some drunken style films. A couple of the movies I really didn't care for, but otherwise I'm glad I picked it up. Here's the Amazon link but I'm sure you can score it cheaper than what it's listed here for.


A couple of "classics" in there - Born Invincible and Invincible Armor are films most people on here seem to enjoy (not sure if that qualifies them, but these titles immediately rang a bell in spite of me having never seen them).

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Morgoth Bauglir

I recommend the Lau set. Odd Couple is a must see. I also enjoyed the 2 starring Lau Kar Wing, His Name is Nobody and Two Graves. I had never even heard of those before I got the set so they were a nice surprise.

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Secret Executioner
I recommend the Lau set. Odd Couple is a must see. I also enjoyed the 2 starring Lau Kar Wing, His Name is Nobody and Two Graves. I had never even heard of those before I got the set so they were a nice surprise.

TBH, I never heard of any of the films in that one except for Odd Couple and (maybe ?) Revenge Of The Patriots.

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Another great review ShaOW!linDude! :bigsmile: I really enjoy reading them, but I only read the reviews for the films I've already seen. I like to be surprised. If I haven't seen something you review, I will peek at your final "summary" paragraph.

I enjoyed GAMBLING GHOST. It's certainly not one of Sammo's best, but it's very entertaining. Perhaps because I love Sammo's shtick so much I found the comedy bits funnier than you. Yes, some of it still falls flat, but I liked most of it. I agree with you that if the film had longer fights/a bit more action it would have elevated it into must-see status.

Love the fight between Bobby Samuels and Sammo! That was Bobby's first time working on a Hong Kong film, and he has said that making the transition from practicing real kung fu to performing Sammo's complicated choreography was very difficult. This fight scene required a ton of takes as he kept coming close, but just missing the mark on nailing it. Many, many hours were required to get everything just right, and he felt so self-conscious that he was holding up the production. However, in the film it looks like it went down in a few fast and furious moments, and is just fantastic!

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A couple of "classics" in there - Born Invincible and Invincible Armor are films most people on here seem to enjoy (not sure if that qualifies them, but these titles immediately rang a bell in spite of me having never seen them).

Dance of the DrunkenMantis is a classic that's on there too.

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Another great review ShaOW!linDude! :bigsmile: I really enjoy reading them, but I only read the reviews for the films I've already seen. I like to be surprised. If I haven't seen something you review, I will peek at your final "summary" paragraph.

Thank you much, and completely understandable. I try to give ample warning of anything that might be a major spoiler.

I enjoyed GAMBLING GHOST. It's certainly not one of Sammo's best, but it's very entertaining. Perhaps because I love Sammo's shtick so much I found the comedy bits funnier than you. Yes, some of it still falls flat, but I liked most of it. I agree with you that if the film had longer fights/a bit more action it would have elevated it into must-see status.

Yes, some of Sammo's shtick is an acquired taste. Typically I enjoy it. I just didn't seem to find it so this time. I still say this needed one of his dance numbers. He owns me whenever he does that.

Love the fight between Bobby Samuels and Sammo! That was Bobby's first time working on a Hong Kong film, and he has said that making the transition from practicing real kung fu to performing Sammo's complicated choreography was very difficult. This fight scene required a ton of takes as he kept coming close, but just missing the mark on nailing it. Many, many hours were required to get everything just right, and he felt so self-conscious that he was holding up the production. However, in the film it looks like it went down in a few fast and furious moments, and is just fantastic!

Ah, I love interesting tidbits like this. Samuels is certainly underused. Would've been nice if he and Sammo had an encounter prior to their end fight.

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Secret Executioner
Thank you much, and completely understandable. I try to give ample warning of anything that might be a major spoiler.

Unlike KFB, I don't mind spoilers - actually, your reviews make me curious about the films you're discussing. :bigsmile:

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I notice this boxset contains 'Don't give a Damn' - (a.k.a. Burger Cop?) I must admit that movie was a guilty pleasure for me. Some of the gags in the dialogue were crude and would offend women and ethnic minorities. It's all rather silly. Especially when you see Yuen Biao and Takeshi Kenisharo 'Black' themselves up with make-up and start acting like african american stereotypes. The fights are good - Robert Samuels does a fine job on his part with villainous role. Pity he didn't make it big time. But he was in the Hong Kong movie industry at a particularly low time in terms of box office draws. The mid 90's saw a huge audience slump. And Sammo's and Yuen Biao's popularity in Hong Kong at that time (1995) had waned so much that this movie was probably seen by about 15 people upon release.

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It's a Two-Fer!!!!!

THE BODYGUARD (1976) Running time: 89 mins.

Stars: Sonny Chiba, Judy Lee, Etsuko Shihomi, with special appearances by Aaron Banks (Mr. Karate USA) & Bill Louie (6th Dan USA Black Belt Champion)

U.S. Dir.: Simon Nuchtern


Sonny Chiba plays himself as a bodyguard and world renown martial artist bent on putting a stop to the Yellow Mafia and their illegal drug trade singlehandedly. He is hired by Reiko (JL) to protect her from assassination attempts though she won't say why.

The film starts with a quote from Ezekiel 25:17 with Sonny's name inserted in it. (Um...okay. So there's that.)

Fight #1 --- Kung Fu stylist vs Karateka

I'm guessing this is AB and BL as this is only time these 2 guys appear in the movie. They take turns beating up dojo students while contrasting the fighting styles of Bruce Lee and Sonny Chiba. It's almost comical. There's actually some decent choreography here, but the editing is awful.

Fight #2 --- Sonny vs airplane hijackers

Wow, this is...terrible! There's probably some good stuff, but it's like an early version of the shaky cam/hyper-editing "Bourne" film style. However, Chiba ain't no joke, breaking hands and killing folks, all with a cigarette clamped between his lips. (Ah, the 70's, when you could still smoke 'em if you got 'em wherever you wanted.) At a press conference later, he chops the top off a Coke bottle.

Fight #3 --- Maki vs Yellow Mafia assassins

She shows some good technique, and I was psyched, but she's soon defeated. Shame. She's a looker, too.

Fight #4 --- Sonny vs Yellow Mafia assassins

Short and dimly lit. More bad editing. Chiba does snap a dude's arm off at the elbow. Yes, off. Pretty out there.

End fights

Fight #5 --- Sonny vs thug #1

Another short fight. At least in this one you can tell what's happening, and the editing is not too bad either.

Fight #6 --- Sonny vs thug #2

Yet another short one with more bad editing. The finishing move isn't too bad.

Fight #7 --- Sonny vs thug #3

Still another short fight. I can't even tell how this one ends. Ugh. Awful.

Initially I thought this film showed potential. The best fight is the 1st one and doesn't even have Chiba in it. The story's a mess. Chiba wants to end the drug trade, but is willing to help Reiko with a half million dollar drug deal so she can retire from whatever it is she does. There's some action among the secondary characters, but it's lame. This film seems to be nothing but a chance to show some boring scenic views of the city and Chiba in various suits. It does have a cool intro song that chants "Viva Chiba!"

I'm a Chiba fan, but, oh, my word! This is atrocious! Even if you're an Chiba enthusiast, I would recommend avoiding this. It's just flat out disappointing, and will only tick you off. If you're a Chiba completionist, well, here's your new cure for insomnia.

BODYGUARD 2: KIBA: APOCALYPSE OF CARNAGE (1994) Running time: 66 mins.

Stars: Takeshi Yamato, Takanori Kikuchi, Noriko Arai, Jack Kao, Hung Liu

Stunt Coordinators: Liou Han-Hsing, Masaaki Asato, Tso Hsiao-Hu

Dir.: Takashi Miike


Kiba (TY) is a student of Daito Karate. His sensei sends him to protect Natsuki (NA) from those seeking to kill her for whatever reason. He meets her brother Shu (JK), an accomplished martial artist in his own right. When things get sticky, his sensei sends another student, Ryo (TK), to help Kiba.

Fight #1 --- Kiba vs hooded assassins

Meh. It's short but okay. At least the camera is pulled back, and it's not hyper-edited.

Fight #2 --- Kiba vs hat-wearing monks w/staffs

This is a little better, but still not up to par for me. It's an "I'll wait while you do your moves, then I'll smack you" sort of fight. The choreography isn't very interactive, but at least you can tell what's going on.

Fight #3 --- Shu vs 2 students

This is a dojo sparring session. 2 short matches and they're really good! Some nice kicks here! This is the choreography the film needs.

Fight #4 --- Daito vs Jonouchi

This is a flashback of a duel. Wish this had been longer. Very short, but good choreography.

Fight #5 --- Ryo vs soldiers

A training session at night in the woods. Looks good, but it's dark, so it's hard to tell exactly what's happening at times.

Fight #6 --- Kiba vs masked killers

Not too bad. Some blows are obvious misses. It gets better when Ryo and his girlfriend show up. She's a kicker and good at it. Need more of her.

Fight #7 --- Ryo vs Shu

Aw! Not as good as I hoped for, but probably the best fight of the film. Some exchanges are good, some aren't. It doesn't help that it's a "let's fight a bit, now run over here, now fight a bit, now run over here, etc." sort of thing that's also interspersed with with other scenes. Then a gang shows up, and it's a big throwdown...NOT! That's over in about 30 seconds.

The movie actually has a decent plot and one of the oddest villains I've seen in a while named Mr. Wong, who likes to seal his deals by going to a disco/strip club where he dances to electronic music with philosophical lyrics. (Let's party with that guy!) The characters are almost interesting...almost. The fights are filmed pretty well for the most part with the exception of the lead character. What! I know, right?

TY, who plays Kiba, is obviously no martial artist. He just doesn't really sell anything he does consistently. Then he's conveniently wounded so that he can't participate in the end fight. For much of the movie all he does is smolder and smoke cigarettes. Not a very good bodyguard. His advice to his client: "You stay in this room and lock your door. I'll stay in this room with my door unlocked. If you get into trouble, just call out, or come get me." Um, what was that again? Fortunately for her, he's in the room the assassins sneak into instead of hers. Hey, at least he gets more fight time that Chiba did...except he can't fight worth a flip.

I know there's lots of Miike fans on the forum. I think this is the first film of his I've ever watched. I'm not really impressed, but I'll reserve judgment until I've seen a couple of others. Not in any rush, mind you. For this one, I'll leave it up to you. It's your call.

For me, I got both of these used. They're going in the trade pile.

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One Armed Boxer
I know there's lots of Miike fans on the forum. I think this is the first film of his I've ever watched. I'm not really impressed, but I'll reserve judgment until I've seen a couple of others. Not in any rush, mind you.

Great reviews as always ShaOW!linDude, although I don't think I've ever seen a Chiba movie which doesn't contain a fight scene that looks like it's been filmed by a sake intoxicated cameraman.:tongue:

Regarding Miike Takashi, wow, this movie was your introduction to him!? No, no, no! Firstly, Miike is not a martial arts movie director, and I'd never approach his movies from the perspective of expecting to see great fight scenes.

However if you do want to see some of his better works, I think you'd enjoy 'Crows Zero' and its sequel, as well as his remake of the chanbara classic '13 Assassins'. As for fight scenes, it was recently announced that the lastest movie he's working on, 'Yakuza Apocalypse', has cast none other than Mad Dog himself - Yayan Ruhian - in a major role. Check out the thread for it here -


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Great reviews as always ShaOW!linDude, although I don't think I've ever seen a Chiba movie which doesn't contain a fight scene that looks like it's been filmed by a sake intoxicated cameraman.:tongue:

That made me laugh.:wink:

Regarding Miike Takashi, wow, this movie was your introduction to him!? No, no, no! Firstly, Miike is not a martial arts movie director, and I'd never approach his movies from the perspective of expecting to see great fight scenes.

However if you do want to see some of his better works, I think you'd enjoy 'Crows Zero' and its sequel, as well as his remake of the chanbara classic '13 Assassins'. As for fight scenes, it was recently announced that the lastest movie he's working on, 'Yakuza Apocalypse', has cast none other than Mad Dog himself - Yayan Ruhian - in a major role.

Hey, maybe this is my 2nd Miike film then, because I've seen the 13 Assassins remake if that's the current one from a couple of years ago. Loved that.

I knew Yayan was working on that film. Don't think the director's name really stuck out at me. I'm hoping good things come of that collaboration.

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Very enjoyable reviews brother! :bigsmile:

Have to point out a couple of things though. First of all, the version you saw of THE BODYGUARD was a seriously mangled version- a US re-edit. The original film, THE BODYGUARD (1974, Japan, aka. Bodyguard Kiba; Karate Kiba; Viva Chiba the Bodyguard; Bodigadda Kiba), actually makes much more sense both plot-wise, and when the scenes aren't edited for violence (chunks were haphazardly chopped out) they actually make more sense and play a lot better too. For instance, after Chiba-san tears that guy's arm off, he actually beats another guy with it! The film is still far from good though, even in it's unaltered form. I believe when I first wrote about it, I said something along the lines of "the cinematography looks like it was filmed by someone in the midst of an epileptic seizure." :squigglemouth: So even seen uncut, it's still not a classic. But... better, for sure. In the US version Chiba plays himself! LOL Not so in the Japanese original.

Now the strange thing is, a lot of the things I love about the film are only in the US version! The ridiculous "intro" with Aaron Banks and Bill Louie is pure Grindhouse perfection. "I think Bruce would do it somethin' like this here." :xd: Priceless stuff. :nerd: Also, the famous Ezekiel 25:17 quote is only in the Americanized version, and I love it. This is the same speech that Samuel L. Jackson's character Jules recites before killing people in PULP FICTION, which Tarantino definitely lifted it from THE BODYGUARD. And in fact, strangely, it is an incorrect quote! What they say in PULP FICTION (and with the exception of a few words- "I am Chiba, The Bodyguard!") is:

“The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother’s keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy My brothers. And you will know My name is the Lord when I lay My vengeance upon thee.”

But in reality, Ezekiel 25:17 reads like this:

“I will carry out great vengeance on them and punish them in my wrath. Then they will know that I am the LORD, when I take vengeance on them."

Neither version is a "great Chiba film" though. If you want to see him at his best, I recommend THE KILLING MACHINE (1975, Japan, aka. Shaolin Martial Arts) and THE STREET FIGHTER (1974, Japan, aka. Attack! Iron Fist).

Since we're on the subject... there is actually a sequel to the Chiba film THE BODYGUARD called (originally enough) THE BODYGUARD 2 (1974, Japan, aka. Bodyguard Kiba 2; Karate Kiba 2; Bodigadda Kiba 2: Hissatsu Sankaku Tobi). I've only seen it in Japanese without English subtitles, but I enjoyed it much more than the mostly boring original. The filming style of the fights is still "shaky-cam style", but it's not nearly as severe this time around.

As for the two Takashi Miike films- BODYGUARD KIBA (1993, Japan) and BODYGUARD KIBA: CARNAGE OF APOCALYPSE (1994, Japan, aka. Bodyguard Kiba 2)- I thought they both sucked. That's especially strange because I've read that Miike loves karate films and has studied it himself. And, I'm pretty sure that Miike's karate instructor is one of the stars of both films. Sooo... they should've been cool. Right? :neutral:

I highly recommend these Miike films for you ShaOW!linDude (specifically leaving out some popular titles that I don't think you would enjoy) if you want to see good ones:

AUDITION (1999, Japan, aka. Odishon)

DEAD OR ALIVE (1999, Japan, aka. Dead Or Alive: Hanzaisha; D.O.A.)

FUDOH: THE NEW GENERATION (1996, Japan, aka. Record of a Gang War: Fudoh)

GRAVEYARD OF HONOR (2002, Japan, aka. New Graveyard of Honor)

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Morgoth Bauglir

Kung fu bob I'm gonna have to stick my foot in here and recommend Deadly Outlaw Rekka as the best miike movie. Rock and roll.

Interesting stuff on bodyguard. I had forgotten all about that movie. Reading about it was much more interesting than watching it.

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Secret Executioner

*** SPOILERS ***

Since KFB brings it up: I've heard of a Japanese film called Audition where a guy who lost his wife hosted a "casting" in order to find a new girlfriend. And the one he got was a psycho who doesn't tolerate her man to like anything but her. That chick also uses some drug on guys that alters their nervous system (they can still feel but can't react) and torture them.

Is it Miike's film or a different one ?

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