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My Many MiniReviews


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One Armed Boxer
Damn, OAB's message (despite the spoilers) REALLY makes me want to check it out, even more so than the already nice review by ShaOW!linDude.

Did my comments include spoilers!?:ooh:

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Secret Executioner
Did my comments include spoilers!?:ooh:

Actually no, my bad. Was probably thinking of ShaOW!linDude's review actually. :squigglemouth:

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On a personal note, I proposed to my partner on the rim of this volcano!

Um, wow. You win at life.

@ OAB:

It's obviously the US dvd release. Very straightforward. No extras to speak of other than a choice between English and Spanish languages and chapter selection. And I knew this was part of the AOG franchise but failed to mention that, didn't I.:tongue:

I have the US release and it has a fifty minute BTS feature. It's actually pretty cool. Is that only included on the Blu Ray or something?

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I have the US release and it has a fifty minute BTS feature. It's actually pretty cool. Is that only included on the Blu Ray or something?

Apparently so. I didn't get the Blu-ray, just the dvd. According to Amazon, the Blu-ray has the special bts feature, the dvd has nada.

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Damn, OAB's message (despite the spoilers) REALLY makes me want to check it out, even more so than the already nice review by ShaOW!linDude. :bigsmile:

And thanks OAB for the precisions on the Armour Of God "saga". Hadn't thought of it first, but now you're underlining it, it's true it's a bit similar to First Strike in that it's an almost unofficial sequel to other Jackie Chan movies. :tongue:

When Jackie received the Guinness award for most credits in a film (he racked up 15 credits for this film) where it said Lead Actor, it says in parentheses "Asian Hawk" on the award plaque.So while he is called JC in the film, he was known as Jackie Chan in the AOG films, thus in some way, this can be considered an official sequel in the series.

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BUSHIDO MAN (2012) Running time: 88 mins.

Stars: Mitsuki Koga, Yoshiyuki Yamaguchi, Masanori Mimoto, Kentaro Shimazu, Kazuki Tsujimoto, Nachiro Kawamoto, Kensuke Sonomura, Masaki Suzumura, Ema, Miki Mizuno

Action Director: Kensuke Sonomura

Dir.: Takanori Tsujimoto


Toramaru (MK) is a student of the Cosmic Way fighting system. He goes on a year long journey to challenge 7 martial artists. On his return, he regales his teacher, Master Gensai (YY), with the tales of each duel. What is interesting is that in order to understand his opponent, he always eats the same diet they do. Gensai revels in the victories of his student, but something doesn't taste quite right. Could treachery be afoot?


Fight #1 --- Toramaru vs Yuan Jian (Kensuke Sonomura)

Great fight! Some really good exchanges here, and there's lots of Mantis style from both combatants. The choreography is very intricate, very fast, and very smooth. There's not but a couple of kicks, but that really doesn't matter. It's all good. My only qualm with this fight is that I would've thought there would be more of a showcase in versatility in styles especially from a kung fu practitioner.

Fight #2 --- Toramaru vs Master Mokunen (NK)

Killer fight with bo staffs! This is one of the best bo fights I've seen in I can't remember when. Some of this is just amazing! It's so fast and intricate. And it's quite innovative, at least to me. I saw some moves and uses I've never seen before. My only qualm with this one is Toramaru's rally. It's a bit of an abrupt end, and should really have gone a little longer.

Fight #3 --- Toramaru vs Nunchaku Rinryu (MS)

Lame!...lame, lame, lame, lame, lame. A fight that never happens because his opponent knocks himself out while showing off. Don't build up for something like this and then go for a gag laugh. What a gyp!

Fight #4 --- Toramaru vs Muso, the blind swordsman (KT)

Great fight! Very philosophical. Some outstanding sword play here. The choreography is innovative and atypical to most sword fights I've seen.

Fight #5 --- Toramaru vs Eiji Mimoto (Masanori Mimoto)

This was a cool knife fight, a little too drawn out though. I guess I expected more intricate interplay, but it has its moments. Maybe it was the fact that Mimoto is a yakuza member driven by angst and regret. Boring. Hey, it's still better than the nunchaku fight.

Fight #6 --- Toramaru vs Pistol Billy

Meh. Not a fight really. More of a challenge against a guy dressed up like a cowboy using six shooters.

Fight #7 --- Toramaru vs "M" (Miki Mizuno)

"M" is supposed to be the title character from the "Hard Revenge Milly" franchise. It's never actually stated, but there is a visual clue if you spot it. Anyhow, this actually more her fighting 4 hitmen than fighting Toramaru. The MA is decent, a little slow at times, but it has a very bizarre and fun ending.

Fight #8 --- Toramaru vs Master Gensai

Wow! Super cool bizarre end fight! This fight is off the chain. It goes through a number of short stages. I love the power hits in this! Don't want to say too much.

Okay, I love this story. The pacing is fantastic. The blending of Toramaru eating and fighting the opponents with each corresponding meal is a great premise. I was getting hungry. The humor is good and subtle though there are a couple of cheesy bits. (It's a Japanese film, so what do you expect?)

My dislikes are few. What was suppose to have been a duel with nunchakus never happens. You don't do that. You just don't set that up and then not follow through. Sometimes the fights get interspersed and drawn out with philosophical dialogue. Look, I'm all for discussion, you can even talk smack during, but let's either do it at the beginning or at the end. I also think the weaker fights should've been used first to build momentum to the end fight. It starts strong and then lags to slowly pick up towards the end.

My likes are many. Mitsuki Koga looks like Yuen Biao (at least when he has short hair). He's a good martial artist. Actually everyone used is a good martial artist. The choreography is solid and sometimes dazzling. I would've liked to see a little more bootwork but it was good enough that I didn't care. The acting is food, and the premise is engaging. I love duels. I tend to get a little bored with the constant seeking for revenge. And the ending is great. As badly as I want to comment on it, I won't, but stay through the credits.

The Japanese film industry needs to focus more on their MA movie output. They ought to crank out more stuff like this. I heartily encourage all of you to support this film and GET IT!!!

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Another great review! Spot on man.

As a nunchaku fanatic, I can't really put into words how disappointed I was with that duel. :tinysmile_angry2_t: It didn't seem like the nunchakuist (nunchakuista? LOL) was all that great anyway. His skills were only decent, and they even sped up the footage.

But the majority of the film was great fun.

You mentioned that they should make more films like this in Japan? I couldn't agree more. But apparently funding for martial arts films is damn near impossible to get there. These guys- the crew behind BUSHIDO MAN- actually made this film on their own without even getting paid! So please, fellow action fans- please BUY this film to show your support. Shout! Factory has released a nice English friendly DVD and Blu-ray edition for a great price. So please support this title and buy it instead of downloading it. :nerd:

And by the way... Isn't it peculiar that some of the best on-screen kung fu that we've seen in recent years was in a Japanese film and a Thai film (one of those BANGKOK something or other films)? :smile: HK are you listening?

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One Armed Boxer
The acting is food, and the premise is engaging.

Great review, and this is definitely my favorite line!:tongue:

I should give this a re-watch sometime soon, as my initial viewing was probably hampered a little with heightened expectations. I posted my own thoughts in post #67 of the dedicated thread -


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Secret Executioner

Had initially next to no interest in that film, but reading ShaOW!linDude's review got me curious. Seems like a good one with some nice action.

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Had initially next to no interest in that film, but reading ShaOW!linDude's review got me curious. Seems like a good one with some nice action.

Really? Oh man, you have to see this. :nerd:

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Thank you, gentlemen. I appreciate your thoughts and comments so much.

Yeah, Bob, I don't know that "disappointed" aptly describes my feelings when I saw that part. Mine was more of an irate surprise that turned into annoyed disbelief that quickly morphed into a silent seething anger. (Hmmm, now that I think about it, I guess you could say I was disappointed.)

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GAMBLING GHOST (1991) Running time: 89 mins.

Stars: Sammo Hung, Nina Li, Man Hoi, James Wong, Ip Wing Cho, Ng Ma, Lam Ching Ying, Ricky Ng, Fung Shu Fan, Corey Yuen, Chun Pui, Chung Fat, Tin Chuen, Billy Chow, Norman Ng, Billy Ching, Robert Samuels

Martial Arts Director: Man Hoi

Dir.: Clifton C.S. Ko


Paul (SH) is a son who wants an easy life, and thinks swindling is the way to get it. His father (also SH) is an honest man who detests his son's antics. His deceased grandfather (again SH) had a reputation as a cheater and suffered for his ways. Paul invokes the spirit of his grandpa to help him become the king of cheaters. Grandpa wants Paul to take revenge on his killers, and helps him scheme his way into a deal with them. But when it goods bad, both Paul and his dad have to settle the score.

Fight #1 --- Paul vs a gang

Meh. Nothing special here and it's short. There's a few front kicks. Not the Sammo-in-action we are used to seeing.

Fight #2 --- Paul vs gang at shipyard

Not bad. This is a little more like it. It has more of the HK style action we like. The choreography is good with elements of classical kung fu in places. Some good stunts and falls in a couple of places.

Fight #3 --- Grandpa vs assassins

Short but good. SH plays a Japanese businessman in traditional dress. Some good kicks and a little bo staff action, too.

Fight #4 --- Paul vs Thug #1 (Robert Samuels)

Best fight! SH takes out a few goons and then takes a beating from RS who is quite the kicker. SH has some good falls. Wish this had been a little more of a mix-up, but the choreography is good and fast. SH ends it with a nice Crane style kick a la "The Karate Kid".

Fight #5 --- Dad vs Thug #2 (Billy Chow)

Wow! Sweet fight! SH busts out a mix of tai chi and wing chun while taking on BC. This is some classic kung fu going on here with great choreography and a nice finishing move.

Fight #6 --- Dad vs monk (James Wong)

Oh, this is killer! SH brings on more wing chun and tai chi. Some great falls and another nice finishing move.

Well, let me just say that the movie is a bit of a struggle to get through. It's far more comedic than action driven. Shame, too, because more action would've made this one of Sammo's classic films. It is nice to see him play multiple roles, and there's even a dust-up between his father and son characters, but again, it is more for comedic value. And for me, the comedy just ain't working here, and I find Sammo to be quite funny. (No dance number, which is surprising. That would've been a nice bonus, too.)

The funniest bit was an exchange at the beginning. Because the film was made in 1991, one of its themes is the disparity between Hong Kong and Mainland China with digs at the Communists and Hong Kong's eventual return to the Chinese government. I'm surprised this was allowed, but then Hong Kong's film industry was pretty much writing its own ticket at the time. Maybe it's the translation for the English dub. Maybe they really said this in the Chinese language. I don't know, but this cracked me up.

Mainland Chinese Woman: "I work for the Justice Department."

Sammo: "Oh, in China? I didn't know they had justice there."

That owned me.

The action was slow to build up, but when it does, it delivers for the most part though the fights are sort of short. Even Nina Li gets in on the action by throwing some nice kicks towards the end. The longest and best fight is Sammo's bout with Samuels. It's a doozy, and this film needed more of that. This isn't his best film, but it certainly is worth seeking out for the end fights if nothing else. These do not disappoint except that you'll wish there was more and these were longer. Definitely one for completionists like myself, and I'll certainly be watching it again...well, fast-forwarding to the fights anyway.

Hunt this one down, people, and GET IT!!!!!!

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Secret Executioner

Personally, I think it sounds like a nice movie - could get this one, though it seems hard to find.

BTW, was it a trend to have actors playing multiple parts at the time ? Jackie did Twin Dragon (or whatever that movie where he plays two twin brothers is called) around the same time, right ?

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I remember years ago when I used to buy my Hong Kong VCD's from Chinatown (Manchester-UK) and I used to see the VCD of gambling ghost sitting on the shelf for months. I never picked it up because I was always busy getting other VCD's - much to my regret. :sad:

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Morgoth Bauglir

Nice to see Meng Hoi get a rematch against Billy Chow in Gambling Ghost. Chow took him out in about 5 seconds when they squared off in Blonde Fury. They are playing the same kind of roles in both movies, and it looked like it was going to end in 5 seconds again, but it didn't. It went on much longer:smile:

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Morgoth Bauglir
Personally, I think it sounds like a nice movie - could get this one, though it seems hard to find.

Actually it's really easy to find. It's in the Sammo Martial Arts Essentials pack.


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Yeah I bought the Sammo set for like 4 dollars at FYe after seeing someone here mention gambling ghost (this thread possibly?). That movie alone was worth that to me, I enjoyed it, too a while for the action to get going, but once it did it was solid. I agree the fight with Samuels was the best of the movie. Another good thing - the comedy mostly holds up. I'd say its a solid 3.5.

How are the rest of the movies in the collection? I plan to work my way through them at some point.

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Yeah I bought the Sammo set for like 4 dollars at FYe after seeing someone here mention gambling ghost (this thread possibly?). That movie alone was worth that to me, I enjoyed it, too a while for the action to get going, but once it did it was solid. I agree the fight with Samuels was the best of the movie. Another good thing - the comedy mostly holds up. I'd say its a solid 3.5.

How are the rest of the movies in the collection? I plan to work my way through them at some point.

I've got that same collection for the same price. Got it at Xmas last year, specifically because it had this film. (That may have been me who mentioned it, but probably on an other thread.) Otherwise, I think it is hard to come by.

As far as the trend to play multiple roles in a film, I think it's something almost every actor does at some point. For some, the comedic aspects work, for others it doesn't. In this film, for me, it didn't.

Man Hoi's bout with Billy Chow was indeed good, but I think it didn't run very long in this, though apparently it is longer than the match cited in Blonde Fury. (That's a film I need to get.) He also served as the MA director for this.

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How are the rest of the movies in the collection? I plan to work my way through them at some point.

INCREDIBLE KUNG FU MASTER (1979): pretty good old school flick. Recommended if you haven't seen it.

DON'T GIVE A DAMN (1995): Okay film with a good one-on-one-on-one finale. Horrid A/V presentation.

MANDARIN MAGICIAN (1974): Hardly even remember this one. I think Sammo is only a henchman here. Also the ending seemed incomplete.

RETURN OF THE FAT DRAGON aka KING SWINDLER (1993): Mostly forgettable, but it has a drunken boxing fight that is fun.

HIDDEN ENFORCERS (2002): Maybe the worst movie ever made. Your jaw will drop at how bad it is.

IMO Gambling Ghost is by far the best film on the set. IKFM is second.

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Secret Executioner
INCREDIBLE KUNG FU MASTER (1979): pretty good old school flick. Recommended if you haven't seen it.

Isn't that the film with the "this situation is like food" line ? I think it's a Sammo Hung movie, but not sure which one. After saying that, he mentions people only eating some kind of food (only chicken or only vegetable or only fish) while he eats everything - describing a philosophy of MA similar to that of Bruce Lee, but with food.

I remember that bit being mentionned in the "best lines" thread. :tongue:

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Secret Executioner
Actually it's really easy to find. It's in the Sammo Martial Arts Essentials pack.


I could be able to get it actually. :bigsmile:

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Isn't that the film with the "this situation is like food" line ? I think it's a Sammo Hung movie, but not sure which one. After saying that, he mentions people only eating some kind of food (only chicken or only vegetable or only fish) while he eats everything - describing a philosophy of MA similar to that of Bruce Lee, but with food.

I remember that bit being mentionned in the "best lines" thread. :tongue:

Yep, that's the one! :smile:

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Morgoth Bauglir

Damn George Tan might actually be making some money on these sets. Well, probably just the Sammo set since he's one of the more popular kung fu actors. I agree it doesn't have any of Sammos best movies, but $4 for Gambling Ghost is a great deal.

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Secret Executioner
Damn George Tan might actually be making some money on these sets. Well, probably just the Sammo set since he's one of the more popular kung fu actors. I agree it doesn't have any of Sammos best movies, but $4 for Gambling Ghost is a great deal.

Some of them don't look to bad, why would you say that ? Bad copies ? Movies previously released in a billion other sets ?

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Morgoth Bauglir

You lost me. Are you asking why I said that these aren't Sammos best movies? It's all personal opinion of course, but I've seen a lot of sammo movies that are better than the 6 in this set. He's been in too many good movies:tongue:

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