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One Armed Boxer

129 days between the last mini-review and the latest...mods, can we please put a rule in place in which if ShaOW!linDude doesn't post a review within a 100 day period he's banned from the forum? Seems a reasonable request to me.

Great review for 'Ninja: Shadow of a Tear', a movie I myself wouldn't have been able to see myself so soon without SD's assistance. I guess the only difference between SD & myself is that SD ranked the likes of 'Bangkok Knockout' and 'N:SOAT' almost the same. For me 'Bangkok Knockout' was a watch once or twice show-reel time filler, however 'N:SOAT' provided a serviceable plot, along with performances from Scott Adkins & Kane Kosugi that delivered charisma and screen presence, as well as physical performance.

There needs to be more movies around like this, and equally so, more guys like ShaOW!linDude to review them.

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(My apologies. I’ve been meaning to write this for over a month now. Instead I just keep watching it.)


Well it was totally worth the wait. Excellent write up my friend!

Ron Smoorenburg gets the majority of 1-on-1 with SA.

I'm embarrassed to say- I hadn't recognized Ron when I watched this (over and over again :bigsmile:). Gorhama was the one that clued me in to the fact that it was him in there. I'd guess that most fans will know Ron Smoorenburg from the rooftop fight with Jackie Chan in WHO AM I? (1998). When he made that film he was new to "film fighting", and during the filming of the scene Ron kept advancing dangerously on JC- as a martial artist is trained to do in real combat- as he unleashed his impressive kicks. This became such a problem that JC had his stunt team member (the incredible) Brad Allen double Ron for shots where you can't see his face. I didn't think that I'd seen much of Ron since then, but a peek at his credits revealed that I was wrong. He has appeared in bit action roles in a number of films that I've seen, including TOM YUM GOONG (2005, aka. Honor of the Beast; The Warrior King; The Protector), THE BODYGUARD 2 (2007, Thailand), ELEPHANT WHITE (2011)- which to be fair, I didn't finish, and even THE VIRAL FACTOR (2012). I didn't recognize him because in WHO AM I? he was quite thin and lanky, but since then he's packed on the muscle and looks considerably different. I can't comment on how he looked in the aforementioned films since I don't even remember him being in them, but judging based solely on his NINJA 2 performance, he has made huge improvements in his screen fighting abilities.

Fight #5 --- drunk Casey vs 4 drunk bar patrons.

Thai bar fight. Freakin’ awesome!!!! So much stuff here! It’s fast, fluid, and fierce! (And a bit speeded up in places for some reason.) There’s plenty of killer combo’s; a jumping side kick off 1 opponent that segues into a roundhouse on another; a scissor-leg takedown to the head; a butterfly twist with a descending roundhouse; a jump-spinning reverse crescent kick with the tucked foot snapping out a front kick……AAAAAGGGGHHHHH!!!! I love it! (SA is so fluid in this I’d love to see him actually use more Drunken style in film.) Best Fight #1

This is definitely one of my favorite bar fights of all time. The first time I saw it, when the drunk rudely bumps into Casey, causing his drink to spill, and points at him while laughing and says "You need a bib." I laughed out loud. If there was ever an angry movie character who's drink you didn't want to spill on them, this was the one! :xd:

I second your wonderful idea to see Scott do some Drunken Boxing. :nerd:

First, I’d like to give props to Brahime Achabbakhe who doubled Scott Adkins for certain aspects of some of the fights due to a back injury SA suffered. I wouldn’t have known if I hadn’t seen a recent highlight reel of BA which included some of his work in this film. This guy’s astounding. Love to see him and SA have a screen fight together.

Great info Dude, thank you. While watching the living hell out of the fight scenes on repeat, slow motion, etc, I did spot that Scott was occasionally doubled. I was wondering if maybe Jawed El Berni, who plays Lucas, was doing the doubling as he and Scott have similar builds and look closely matched from the back (hairline, height and build). I thought that maybe they were pulling a "PRODIGAL SON move". In that film they had Yuen Biao double for the actor (Frankie Chan) that Yuen Biao was fighting in the same scene! El Berni certainly looked fantastic in action, so he seemed a likely choice as Scott's double. But thanks to you, now I know Brahime Achabbakhe was the man responsible. You know if a guy is doubling for Scott Adkins that he is no freaking joke! I'll definitely be checking out his demo reel.

Finally an end fight on screen we fans can thoroughly enjoy and be amazed by. (When was the last time that happened?)

Though this kind of outstanding end fight is definitely a rarity these days, how about THE RAID?!

Though... (preparing for imminent attack:smile:) I enjoyed the NINJA 2 end fight just a bit more than that one. As much as I love martial arts action, I must admit that I felt like the end fight in THE RAID went on a little too long. I definitely enjoy heightened reality in these films, but when I see someone getting stomped, punched, kicked and elbowed to that degree, for that amount of time, without their bones being turned to powder, it does make it harder to be invested in the outcome. :tongue: LOL

I agree 100% on your three "Best Fight" picks, but I would be hard pressed to rank them in order!

Another thing that Gorhama and I discussed was how real the dojo and students felt to us. Their respect and attitudes towards each other and their teacher really rang true. That was refreshing to see.

As far as I'm concerned, Kane Kosugi should've been a star ever since his amazing debut in REVENGE OF THE NINJA (1983) which was released a month before he turned nine years old. Even back then he was already a fantastic martial artist and a decent actor. This kid was saving a sexy blonde from being drown in a hot-tub, armed with nunchaku, when he was still only knee-high to a grasshopper! :smile: If he had been allowed to star in a film a year, I'm sure we would all be much happier right now! I've often felt like "This is surely the project that will launch his career to the heights it deserves" only to be disappointed again and again. For instance, when I saw the trailer for CHOY LEE FUT (2011, aka. Fight The Fight) which co-stars Yuen Wah and Sammo Hung I was thrilled. Kane in a Hong Kong film with amazing stars?! It would have to be great, right? Wrong. I actually feel that I owe Director Wong Ming-Sing a kick in the nuts for this terrible waste of talent and choreography, shot and edited as poorly as any fight film could be. Please let this talented guy star in something directed by Isaac Florentine right away! :nerd:

129 days between the last mini-review and the latest...mods, can we please put a rule in place in which if ShaOW!linDude doesn't post a review within a 100 day period he's banned from the forum? Seems a reasonable request to me.

LOL I'll second that. :wink:

I guess the only difference between SD & myself is that SD ranked the likes of 'Bangkok Knockout' and 'N:SOAT' almost the same. For me 'Bangkok Knockout' was a watch once or twice show-reel time filler, however 'N:SOAT' provided a serviceable plot, along with performances from Scott Adkins & Kane Kosugi that delivered charisma and screen presence, as well as physical performance.

Which one is BANGKOK KNOCKOUT? Is it the one where the group of friends are kidnapped and forced to fight for a reality show? There are so many that I get all of these BANGKOK SOMETHING-OR-OTHER titled films mixed up. Just in my collection alone:


BANGKOK ASSASSINS (2011, aka. Bangkok Kung Fu)



BANGKOK KUNG FU (2011, aka. Bangkok Assassins)




Yes, I know I mentioned one film twice under it's alternate titles. I did this to further illustrate how confusing it can be.

For me, the most dangerous thing about Bangkok is how many films are named after it, and how injured I'll be if all of them were to fall off of the shelf onto my head at the same time! :xd:

Anyway, if that's the one you're talking about, I agree with you OAB. I enjoyed BANGKOK KNOCKOUT for what it was, and thought there was a lot of very impressive action. But I did not think it was a good overall movie.

There needs to be more movies around like this, and equally so, more guys like ShaOW!linDude to review them.

So it is written, and so it shall be done! :bigsmile:

So in conclusion ShaOW!linDude, just to make sure I am following your train of thought, are you trying to say that "NINJA 2: SHADOW OF A TEAR is worth a rental" ? :tongue:

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Well it was totally worth the wait. Excellent write up my friend!

I'm embarrassed to say- I hadn't recognized Ron when I watched this (over and over again :bigsmile:). Gorhama was the one that clued me in to the fact that it was him in there. I'd guess that most fans will know Ron Smoorenburg from the rooftop fight with Jackie Chan in WHO AM I? (1998). When he made that film he was new to "film fighting", and during the filming of the scene Ron kept advancing dangerously on JC- as a martial artist is trained to do in real combat- as he unleashed his impressive kicks. This became such a problem that JC had his stunt team member (the incredible) Brad Allen double Ron for shots where you can't see his face. I didn't think that I'd seen much of Ron since then, but a peek at his credits revealed that I was wrong. He has appeared in bit action roles in a number of films that I've seen, including TOM YUM GOONG (2005, aka. Honor of the Beast; The Warrior King; The Protector), THE BODYGUARD 2 (2007, Thailand), ELEPHANT WHITE (2011)- which to be fair, I didn't finish, and even THE VIRAL FACTOR (2012). I didn't recognize him because in WHO AM I? he was quite thin and lanky, but since then he's packed on the muscle and looks considerably different. I can't comment on how he looked in the aforementioned films since I don't even remember him being in them, but judging based solely on his NINJA 2 performance, he has made huge improvements in his screen fighting abilities.

Yeah Ron had also doubled for Paul Rudd in GEN-Y COPS and played Stephen Fung's nemesis based on Bryan Fury in THE AVENGING FIST. Ron seemed to have made the smart move in moving to Thailand. He is definitely quite happy there these days.

Great info Dude, thank you. While watching the living hell out of the fight scenes on repeat, slow motion, etc, I did spot that Scott was occasionally doubled. I was wondering if maybe Jawed El Berni, who plays Lucas, was doing the doubling as he and Scott have similar builds and look closely matched from the back (hairline, height and build). I thought that maybe they were pulling a "PRODIGAL SON move". In that film they had Yuen Biao double for the actor (Frankie Chan) that Yuen Biao was fighting in the same scene! El Berni certainly looked fantastic in action, so he seemed a likely choice as Scott's double. But thanks to you, now I know Brahime Achabbakhe was the man responsible. You know if a guy is doubling for Scott Adkins that he is no freaking joke! I'll definitely be checking out his demo reel.

You should check out the short film MARKSMAN...excellent fight between Brahim and Ron in it. Brahim was the lead and fight coordinator on it, and you can see what moves he doubled for Scott as he pulls it off in this short move...a jump off the wall into a 540 kick.

As far as I'm concerned, Kane Kosugi should've been a star ever since his amazing debut in REVENGE OF THE NINJA (1983) which was released a month before he turned nine years old. Even back then he was already a fantastic martial artist and a decent actor. This kid was saving a sexy blonde from being drown in a hot-tub, armed with nunchaku, when he was still only knee-high to a grasshopper! :smile: If he had been allowed to star in a film a year, I'm sure we would all be much happier right now! I've often felt like "This is surely the project that will launch his career to the heights it deserves" only to be disappointed again and again. For instance, when I saw the trailer for CHOY LEE FUT (2011, aka. Fight The Fight) which co-stars Yuen Wah and Sammo Hung I was thrilled. Kane in a Hong Kong film with amazing stars?! It would have to be great, right? Wrong. I actually feel that I owe Director Wong Ming-Sing a kick in the nuts for this terrible waste of talent and choreography, shot and edited as poorly as any fight film could be. Please let this talented guy star in something directed by Isaac Florentine right away! :nerd:

At least with CHOY LEE FUT, they gave Kane the best fight of that very film when he faces Ian Powers. Kane and Wong had worked together before when Jackie Chan loaned Wong, Chan Man-Ching, and Anthony Carpio to work as fight choreographers on Kane's film MUSCLE (BLOOD) HEAT.

Now with AGENT X, in which Brahim is serving as fight choreographer, I'm beyond stoked because I am praying Kane gets to take on Gary Daniels as I heard he got casted as well.

NINJA: SHADOW OF A TEAR...easily the best American martial arts film of 2013!!! :)

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Soooo glad you're doing these reviews again, dude. They're always a blast to read. And you were spot-on. Ninja 2 was, hands down, the best martial arts movie of 2013. Almost every action scene in that movie is worth revisiting more than once. 3 "Best Fights"...that's really all anybody needs to know.

I'm embarrassed to say- I hadn't recognized Ron when I watched this (over and over again :bigsmile:). Gorhama was the one that clued me in to the fact that it was him in there. I'd guess that most fans will know Ron Smoorenburg from the rooftop fight with Jackie Chan in WHO AM I?

That's who that was? Wow, I recognized the face and the name but I hadn't put two and two together. More parts for him, please.

I won't say I agree with you on this movie's finale being better than The Raid's, but I can definitely see where you're coming from. But the 2-on-1 with Mad Dog was just so damn visceral. Fantastic stuff. It simultaneously appeals to the caveman and the kung fu geek in me.

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Thank you all for the encouragement, gentlemen. And, yikes! I promise to take OAB's and KFB's admonition to heart. :bigsmile:

Bob, you are thinking of the correct premise for BKO.

I get what you're saying regarding end fights. But it still seems like quite a while between this and THE RAID. I know I want more of end fights that are in line with these 2 examples, but they just don't come along all that often anymore, or seems so to me. I don't know that I could pick one over the other. They're both pretty bombastic with MA.

As far as ranking the 3 Best Fights in this (and I'm usually lucky if I find 1 in most films), I couldn't do it. I simply numbered them in the order they occurred.

And if you've not found it yet, here's Brahime's 2013 show reel.


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Fearing One Armed Boxer and Kung Fu Bob's alliance to have me banned unless I offer more mini-reviews, here's one I finally watched last fall and meant to write about but just never got to it. (Plus it was a topic of recent discussion.)

HAYWIRE (2012) Running time: 93 mins.

Stars: Gina Carano, Michael Fassbender, Ewan McGregor, Bill Paxton, Channing Tatum, Antonio Banderas, Michael Douglas

Fight choreographer(s): J.J. Perry, Don Tai

Dir.: Steven Soderbergh


Mallory (GC) is a black-ops agent for a independent, government security contractor. When she's double-crossed during a mission and becomes the target of fellow operatives, she uses her espionage and martial arts skills to turn the tables on those who would hang her out to dry and kill her.

Fight #1 --- Mallory vs Aaron (Channing Tatum)

Just...just wow! This fight sets off out of nowhere. Its a completely unexpected start to the film. It's brief and brutal with some nice impact. There's a sweet leg sweet from GC to takedown CT and the guy trying to pull him off her. Love the finishing move, too. Good fight. Would've loved another minute or two of this one. (Point of interest: Channing Tatum is a homeboy made good from Cullman, Alabama.)

Fight #2 --- Mallory vs foreign field agent

Another short bout, but jeez, Louise! There's a reverse elbow/right cross/roundhouse kick/jump-spinning roundhouse kick combo. And GC sells the kicks, man. Girl puts her hips into it.

Fight #3 --- Mallory vs Paul (Michael Fassbender)

Best Fight!!!! Awesome brawl trashing a posh hotel room while dressed in evening wear. There are sooooo many cringe-worthy blows. The sound f/x of the strikes (that smacking of meat and bone) make you wince. The choreography is fluid and fast. MF acquits himself quite well here, but GC really shines. She unloads combo's like they're second nature to her....'cause they are!

Fight #4 --- Mallory vs 2 tactical cops

So short and so vicious. Hard hits; great kicks, especially 1 roundhouse kick in particular that is textbook classic in execution (you can see GC really throw her hip into it); and a flying forearm finish!

Fight #5 --- Mallory vs Kenneth (Ewan McGregor)

It's a rough fight, but the lamest of the film, which is sad because this is the end fight. EM is really nothing more than a punching bag for GC, and she just whales on him. It's fun to watch and yet not as fulfilling as it should've been for such a climactic moment.

The plot is very good though nothing you haven't seen before. This is essentially a female Bourne film (minus the amnesia). But one of the best things about this is the way the action is shot. There is none of that quick-cut/shaky cam/hyper-editing crap. You get to see it all from a relative distance so you can tell what's happening....as it should be.

This is a fantastic first film for Gina Carano to star in. Soderbergh wisely surrounds her with an A-list cast, and she holds her own in her acting scenes, believe it or not. She's very charismatic, whether she's disheveled or decked out in a dress. She's exudes sultry confidence, and fights like a man. She's a gorgeous woman, but she don't hit like a girl, brother.:xd: Seriously, the hotel room brawl is one of the best heroine fights I've seen in...who knows how long. To me, it's an instant classic. I can watch it over and over again. And she does it all looking sexy in a black dress.

I'd love to see more from her, and I know it's coming. http://www.kungfucinema.com/forums/showthread.php?t=19193 Still, I wish I already had a couple of DTV titles with a little more MA action in them. Guess I'll have to breakdown and watch Fast & Furious 6 just to see her beat the snot out of Michelle Rodriguez. (She has a small fight in Michael Jai White's Blood & Bone, too.)

I highly recommend this. It's a decent espionage flick, and it's got some great action provided by a beautiful young woman who can actually perform it herself. After all, she's a "for real" professional mixed martial artist. How Zack Snyder passed her over for the role of Wonder Woman, I'll never know. Maybe we should lock him in a posh hotel room with Ms. Carano. I'm sure she'd change his mind real quick.

I say: GET THIS!!!!! Or surely rent it or watch it on Netflix.

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Secret Executioner
How Zack Snyder passed her over for the role of Wonder Woman, I'll never know.

She probably didn't look like WW enough. I mean, she's fit, has dark hair, looks sexy yet strong... Totally NOT like WW who is supposed to look Mediterranean and have the build of a skeleton with skin on it, you know. :rolleyes:

BTW, if (talking action-wise here) we got someone of this caliber for WW, I can't imagine what the cast for Batman should have been like...

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She probably didn't look like WW enough. I mean, she's fit, has dark hair, looks sexy yet strong... Totally NOT like WW who is supposed to look Mediterranean and have the build of a skeleton with skin on it, you know. :rolleyes:

She has some Italian in her according to her IMDb page. I've never equated a thin physique with the Mediterranean/Amazonian look. I guess it depends on the artist who draws her. Some bulk her up, some slim her down.

Honestly, I don't know that Snyder ever even considered her. I think he certainly should have, and her name was getting kicked around at one point. I just think if anyone could do the role justice it would be her. (Oh, pun! 'Cause Wonder Woman's in the Justice League and I just.....nevermind.)

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Excellent review! I agree with your assessment of each of the fights, and the movie in general.

And even though it's got a lot of extremely OTT action in it, I found FAST & FURIOUS 6 to be a terrific popcorn movie. Loved the lady fight! You should definitely check it out.

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One Armed Boxer

This review has me tempted to check it out, I think it's probably one of only a few on the web which have looked at if from a pure MA movie prespective, so it made for a great read.

I'm sure like most others on here though, the promise of a final fight of Carano vs. ummm, Ewan McGregor, doesn't exactly have me jumping out of my seat to track it down.

Can somebody please ask Isaac Florentine to give Carano a call?

ShaOW!linDude....are we going to get a 'Wu Xia' mini-review at some point?

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This review has me tempted to check it out, I think it's probably only one of a few on the web which have looked at if from a pure MA movie prespective, so it made for a great read.

I'm sure like most others on here though, the promise of a final fight of Carano vs. ummm, Ewan McGregor, doesn't exactly have me jumping out of my seat to track it down.

Hey, now you know what I didn't know going in. It's worth checking out at least to see it once, and for all the other fights if nothing else. I think you'll enjoy it.

Can somebody please ask Isaac Flortentine to give Carano a call?

For real!!!! That's a genius idea!

ShaOW!linDude....are we going to get a 'Wu Xia' mini-review at some point?

I absolutely promise you will.

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Excellent review!!! I for one enjoyed HAYWIRE and I know some people cringed at the trailer for Carano's IN THE BLOOD, but I felt they didn't give too much away, just the catalyst (Carano's husband...Cam Gigandet from NEVER BACK DOWN...falls on the zipline and disappears) and she kicks ass to find out what has happened.

Gina had a wicked cameo in BLOOD AND BONE and as Bob said, loved the lady fight between her and Michelle Rodriguez in FAST AND FURIOUS 6. I like that she has proven her acting chops and can fight on film as well.

And Scott...Not only is Channing your homeboy, when he did the promotion for the film FIGHTING, he admitted he trained in a martial art called Shaolin Ngor Chor. I saw this close quarter art used by Leon Sua in Chee Keong Cheung's debut film UNDERGROUND (later re-titled 12).

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I'd like to extend a special thanks to One Armed Boxer for securing me a copy of this uncut.

WU XIA (aka DRAGON) (2011) Running time: 115 mins.

Stars: Donnie Yen, Takeshi Kaneshiro, Tang Wei, Jimmy Wang Yu, Kara Hui

Action Director/Choreographer: Donnie Yen

Dir.: Peter Ho-sun Chan


Liu Jinxi (DY) is a paper maker in a small village.When he accidentally kills 2 thuggish martial artists who attempt to rob the town's general store, Xu Bai-ju (TK) arrives to investigate. Feeling that Jinxi is acting more complicit in the deaths than on mere accident, Xu undertakes a fuller investigation determined to learn the truth, believing Jinxi is actually a former criminal in hiding. As news of the events spread due to Xu's doggedness, more unsavory characters from Jinxi's past begin to come to the village.Could Xu be right?

Fight #1 --- Jinxi vs 2 martial art thugs

Meh. This is not impressive to me. Mainly DY is just wrestling and holding on for dear life while he is flung about to trash the general store. 1 thug takes himself out and a lucky punch does in the other.

Fight #2 --- Jinxi vs 2 martial art thugs based on Xu's deductive skills

Ah, the plot thickens. While interrogating Jinxi, Xu imagines the confrontation differently. This demonstrates Yen's subtlety in combat. There's some nice "shapes" work taking place here, brief but intricate in places.

Fight #3 --- Jinxi vs the Master's wife (Kara Hui) and henchman (Hua Yan)

Hmmm, this ain't bad. KH wields a pair of knives and is ruthless with them. HY is really not much of a contest for Yen and serves to take some brutal blows. Love his death scene. DY resorts to his quick fists but does execute 1 sweet hook kick and a high knee strike. Though the fights are very wuxia stylized (reliant on wire-work f/x), it's cool to see Yen pull off some animal style kung fu: a little Crane, a little Mantis, a little Eagle Claw, but mostly Leopard style. Cool beans! Best fight!

Fight #4 --- Jinxi vs the Master (JWY)

The end fight has its moments. JWY is still fairly spry, and DY is freaky awesome with only 1 arm and wielding a sword. Neat aspects of chi gung are used. So why didn't I enjoy this more? Stupid moments of totally unnecessary wire-fu as usual. (And there's more but I'll get to that.)

Everything I heard about the film's cinematography, mood, plot, and acting performances were spot on, especially the latter 2. The story is truly intriguing, and the procedural development is really interesting, specifically the chi gung and acupressure aspects. Love that stuff. Want more of it!

Yen is great. He's quiet and endearing, and even when you learn the truth of his character, you're still pulling for him. Takeshi's character sort of got on my nerves at times. His tenacity is tiring but understandable, though he borders on rudeness sometimes. Tang Wei plays Jinxi's comely wife Ayu with quiet stoicism, even when realizing the type of man he truly is. But the surprise is Jimmy Wang Yu. He's got "psychopath" down pat, and he's scary at it.

So with all that being said, why didn't I enjoy this so many others?


The action (or lack of it).

1) There should've been at least 2 more fights.

2) The fights were a bit too brief.

3) The reliance on wire work. Granted, this film is in the romanticized 'wuxia' vein which typically incorporates that style of action. So it's a given that a film sporting that very title would have it. But grounded fighting would've served this so much better. And I'll admit, it's not like the wire-fu was crazy stupid like some are, but it really doesn't add to the action. Honestly, for me it comes off as contrived. I mean, if you're gonna tease me with some animal styles then you better bring it on big time!

4) The end fight. I hate when the hero doesn't properly dispose of the villain. That grates me to no end. JWY's character's skills are demonstrated and explained, but DY's character seems at a loss as how to effectively counter them, so he essentially takes a beating the entire time. Finally the Master meets an unjustified end, and I am completely disappointed. This is going to sound harsh, but honestly, the MA action in Ong Bak 3 is far better than this.

Still, it's an interesting dramatic picture and certainly worth a view, but it's nothing I'll be rewatching on a regular basis. It's your call (though I'm sure most of you have already seen it by now). Worth a rental or hunt it down on Netflix or a movie channel or something.

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CHINESE ZODIAC (2012) Running time: 109 mins.

Stars: Jackie Chan (and some other people)

Stunt Choreographers: Jackie Chan, He Jun

Dir.: Jackie Chan


Jackie Chan plays an arts/antiquities thief with a crew of young up-and-comers. A question of his ethics causes him to seek to repatriate some of China's national treasures. Of course, he runs into trouble.

Pirate fight --- JC and crew vs pirates

This was really kind of meh. There's a couple of good moments, but mainly it's more humorous than anything. Shame, too.

End Fight Pt. 1 --- Jackie Chan vs Vulture (Alaa Safi)

This is a fairly dynamic fight. It must have been a mind boggler to choreograph. Sort of a "the floor is lava so we have to stay on the furniture" kind of thing. Both JC and AS are very agile, and the latter seems to be a very impressive kicker. (Would've like to see him on his feet.)

End Fight Pt. 2 --- Jackie Chan vs everybody

This is classic JC choreography!!! Best fight!!!!! There are so many good bits to be found in this. A few are wire-assisted, but due to the level of difficulty, I find them forgivable. The choreography has a great flow. It's fast and fluid and humorous. JC is as spry as ever, and his coordination is still simply astounding.

Here's the skinny.

***SPOILERS!!!!*** (if you haven't already seen this)

I really wish I could have liked this more. One problem is the plot. There's just too much going on. Why do I say that? Because there's too many characters, and the story tries to work in little bits to flesh them out and make you feel a connection to them, but it ain't happening.

Another problem is...and I can't believe I'm going to say this...that it's too stunt heavy. With big stunts, I mean. The rollerblading body suit? I just really couldn't get into that. Running from guard dogs? Old hat. The log ride? Weak. The big skydiving chase/fight? Meh. JC's tumble down the side of a volcano? Okay, that was kind of cool. (Oh! Pun!)

I realize that a lot of JC's appeal and reputation, especially here in the US, is that he personally does some insane stunts. And I typically like them. And his films over the years have trended more that way because he wants them to be more appealing to the masses. They want action. Me, too. But JC's at his best when he incorporates his stunt work into his fight choreography, and sadly that is what is most lacking in this film.

But the fight choreography that there? OH...MY...WORD!!!! This stuff is a throwback to his heyday. And this is what the film needed more of. I don't even know how to aptly describe it. It gave me goosebumps. This is some of the best fight work he's put together in I don't when. This is typical JC fight and flight. The only thing I wish is that his fight with the guards had led up to his fight with Vulture with that duel having a bit more of a serious tone.

And the outtakes at the end? Loved it. But what I loved even more was the homage he put together of some of his best moment, and there were tons more I think that should've been included.

Ah, well. You get what you get and you don't pitch a fit.

Still, it's a good family kind of film, and the fact that he can still do what he has done so well for so long is amazing. It's unbelievable. But then...it's Jackie Chan, man. GET THIS!!!!!

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Drunken Monk

I really enjoyed the rollerblade suit and loved the fight scenes towards the end but, all in all, I'd say it's worth a rental and little more.

I bough the Hong Kong DVD and doubt I'll revisit it any time soon. I'd say buy it if you're a Jackie Chan elitist but, otherwise, you can save your money.

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Secret Executioner

I think I read somewhere this film had to do with Armour Of God (it's kind of a sequel apparently). Doesn't look much like it, but it sounds pretty good. I'd definitely give it a try.

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One Armed Boxer

Great review as always ShaOW!linDude....one question though, do you know if you watched the original version, or the trimmed down version which was shown in US cinemas?

But the fight choreography that there? OH...MY...WORD!!!! This stuff is a throwback to his heyday. And this is what the film needed more of. I don't even know how to aptly describe it. It gave me goosebumps. This is some of the best fight work he's put together in I don't when. This is typical JC fight and flight. The only thing I wish is that his fight with the guards had led up to his fight with Vulture with that duel having a bit more of a serious tone.

Agreed, the whole finale is Chan gold which proves he's still got it, and who knows how much pain and effort that must have took to produce such an amazing sequence of physicality at close to 60 years old. Hats off to the guy.

I'm actually in the minority who didn't mind the movie as a whole, I think it showed Chan leaning towards doing what he does best, & that's physical comedy. I know he's harped on for years now that he wants to move into more serious dramatic roles, but his strength has always been his talent for sight gags, and they don't need to all be about breaking bones or endangering your life. I found the gag with the French baguette when he breaks into the mansion to be genuinely funny, as small as it was, as well as the sequence were he's bouncing along the road strapped to the parachute while trying to talk to the reporter in the car at the same time.

And the outtakes at the end? Loved it. But what I loved even more was the homage he put together of some of his best moment, and there were tons more I think that should've been included.

Did I miss this!? I remember there being the outtakes from the movie, but I don't remember there being any highlight reel from his career? I should go back and check at some point, or I'm wondering if this was just included for the US cut.

JC's tumble down the side of a volcano? Okay, that was kind of cool. (Oh! Pun!)

On a personal note, I proposed to my partner on the rim of this volcano! I had no idea it was the same one, then when we were driving up to the base and it came into view I started thinking that it all looked vaguely familiar. I asked our driver if Jackie Chan had ever been there (we were in Vanuatu), and he enthusiastically responded, "Yes! I was Jackie Chan's driver here on the island, you are sitting were Jackie Chan sat just a few months ago!" What are the chances!?

I think I read somewhere this film had to do with Armour Of God (it's kind of a sequel apparently). Doesn't look much like it, but it sounds pretty good. I'd definitely give it a try.

Technically it's the third 'Armour of God' movie, and was tentatively titled 'Armour of God 3: Chinese Zodiac'. Somewhere along the way though that title got dropped, and it became simply 'CZ12'. Chan is still supposed to be playing the Asian Hawk character though, and does do the same chewing gum trick as in the other entries in the series, however like most of his latter day HK efforts, everyone in the movie annoyingly refers to him as 'Jackie'. In that regard, you could say it's connected to the 'Armour of God' series in much the same way 'First Strike' is connected to the 'Police Story' series.

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Secret Executioner

Damn, OAB's message (despite the spoilers) REALLY makes me want to check it out, even more so than the already nice review by ShaOW!linDude. :bigsmile:

And thanks OAB for the precisions on the Armour Of God "saga". Hadn't thought of it first, but now you're underlining it, it's true it's a bit similar to First Strike in that it's an almost unofficial sequel to other Jackie Chan movies. :tongue:

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@ OAB:

It's obviously the US dvd release. Very straightforward. No extras to speak of other than a choice between English and Spanish languages and chapter selection. And I knew this was part of the AOG franchise but failed to mention that, didn't I.:tongue:

@ DM:

I have to agree with you. This is one that's certainly for the JC collectors (like myself, and some of his stuff I don't care to own).

@ GHw:

Personally I think the amount of stunts and the end fight warrant the price of the purchase. I just wish there'd been more fight scenes is all.

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