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FORCED TO FIGHT (2011) Running time: 100 mins.

Stars: Gary Daniels, Peter Weller, Arkie Reece, Alexandra Weaver, Brian Flaherty, Corbin Thomas, Philip Granger

Fight Choreography: Claudiu-Cristian Prisecaru

Dir.: Jonas Quastel

Shane Slavin (GD) is a former underground fighter who once fought for crooked criminal promoter Danny G (PW), but now is a self-employed mechanic and businessman. When his brother, Scotty (AR), who also fights for Danny G, is injured for not throwing a fight, Shane assumes his debt and once again enters the underground circuit to fight for volatile fight fixer. But the game has changed and Shane must adapt to the new way of combat. In the course of his training and fights, Shane's anger and aggression rise to the forefront of his personality all fueled by his resentment for having to fight once again. He begins taking dives to square the debt, but when his sense of pride and honor won't let him continue to do so, his wife and son are kidnapped. Now Shane is forced to fight to save his family.

Fight #1 --- Scotty vs Capoeira guy

Opening fight; not bad. The editing skips a bit. Not really any exchanges but some nice power hits. The Capoeira guy gets to showcase a bit but he's no Lateef Crowder. Ends with a nice jumping crescent kick.

Fight #2 --- Shane vs 3 goons

Yeah! Nice little warmup of GD in action. Nothing special but the choreography is smooth and there's some good hits.

Fight #3 --- Training sequences

This is fun to watch. Shane has to relearn how to approach fighting having been out of the game for a while. Watching GD in training montages and sparring matches is an eye opener and displays his talents. The final sparring match is vicious and ends with his opponent taking a cringing back flip fall. Love it!

Fight #4 --- Shane vs Big Blue Danson

Short. GD gets off a couple of combo's with a neat spinning back kick. Unfortunately he's still not up to snuff and gets body-slammed.

Fight #5 --- Shane vs Ponytail guy

Short. This is the GD I know and love! Lots of footwork here with beautiful kicks, esp. the finisher.

Fight #6 --- Shane vs Ray Lo

Short but w/good exchanges! This guy's a pudgy, bald kickboxer, but he throws some nice kicks. GD is fast and nimble w/feet like lightning.

Fight #7 --- Shane vs Big Dude

Short and brutal. Though outmatched, GD exercises strategy by attacking his foe's lower body and legs to finish him off with a knee strike.

Fight #8 --- Shane vs Capoeira guy

Short. Meh. Hoped for more from this one. The Capoeira guy performs a nice scissor-leg takedown. Guess I didn't like it all that much 'cause GD's character takes a dive in this.

Fight #9 --- Shane vs African-American kickboxer

Short. It's a brutal beatdown as GD takes another dive. He sell it though and it looks painful.

Fight #10 --- Shane vs Big Dude...again

Short. He gets beat down again and just up and leaves the ring.

Fight #11 --- Shave vs Joe Somboon

Good fight!....though he takes yet another dive. The exchanges here are really good and this is a brutal match. Some nice combo's to be found though.

Danny G's battle royale:

Fight #12 --- Shane vs Romanian fighter

Short. GD doesn't even play with this dude. It's a very methodical fight. There are some neat leg flips, but it ends with a choke-out. Meh.

Fight #13 --- Shane vs Big Blue Danson...again

Whoa! Good fight! GD makes good use of his feet here! There's some nice, sneaky kicks. Wish it'd been longer.

Fight #14 --- Shane vs Dracul

Meh. It's a slug-fest really. The best bit is the finishing move - a Gary Daniels patented jump-spinning reverse crescent kick.

Well.....this is a good movie on a number of levels, at least I think so. The story is good, though the plot is a bit hackneyed. Still, Gary Daniels displays a maturity in his acting chops, and it's interesting watching his personality change, and the effect it has on his family. Peter Weller is a great bad guy, and he chews the scenery in all his scenes and really has fun with his character's ruthlessness.

It's nice to Daniels in action in a starring role again. He's always been a favorite screen-fighter of mine. Having said that.....hmmmm, I mean....I like the film and the fights are good....but that's it: they're good.

GD sticks to mainly Muay Thai style fighting in this and really doesn't even showcase it all that much. Every fight starts to get me psyched up but then just really doesn't peak like I hope it will. And there are lots of fights but then we get into "quantity vs quality". One is there and the other....well, sort of...sometimes.

Probably the biggest letdown is the end fight. The "main" foe never fights except then, and he's a big slob of a guy. I think he was only cast in the role for his size, girth, and ugliness. The guy playing " Big Blue Danson" should've been the main opponent. He shows talent and I actually felt for GD in their fights.

It's a good MA movie, but not, like, killer good. You know? Still, Daniels has certainly done worse and as a whole (story, acting, action) it's a solidly good film. Definitely one for completionists and worth checking out for the fight nuggets. Ultimately, it's your call.

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FORCED TO FIGHT (2011) Running time: 100 mins.

Stars: Gary Daniels, Peter Weller, Arkie Reece, Alexandra Weaver, Brian Flaherty, Corbin Thomas, Philip Granger

Fight Choreography: Claudiu-Cristian Prisecaru

Dir.: Jonas Quastel

Shane Slavin (GD) is a former underground fighter who once fought for crooked criminal promoter Danny G (PW), but now is a self-employed mechanic and businessman. When his brother, Scotty (AR), who also fights for Danny G, is injured for not throwing a fight, Shane assumes his debt and once again enters the underground circuit to fight for volatile fight fixer. But the game has changed and Shane must adapt to the new way of combat. In the course of his training and fights, Shane's anger and aggression rise to the forefront of his personality all fueled by his resentment for having to fight once again. He begins taking dives to square the debt, but when his sense of pride and honor won't let him continue to do so, his wife and son are kidnapped. Now Shane is forced to fight to save his family.

Fight #1 --- Scotty vs Capoeira guy

Opening fight; not bad. The editing skips a bit. Not really any exchanges but some nice power hits. The Capoeira guy gets to showcase a bit but he's no Lateef Crowder. Ends with a nice jumping crescent kick.

Fight #2 --- Shane vs 3 goons

Yeah! Nice little warmup of GD in action. Nothing special but the choreography is smooth and there's some good hits.

Fight #3 --- Training sequences

This is fun to watch. Shane has to relearn how to approach fighting having been out of the game for a while. Watching GD in training montages and sparring matches is an eye opener and displays his talents. The final sparring match is vicious and ends with his opponent taking a cringing back flip fall. Love it!

Fight #4 --- Shane vs Big Blue Danson

Short. GD gets off a couple of combo's with a neat spinning back kick. Unfortunately he's still not up to snuff and gets body-slammed.

Fight #5 --- Shane vs Ponytail guy

Short. This is the GD I know and love! Lots of footwork here with beautiful kicks, esp. the finisher.

Fight #6 --- Shane vs Ray Lo

Short but w/good exchanges! This guy's a pudgy, bald kickboxer, but he throws some nice kicks. GD is fast and nimble w/feet like lightning.

Fight #7 --- Shane vs Big Dude

Short and brutal. Though outmatched, GD exercises strategy by attacking his foe's lower body and legs to finish him off with a knee strike.

Fight #8 --- Shane vs Capoeira guy

Short. Meh. Hoped for more from this one. The Capoeira guy performs a nice scissor-leg takedown. Guess I didn't like it all that much 'cause GD's character takes a dive in this.

Fight #9 --- Shane vs African-American kickboxer

Short. It's a brutal beatdown as GD takes another dive. He sell it though and it looks painful.

Fight #10 --- Shane vs Big Dude...again

Short. He gets beat down again and just up and leaves the ring.

Fight #11 --- Shave vs Joe Somboon

Good fight!....though he takes yet another dive. The exchanges here are really good and this is a brutal match. Some nice combo's to be found though.

Danny G's battle royale:

Fight #12 --- Shane vs Romanian fighter

Short. GD doesn't even play with this dude. It's a very methodical fight. There are some neat leg flips, but it ends with a choke-out. Meh.

Fight #13 --- Shane vs Big Blue Danson...again

Whoa! Good fight! GD makes good use of his feet here! There's some nice, sneaky kicks. Wish it'd been longer.

Fight #14 --- Shane vs Dracul

Meh. It's a slug-fest really. The best bit is the finishing move - a Gary Daniels patented jump-spinning reverse crescent kick.

Well.....this is a good movie on a number of levels, at least I think so. The story is good, though the plot is a bit hackneyed. Still, Gary Daniels displays a maturity in his acting chops, and it's interesting watching his personality change, and the effect it has on his family. Peter Weller is a great bad guy, and he chews the scenery in all his scenes and really has fun with his character's ruthlessness.

It's nice to Daniels in action in a starring role again. He's always been a favorite screen-fighter of mine. Having said that.....hmmmm, I mean....I like the film and the fights are good....but that's it: they're good.

GD sticks to mainly Muay Thai style fighting in this and really doesn't even showcase it all that much. Every fight starts to get me psyched up but then just really doesn't peak like I hope it will. And there are lots of fights but then we get into "quantity vs quality". One is there and the other....well, sort of...sometimes.

Probably the biggest letdown is the end fight. The "main" foe never fights except then, and he's a big slob of a guy. I think he was only cast in the role for his size, girth, and ugliness. The guy playing " Big Blue Danson" should've been the main opponent. He shows talent and I actually felt for GD in their fights.

It's a good MA movie, but not, like, killer good. You know? Still, Daniels has certainly done worse and as a whole (story, acting, action) it's a solidly good film. Definitely one for completionists and worth checking out for the fight nuggets. Ultimately, it's your call.

I liked the film - the fight choreography was not bad and playing Shane's trainer was in fact the fight choreographer, but I also liked the dramatic part, especially when you can feel the tension and stress Shane goes through and takes it out on everyone around him. Definitely a good acting performance from Daniels IMO.

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THE KING OF THE STREETS (2013) Running time: 88 mins.

Stars: Yue Song, Li Yu Fei, Yang Jun Ping, Hou Xu, Li Chang Hai

Martial Arts Group: Chang Long Stunt Team

Action Director: Yue Song

Dir.: Yue Song

Yue Feng (YS) grew up as a rough and tumble kid of the streets even though he had a hardworking father. As a teenager, he developed a rep as the Street Fighter. But during a fight, he killed another boy and was sent off to prison for 8 yrs. On his release, he decided that he would no longer pursue his childhood dream of being a reputable street fighter. But when he becomes involved with a young woman who works at an orphanage that is being harassed by a gang, Feng is more than willing to put a stop to it the only way he knows how: with his martial skills.

Fight #1 --- Yue Feng vs street gang

This is done during the open credits and has a cool comic book feel to it. It's okay. This is full of brutal hits...and brutal editing. (At least it's not shaky cam.) Some of the editing is a bit hyper and there's nothing fancy in the choreography. The movements and techniques are pretty basic and straightforward. There is 1 gem, however. YS pulls off a cool triple kick on 3 guys while using the back of another dude for support as he runs horizontally in the air. You've seen this before and it's usually a wire-assisted maneuver. Not here. Well done!

Fight #2 --- Yue Feng vs street gang

This is a continuation of the 1st fight in flashback. Wow! There's some good stuff here! The editing is better, too, and let's you get a better sense of the choreography. Some really good hits and takedowns! Best fight!

Fight #3 --- Yue Feng vs thugs

Short, but wow! There's a couple of devastating side kicks thrown, esp. the 1st one! Great impact!

Fight #4 --- A-Long sparring match

Okay, this is short, but this dude is vicious! Nice back-spinning hook kick!

Fight #5 --- Yue Feng vs 4 masked men w/knives

Not bad. Not the best fight, but there's some good hits.

Fight #6 --- Yue Feng vs 4 kidnappers

This is some hate! Brutal hits and takedowns! It's short and the editing gets a bit hyper again, but still...dude!

Fight #7 --- Duel #1

Short w/lots of hyper-editing in this one. Still, the fight is pretty harsh and fast. YS throws a lightning quick back kick that's cool.

Fight #8 --- Duel #2 (w/Muay Thai guy)

This is a bit longer w/better editing. Nothing really special here. Some nice kicks are thrown but never really connect. It's just hard-hitting.

Fight #9 --- Yue Feng vs A-Hai (childhood friend)

Okay, boy, are you in for a....wait for iiiittt.....letdown! (I'll explain later.)

Fight #10 --- Yue Feng vs Mr. Lee's entire gang

Wow. It's....it's good but...but it could've been more. It's full of power hits and great impacts, but YS's kicks get repetitive in that he doesn't use this opportunity to display some different techniques/moves. A few stand out: a roundhouse kick, a pile-driving side kick...but the choreography really needed more variety and versatility.

Fight #11 --- Yue Feng vs A-Long

Sword fight! (Crap! It's a bunch of hack and slash!) Not a lot of technique or finesse here. The end worked, though.


So much was working for this movie, and so much undermined its potential. The story and acting are decent enough for the genre. The only thing that really bothered me was the hype of Yue Song's character as being better and badder that Bruce Lee and Mike Tyson, and this is alluded to multiple times. (Yeah, whatever.) But this is really about the action.

Some of the fight set pieces were great, but the editing was greatly ham-fisted, being too quick, too choppy, and overly under-cranked at times. I can forgive that because the plot sets Feng up to 2 major confrontations against A-Hai (childhood friend) and A-Long (villain's righthand man). Neither of these met my expectations because....

1) Feng refuses to fight A-Hai even though there were flashbacks in the film where they agree about how cool it would be to gain such reps as fighters that they're eventually pitted against one another in a death match. Well, here's the moment!.....and Feng refuses to fight his friend. A-Hai tries to instigate the duel, but based on Feng's response, he then refuses to participate as well. Arrrrgh! Look, I'm all about honor in MA flicks but come on! This was more of a tease than some girls I knew growing up.

2) An end fight w/major henchman with katanas!....and it involves absolutely no sword technique whatsoever. Good grief, guys! I know you've had some weapons training. How about let's use some of it! They could've just used pipes or baseball bats and it would've worked the same. And it's not much of a contest either.

There's some good choreography here and there throughout the film, esp. early on. Where it fails majorly is to capitalize on that with some boss end fights that showcases greater choreographic skills and techniques. Shame, too.

I don't know. It's worth a rental at the very least, I guess. I mean, it does have some good moments (fights 1, 2, 3, 4, & 6). Still, it just didn't stack up at the end. I'm still debating whether I'll hang onto it for a bit or stick it in the trade pile. Ultimately, it's your call whether you want to watch it, but I don't know that I'd recommend it being worth a purchase.

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THE KING OF THE STREETS (2013) Running time: 88 mins.

Stars: Yue Song, Li Yu Fei, Yang Jun Ping, Hou Xu, Li Chang Hai

Martial Arts Group: Chang Long Stunt Team

Action Director: Yue Song

Dir.: Yue Song

Yue Feng (YS) grew up as a rough and tumble kid of the streets even though he had a hardworking father. As a teenager, he developed a rep as the Street Fighter. But during a fight, he killed another boy and was sent off to prison for 8 yrs. On his release, he decided that he would no longer pursue his childhood dream of being a reputable street fighter. But when he becomes involved with a young woman who works at an orphanage that is being harassed by a gang, Feng is more than willing to put a stop to it the only way he knows how: with his martial skills.

Fight #1 --- Yue Feng vs street gang

This is done during the open credits and has a cool comic book feel to it. It's okay. This is full of brutal hits...and brutal editing. (At least it's not shaky cam.) Some of the editing is a bit hyper and there's nothing fancy in the choreography. The movements and techniques are pretty basic and straightforward. There is 1 gem, however. YS pulls off a cool triple kick on 3 guys while using the back of another dude for support as he runs horizontally in the air. You've seen this before and it's usually a wire-assisted maneuver. Not here. Well done!

Fight #2 --- Yue Feng vs street gang

This is a continuation of the 1st fight in flashback. Wow! There's some good stuff here! The editing is better, too, and let's you get a better sense of the choreography. Some really good hits and takedowns! Best fight!

Fight #3 --- Yue Feng vs thugs

Short, but wow! There's a couple of devastating side kicks thrown, esp. the 1st one! Great impact!

Fight #4 --- A-Long sparring match

Okay, this is short, but this dude is vicious! Nice back-spinning hook kick!

Fight #5 --- Yue Feng vs 4 masked men w/knives

Not bad. Not the best fight, but there's some good hits.

Fight #6 --- Yue Feng vs 4 kidnappers

This is some hate! Brutal hits and takedowns! It's short and the editing gets a bit hyper again, but still...dude!

Fight #7 --- Duel #1

Short w/lots of hyper-editing in this one. Still, the fight is pretty harsh and fast. YS throws a lightning quick back kick that's cool.

Fight #8 --- Duel #2 (w/Muay Thai guy)

This is a bit longer w/better editing. Nothing really special here. Some nice kicks are thrown but never really connect. It's just hard-hitting.

Fight #9 --- Yue Feng vs A-Hai (childhood friend)

Okay, boy, are you in for a....wait for iiiittt.....letdown! (I'll explain later.)

Fight #10 --- Yue Feng vs Mr. Lee's entire gang

Wow. It's....it's good but...but it could've been more. It's full of power hits and great impacts, but YS's kicks get repetitive in that he doesn't use this opportunity to display some different techniques/moves. A few stand out: a roundhouse kick, a pile-driving side kick...but the choreography really needed more variety and versatility.

Fight #11 --- Yue Feng vs A-Long

Sword fight! (Crap! It's a bunch of hack and slash!) Not a lot of technique or finesse here. The end worked, though.


So much was working for this movie, and so much undermined its potential. The story and acting are decent enough for the genre. The only thing that really bothered me was the hype of Yue Song's character as being better and badder that Bruce Lee and Mike Tyson, and this is alluded to multiple times. (Yeah, whatever.) But this is really about the action.

Some of the fight set pieces were great, but the editing was greatly ham-fisted, being too quick, too choppy, and overly under-cranked at times. I can forgive that because the plot sets Feng up to 2 major confrontations against A-Hai (childhood friend) and A-Long (villain's righthand man). Neither of these met my expectations because....

1) Feng refuses to fight A-Hai even though there were flashbacks in the film where they agree about how cool it would be to gain such reps as fighters that they're eventually pitted against one another in a death match. Well, here's the moment!.....and Feng refuses to fight his friend. A-Hai tries to instigate the duel, but based on Feng's response, he then refuses to participate as well. Arrrrgh! Look, I'm all about honor in MA flicks but come on! This was more of a tease than some girls I knew growing up.

2) An end fight w/major henchman with katanas!....and it involves absolutely no sword technique whatsoever. Good grief, guys! I know you've had some weapons training. How about let's use some of it! They could've just used pipes or baseball bats and it would've worked the same. And it's not much of a contest either.

There's some good choreography here and there throughout the film, esp. early on. Where it fails majorly is to capitalize on that with some boss end fights that showcases greater choreographic skills and techniques. Shame, too.

I don't know. It's worth a rental at the very least, I guess. I mean, it does have some good moments (fights 1, 2, 3, 4, & 6). Still, it just didn't stack up at the end. I'm still debating whether I'll hang onto it for a bit or stick it in the trade pile. Ultimately, it's your call whether you want to watch it, but I don't know that I'd recommend it being worth a purchase.

Thanks SD, I always appreciate hearing your comments. I think from others' comments on this film I was unlikely to bother with this movie unless it get a UK release and yours is the final hammer, nailing it down.

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TRIAD WARS (2008) Running time: 117 mins.

Stars: Sammo Hung, Simon Yam, Kelly Chu, Danny Lee, Wu Jing, Cheung Siu Fai, Lam Suet, Maggie Shiu, Hui Shiu Hung, Kenneth Low (Ken Lo), Pinky Cheung, Jacky Heung, Jan Lau

Action Choreography: Nicky Li

Dir.: Dennis S,Y. Law

Lin Ho Lung (SH) heads a triad organization. When its operations begin to go wrong, he suspects a traitor and rightly so. But intrigue and betrayal plague not only his triad but the police task force seeking to arrest him. Soon war erupts not just with the cops or other gangs, but within his own criminal enterprise.

Fight #1 --- Gang War

This is pretty cool. One of Lung's lieutenants, Tin Hung (WJ), uses a sword and enters a melee of warring factions, severing the arms of rivals at will, showcasing a bit of his wushu skills. He then duels the opposing lieutenant. It's short but the swordplay is intricate and intense.

Fight #2 --- Gang Hit

Not bad. Hang (JH), a member working his way up the ranks of Lung's criminal family, executes a hit on a would be blackmailer. He uses a kama style weapon, the blade of which is shaped like a bolo knife (even tosses it like a boomerang). There's some good impacts and a couple of nice kicks thrown in the mix. Pretty bloody.

Fight #3 --- Gambling Hall Rampage

Tin Hung (WJ) w/sword is at it again. It's short but there's some dazzling sword work.

Fight #4 --- Lung (SH) vs Tin Hung (WJ)

Boss end fight!!!! Sammo w/pole vs Wu w/sword. Killer choreography here; fast, powerful, and intricate! Sammo is still sneaky with a back kick. Terrific! I needed this!

Speaking for myself....I really liked this film. It's a gritty crime movie, and it's full of some good action. (I singled out the major fight scenes.) I enjoyed the plot. I thought the story pacing was done well. I found the character development could've used a bit of work, but it works. The cast's performances were spot on for the most part. There's just a lot I think this film has going for it.

Now I'm going to rave....Ahem....This is the best end fight I've seen of late, and part of what makes it so good is the context in which it occurs. I still think Wu Jing could have a career as a lead. He just needs a decent script and great choreographer. There is a few wire-assisted moves, and Sammo is doubled in places, but for the most part it's him and he's still got it! This is worth the price of the dvd alone as far as I'm concerned. GET THIS!!!!!!

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TRIAD WARS (2008) Running time: 117 mins.

Stars: Sammo Hung, Simon Yam, Kelly Chu, Danny Lee, Wu Jing, Cheung Siu Fai, Lam Suet, Maggie Shiu, Hui Shiu Hung, Kenneth Low (Ken Lo), Pinky Cheung, Jacky Heung, Jan Lau

I got this on VCD. The Hong Kong Title for this movie is Fatal Move. It was also released in the UK by cine-asia as Fatal Move. I think Triad Wars is just the US title of the movie.

Thanks for the review. I liked the movie also. Pity it has been a bit panned by critics. Maybe because of unfair comparison to SPL. (yam, hung and Wu Jin)

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I got this on VCD. The Hong Kong Title for this movie is Fatal Move. It was also released in the UK by cine-asia as Fatal Move. I think Triad Wars is just the US title of the movie.

Thanks for the review. I liked the movie also. Pity it has been a bit panned by critics. Maybe because of unfair comparison to SPL. (yam, hung and Wu Jin)

Ah! Cool beans. I've been wanting to see FATAL MOVE, so now I have.:tongue: Yeah, kind of hard to avoid the comparison to SPL, I reckon.

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SD, Wu Jing definitely should be a major martial arts star and I agree that he needs the right people behind him. I do not however agree about this movie which excluding the finale featuring him fighting Sammo, which was very good and really the only thing worth watching in the movie, in my honest opinion… The rest was disappointing.

if I'm remembering correctly this is the film where he wears a white outfit, slicing and dicing his sword and at the end of it is still spotless regardless of all the gushing CGI, right?

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TRIAD WARS (2008).

GET THIS!!!!!!

Maybe I'll give this one a chance...I've heard mostly bad things, especially about the CGI blood...but this review has me thinking that I'm missing out!

I don't think I was even aware that Lionsgate released this in the US as Triad Wars. Guess they thought it would look good next to their similarly retitled Dennis Law film 'King of Triads' on DVD shelves....

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if I'm remembering correctly this is the film where he wears a white outfit, slicing and dicing his sword and at the end of it is still spotless regardless of all the gushing CGI, right?

You're thinking of LEGENDARY ASSASSIN, I do believe (which I've yet to see). There is some CGI bloodshed in this, however, and if I recall correctly, he's gets some on himself.:tongue:

While it's not heavy on the MA action, I found the story to be compelling. It's fairly violent with gunplay. It's absolutely more of a gangster film, which I had the feeling it would be. Maybe being in that mindset allowed me to enjoy the film for what it was. I don't know, maybe I'm off on this one, but it worked for me.

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You're thinking of LEGENDARY ASSASSIN, I do believe (which I've yet to see). There is some CGI bloodshed in this, however, and if I recall correctly, he's gets some on himself.:tongue:


I can't be thinking of Legendary Assassin because I haven't seen that one yet.

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Hmmm. I don't know then. Wu Jing doesn't ever wear a white outfit in this. Jacky Heung does with some really funky fringes circa 70's style.

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if I'm remembering correctly this is the film where he wears a white outfit, slicing and dicing his sword and at the end of it is still spotless regardless of all the gushing CGI, right?

He wears a white outfit and slices and dices with a blade in SPL (not a sword though). I think thats what you're thinking of.

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maybe I'm getting my movies mixed up:tongue:

still I didn't think very much of Fatal Move.

I am wondering what film I am thinking of and whether it was Wu Jing. Was that scene in Invisible Target that I'm thinking of? It wasn't the one posted in SPL

edit: it was Fatal Move that I was thinking about, but it wasn't Wu Jing .


then continued...


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AMERICAN BRAWLER (2013) Running time: 91 mins.

Stars: Marco Antonio Alvarez, Dennis Ruel, O.G. Dave Rivera, E. Ambriz De Colosio, Morgan Benoit

Fight Choreographer: Dennis Ruel

Dir.: Jose Montesinos

Carlos Castillo (MAA) runs a dojo. His clientele has dried up due to the economy and he's acquired some debt due to renovations. He seeks out his younger brother, Ricky (DR), who runs a bar for Morales, a local crime boss who hosts pit fights for extra cash. Morales has a fighter, Chuy (MB), who prides himself on hurting opponents. The Castillo Brothers join the fight game to make some money to square Carlos' debt but quickly learn that Morales is untrustworthy and vindictive.

Fight #1 --- Ricky vs drunk bar patron

Opening fight at the bar. Short but sweet. DR wipes the dude out with 3 kicks.

Fight #2 --- Chuy vs Big Boy (Troy Carbonel)

Gives MB a chance to showboat a bit but it's nothing really. TC doesn't really get a chance to display his skills here either which is a shame.

Fight #3 --- Carlos vs Ricky

Sparring match between brothers at the dojo. Again it's short but it's fast with good impacts and there's some nice combos. Both of these guys are kickers.

Fight #4 --- Ricky vs Darren "Furious Fist" Fiang (Alvin J. Hsing)

Great fight! Fast, fluid choreography. The takedowns are quick and vicious. Good impact with punches and kicks. This is a great match-up between alums of the Stunt People. Best fight!!!!

Fight #5 --- Carlos vs Machinegun Martinez (Bryan Cartago)

Great fight! MAA has some fast hands. There's a couple of really nice kicks. The finishing move really doesn't come across so well here though.

Fight #6 --- Chuy vs the Scorpion

It's a good fight but no real contest. MB comes across better here. There's some good kicks and the finishing move isn't bad, but it's nothing you haven't seen before.

Fight #7 --- Carlos vs Cesar Sanchez (Ray Carbonel)

Good fight though I thought this could've been a bit better and longer. Still, there's a couple of good takedown, especially a front leg sweep, and some hard hits. RC, another Stunt People alum, has great screen-fighting talent but he seemed underused here.

Fight #8 --- Ricky vs Chuy

Great fight! DR performs some nice bootwork here with some good aerial kicks. The choreography is fast and smooth and the impacts are great. Love the spinning back fist!

Fight #9 --- Carlos vs Chuy

Another great fight! Very grounded and brutal with a fast flow. Full of nice combos, and MAA pulls off some good kicks.

The film was originally and aptly titled BARRIO BRAWLER but I reckon the studio pulled rank and made the director change the name to give a broader appeal.

I really enjoyed this film. The plot is serviceable and the acting's rather decent. I'm unfamiliar with MAA but he's a good screen fighter and I thought he was perfect for this role. However...

Dennis Ruel is the man! If you've seen the Stunt People film Contour, you'll recognize him as the fellow who goes at it with Eric Jacobus on a number of occasions. The guy's a phenomenal kicker. And here he pulls double duty serving as the fight choreographer. I think he did a superb job. My only gripes are that I wish the fights had been longer and some techniques were repetitive. Still, if memory serves me correctly, I believe this film was shot in 2 weeks...or was it 4? Anyway, that's not a whole lot of time. To choreograph what he did in that short period is really stepping up to the plate. And the boy has a good screen presence and his acting chops ain't bad either.

I hope this gets him some exposure and serves as a good stepping stone to launch him onto greater MA films. While it's not the best movie in the world and tends to drag in some of the dramatic parts, the quality of the fights is consistent and there were, for me, a few rewind moments. I don't think you'll feel you've wasted an hour and a half of your life watching this; I didn't. This is more in line of what we fans clamor for! SUPPORT THIS!!!! GET THIS!!!!

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Drunken Monk

The trailer for this film didn't interest me one but but it's good to know that it's not as bad as I might have thought. I might have to give it a go at some point. Thanks ShaOW!lin Dude!

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I really enjoyed this film. The plot is serviceable and the acting's rather decent. I'm unfamiliar with MAA but he's a good screen fighter and I thought he was perfect for this role.

This was MAA's film debut and an impressive one IMO. I really enjoyed it and while MB did some showboating, it did give him a chance to show some nice moves too.

Seeing this makes me want to look for Owned, which is from the same director and stars Dennis Ruel.

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Seeing this makes me want to look for Owned, which is from the same director and stars Dennis Ruel.

I was completely unaware of this. Looks like I'll be trying to hunt it down myself and see what it's like. Thanks for the heads up, AV.

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I was completely unaware of this. Looks like I'll be trying to hunt it down myself and see what it's like. Thanks for the heads up, AV.


Trailer for OWNED :)

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Thank you, sir.

I was looking at Ruel's IMDb page. There's also a video titled Whirlwind Action: Martial Arts Mania Vol. 1 (2009) that's akin to the Everyone Is Kung Fu Fighting compilations. Unfortunately it's unavailable. I guess it must have been a limited dvd issue. Would love to get my hands on that. There's a trailer on the Amazon link.


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THE LAST SENTINEL (2007) Running time: 93 mins.

Stars: Don "the Dragon" Wilson, Katee Sackhoff, Bokeem Woodbine, Keith David, Steven Bauer, Dawnn Lewis

Fight Choreographer: Luke LaFontaine

Dir.: Jesse Johnson

A drone police force created to better serve and protect has turned in the ultimate enemy. Soldiers were electronically enhanced to combat them but failed. Tallis (DW) was once such soldier and is now the only survivor of his unit. He saves a woman from a resistance group (KS) and together they seek a way to deactivate and destroy the drone force.

Here's the skinny....

I bought this used for $4. The blurbs on the back bill this movie as bringing back "the feel of Black Hawk Down and Saving Private Ryan" and "bone-crunching martial arts action". I figured at $4, why not try it?

I'm always leery of Wilson's newer movies because they just never deliver the MA action of the films of his early career. Oh, that I had followed my rule of thumb.:cry:

I will not bother breaking down the fight scenes because there were only, like, maybe 4 of them and they suck so bad!!!!!:tinysmile_angry2_t: They are poorly staged, poorly executed, and poorly edited. They're short, and it's nothing you've never seen DW do before and 100x's better at that.:squigglemouth:

No, what you get is a glut of improbable and constant gun battles that oddly enough lull you to sleep. I could not fast-forward to the end of this fast enough. The end fight w/katanas was just a stupid idea as neither DW or his opponent had any idea how to use them.

How does Wilson keep getting these gigs? His B movie output doesn't rank worth a flip as far as I'm concerned. I'm glad I only got burned for about 20% of what a good MA film typically costs. Still, I'm obviously not learning my lesson. DO NOT NEVER, EVER, NEVER GET THIS.....ANYBODY.....NEVER! EVER!

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I saw this...and didn't really care for it. It was good to see 'The Dragon' try something different, but I couldn't get into it really. I'm just glad Jesse V. Johnson did better films like GREEN STREET 2 and THE PACKAGE.

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(My apologies. I’ve been meaning to write this for over a month now. Instead I just keep watching it.)

NINJA: SHADOW OF A TEAR (2013) Running time: 95 mins.

Stars: Scott Adkins, Kane Kosugi, Mika Hajii, Shun Sugata, Tim Man

Scott Adkins’ stunt double: Brahime Achabbakhe

Fight Choreographer: Tim Man

Dir.: Isaac Florentine


When Casey (SA) finds his wife Namiko (MH) murdered, he sets out to find the killer. His friend Nakabara (KK) sends him after Goro (SS), a former student of ninjitsu with Casey’s sensei. Casey tracks him down to exact his revenge on Goro and his henchman Myat . But are they the real killers or merely decoys?

Demo #1 --- Casey vs Namiko

This is cool. I always love demo’s, and this shows off SA’s dexterity.

Fight #1 --- Casey vs 2 thugs (one being Patrick Tang)

Here’s a taste that let’s you know what you’re in store for. Some nice choreography through the fight is brief. Love the “fireman’s carry” takedown SA slips in and the jump-spinning back kick into a back sweep. Wicked!

Fight #2 --- Casey vs Dojo martial artists

This is beautifully orchestrated and just too short! Full of great flow and impact! Ron Smoorenburg gets the majority of 1-on-1 with SA. It’s nice to see a flying side kick to the torso rather than the head. Love the vertical flip into an arm bar. Cool beans!

Fight #3 --- Casey vs 2 thugs from before

This is brutal and shows Casey’s ruthlessness as a killer.

Fight #4 --- Casey vs Lucas

Sparring at Nakabara’s dojo. This is fantastic! The match is full of good ‘give and take’ with plenty of kicks. Standout moves from SA include a sweet back sweep and a killer leg throw.

Fight #5 --- drunk Casey vs 4 drunk bar patrons.

Thai bar fight. Freakin’ awesome!!!! So much stuff here! It’s fast, fluid, and fierce! (And a bit speeded up in places for some reason.) There’s plenty of killer combo’s; a jumping side kick off 1 opponent that segues into a roundhouse on another; a scissor-leg takedown to the head; a butterfly twist with a descending roundhouse; a jump-spinning reverse crescent kick with the tucked foot snapping out a front kick……AAAAAGGGGHHHHH!!!! I love it! (SA is so fluid in this I’d love to see him actually use more Drunken style in film.) Best Fight #1

Demo #2 --- Nakabara

Love seeing KK doing form. This looks so cool. I hate that he is interrupted.

Fight #6 --- Casey vs 5 drug dealers

Back alley. Brief but full of choice moves. A somersault into a high side kick, back kicks galore, and I love that 1 dude gets a good ol’ fashioned chop to the throat.

Fight #7 --- Casey vs Myanmar cops

Some good ‘fight and flee’ here/ Couple of sweet flying double front kicks to be found.

Fight #8 --- Ninja Casey vs Myat

Where do I even begin with this? TM pulls off 2 sets of triple kicks! SA has a variety of moments: jump-spinning reverse crescent kick into a front kick, there’s 2 tornado kicks, a rather vicious elbow, and a brutally bloody finish! Best Fight #2

Fight #9 --- Ninja Casey w/sword vs Goro w/barbed wire manriki gusari

A short, vicious duel with good weapon fighting. Not the most dynamic fight of the film but very intense.

Fight #10 --- Casey vs Nakabara

It’s a martial arts-gasm!!!!! Finally an end fight on screen we fans can thoroughly enjoy and be amazed by. (When was the last time that happened?) This is some of the best choreography I’ve seen in I don’t know when. There are so many fantastic moments and maneuvers! The combatants are evenly matched and the choreography is smooth and tightly edited with NO HYPER-EDITING, QUICK CUTS, OR SHAKY CAM!!!! It plays like a song, and you get the best of both worlds with killer hand-to-hand and weapons fights. Best Fight #3

First, I’d like to give props to Brahime Achabbakhe who doubled Scott Adkins for certain aspects of some of the fights due to a back injury SA suffered. I wouldn’t have known if I hadn’t seen a recent highlight reel of BA which included some of his work in this film. This guy’s astounding. Love to see him and SA have a screen fight together.

It was an agonizing wait for this movie to come out, but man, was it well worth it. While I personally enjoyed the the first Florentine/Adkins venture Ninja for what it was, it was not without its faults. Florentine and Adkins were both aware of that and what we fans wanted. For the most part, they completely deliver. Probably the main gripe is that Adkins doesn’t were his ninja uniform enough. True, but blame that on the studios who certainly don’t want their leading man’s mug covered up the majority of the film.

The plot is serviceable. The acting is good. But this type of film is all about the martial arts action, and it delivers in spades. Florentine uses choreographers who know his muse’s capabilities and how to stage the action. He knows we don’t want to see it as if we actually participating. He holds the camera back for the most part so that the detail and finesse of the fight sequences are on full display. That’s how you shoot MA movies.

Adkins continues to impress me both as a martial artist and an actor. Compared to the 1st Ninja flick, he looks much more comfortable handling the weapons here. While he is doubled for a few of the outstanding moves, 95% is all him and you see him performing and selling the impacts.

Kane Kosugi. Oh…my…word! This guy…this guy makes for a great villain. He’s a good actor and a top notch screen fighter. Bring him back to face Adkins again…and again…and again. I hope this is finally the film that sets him off starring in his own movies. He has a lot to offer and studios are fools not to take advantage of him while he’s young and able.

If you don’t own this already, YOU CAN’T GET THIS FAST ENOUGH !!!!!

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