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Guest Chen Zhen

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Yeah the trailer looked great when I seen 300 the other day, It's great to see Kurt Russel in a cool role again, he hasn't done anything good for a while

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Guest The Running Man

Anyone heard of the Grindhouse fan trailer trailer thing they're doing?

Here's a great one:

F'ing A! :D

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Just watched it after work, I enjoyed the hell out of it, at 2 1/2 hours it's a long one. I think I liked Planet Terror better, Freddy Rodriguez wields some duel knives that would make Ti Lung or David Chiang proud!

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Guest The Running Man

I thought it was fantastic! :D

Rodriguez's best movie, which although isn't saying much it kinda is and screw Sin City. And Tarantino's was sensational. Between the two I'd give the nod to Tarantino's but both were great.

And I love the trailers ("Don't" being the stand-out and Rob Zombie's being easily the worst).

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Guest limubai2000

Death Proof was the better of the 2 films by far. I think Planet Terror lost its energy about halfway through for me at least. Bruce Willis was great though.

I liked the Machette trailer the most, the others were eh so-so. The Rob Zombie trailer had the best breasts though. :P

I think Kurt Russell really did some of his best work in Death Proof, on par or better than Snake or Jack Burton. Great stuff. I also think Zoe Bell was great in the film in her first real acting role.

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Guest Yakuza954

Death Proof is my new favorite Tarantino movie after Pulp Fiction. I loved the abrupt martial arts movie end.

Planet Terror was kinda dissapointing after Sin City. Heck, I don't think its even as good as From Dusk Till Dawn.

btw, people started leaving in the droves after Planet Terror finished. I guess they weren't ready for the length of the double-feature.

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Guest sevenhooks
btw, people started leaving in the droves after Planet Terror finished. I guess they weren't ready for the length of the double-feature.

Wow. That's interesting.

I wonder if they even knew that there was another film??


Did you get the impression at all that the people who left at that point were just not feeling it?

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Guest gfanikf
btw, people started leaving in the droves after Planet Terror finished. I guess they weren't ready for the length of the double-feature.

After seeing Death Proof I can't blame them lol.

I loved Planet Terror (alot more than Death Proof, the movie had a really bad middle part and also any of the parts without Kurt)so much I went out and got the OST. Then again I'm a synth whore :) Still as I said before since I paid 14 USD for 2 tickets for 2 films how in the hell can I even complain!

Oh did anyone get a Girl in Gold Boots vibe from either of the films. I can't explain it but both me and Jess wanted to watch it afterward.

Bring on More Double Headers!!!

Harvey bring out a two fer of 36th Chamber and One Armed Swordsman :)

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Guest limubai2000
I wonder if they even knew that there was another film??

In my theater in Guam they had an usher come in and tell us there would 2 movies shown with some trailers in between, they said don't leave after Planet Terror there is another movie following it.

But then again that's cuz people here are dumb.

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Guest Yakuza954

Most people knew there was another movie to go, as they were leaving within the first 5-10 minutes of Death Proof. I just think most people aren't used to watching two movies back to back.

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Wow, that's strange, half the people stuck around for the credits to see if anything was at the end where I saw it.

I liked the Machette trailer the most, the others were eh so-so.

Agreed, and it's great it's at the very beginning, the other trailers would be a great time to get up and take a break, get something to drink, ect., wait and see the other ones on video (or youtube).

Looking back, Planet Terror could of scrapped the Nick Nolte and barbecue reciepe subplots and trimmed about 10 minutes off it (and thus trimming the running time of the movie as a whole), Freddy Rodriguez was terrific, and Tom Savini get's some quality screen time. Tarantino had a great part in there.

Deathproof was great, but there seemed to be something missing (maybe the missing reels fill it out?), the dialogue, especially with the second set of girls just started to go around in circles, almost like a Kevin Smith movie, Russell was great, the film really took a dive when he wasn't on the screen, I would of liked to see the second half of the car chase more even, but it was in true b movie fashion.

I watched the ending of the original Gone in 60 Seconds 1,000 times when I was younger, I don't think you can ever beat that car chase, but QT comes close.

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Guest limubai2000

The film didn't to well at the box office, I don't remember seeing much promotion for it which probably prevented it from having a better opening weekend. At least they could have stolen money from a bunch of unsuspecting folks expecting a Kill Bill or Pulp Fiction type film. Wonder how the Weinsteins feel about this about right now, they haven't been able to crank out a major box office hit or Oscar winner at Miramax or at TWC, which I saw jokingly referred to elsewhere as Miramax 2.0. :P

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Guest morgoth

I didnt have time to see this movie yet, but I will for sure see it this Friday. IS there no fake kung fu trailers? If not, that is some BS right there. There better be a kung fu trailer!!!

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Guest limubai2000

No KF trailer Morg, and now they are talking about splitting the films up, adding footage and then releasing them separately in a few weeks.

WTF they must really be upset with opening number that low. Over at AICN they had a nice writeup about how they should not have released this on Easter's weekend as "counter programming" saying it did bad due to that and saying if they had released 300 on Easter it would have had the same fate. Not a bad theory me thinks.

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Guest Markgway
The film didn't to well at the box office, I don't remember seeing much promotion for it which probably prevented it from having a better opening weekend.

I think the problem as one critic put it was a lack of mainstream commercial appeal. Film buffs and those who remember the 70s might dig it but most people don't want three hours of dated cult exploitation. The theatrical market for this type of thing is very limited.

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Guest D1 Ma

I thought Planet Terror was OK (mostly because of Rose McGowan - I just loved her in this flick)

Death Proof was a lame, boring movie, which had nothing to offer, except for Zoe Bell's skills.

Overall, I'm very dissapointed. No wonder, the film flopped

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Guest Dion Brother

Overall, thought it was one of the more fun moviegoing experiences I've had in a while. PLANET TERROR was great, like a lost Avco Embassy release from 1981, with nods to John Carpenter and Umberto Lenzi and even a hysterical pseudo-Carpenter score. Plus it was just relentless in the way that Rodriguez understood the meaning of grindhouse gimmick. Loaded to the gills with gore and fetishistic shots of women, he got the point. But DEATH PROOF could have easily lost twenty minutes and less of Zoe Bell's "acting." Just too self conscious and forced. QT must be dating her. Great car chase, music and Kurt Russell performance, but alot of padding as well with the endless dialogue (and my girlfriend didn't find the "girl talk" very convincing, and she's hung out with QT!). But actually, a semi-disappointing co-feature actually duplicates the real grindhouse experience in the 1970s, so in some weird way, it works to the movie's advantage. And yes, I'm old enough to remember this era of moviegoing. Do not miss out on seeing this in a theater. I wish those Weinstein Brothers would allow this movie to gain some word of mouth cult attendance like SCREAM and PULP FICTION, instead of a hasty retreat from the concept after the disappointing opening weekend. Even if you smuggle in the snack food like I do, you'll STILL go to the concession stand. I thought theater owners would dig on something like that.

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Guest limubai2000
I think the problem as one critic put it was a lack of mainstream commercial appeal.

I agree, but they could have marketed it as the next QT film and gotten a much larger opening weekend number. I'm not saying I agree with that tactic but from a business standpoint they could have earned more return on their 80 million that way.

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Guest The Running Man

The marketing was stupid. It was basically telling people what "Grindhouse" was but not really how this film fit with that mold. Was it a parody? A homage? Was it trying to bring it back? If those films were crap, are these films going to be crap was well?

Note, that this really counts more of the midwest and south of the US since both ends of the coast the film did strong at. In fact, that's the case for most the source for US mainstream appeal anyway (midwest).

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Guest morgoth

Hey Limbai-

you say they are gonna release them seperately in a few weeks? Well it better be in the theaters next week cause I getting my moneys worth!

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Guest GwaiLoMoFo

Just watched this today. And it was a freaking blast!! Both were great but I would have to say I liked "Planet Terror" a bit more. That flick was simply balls to the wall from start to finish. "Death Proof" was good but a bit too chatty at the begining. But we know how QT likes his witty dialog. Bit of a slow starter, but very entertaining. I think they shoulda showed "Death Proof" first. That way the audience wouldnt have felt the momentum stop the way it did when "Death Proof" started. Only had a few people walk out during the film. But me and my little brother were rollin! Anybody else cath the line in "Death Proof" at the bar where Jungle Julia called Stuntman Mike "Zatoichi". The mock trailers were also a hoot. My favorite being Eli Roth's "Thanksgiving". I almost lost it when the cheerleader was jumin on the trampoline... OUCH!!!:eek

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