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Spider-Man 3

Guest Daisho2004

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Guest Daisho2004

OK I got to see Spider-Man 3 today and it was really good. The Villains made the movie, my only problem was that it coulda been (2) separate movies instead of (1) they really shoulda concentrated on (1) main villain I think it would've been a lot better. Venom was awesome as well was the Sandman but there really wasn't that made air time for them. the movie was almost 2 1/2hrs. and they wanted to concentrate more on the emotional side of Peter Parker than Spider-Man and they did succeed in doing that but at times it seemed a little dragged on and you couldn't wait for Spider-Man to arrive back on the screen the New Green Goblin was also Excellent and I won't give any details about what happens that would just ruin the movie. But over all a very good movie and worth seeing on the Big Screen.

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Guest limubai2000

It was average at best.

Very disappointed, but I loved the Venom stuff.

It was very uneven, almost like Raimi didn't know what movie he wanted to make. It did have some of the best superhero action ever put to film but the other stuff just left a bad taste in my mouth and ruined the film. Campbell's cameo was awesome, almost the best part of the film.

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Guest VonHumboldtFleischer

I think I look forward to Bruce Campbell's cameos more than anything else in the movie.

Which, if you think about it, is sort of sad.

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Guest GwaiLoMoFo

I took my boys to see this one today as well. They liked and I thought it was pretty good too. The weakest of the trilogy though, IMO.


The action scenes made this one though. Previous 2 films it was equal doses of great action & stoytelling. They just crammed too much into this one. It was liked they threw two films into a blender. Woulda worked better if they concentrated on one villian instead of 3. If they cut out about half the storylines, better developed the other half, and saved the others for the next film, It woulda been just as good as parts 1 & 2. I was also VERY irritated at how many freaking times Peter Parker and friends broke down into tears!!! Every 5 min somebody was boohooin, WAY too sappy IMO. Peter's decent into the dark was also very cheesey. Dancin around like Travolta in Saturday Night Fever!? I was actually happy when Peter backhanded that selfish little biotch Mary Jane too. Topher Grace as Venom!?!? I know its a movie based on a comic book, but... It took Peter a long time to learn how to use his powers. Topher Grace's Venom has them mastered in and layin the smack down on Spidey in 5 min. Spidey basically gets his arse beat in every confrontation. The performances by the supporting actors (minus Aunt May and the always on spot Bruce Campbell) was strait B grade acting, seriously. I know that sounds like alot of complaints, but they set the bar high with 1 & 2. Liked I said, the action saved this one for me. 7.5/10

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Guest Daisho2004

GLMF, that about sums it up, I agree with all of that. They would've been better off making a 4th. movie just starring Venom. I did read that there is a 4th. movie in the works as well. Just way too much going on in this one.

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Guest Beat TG

I just came home from watching it... It was nearly perfect to me. There were so much going on both story and action-wise which kept the movie going forward without slowing down which was a great thing.

Two flaws, one big and one less, though was how Venom came in the movie and how Spiderman's relationship with Sandman (who was not mentioned nor seen in the original which kinda excuses so there will be more complications for Spiderman) developed respectively. Seems Raimi did have problems timing their stories when there already was one complete subplot between Spiderman and New Goblin.

Ah well, I really enjoyed the overall movie anyways. I believe I'm alone on this so far but I think it's the BEST movie in the whole series.

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Guest godzillakungfu

You know what?

I would've laughed at you before I saw the movie.

Venom was horrible. I'm sorry he appears and you know the rest.

***slight spoilers***

Sandman could've been a great story all alone. Here is spider-man getting the key to the city. Here is a felon trying to save his daughter.

No real establishment of Peter vs Eddie. Then two quick scenes to establish why he hates Peter. Seriously I would've been happy with Goblin Jr and Sandman. Develop all those and it would've been fine.

Way to much going on. Worst character development out of all three IMO.

I actually thought the fight scenes took a step back. They were beautiful to look at and you could see the visual improvement. Yet, there was nothing earth shattering like the train fight, street sliding, or the clock arms in spiderman 2.

Sandman was my favorite and that is coming from a Venom Fan.

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Guest Daisho2004

I kinda have to disagree with you on the Venom part, I thought Venom was Great. Granted he has able to use his power more quicker than Spider-Man because he was Morphed from Spider-Man himself but that shoulda been a totally different movie by itself. And I will agree with you on the Sandman plot it left to many holes in the story. They should've really taken there time in making this movie instead of throwing everything in it at once.

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Guest godzillakungfu

Venom is a major character. So, for him to play second fiddle to sandman and goblin jr is ridiculous.

Venom itself was cool his usage was very subpar. It reminded me of the old KF movies that Had Jackie on the box and he appeared for 5 minutes.

No, Parker Using the suit does not count as Venom on screen IMO.

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Guest dndcollect

blah, at one point i was wondering if i had mistakenly went into the theatre showing Spiderman the Musical.

i didnt like any of the spidermans, i just find alot of it corny.

xmen i didnt find corny.

i dont know, that is just me.

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Guest Beat TG

The only thing in the Spiderman movies I find corny is the CGI (at times is looks great, in others not) and the humor (works mostly but otherwise unnecessary).

xmen i didnt find corny.

the original was great, the sequels sucked.

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Guest teako170

Haven't seen it yet so can't comment, however, I never liked the idea of using 3 villains. (Isn't that what killed the Batman films?) They could have done an entire film just around Venom.

Then in Spidey 4, used Sandman & the return of the HG. Maybe even do a ASM 121/122 type film.

Then in Spidey 5, bring on the Torch (whom PP had big issues with back in the early Ditko issues) plus a new villain like Mysterio.

Then in Spidey 6.... well let's not get that far ahead of ourselves BUT.................

(((....drum roll please....)))

For those die-hard Spidey fans (like myself) good news! Sony Pictures has confirmed that three more films will be made thanks to the huge box office numbers SM3 has generated.

With Toby? With director Sam Raimi?

Well, it would be insane if these guys were not involved. Let's hope.

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Guest Daisho2004

teako170, I did read that Toby Maguire didn't want to do any more of this series but hey money talks. And I also read the Kirsten Dunst wasn't going to go beyond Spider-Man #3.

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Guest GwaiLoMoFo
Who thought that they did justice with Venom?

I thought they did a terrible job with the Venom stuff. Coulda and shoulda been so much more. Topher Grace sux, and the way they just kinda threw Venom on there for the last 15 min was poorly executed and just didnt fit IMO. So a big NO for me on the poll.


The way Eddie just happened to be in the same church standing directly under Spidey was just stupid to me. I know its a comic book, but c'mon.

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Guest Beat TG
I thought they did a terrible job with the Venom stuff. Coulda and shoulda been so much more. Topher Grace sux, and the way they just kinda threw Venom on there for the last 15 min was poorly executed and just didnt fit IMO.

I thought so too but at least I got to see one of the best villains in the spiderman comics. New Goblin and Sandman's story (except that it took us two movies until it's revealed that Sandman was Peter's uncle's actual killer) were great though (again Venom's story made those stories slightly poor in execution).

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Guest Daisho2004

GLMF, OK I'll give it to you about him being in the same Church and stuff like that, but its like I said Venom should've had a much bigger part in this movie or his own movie against Spider-Man, instead of using 3 Villains it ruined the movie for me. I kinda hope that Venom will resurface somewhere down in the series. I know its highly unlikely but hey its Hollywood!

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Guest GwaiLoMoFo
I said Venom should've had a much bigger part in this movie or his own movie against Spider-Man, instead of using 3 Villains it ruined the movie for me.

I couldnt agree more with you there Daisho.

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Guest limubai2000

I think Venom was pulled off well on screen.

However after seeing this film a second time I'm rather upset and I ditto previous comments about Venom getting a back seat to Sandman and getting taken out far to easily!

But the problem here is Raimi was trying to do so much in this film that it weakens in the middle badly.

I'm gonna have to say this is the worst of the 3 films, by far. I also noticed the "forced" addition of Spidey running across a big American flag before the end fight and I thought that was a far to obvious attempt to grab heartstrings, and the CGI flag looked horrible!

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Guest Daisho2004

OK here is something that I think was overlooked by all of us here, if you remember Peter Parker takes a sample of the Venom Alien to the School Scientist and he seems to keep it. I wonder if that is left for a possible Venom sequel

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Guest Dion Brother

"I'm gonna have to say this is the worst of the 3 films, by far. I also noticed the "forced" addition of Spidey running across a big American flag before the end fight and I thought that was a far to obvious attempt to grab heartstrings, and the CGI flag looked horrible!"

After the snide "Ashamed to be American" tone of the awful SUPERMAN RETURNS, I found that scene to be a highlight.

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