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The Man With the Iron Fists (2012) The RZA


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Russell Crowe? Jesus, this movie is going to be bizarre. Good or bad, it will certainly be something to see.

RZA needs to go for broke and put Amitabh Bachchan and Betty White in here as a squabbling husband and wife with lethal supernatural fighting techniques. I will also accept any combination of Danny DeVito, Cheng Pei Pei, Lau Kar-leung, or Helen Mirren in these essential roles. I also demand plentiful humor revolving around roasted chicken.

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RZA is a pretty decent actor and has always been repping the Kung Fu genre since the beginning of his music career. He has the money to be able to make a project like this. Does he need credibility? He's been a fan since before some of us were born. With Tarantino in his corner, i'm sure this will turn out to be decent.

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sifu iron perm

I feel a Kill Bill style to it..(pei mei chapter)

But to be honest i cant say what the completed product will look like?

20 mill..fans of Kung fu going all out! Why not..?

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I very much enjoyed Rza in "Funny People" and his small roles in "American Gangster" and "Coffee and Cigarettes." However, he really hasn't proved himself in any other cinematic role as his only directed feature is currently shelved and not due for release.

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RZA is a pretty decent actor and has always been repping the Kung Fu genre since the beginning of his music career. He has the money to be able to make a project like this. Does he need credibility? He's been a fan since before some of us were born. With Tarantino in his corner, i'm sure this will turn out to be decent.

We're all fans of martial-arts Cinema here but that doesn't mean we could actually direct and star in a quality movie. I personally think he does need credibility. He's not a proven martial-arts leading man. In fact has he actually been in a martial-arts film to demonstrate his skills? He certainly hasn't actually directed a movie so has no experience. As for Tarantino, an experienced director in his corner means absolutely nothing. Let's not forget the biggest turkey Tarantino cooked up "death proof" an absolute piece of shit of a movie. But even if you have the best from Tarantino, just because he's producing doesn't mean he's hands-on. No doubt Tarantino is only therein name to help get the project rolling.

And again, he can score a movie. Yes so what? It has no relevance on his ability to star and director a film. Even if it did the films I've seen which he scored have made zero impact on me.

I'll happily get excited once I've seen some behind the scenes footage or a trailer until then his previous success in music means absolutely nothing. Jet Li and Wu Jing both martial-arts world champions, been in successful martial-arts movies but were unable to translate to the job of director... That's not to mention Tony Jaa who ultimately caved under the pressure.

Why will RZA succeed?

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I agree with Blue Skies to some extent. While I like Rza, enjoy a large amount of his music and respect his knowledge, persona and acting ability, this is his debut as a director. Just because he knows kung fu as a cinematic genre doesn't mean he'll make a great movie out of it.

I'm actually disappointed that a man so enthralled with martial arts and who is deemed one of the few celebrity fanboys of kung fu cinema wouldn't hire a lead who can actually fight on screen and has proven it.

I also think the film is going to be another "Quentin Tarantino presents..." rather than a film he really has any say in. I believe it's Eli Roth who has more of a background role in this film.

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So let me get this right, we can accept Keanu, the Scott Pilgrim kid, Drew Barrymore and countless other hollywood actors with no credibility performing MA on screen , but when it comes to a hip hop artist WHO CHAMPIONS the campaign to bring kung fu movies to the big screen and who's group revitalized the kung fu film industry ,you have a problem. Rza prolly knows more about kung fu cinema and the real kung fu than 85% of the people who post here. Have you ever been to WU DANG mountain and chopped it up with actual monks? Rza has. Jus youtube Tragedy by Rza , sit back and enjoy

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I agree with the amphibian poster. Honestly, can it be any worse than MACHETE, which most of you overpraised on the Cult Film board? RZA "gets" these movies more than most, I'm willing to give it a shot. It'll have better action than THE EXPENDABLES, I bet.

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sifu iron perm
So let me get this right, we can accept Keanu, the Scott Pilgrim kid, Drew Barrymore and countless other hollywood actors with no credibility performing MA on screen , but when it comes to a hip hop artist WHO CHAMPIONS the campaign to bring kung fu movies to the big screen and who's group revitalized the kung fu film industry ,you have a problem. Rza prolly knows more about kung fu cinema and the real kung fu than 85% of the people who post here. Have you ever been to WU DANG mountain and chopped it up with actual monks? Rza has. Jus youtube Tragedy by Rza , sit back and enjoy

Amen to that!!

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Ben Affleck knocked it out of the park with his directorial debut, GONE BABY GONE, while the very-experienced Robert Rodriguez makes overpraised movies that nobody bothers to see (MACHETE, SHORTS). RZA has worked in films since at least GHOST DOG, so we'll see what he can do as a director. I like the idea, and I know RZA's heart is in the right place. If it sucks, so what? NINJA ASSASSIN sucked donkey dicks, but it got plenty of praise on this board.

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Ben Affleck knocked it out of the park with his directorial debut, GONE BABY GONE, while the very-experienced Robert Rodriguez makes overpraised movies that nobody bothers to see (MACHETE, SHORTS). RZA has worked in films since at least GHOST DOG, so we'll see what he can do as a director. I like the idea, and I know RZA's heart is in the right place. If it sucks, so what? NINJA ASSASSIN sucked donkey dicks, but it got plenty of praise on this board.

Bet you all didn't know RZA (who also worked on the soundtrack for Repo Men) contributed to the Fight Scenes with Jude Law vs. his co-workers.


Listen, dionbbrother has a point. If a pop star with no prior affiliation can train and pull off being an assasin (great work in the transformation by the way), then this is very possible.

All I can say is, well, why we critique and judge behind forums and aliases, he is actually making it happen. All the people we watch and pay $ out of our pockets (in one way or another - even if we don't want to) are simply, well, making it happen!

All the best on this new project. I like the idea of modernizing, throwbacking, and making a reality another MA flick for this genre in this generation!

In addition, respect the extensive knowledge of Ma films that RZA has.

This work should be encouraged, not discouraged. Especially in a Kung Fu Fandom forum. But as it goes:

To each his own

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Jeru the Damaja

I am a huge old school hip hop fan, and it doesn't get much better than classic Wu Tang Clan. The Rza had his hand in several kung fu themed music videos back in the day as I recall. Here are a couple I'm sure you kung fu enthusiasts can appreciate. The first one is Rza: Tragedy, and the second one is The Gravediggaz featuring the Rza: The Night the Earth Cried. The last one I just threw in for shis and giggles. It's Jeru the Damaja: Ya Playin Yaself. Of course this one was the inspiration for my username. I will give The Man With the Iron Fist a shot based on these alone. By the way hip hop music today sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




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[quote name=' By the way hip hop music today sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




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I'm a massive fan of the golden era of hip hop and was originally a die hard Wu Tang fanatic. What I'm trying to say, I suppose, is that we should not be over-hyped for this film just because Rza knows his kung fu.

I may eat my words and this may be a fantastic film but I'm not instilling 100% faith in Rza just because he's provided martial arts for a few music videos.

I've already read posts on other boards by people who love Wu Tang and who are are already claiming that this film will be perfect...just because it's Rza.

I'll give him a chance, simply because I gave Ben Affleck and a plethora of others a chance and ended up rather pleased. I'm just not assuming it will be movie gold yet.

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So let me get this right, we can accept Keanu, the Scott Pilgrim kid, Drew Barrymore and countless other hollywood actors with no credibility performing MA on screen , but when it comes to a hip hop artist WHO CHAMPIONS the campaign to bring kung fu movies to the big screen and who's group revitalized the kung fu film industry ,you have a problem. Rza prolly knows more about kung fu cinema and the real kung fu than 85% of the people who post here. Have you ever been to WU DANG mountain and chopped it up with actual monks? Rza has. Jus youtube Tragedy by Rza , sit back and enjoy

Who's this "we" you're talking about? I don't except Keanu, Drew Barrymore, Lucy Lui etc. Yes I enjoyed the Matrix but when the average none martial-arts fan was being wowed I was thinking how much better it could have been with Jet Li playing neo.

How did they revitalise the kung-fu industry? When did they do this? :ooh:

how is it going to help martial-arts movies if he makes a crap film? Hollywood is going to think even with star power from RZA and Russell Crowe people don't want to see martial-arts movies. Besides who really cares about Hollywood's investment in martial-arts movies? Even when they have talented choreographers, experienced martial-arts directors and talent in front of the camera they still can't make a decent movie... Plus of course due to the insurance liabilities you never see the same crazy, awe-inspiring sequences in a major Hollywood picture .

Ben Affleck knocked it out of the park with his directorial debut, GONE BABY GONE, while the very-experienced Robert Rodriguez makes overpraised movies that nobody bothers to see (MACHETE, SHORTS). RZA has worked in films since at least GHOST DOG, so we'll see what he can do as a director. I like the idea, and I know RZA's heart is in the right place. If it sucks, so what? NINJA ASSASSIN sucked donkey dicks, but it got plenty of praise on this board.

What has Ben Affleck to do with directing martial-arts movies? RZA has been in the movie business for 11 years since Ghost Dog (the only real martial-arts project he's been involved in) where he had a tiny bit part. During this last 10 - 11 years, according to IMDB, he hasn't even been a major co-star let alone held a leading role. He hasn't directed a feature film and his only experience of directing is of a few music videos.

It seems to me the only reason we should be getting excited is because "is heart is in the right place" and his love for kung-fu films.

You can't be serious.

Ninja Assassin was praised on these boards? There might have been a few positive comments but overall I would say the thrust of the thread was negative. Although again what that has to do with RZA and his abilities to make a martial-arts feature film is another matter.

While I'm not sure of the relevance of Robert Rodriguez to this thread I am quite apathetic towards the director and his recent output after a few very good early movies. However I would be more excited about him making a martial-arts movie as he has at least proven himself capable of making a good action film.

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Yes I enjoyed the Matrix but when the average none martial-arts fan was being wowed I was thinking how much better it could have been with Jet Li playing neo.

The acting would have been worse and Jet would have been doubled more than Keanu.

Also, I am not referring to Ben Affleck or Robert Rodriguez making martial arts movies(and have no clue why you read it that way), I am talking about this weird negativity to RZA actually stepping into the director's chair. Longtime actor Charles Laughton directed one movie, NIGHT OF THE HUNTER. It is still regarded as a classic suspense movie. He never directed again, oddly. Clint Eastwood did fine stepping behind the camera(PLAY MISTY FOR ME) as well as John Wayne (THE ALAMO) and Bruce Lee (and I'd argue WAY OF THE DRAGON is better directed than anything by the more experienced Lo Wei or Robert Clouse). Fred Williamson began directing after a few years of acting(results varied). RZA need not be a major actor or composer to make a good or great directorial debut. Sure, he might do a lousy enough job to be another Stephen King, but I'll just wait and see.

Better RZA than a James McTeague, who claims to have grown up on Shaw Bros. and Kurosawa, but directs like any other music video hack. NINJA ASSASSIN displays no love, inspiration or affection for the martial arts genre. And I remember it having its fair share of fans on the board. You may remember different. ONG BAK 1 & 2 have fans, and both are fairly bad. I don't take the majority opinion on this board as gospel. We've now got some new jack resurgence claiming Bruce Lee's fights were awful and Jackie Chan made nothing but awful movies, but like HAPKIDO is a masterpiece, duuuuudde!.

Whatever the result of this flick, it is better than nothing. Martial Arts are a DEAD genre. No new stars, no visionary filmmakers taking it to the next level. Nada. Stick a fork in it. RZA can really do no damage if it sucks because the genre is dead. If all else fails, at least Robert Tai will make some good money.

Hell, where are rules that you have to be some film school grunt to direct a movie? Most of the classic directors didn't go to school, they came from other professions, learned on the set and likely scoffed at the concept of film school. As creatively bankrupt and boring Hollywood's output has been for the last few decades, I'm glad to see some money gambled on new talent. Need some fresh ideas (even if retro-influenced) to get me back in the multiplex. Quite frankly, the generations of USC students taking over the business is what killed movies, quality-wise.

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Jeru the Damaja
Old Skool Rap is so dope!!! What the hell happen to hip hop now??? When I listen to it, it makes me want to punch kids in the face!!!

Man I feel your pain.

Here is one more video from Wu Tang Clan affiliate Killah Priest featuring Wu Tang Clan members Inspectah Deck and the Gza. It wouldn't surprise me if the Rza didn't have his hands all over this video as well. Check it out. There is a nice homage to Shogun Assassin.


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