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The Man With the Iron Fists (2012) The RZA


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sifu iron perm
Someone needs to ask RZA why that Robert Tai thing remains unreleased.

because he shot a bunch of clips and added that (clips) together.

There was a time when he spent money on things he loved to do aka movies but with no plan/treatment.

I would like to know which unreleased film was used from Tai's collection in that promo?

That shit reminds me of the Iron Bodyguards.

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It wasn't. The footage is all from the project. There used to to be a bunch of BTS stuff from the filming. CKC had an interview in a car. R Tai was doing some chor. between a fellow and Wong Chi Sang. There was the stuff with CKC and RZA. Footage was shown with those people doing fight scenes. It's not Tai's footage.

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Yep, all that is original footage. Rza funded the whole film himself as well as a "Bobby Digital" movie that never saw the light of day. I remember seeing about two seconds of "Bobby Digital" footage on "Flavor," a UK hip hop show back in the 90's and it showed him doing a Donnie Yen style twin jump kick.That's all I recall.

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sifu iron perm
Yep, all that is original footage. Rza funded the whole film himself as well as a "Bobby Digital" movie that never saw the light of day. I remember seeing about two seconds of "Bobby Digital" footage on "Flavor," a UK hip hop show back in the 90's and it showed him doing a Donnie Yen style twin jump kick.That's all I recall.

i have a vhs of bunch of bobby didgi material.

That's pretty good to know about the wu tang vs golden Ph was all original..shit, that had potential!

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i have a vhs of bunch of bobby didgi material.

That's pretty good to know about the wu tang vs golden Ph was all original..shit, that had potential!

Wow, really? I had no idea there was enough footage of "Bobby Dogital" to actually care about.

How does it compare to the other Rza stuff, in your opinion?

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sifu iron perm
Wow, really? I had no idea there was enough footage of "Bobby Dogital" to actually care about.

How does it compare to the other Rza stuff, in your opinion?

it was mish mash clips, nothing coherent and understandable at that time. But the video featured videos from his album bobby digital. THe RZA shot plenty of stuff with his bobby project but had no certain direction.

This was during his experimental fuck everybody sense of the time..

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A showcase on the gore:


If it doesn't work:


Fighting scenes don't look so hot :(

But I likethe way this stuff was filmed and edited:


I actually liked this featurette. It's great that Rza doesn't take himself too seriously and, though I'm still not sold on the fights, the gore looks solid.

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RZA "[insert stars name] will fuck you up"

I'm sorry this didn't sell me the movie, neither did what seemed to be needless gore(although it did look pretty good… The practical effects anyway) and the core ingredient of some great fights to make a "kung fu epic" as the Rizza calls it still appears to be missing. I will still keep my eyes peeled on comments here but I can't see myself watching this until it hits free TV.

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Morgoth Bauglir

I'm getting a major Venoms vibe when watching the trailers for this, LIfe Gamble especially. If this is as good as LIfe Gamble I'll be thrilled.

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Did you guys see this fight clip:

I don't know. I'm kinda getting the forbidden kingdom vibe from this which could be good or bad. Who knows....

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I don't know. I'm kinda getting the forbidden kingdom vibe from this which could be good or bad. Who knows....

Yeah, but Forbidden Kingdom had both Jackie Chan and Jet LI as a saving grace. This film has neither, so I believe it's in deep defication. Lucy Liu and Russell Crowe can't even compare to Chan and LI.

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Yeah, but Forbidden Kingdom had both Jackie Chan and Jet LI as a saving grace. This film has neither, so I believe it's in deep defication. Lucy Liu and Russell Crowe can't even compare to Chan and LI.

I agree completely.

Like I've been saying I will still go see this, but I am not expecting a great kung fu movie.

It was so hard to see what was happening in that fight clip, and I am guessing all the fight scenes involving Rza will be edited that way.

It will still be a fun movie I'm hoping.

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Did you guys see this fight clip:

I don't know. I'm kinda getting the forbidden kingdom vibe from this which could be good or bad. Who knows....

Yuen Kwei...

I wish Woo Ping had done this.

We'll see. Surely they can't be showing us the best fight scenes for free...

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sifu iron perm
Yuen Kwei...

I wish Woo Ping had done this.

We'll see. Surely they can't be showing us the best fight scenes for free...

that's what i think too, i can't see this not having any proper fight scenes in it.

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I think because it look so WAY over the top. It may be a kung fu parody that you'll love to hate.

Or so cheesily campy it will still when you over.

The outfits look similar to Thunderclap which I found on line today in the worst print ever.

So maybe RZA got his inspiration from that or Demon Lute.


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Yeah, but Forbidden Kingdom had both Jackie Chan and Jet LI as a saving grace. This film has neither, so I believe it's in deep defication. Lucy Liu and Russell Crowe can't even compare to Chan and LI.

I agree 100%.

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rza gives his top 10 kung fu movies..

this was on the snoop dogg show..lol.

@ 7:34

The gore is certainly inspired by Chang Cheh. However, the first half of that list is shapes heavy. So I was surprised to see this look like a mix of House of Flying Daggers and Ninja Assassins. At least it does to me.

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RZA talks about the fight choreography:

RZA's also gotten a few new directing jobs including:

- An adapation of Grant Morrison's Happy!

- No Man's Land

- A Genghis Khan biopic (taking over the reins of John Milius)


Gotta be a reason he get these jobs no? And cinematography wise Man With The Iron Fists look really tight with some great color compositions and camerawork... But I do agree that every time we get some look into the fighting choreopgaphy, it kinda dissapoints, especially from a fan like him (don't forget there's Eli Roth in there too who is advicing RZA what to do, maybe he thinks shapes style choreography won't be commercially viable). Still hope the film has some great fighting choreography that they just won't show us until we get to see it in the cinema... BELIEVE

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I would assume it's more of a marketing move than something he's doing for his own ego. Tarantino has a lot of fans, so his name gets used anytime it's applicable to try to get more people to watch stuff. Happens with lots of directors, not just Tarantino.

Also, he's directed roughly 6 features, with his 7th coming out in a month.

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Guest Markgway

Why would RZA be lined up for multiple directing gigs when his first film hasn't even come out yet?

Remember when you had to prove yourself to be given a big movie to helm?

RZA and Wutang Clan might be 'names' in America but I doubt they'd fill a phonebox overseas.

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